English-Ido dictionary: J

English-Ido Dictionary : J

jab: pik-(eg)ar; (intr.) plunjar.
jabber: barbuliar; (talk jargon) jargonar.
jabot: jaboto.
jacinth: hiacinto.
jack: (spit) spis-turn-ilo; (fish) luci-eto; (lifting-, hand-j.) kriko; levo-skrubo; (at cards) pajo; (boot-j.) bot-tir-ilo; j.-in-the-box: salt-pupeo; j.-of-all-trades: omno-fac-anto.
jackal: shakalo.
jackanapes: fatu-ulo.
jackass: asn-ulo; (stupid) asn-acho.
jackboot: genu-boto, longa boto.
jackdaw: chuvo.
jacket: (short coat for men) vestono; (women’s) jaketo (cf. kamizolo); (round, with tails, as for waiters) vestio; (vest, waistcoat) jileto; (covering) kovr-ajo; strait-j.: koakto-kamizolo.
jacknife: posh-kultel-(et)o.
jackstraw: ludo-splinto.
Jacobin: (party) jakobin-o, -ala; (person) -ano; (rel.) dominik-ano.
jaconet: jakoneto.
jade: (mineral) jado; (horse) kaval-acho; (woman) hom-in-acho.
jaded: fatig-ita.
jagged: dent-(et)oza; (wound, etc.) lacer-ita.
jaguar: jaguaro.
jail: karcer-o; j.-bird: -ano; j.er: -gard-isto.
jalousie: (blind) jelozio.
jam: presar; klemar; kompresar; fix-igar, -eskar.
jam: (preserve) konfit-ajo, marmelado.
jamb: pordo-fosto.
jangle: (sound) ne-akord-igar, -eskar.
jangling: (sound) ne-akord-anta; (persons) ne-konkord-anta.
janitor: (doorkeeper) pord-isto; (caretaker) edefico-sorg-isto.
janizary: janicharo.
Jansen-ism: Jansen-ismo; -ist: -isto; -istic: -ist-a, -ala.
January: januaro.
japan: (varnish) lako-verniso.
jacquet: (game) chaketo.
jar: (shake) shancel-gar (ulo) ; vibr-igar; (intr.) tremar; (the nerves) agacar; (of interest) esar ne-konkord-anta.
jar: jaro, (of glass) bokalo (cf. krucho, poto, vazo); (vibration) vibr-(ad)o, trem-(ad)o; (quarrel) disputo; (shock, phys. or mental) shoko.
jardiniere: jardiniero.
jargon: jargono (cf. slango, galimatiaso); to talk j.: (intr.) jargoner.
jasmine: jasmino; j. perfume: franjipano.
jasper: jaspo.
jaundice: ikter-o, -d: (person) -ika, -iko.
jaunt: exkurs(et)o.
jaunting-car: (Ireland-ana) chareto.
jaunty: gaya.
javelin: javalino.
jaw: (upper, also fig. and tech.) maxilo (cf. boko); (lower) mandibulo; lock-j.: tetano.
jay: (bird) jeo.
jealous: jaluz-a, (person) -(ul)o; -y: -eso; (cf. envidiar).
jeer: mok-ar, -achar.
jejune: ne-interes-anta; insipida.
jelly: jeleo.
jelly-fish: meduzo.
jeopardize: (en-)danger-igar, pozar en danjero; riskar.
jeopardy: danjero.
jeremiad: lament-ado, -acho.
jerk: (shake) sukusar; (hurl) lansar; by j.s: sukus-ope; (n.) sukuso (cf. spasmo).
jerkin: vamso.
jerry-built: fush-konstrukt-ita.
jersey: jerzeo.
Jerusalem artichoke: topinamburo.
jessamine: jasmino.
jest: jok-ar (kin ulu, pri ulo); (n.) -o, -ajo; -er: -anto, -ero, -ach-ero; (cf. buto-(ul)o, kort-fol-(ul)o).
Jesuit: jesuit-o; -itical: -ala, -atra; -ism: -ismo, -eso.
Jesus Christ: Jesu-kristo.
jet: (mineral) gagato; j. of water: aquo-sprico.
jetsam: flotac-aji, flotac-anta komerc-aji .
jettison: for-jetar.
jetty: (mole) moleo; (wharf) warfo; (cf. digo).
Jew: Jud-o, -ulo, -ino; (born J.) Izrael-ido; -ish: Jud-a, -ala, -atra; -wry: -eyo, -aro.
jewel: juvel-o; j.-holder, box: -uyo, -buxo; -led: -iz-ita; -ler: -isto, -vend-isto.
jig: (dance, tune) jigo.
jigger: (chigoe) chigo.
jilt: for-jetar o refuzar (fianc-ito).
Jimsonweed: daturo.
jingle: (intr.) tinkl-(et)ar; (tr.) -igar.
jingo: shovin-ista, -isto; -ism: -ismo.
jinni: “djinn”.
job: task-(et)o (cf. labor-ajo, ofico, devo, afero).
jobber: (worker by job) tasko-labor-isto; (sub-contractor) sub-entraprez-isto; (stock-j.) ajiot-ero, -isto.
jobbery: (cheating) fraud-ado, komerc-acho.
jockey: jokeo.
jocular: jok-ema, -oza.
jocund: jok-oza, -ema, gaya.
(push) puls(et)ar; (shake) sukus(et)ar; (trot slowly) trot(et)ar; (walk) marchar, promenar; (n.) (lejera) sukuso o pulso-frapo; j. the memory: (ri-)memor-igar (ulo da ulu), atenc-igar (ulo da ulu); j. trot: trot(et)ado.
join: (physically, place in contiguity) juntar (cf. ligar); (immaterial sense) unionar; (overtake) rajuntar; (be in contact) tushar, apud-esar.
joiner: (fine carpenter) menuz-isto (cf. eben-isto); to do j.’s work: (intr.) -ar.
joint: juntar; artik-izar.
joint: junt-o, -uro, -eyo; (anat.) artiko; (hinge) charniro; cardan j.: kardano; ball and socket j.: rotulo; universal j.: universala charniro; put out of j.: dislokar, (surg.) luxacar; (common) komuna; -ed: (joined) junt-ita; (anat., bot.) artik-oza, -iz-ita; j. stock: komuna capitala ad acioni; j. stock company: komandit-ala soci-eto, acion-kompanio.
jointly: union-ite, kune, solidare.
joint-tenant: kun-okup-anto, -ero; kun-lokac-anto, -ero.
jointure: (marriage settlement) doario.
joist: trab(et)o.
joke: (tr., intr.) jok-ar, (n.) -o, -ajo; coarse j.: laciva joko; mal-gusta joko; to play practical j.s on: molestar.
jollification: fest-ado.
jollity: gay-eso, joy-eso.
jolly: joy-oza, -ema; gaya.
jolly-boat: yolo, kanot-eto.
jolt: sukusar (cf. tresayar; see jog).
jonquil: jonquilo.
jostle: shok-pulsar, (with elbow) kud-pulsar; (shake, jerk) sukusar; (one another) inter-pulsar.
jot: “iota”; j. down: notar; not a j.: tote ne.
journal: (periodical, newspaper) jurnalo; (tech.) pivoto; (day-book) dio-libro, di-ala memorialo; -ism: jurnal-ist-eso; -ist(ic): -isto, -ista.
journey: (intr.) voyaj-ar; (n.) voyajo (cf. turo, exkurso); to start on a j.: voyaj-eskar; life’s j.: vivo-voyajo.
joust: (intr.) turnir-ar, -o.
jovial: joy-ema, gaya, bon-humor-a; -ity: joy-em-eso, bon-humoro.
jowl: vang(eg)o.
joy: joy-o; -ous, -ful: -oza, -ema; to fill with j.: -igar (ulu).
jube: jubeo.
jubilant: (joyful) joy-ozar;, -ema; (triumphant) triumf-anta.
jubilate: joy-egar (pri), (cf. triumfar).
jubilee: jubile-o; to celebrate the j. of: -ar (ulu).
Judaic(al): (relative to Jews) Jud-ala; (relative to Judea) Jude-ala.
Judaism: Jud-ismo.
judge: (use ordinary judgement about) (tr., intr.) judikar (legal) judiciar; (arbitrate); (n.) (gen.) judik-anto, -ero; (legal) judici-anto, -ero, -isto; (arbitrator) arbitr-anto, -ero, -isto; (cf. opinionar).
judge-advocate: komisario di guvern-erio.
judgement: (judicial) judici-(ad)o; (logical) judiko; (faculty) judik-ado, judik-povo; (good j.) bona raciono; (verdict) verdikto; to bring j. against: procesar kontre (ulu); j. of God: De-ala judicio; last j.: lasta judicio; rash j.: temerara judiko.
judicature: (profession) judici-ist-eso; (method) jurisprudenco.
judicial: judici-ala.
judicious: sagaca, prudenta, bone judik-anta, dicern-ema.
jug: krucho, poto.
juggle: (intr.) jonglar (per); (make disappear) eskamotar.
jugular: jugulara, fauc-ala.
juice: suk-o; -ey: -oza.
jujube: (fruit) jujub-o, (sweatmeat) -suko, -pasto.
julep: (med.) julepo.
julienne: (soup) julieno.
July: julio.
jumble: mixar konfuze (cf. konfundar; konfuz-igar); -d: konfuza.
jumble: (n.) mix-uro, pelmelo; konfuz-eg-eso, -ajo.
jump: (intr.) saltar; (j. across) trans-saltar; (omit a passage) omisar; (interj.) salt-ez! hop!
junction: (joining) junt-uro, -eyo; (R.R.) bifurko-staciono, -voyo; (of events) konjunturo.
June: junio.
jungle: junglo.
junior: junior-a, -o.
juniper: (tree) juniper-o, (berry) -bero.
junk: (Chinese) jonko; (rubbish) eskombro; (second-hand goods) brokant-(ach)-aji; salt-j.: sal-iz-ita karno.
junketing: fest-ado; pikniko.
Jurassic: juras-ala.
juridical: judici-ala; (legal) leg-ala; yur-ala.
jurisconsult: juriskonsulto.
jurisdiction: (legal) (judici-ala) resortiso (od, domeno); (authority) autoritato; to be under the j.: (intr.) resortisar.
jurisprudence: yuro-, lego-cienco; (method) jurisprudenco.
jurist: yuristo (cf. juriskonsulto).
juror: juri-ano.
jury: jurio; (gen. sense) judici-ant-aro; -man: juri-ano.
just: (equitable, rightful) yusta (cf. equitat-oza); (correct) justa; (just now) (adv.) jus, (adj.) -a; (absolutely) absolute, tote; (barely) apene (cf. pasable; preske; nur); (exact) exakta; preciza; be j. and fear not: esez yusta e ne timez; j. so: preciza; to have a j. idea of a thing: havar ideo justa pri ulo; we j. came: ni jus arivas; he had j. arrived: il apene arivis; j. at that time: en la sama instanto; ta-instante; j. at present: nun-tempe, prezente; j. as: same kam; j. then: ta-instante; quik; (soon) balde; they are j. alike: li tote similesas, li esas tote simila; excepting j. one: ecepte (nur) un (persono, kozo); they have j. the same opinion: il havas precize la sama opiniono; he had j. died: il jus mortis.
justice: (fairness) yust-eso (cf. equitato); (correctness) just-eso; (a judge) judici-anta, -ero, -isto; court of j.: judici-eyo, -korto.
justiceable: judici-ebla.
justifiable: justifik-ebla, yusta.
justification: justifiko.
justify: justifikar.
justly: (with justice) yusto; (rightly) juste; (precisely) precize.
jut out: (intr.) saliar (of form, not movement; cf. spricar , bufar); a part or object jutting out: sali-ajo; a window jutting out: fenestro sali-anta.
jute: juto.
juvenile: yun-ala, -es-ala; puer-o, -ala, -atra (see child).
juxtapose: apud-pozar,.
juxtaposition: (act) apud-poz-o; (state) -poz-eso.

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