English-Ido dictionary: Y

English-Ido Dictionary : Y

yacht: yakto; -ing: yakto-voyaj-ado.
yam: inyamo.
yap: (intr.) aboy-ar.
yard: (of house) korto; dom-tereno; (spar) yardo; (measure) 0,914 metri.
yarn: (lana, e.c.) fil-ego; to y.: rakontar; naracar.
yataghan: yatagano.
yaw: (tr., intr.) deviacar.
yawl: yolo.
yawn: (intr.) be-ar, -o; (intr.) ocit-ar, -o.
yea: yes; vere; voto afirm-anta.
year: yaro; New Y.’s Day: nov-yara dio; to be ten y.s old: evar dek yari; a y. ago: ante un yaro; to be in y.s: esar ev-osa; next y.: yaro ven-onta; y.book: yar-libro; (of army, etc.) rango-listo; y.ly: yar-ala; (happening each year) omna-, singla-yar-a, -e; (lasting a y.) un-yara.
yearn: dezir-egar; (sigh) (intr., tr.) sospirar, aspirer.
yeast: hefo; (fig.) fermento; -y: (fig.) spum-oza.
yell: (intr.) kri-(eg)ar; (intr.) ulular.
yellow: flav-a; (color) -o, -koloro; (quality) -eso; y. man, race: flav-(ul)o, -a homo; flav-a raso; to turn y.: -eskar; to make y.: -igar (ulu, ulo); y. of an egg: vitelo; y. hammer: emberizo (flava); y.ish: flav-atra.
yelp: (intr.) aboy-etar; (intr.) ulul-etar.
yeoman: (farmer) agro-propriet-ero; (navy) magazin-isto; kontor-isto; sekretario; signal-estro; (of the guard) guard-ano.
yes: yes.
yesterday: hier-e, -a; la hiera dio.
yesternight: ye lasta nokto.
yet: (still) ankore; (nevertheless) malgre to; tamen; (already) ja; (until now) til nun; (meanwhile) dume; inter-tempe; not y.: ne ja; he is y. only a lieutenant: li esas ankore nur lietnanto; he has not y. arrived: lu ne ankore arivas; il ne ja arivas; y. better: mem plu bona.
yew: (tree) taxuso.
yield: (produce) produktar; (give) donar; (grant) grantar; (give way) cedar; (cf. livrar; abandonar); (an odor) exhalar; emisar; (to temptation) sukomb-ar (ad); (assent) asent-ar; konsent-ar; (succumb) submisar su; (product) produkt-uro; rekolt-ajo, -uro; koli-ajo, -uro; y.ing: cedema; komplez-anta, -ema; flex-ebla; produkt-anta.
yodel: (tr., intr.) yodlar.
yoke: jungar; (n.) yugo; (couple, pair) paro.
yolk: vitelo.
yonder: fore; ad-fore, ibe fore; (there) ibe; (above) ibe supre; (down y.) ibe infre; (adj.) fora.
yore: longe, longa-tempe (ante nun); (formerly) olim; in days of y.: olim; en olima tempo.
you: vu, vi; (indefinite) on; (familiar) tu.
young: yun-a; the y.: la yuni, yun-aro; (see offspring); with y.: (pregnant) gravida; -ster: yun-ulo (cf. bub-ulo; novico).
your: vua, via; (thine) tua; y.self: vu o vi ipsa.
youth: (quality) yun-eso; (young man) yun-ulo, adolec-anto; puer-ulo; (collect.) yun-aro; -ful: yuna; yun-es-ala; -fulness: yun-eso; yun-es-ala aspekto.
ytterbium: yiterbo
yttrium: yitro.
yucca: yuko.
Yule: Krist-nask-ala (lenio, e.c.).

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