Ido-Angla vortaro: D
da: (indicating agent after passive verb) la
patri esas amata da sua filii: the parents are loved by their
children; sendita da Deo: sent by God; trapikita da
kuglo: pierced by a bullet; (agent) l'ocido di
Caesar da Brutus: the murder of Caesar by Brutus; (authorship)
dramati da Shakespeare: dramas by Shakespeare; Da qua
esas ta libro? Ol esas da Petro: By whom is that book? It is
by Peter. (object of a transitive verb compounded with -igar) me
manjigas l'aveno manjesas da la kavalo = l'aveno manjesas da la
kavalo: I make my horse eat oats; lu kredigis ita rakonto
da l'dupo: he palmed this tale off on the dupe (la dupo
kredis la rakonto); me sendigas mea letri da mea spozino =
igar la spozino sendar mea letri: I make my wife send my
letters. Def.: Montras individuo, objekto, kozo o kauzo qua igas,
facas od efektigas ulo, II-731. V. exp.: vid de. FI
dag-o: dirk: a short shord or kind of poniard. eFIS
«dahlia»: (bot.) dahlia (genus: Dahlia).
daim-o, -ulo, -ino: fallow-deer (Cervus dama). F
daktil-o: (poet.) dactyl. DEFIS
dal = da la.
dalmatik-o: (vestment) dalmatic. DEFIRS
daltonism-o: Daltonism: color-blindness; -ika, -iko:
color-blind (peron). DeFIRS
damo: married or widowed woman; dame; (in cards, chess,
checkers) a queen; -i: (game) draughts,
checkers; ludar per -i: to play checkers; -o-planko:
checker-, draught-board; -igar: (chess, checkers)
to crown; -ifar: (checkers) to go to king, (at
chess) to go to queen. DeFIS
damask-o: (fabric) damask. DEFIRS
damaskin-ar: (tr.) to damascene, damaskeen (iron,
steel). DEFIRS
damijan-o: demijohn; (cf. korbo-botelo).
damn-ar: (tr., theol., fig.) to damn; -ito:
person damned, a lost soul. (cf. maledikar, blasfemar)
Ex.: Deo damnas la maligni. Doktrino damninda. DEF
damzel-o: young lady, miss, maid, damsel; unmarried woman,
spinster; (before a proper name) Miss; -acho: wench; honor-
-o: maid of honor; kontor- -o: office-girl, -woman; du
-i di kinadek yari: two maiden ladies of fifty. EF
dandi-o: dandy: fop; coxcomb. Def.: Homulo eleganta, segun
la modo. DEFR
danjer-o: danger, peril, jeopardy; -igar, pozar en -o:
to endanger, jeopardize; -oza: dangerous. EF
dank-ar: (tr.) to thank (ulu, pri, pro ulo); (cf. gratitudar).
dans-ar: (tr., intr.) to dance. DEFRS
dard-o: dart (pointed missile); sting (weapon of insects).
darf-ar: may, to have a right to, be permitted; me
darfas: I have the (legal) right or permission, or, it is not
forbidden to me; on devas ne mentiar (o, on ne darfas
mentiar): one should not (or, ought not to) lie. Def.: Havar
la yuro o permiso; ol havas la senco legala, kontrea a l'ideo di
interdikto; VI-487. Ex.: On darfas uzar darfar nur pri la kozi,
qui dependas de lego o regulo, do de la volo, altravorte, nur
kande on povas imaginar permiso od interkikto. On povas ya facar
multa agi, quin on ne darfas facar. V. exp.: darfar =
permisebleso, posibleso; devar = obligo morala; povar
= povo; mustar = obligo fizikal, absoluta; expresas kurte
l'ideo «oportas ke» o «necesa esas ke» (vid. oportar);
darn-ar: (tr.) to darn (garments).
Def.: Specala modo di rapecar stofi, vesti, ne pozante peco, ma
imitante la texuro; III199. E
Darwin-ismo: Darwinism; -ala:
Darwinian. DEFIRS
dat-o: (time) date; -izar:
to date (a letter, etc.). DEFIS
datel-o: (fruit) date; -iero:
d. tree (Phoenix dactylifera). DeFIS
dativ-o: (gram.) dative (-case).
datur-o: (bot.) datura (genus: Datura);
thorn-apple, Jimson weed (Datura stramonium). EFIRS
dax-o: (zool.) badger (genus: Meles
Taxus). DI
dazl-ar: (tr.) to dazzle: to overpower
by bright or moving lights; (fig.) to blind; (fig.)
to excite to admiration by brilliancy, display (of beauty, money,
honors, etc.) (cf. facinar). Def.: Trublar
instantale la vid-povo per tro brilanta lumo, o per tro rapida
movado, agitado, e.c. VI530. Ex.: La sun-radii dazlas la
vidado. La fortuno e la honori dazlas la ambicioni. E
de: (prep) (starting point, origin,
derivation) la treno de Lyon: the train
from Lyons: blinda de nasko: blind from birth; de
omna lateri: from all sides; de supre ad infre;
from top to bottom; de ta vidpunto: from that
viewpoint; komprar de ulu: to buy of someone; arachar
de la morto: to snatch from death; malada de
febro: sick with (from) fever; (measure, quantity)
unu de li: one of them; un horo de
marcho: an hour's walk; dek-e-duo de ovi:
a dozen eggs; tri metri de rubando: three meters
of ribbon; glaso de aquo: a glass of water; peco
de pano: a piece of bread; el esas la maxim bela
de la fratini: she is the most beautiful of the sisters;
duo de rejini: a pair of queens; (after
adjectives denoting dimenions, size, contents): ponto
longa de du Angla milii: a bridge two English miles
long; barelo plena de vino: a barrel full of
wine; konstrukturo alta de duadek etaji: a
building twenty stories high; («since», duration of time).
N. B. in this sense de-pos is preferable to de
alone: me savas lo de(pos) quar dii: I have
known it these (since, from) four days; me esas hike de
du monati: I have been here for two months; de(pos)
la morto di sua spozino: since the death of his wife; de
kande vu lojas hike? me lojas hike de un monato: How
long (from when) have you lived here? I have lived here one month
(I am living here from one month). de pos:
since, after; de longe: for a long time past; de
kande: since when, how long since; de lore:
from that time, since then; de pose: from that
time, afterwards; de pos ke: (conj.)
since (that); de nun: from now, henceforth,
hereafter; de sub: from under; de dop:
from behind. V. exp.: da, de, di: Praktikal
regulo por selektar inter ta tri prepozicioni esas la sequanta:
Se la senco postulas klare l'ideo di l'agento od autoro, uzez da;
se ol postulas klare l'ideo di deveno, o di konteno o di quanto,
uzez de; en cetera kazi (do en omna dubebla)
uzez audace di; nam olca esas la maxim generala
de la tri, korespondanta a la genitivo; II33. On povas
generale sequar ica regulo (por selektar inter de
o di): Uzez di kande la
sequanta substantivo havas artiklo; uzez de
kande ol hava nula artiklo; (III624). FIS
de-o: God, a god; -ino:
goddess; -a, -ala: divine: of or relating to
God; -ajo: a divinity: divine object; -eso:
godhead; -igar: to deify; -ismo:
deism; -atra: godlike; -o bona! ho Deo:
good God! oh God! danko a Deo thank God; Deo
pardonez: may God pardon; Se plezos a Deo, se
Deo volos: if God wills. EFIS
deb-ar: (tr.) to owe (ulo, ad
ulu); (intr.) to be under obligation (ad
ulu, por ulo); -ajo: a debt; -izar:
to get (ulu) into debt; -o honor-ala
(honor- -o): a debt of honor; charjar su per
debi: to run into debt; -rest-ajo:
balance due. Ex.: Pagez to quon vu debas. Me debas a lu mea vivo.
Donar deb-atesto. eFIRS
debat-ar: (tr.) to debate. Def.:
Diskutar kun un o plura konversanti en ordinoza ed atencoza
maniero, singlu prizentante l'argumenti servanta sua propra
interesto o prefero; V678 (III323). DEFIRS
debet-o: (com.) debit (after the
balance of an account), debit-balance; -igar: to
d. (a sum to somebody's account); -konto: d.
account. DEFIRS
debil-a: (of persons) weak, feeble;
(cf. frajila), -igar: to
debilitate, enfeeble; -ig-anta, -ig-iva:
debilitating; -ach(ul)o: a puny person. Def.:
Febla per naturo, temperamento; III668. Ant.: forta,
robusta, vigoroza. EFIS
debit-ar: (tr.) to sell (goods,
supplies, ordinarily at retail); -o, -ajo: sale,
supply, retail; -ar engrose, endetale: to sell
wholesale, by retail; vari di bona -o: goods
that have a ready sale. FIS
deboch-ar: (intr.) to go to excess in
sensual pleasures, to live dissolutely, to revel, carouse; -igar:
to debauch: entice to debauchery, to corrupt with lewdness; -eskar:
to become profligate; -anta, -ema: dissolute,
profligate (cf. laciva); -ist-ino:
harlot; -anto, -ero: debauchee, rake: -ig-anto:
debaucher. V. exp.: Krapulo esas nur maxim
desnobla e vulgara debocho. Debochanto povas
esar (restar) eleganta. Pro to debocho koncernas
prefere la sexuala ne-etikaleso, krapulo la
trouzo di manjado e drinkado, l'ebrieso kustumal, e.c. On povas
parolar pri debaucho krapuloza; III411.
debush-ar: (intr., milit.) to debouch.
debut-ar: (intr., theat.) to make one's
debut, first appearance; (fig.) to start, set out: take
one's first steps; -anto, -ant-ino: debutant,
debutante; (fig.) a beginner. DEFIS
dec-ar: (intr.) to be decent, suitable,
correct, proper; (cf. esar justa); -o:
decency, propriety; -anta, -oza: decent,
becoming, decorous; -ante: decently, with
decency; -as: (imper.s) it is proper.
decembro-o: December. DEFIRS
decend-ar: (intr.) to descend (de,
of race); -(ad)o: descent, lineage, pedigree; -anto:
descendant, offspring; -ant-aro: progeny,
posterity (collect.). DEFIS
decens-ar: (tr., intr.) to go down,
descend: to move or pass from a higher to a lower plane; -eyo:
descent (place). Ex.: Decensar (de) monto en valo. Decensar (de)
arboro. Decensar eskalero. La mareo, la temperaturo decensas.
Ant.: acensar. EFIS
decept-ar: (tr.) to disappoint, to
defeat (the hopes, expectations of someone); -anta, -iva:
disappointing. eFIS
dechifr-ar: (tr.) to decipher: to
discover the key to a secret writing. V. exp.: vid. chifrar.
decid-ar: (tr., intr.) to decide,
settle, determine; -oza, -ema: (of persons)
strong-minded, determined; -ita: (of things)
decided; -ite, -eme: decidedly, positively; -em-eso:
determination (of character); -iganta, -iva:
decisive, conclusive; facar -o: to make a
decision; agar -oze, -eme: to act with decision.
Ex.: Decidar afero, problemo, debato. Judicial decido. Ad il
mankas decidemeso (di karaktero). Il esas homulo decidema. Il
uzas decidoza tono. La kozo esas decidita. Kauzo, motivo
decidiganta. Bataliodecidiva. V. exp.: On decidas teoriala
questioni, on rezolvas agi facenda. Ni decidas, ke
l'akuzato esas la sola autoro dil krimino. Ni rezolvas
facar turo en la urbo; VII-98. EFIS
decidu-o: (physiol.) deciduous membrane.
decigram-o: decigram: 1.5432 grains. DEFIRS
decilitr-o: deciliter: tenth part of a liter: 6.1 cu. in.
decim-o: decime. Def.: Dekimo di franko, o 10 centimi;
decimac-ar: (tr.) to decimate. DEFIS
decimal-a, -o: (arith.) decimal. DEFIRS
decimetr-o: decimeter: tenth of a meter: 3.937 in.
dedik-ar: (tr.) to dedicate: consecrate to a Divine
Being; to devote to a sacred use; to inscribe or address to a
patron or friend; (cf. konsakrar). DEFIS
dedukt-ar: (tr., log.) to deduce, infer; -(ad)o,
-ajo, -uro: deduction, inference; -ala, -iva, -ema:
deductive; -ebla: deducible. DEFIRS
defekt-o: defect, imperfection, flaw, fault, blemish.
defektiv-a: (gram.) defective. DEFIS
defens-ar: (tr.) to defend, protect (ulu, ulo,
su, kontre); -ebla: defensible, tenable; -ilo:
a means, instrument of defense; -iva: defensive. Ex.:
Defensar sua patrio, sua honoro, sua opiniono. DEFIS
deferenc-ar: (tr.) to defer to, show deference to; -o:
deference, regard, respect. Def.: Deferenco: Respekto qun
on manifestas ad ulu exekutante lua volo o deziro. Nociono
komplexa, qua ne esas simpla respekto. III-323. Ex.: On devas
deferencar sua patri. Kun omna deferenceo qua esas debata a vu.
Ant.: (deferenco) des-prizo, aarog-em-eso. DEFIS
deferent-a (tubo): (physiol.) deferent.
defervec-ar: (intr., med.) to cool down (fever).
defi-ar: (tr.) to defy, challenge, dare (ulu,
pri ulo, o facar ulo); -o: challenge, defying, defiance.
deficit-o: (com.) deficit. DEFIRS
defil-ar: (intr.) to defile, file off, march past (avan
ulu). DEFIS
defile-o: defile: narrow mountain pass. DEFS
defin-ar: (tr.) to define: give the definition of; -o:
definition; -ita: defined; definite (article); sen -a,
ne -ita: indefinite. V. exp.: Definar esas indikar,
enunciar la senco di vorto. Determinar esas fixigar o
precizigar ula konocajo: on determinas la alteso di la
suno, la disto di du loki, per astronomial o geografial operaci
(mezuri e kalkuli). Kozo povas esar tre determinita, e nule
definita o definebla: ex.: ula partikulara koloro. On definas
vorto; on deklaras sua opiniono; on explikas fakto,
libro, frazo; IV-464, 465. DEFIS
definitiv-a: definitive: final, ending; -e:
definitely. Ex.: Aranjo, judiko definitiva. DEFIS
de-flex-ar: (tr.) to deflect, bend from; (fig.)
to swerve, deviate.
deform-ar: (tr.) to deform, put out of shape; -it(ul)o:
a deformed person; -esar: to be deformed. DEF
degener-ar: (intr.) to denegrate, deteriorate; -anto,
-into: a d. DEFIS
degn-ar: (intr.) to deign: condescend, vouchsafe.
degrad-ar: (tr.) to degrade: reduce in rank, remove
from office. DEFIS
de-jet-ar: (tr.) to throw from (horse, etc.).
dejun-ar: (intr.) to breakfast: (the first repast
of the day); have b., -eto: a light b., frua -o:
early b. Def.: Dejuno esas repasto di dimezo, VI-162. F
dejur-ar: (intr., milit.) to be on
duty; -anta oficir-o: officer-of-the-day;
orderly officer. DR
dek: ten; -imo: a tenth part; -esma,
-esmo (ordinal) tenth; -opla, -oplo:
tenfold; -opl-igar: to increase tenfold; -ope:
by tens; du deki: two tens; -foye:
ten times; yar- -o: decade; -e-du:
twelve, a dozen; dek-e-du-esma: twelfth; -e-du-imo;
(fraction) one twelfth. EFRS
dekad-ar: (intr.) to be decadent, be in
state of decay, decline (physical or moral); -o:
decadence: decline to a worse or less perfect state, tendency
towards dissolution or extinction. Ex.: La dekado di l'imperio
Romana. La dekado di arti. Ni vivas en dekandanta epoko.
dekaedr-o*: decahedron.
dekagon-o*: decagon
dekagram-o: decagram: 0.3527 oz. DEFIRS
dekalitr-o: decaliter: 2.64 gals. DEFIRS
dekalog-o: Decalogue: the Ten Commandents.
dekametr-o: decameter: 32.809 ft.
dekan-o: (eccl., university, collegiate)
dean; -eso: deanship. DFIRS
dekant-ar: (tr.) to decant (liquids); -ilo:
decanter. DEFIS
dekap-ar: (tr.) to scale, scrape, scour
(metals). DFIS
dekaster-o: decastere: 13.08 cu. yds.
dek-e-du-o: dozen (de); (cf. dek).
dekalm-ar: (tr.) to declaim; to speak
or deliver rhetorically; -acha: bombastic; -ach(er)o:
haranguer, stump-orator, ranter. DEFIRS
deklar-ar: (tr.) to declare (ulo,
ad ulu). Ex.: Deklarar sua intenci, sua opinioni,
Deklaro di milito. DEFIRS
deklin-ar: (tr., gram.) to decline,
inflect; (intr., phys.) to deviate from the true north,
as magnetic needle; (astron.) to remove from the
equator, as a heavenly body. DEFIS
dekokt-ar: (tr., pharm.) to decoct; -o,
-uro: decoction, extract from a body boiled in water.
dekolt-ar: (tr.) to cut low (a dress);
to bare the neck and shoulders; -ita:
décolletté, in a low dress; (n.) dekolturo;
-ach-ita: uncovered to an improper degress. DeFR
dekor-ar: (tr.) to decorate (a house,
etc.). DEFIRS
dekret-ar: (tr.) to decree, enact.
dek-silab-a: decasyllabic.
dekubit-ar: (med.) to like down in bed,
decubation. DEFIS
dek-yar-a: decennial: continuing for ten years;
(cf. yar-dek-ala).
del: de la.
deleg-ar: (tr.) to delegate (someone as
agent); -ato, -ito: delegate; -it-aro:
delegation; (cf. prokuraco). DEFIRS
delekt-ar: (tr.) to delight (ulu);
-esar: to be delighted; -(ad)o, eso:
delight(ing); -anta, -iva, -oza: delightful,
delectable. DeFIS
delfin-o: (ich.) dolphin (genus:
Delphinus); -(ul)o: (Fr. history)
dauphin; -ala: delphine (classics).
deliber-ar: (intr.) to deliberate.
Def.: Ponderar en su ipsa o kun altri, pri questiono solvenda o
rezolvo facenda, la motivi por e la motivi kontre la decido;
delic-o: delight; high degree of pleasure or
enjoyment; the cause of the pleasure; la delici di Paris:
the delights, the charms of Paris; -oza:
delicious, delightful. EFIS
delikat-a: delicate, refined; -(ul)o:
a d. person; -ajo, -eso: delicacy; -ega:
exquisite, superfine. Ex.:Delikata infanto, organi. La delikateso
di la pelo, di linguo, di gusto. DEFIRS
delikt-ar: (intr.) to commit an offence
(against law and order); (cf. kontravencar); -o:
offense; (jur.) misdemeanor: offense punishable by fine
or imprisonment; (cf. krimino); -(al)a:
unlawful, felonious, punishable; -anta, -atra: delinquent;
-anto, -into: offender, malefactor; en flagranta -o:
in the very act; materio di la -o: corpus delicti:
substance of the offence. DEFIRS
deliquc-ar: (intr., chem.) to deliquesce: become
liquid. DEFIS
delir-ar: (intr.) to be delirious, to rave; -o,
-eso: delirium; (fig.) nightmare; -anta, -ema,
-atra: delirious, frenzied, frantic; -anto: d. person.
delt-o: (geog.) delta. DEFIRS
demagog-o: demagogue. DEFIS
demagogi-o: demagogy, demagogism. DEFIRS
demand-ar: (tr.) to ask for (ulo); (N.B. Not
the E. «demand», (cf. postular); -o: request,
asking; (polit., econ.) demand (cf. ofro); -anto:
asker, applicant; me -as pardono: I beg (ask) your pardon;
quon vu demandas pro facar l'operaco: What do you ask to
perform the operation; ni ne recevos la permiso demandita:
we shall not receive the permit asked for. V. exp.: On demandas
de ni la difero di la sequanta vorti. On demandas e postulas
nur kozi; on pregas e solicitas nur personi. Demandar
ulo de ulu, esas pregar ta «ulu», ke lu donez ta
«ulo». Postular ulo esas demandar ulo, a qua on
havas yuro; tala demando esas do insistanta, obliganta e kelke
imperema. Solicitar esas pregar ulu autoritoza o potenta
per obtenar ulo, qua havas plu o min karaktero di favoro;
III-224. On demandas kozo quan on deziras havar; on questionas
persono pri ulo, quon on deziras savar; II-78. En la ekonomiko,
on traktas pri la lego di l'ofro e di la demando,
qua determinas la preco di la vari sur ula merkato; II-167.
demarsh-ar: (intr.) to take steps, measures (to
obtain something); -o: step, proceeding; act, measure
taken in business; Def.: Demarshar implikas sempre l'ideo di
«pazi» facata extere, en la socio, port atingar ula skopo, por
obtener irga helpo, favoro, e.c.; IV-100. V. exp.: Esforco
esas propre ago muskulala, o generale, mekanikala; demarsho
esas social ago, per qua un persono volas influaar altra por
obtener ulo; IV-204. F
dement-a: demented, insane; -(ul)o: a d. person; -eskar:
to become d.; -eso: dementia; -erio: insane asylum;
-ajo: insane act. (cf. fola) DEFIS
dementi-ar: (tr.) to give the lie to (ulu, pri
ulo); to deny (flatly, publicly); -o: flat
contradiction, denial. FIS
demision-ar: (intr.) to resign: give in one's
rsignation; (milit.) to throw up one's commission; (parl.)
to vacate one's seat. V. exp. vid. abdikar. DFIS
demiurg-o: demiurge. DEFIRS
demokrat-a, -ala: democratic; -(ul)o: a democrat.
Def.: Demokraato esas partisano di la demokratio, e plu generale,
ta qua havas la mento demokratiala o demokratiema; VII-154.
demokrati-o: democracy; -ala: relating to a d.; -igar:
to democratize. Def.: La rejimo en qua la populo guvernesas da su
ipsa (t.e. da sua elektiti); lua principo esas la suvereneso dil
populo; VII-154. DEFIRS
demolis-ar: (tr.) to demolish, pull down, break up
(a house, a fortification, an old ship); -o: demolition; -ar
bona reputeso: to ruin a reputation; -ar doktrino: to
overthrow a doctrine. DEFIS
demon-o: (myth. and fig.) demon, evil spirit,
genius; -ala, -atra, -oza, -ika; -ozo, -iko: demoniac(al).
demonstr-ar: (tr.) to demonstrate: prove by
arguments; to make evident; -o: (lig., polit., milit.,
naval) demonstration. Ex.: Demonstrar propoziciono. Lua
redesko demonstas lua shamo. Demonstri enemikala. DEFIRS
demonstrativa-a, -o: (gram.)
demonstrative. DEFIRS
demotik-a*: (antiq.) demotic (writing,
characters). DEF
denar-o: (antiq. coin) denarius.
denatur-ar: (tr., chem.) to denature
(alcohol, etc.). DEFIRS
denigr-ar: (tr.) to disparage (ulu,
ulo): run down, decry, depreciate, vilify, blacken the
record of; (cf. difamar, kalumniar, maldicensar).
Def.: Inspirar mala opiniono pri ulu (o ulo) per severa o nejusta
aserti e judiki; IV411. Ant.: exaltar, laudar.
denominator-o: (arith.) denominator.
dens-a: dense: having its parts crowded
together; compact, close: (cf. dika); -igar:
to thicken (liquids); (cf. plu-dik-igar). Ex.: Densa
turbo, vaporo. Platino havas la maxim granda denso de
omna metali. Ant.: skarsa, dis-sem-ita, ne-, des-densa.
densimetr-o: densimeter. DEFIRS
dent-o: (also fig.) tooth; -ala:
dental; -o-sono: (gram.) dental; -oza,
-iz-ita: toothed, notched, denticulated; -izar:
to furnish with teeth; (fig.) to cog; indent; to put
scallops in; -ifar: to make teeth; to cut teeth;
-aro: set of teeth; -isto, -if-isto:
dentist; -ego: tusk; -o-stumpo:
stump of a t.; -extirp-isto: tooth puller; -o
di saj-eso: wisdom tooth; -o-roto:
cog-wheel; -o-pik-ilo: t. pick; -o-tenalio:
dentist's forceps; -et-roto: pinion, small gear
wheel; -o-kolo: neck of a t.; -if-uro:
(result) dentition; sen- -a: toothless;
sen- -igar: to break, knock out the teeth of (ulu);
sen- -eskar: to lose one's teeth. eFIRS
dentel-o: lace (-work); -if-ist-ino:
female l. maker; -a naz-tuko: lace handkerchief.
dentifric-a, -o: dentifrice, tooth-cleaning
(powder, etc.). EFIS
denunc-ar: (tr.) to inform against,
denounce (a guilty person). DEFIRS
depart-ar: (intr., also fig.) to depart
(ek, de); -o-punto: point of
departure; esar -onta: to be on the eve of
setting out, be about to start; -o-preparo:
preparations for a start; (nav.) getting underway. Ant.:
arivar. EFIS
department-o: (territorial) department,
province, (cf. ministerio); -ala:
departmental. Def.: Teritoriala dividuro or resortiso;
VI242. Ex.: La departmenti di la Nord, di la Somme, di
l'Aisne en Francia. DeFIRS
depend-ar: (intr.) to depend: be
conditioned or contingent (de); to rely on for
support; to be a dependency (di); ne-
-o: independence; ne- -ante, sen- -e:
independently. Ex.: L'efekto dependas de la kauzo. Omno dependas
de la maniero segun qua on komencas. Ca teritorio ne dependas de
Francia, o, ca teritorio esas nedependanta de Francia.
deperis-ar: (intr.) to pine away,
gradually lose strength; wither; slowly decline or perish. Def.:
Debilesko duktanta ad (se ne til) la morto; III602. Ex.: La
saneso, la flori deperisas. FI
depesh-o: dispatch: urgent message; (cf. telegramo).
deplor-ar: to deplore: to feel or express deep
grief; -inda: deplorable, lamentable, wretched.
Ex.: Deplorar la desfortunaji di ulu, la morto di ulu.
deponent-a, -o: (gram.) deponent.
deport-ar: (tr.) to depart: to
transport into banishment; to convey to a penal colony. V. exp.:
vid exilar. DEFIRS
de-pos: cf. de.
depoz-ar: (tr.) to depost: to lay, set or put down;
to lodge for safekeeping; to bond (in warehouses); -(ad)o:
depositing (act); -ite: on deposit; -anto, -ero:
depositor; -ajo: deposit; -eyo: place of deposit,
as a depot, depository, warehouse; -ario: trustee,
depositary, guardian, warehouse-keeper. Ex.: Depozar portajo.
Nil(e) depozas omnayare slamo fekunda. Depozanto di pekunio en
panko. DEFIRS
de-pren-ar: (tr.) to take from (ulo de ulu).
depres-ar: (tr., phys. and moral) to depress: to
press down; to deject; -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: depression.
deput-ar: (tr.) to depute, deputize, send (ulu)
as a deputy; -at-aro: deputation (delegation); chambro
di -ati: (parl.) chamber of deputies (cf. suplear).
deriv-ar: (tr., math., gram.) to derive (ulo de);
have its root (de); -o: derivation (gram.); -ito,
-ajo: derivative; de qua vu derivas ca vorto? La vorto
derivesas de: Whence do you derive this word? The word is
derived from. EFIS
derm-o: (anat.) derma. DEFIS
de-rod-ar: (tr.) to gnaw away, erode.
derog-ar: (intr., jur.) to derogate: to act
contrary, invalidate, annul (in part), to depart from (a custom);
-anta, -iva: derogatory. Def.: Teknikala termino di
yuro-cienco: facar ecepto, violaco instantala di ula lego,
regulo; III-329. Ex.: Ica du partisi derogis de lia kontrato (E.
both parties have invalidated some part of (or, have departed
from) their contract). Derogar de la lego, de kustumo
establisita. DeFIS
dervish-o: dervish. DEFIRS
des: (mus.) D Flat.
des-abon-ar (su): to withdraw one's subscription (from a
des-afabla: crabbed, cross, churlish, surly, ungracious,
des-agnosk-ar: (tr.) to disown, disavow, disclaim.
des-agraf-agar: (tr.) to unclasp, unhook.
des-agreabl-a: disagreeable, unpleasaant (ad); -ajo:
a d. thing or experience.
des-agreg-ar: (tr.) to disaggregate, to
des-ajust-ar: (tr.) to to put out of adjustment, to
des-akord-ar: (intr., mus.) to be out of tune; (gram.)
not to agree; -o: discord; -anta: discordant.
des-akroch-ar: (tr.) to unhook (ulo de).
des-amar-agar: (tr., nav.) to unmoor.
des-amorc-ar: (tr.) to uncap, unprime (fire-arms).
des-ankr-agar: (tr., intr.) to weigh anchor, get up
a. on.
des-apar-ar: (intr.) to disappear, vanish.
des-aprob-ar: (tr.) to disapprove of.
des-aranj-ar: (tr.) to disarrange, derange,
des-arm-iz-ar: to unarm, disarm.
des-artik-izar: to disarticulate, unjoint; -izo: (surg.)
disarticulation: amputation, excision of a joint.
des-asembl-ar: (tr.) to disassemble, take to
pieces, separate.
des-asimil-ar: (tr., phys. and fig.) not to
assimilate (ulo).
des-asoci-ar: (tr.) to disassociate, dissociate; to
dissolve (a partnership).
des-asort-ar: (tr.) to unmaatch, break the set of,
spoil a collection of (ulo).
des-avantaj-o: disadvantage.
des-balast-izar (o, sen--balast-igar): to unballast:
discharge or unload a ship from ballast.
des-bar-ar: (tr.) to unbar, remove barriers.
des-bel-igar: (tr.) to disfigure, take away the
beauty of.
des-blind-igar: (tr.) to open the eyes
of, make to see; (fig.) undeceive.
des-blokus-ar: (tr.) to raise the
blockade of.
des-bolt-agar: (tr.) to unbolt.
des-bot-izar: (tr.) to pull or take off
the boots.
des-bril-igar: (tr.) to tarnish, dull.
des-bukl-agar: (tr.) to unbuckle.
des-buton-agar: (tr.) to unbutton; -izar:
to remove the buttons from.
des-centr-izar, -al-igar: to decentralize.
des-charj-ar: (tr.) to discharge:
unload, take away the burden of (ulu, ulo, de); (fig.)
to ease, free, throw off the care of (a thing): -eyo:
unloading place; quanta- -o: good riddance; -ar
sua koncienco: to clear one's conscience.
des-charm-ar: (tr.) to disenchant.
des-civiliz-ar: (tr.) to uncivilize (ulu).
des-dens-igar: to loosen, make less compact,
rarefy, to open up (ranks, a crowd).
des-ebri-igar: to sober; -eskar:
to sober down; (fig.) to come to one's senses.
desegn-ar: (tr.) to draw, design,
delineate, sketch, (cf. esbosar, skisar); -(ad)o,
-uro: drawing; -arto: art of drawing; -anto,
-ero, -isto: drawer, draughtsman; -o-planko:
drawing-board. Def.: Riproduktar, per krayono o plumo, la formo
di objekti. EFIS
des-embaras-ar: (tr.) to disencumber,
rid of, disembarras.
des-embark-ar: (tr., intr.) to
disembark, land.
des-embrag-ar: (tr.) to throw out of
gear, disengage (tech.).
des-engaj-ar: (tr.) to disengage:
discharge, free from service.
des-en-korp-igar: to disincorporate.
des-enoy-igar: to cheer up, divert, bring out of
the dumps.
des-entrav-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to
unshackle, unfetter.
des-envelop-ar: (tr.) to unwrap,
des-equilibr-igar: to upset the equilibrium of,
unpoise, unbalance.
des-equip-ar: to dismantle; lay up (ships).
deser-o: dessert; -disho: d.
dish. DEFR
desert-ar: (tr., intr., milit. and gen.)
to desert, abandon, quit, forsake. DEFIRS
deserv-ar*: (tr., intr., eccl.) to
serve (a living), have the parochial duties of (a chapel,
hamlet); (cf. oficiar). DEFS
des-esper-ar: (intr.) to despair, to be
in d.; -igar: to drive to d.; to dishearten; -anta:
despairing, desperate; -anto: one who despairs; -ato:
one of whom one d.; kom -ala remedio: as a last
resource, shift.
des-estal-ar: (tr.) to take in goods
(exposed for sale); (fig.) to shut up shop, stop the
des-estim-ar: (tr.) to contemn, despise
(ulu); -igar: to bring into
disrepute, discredit, contempt; -anta, -ema:
contemptuous, scornful; -inda: contemptible,
des-fac-ar: (tr.) to unmake, undo.
des-facil-a: difficult; -ajo: a
d. thing; -eso: (state, condition)
difficulty; -igar: to render d. (ulo).
des-fald-ar: (tr.) to unfold.
des-fang-izar: to rub off the dirt, clean,
scavenge; -iz-ilo: scraper (as for shoes).
des-fatig-ar: (tr.) to refresh, relax.
des-favor-ar: (tr.) to disfavor,
withhold favor from, to put out of favor; to disadvantage; -oza:
unfavorable, disadvantageous; -izar: to
disgrace; -iz-ita: disgraced.
des-felic-a: miserable, unhappy; -(ul)o:
an u. person; -ajo: u. event, mischance.
des-fer-izar: to take the iron from, to unshoe
(a horse).
des-fianc-ar: to disengage (from a betrothal).
des-fid-ar: (tr.) to distrust,
des-fil-izar: to unstring, unthread, unravel.
des-flor-izar: to strip of blossoms; (cf. sen-flor-eskar).
des-forest-izar: to clear, denude of forest, disafforest.
des-fortifik-ar: (tr.) to unfortify.
des-fortun-o: misfortune, reverses, run of ill-luck; -oza:
unfortunate; -ajo: calamity, mischance (the event); -e:
des-fren-agar: (tr.) to unlock or take off the
des-fresh-igar: to destroy the freshness of.
des-friz-ar: (tr.) to uncurl.
des-frok-izar: to unfrock (a monk).
des-frost-ar (intr.), -igar (tr.):
to thaw.
des-fruns-ar: (tr.) to unwrinkle, unpucker.
des-futer-izar: to remove the lining of.
des-gaj-igar: to take out of pawn.
des-gant-izar: to pull off the gloves from.
des-garnis-ar: (tr.) to untrim.
des-gib-izar: to take out the bumps; the humps from; to
smooth out.
des-gips-izar: to unplaster.
des-glat-igar: to roughen, ruffle.
des-glu-izar: to remove the paste, glue from.
des-glutin-eskar: to become unglued, unpasted.
des-gras-izar: to remove the grease or fat; (fig.)
to scour.
des-gros-igar: to thin, reduce; remove the grosser parts.
des-gum-izar: to ungum (silk, etc.).
des-gurt-izar: to ungirth, unstrap, unband.
des-hard-igar: to soften.
des-help-ar: (tr.) to disoblige, to hinder.
des-hered-igar: to disinherit.
des-honest-a: dishonest; (fig.) indecent.
des-honor-o: dishonor, opprobium, disgrace; -izar:
to dishonor, bring d. upon; -iz-iva: dishonorable.
des-human-igar: to dehumanize, imbrute.
desikator-o: desiccator. DEFIRS
des-iluzion-igar: to disabuse, disillusion.
des-imbast-ar: (tr.) to unbaste, untack (garments).
des-infekt-ar: (tr.) to disinfect; -iva, -ivo:
des-infl-ar: (tr.) to deflate; reduce the swelling
des-ingran-ar: (tr.) to throw out of gear.
des-inkombr-ar: (tr.) to deobstruct, disencumber,
clear from impediments.
des-intrik-ar: (tr.) to disentangle, unravel; (fig.)
to extricate, free.
des-jung-ar: (tr.) to unyoke (oxen); take out
horses from (a carriage).
des-junt-ar: (tr.) to disjoin, take to pieces,
separate; -iva: (gram.) disjunctive.
des-kamp-ar: (tr.) to break camp.
des-karg-ar: (tr.) to unload (things; cf. charjar).
des-katen-izar: to unchain.
des-kest-izar: to uncase.
des-klef-agar: (tr.) to unlock.
des-kloz-ar: (tr.) to unclose, throw open.
des-kolor-izar: to lose color, fade, come off (of colors).
des-komand-ar: (tr.) to countermand.
des-komfort-o: discomfort.
des-kompoz-ar: (tr.) to decompose.
des-konfes-ar: (tr.) to recant; unsay: take back
what one has said.
des-konkord-igar: to cause disagreement, set at variance.
des-konsil-ar: (tr.) to dissuade.
des-kontent-igar: to discontent, cause d. to.
des-korp-izar: to disembody.
des-kortic-izar: to bark, peel.
des-kovr-ar: (tr.) to uncover: take the cover off;
to discover, disclose, detect (what was not known before); -ar
disho, korbo: to uncover a dish, a basket; -ar trezoro,
fonto: to discover a treasure, a spring.
des-kras-izar: to remove the (surface) dirt from, to
des-kredit-izar: to discredit: to deprive of
credit, bring into disrepute.
des-kresk-ar: (intr.) to cease to grow,
to wane, fall off.
deskript-ar: (tr.) to describe (by
words); -o, -uro: description; -iva:
(also geom.) descriptive. EFIS
des-kron-izar: to uncrown.
des-kruc-igar: to uncross.
des-kuaf-ar: (tr.) to dishevel, undress
the hair of.
desk-kupl-ar: (tr., mechan.) to
uncouple, disconnect.
des-kuraj-oza: cowardly.
des-kurv-igar: to unbend, straighten.
des-kustum-igar: to break the habit of (ulu,
pri ulo); -eskar: to break oneself of,
lose the habit of; -inta: unaccustomed.
des-lac-igar: to unlace.
des-lauta: soft (to hearing).
des-lern-ar: (tr.) to unlearn.
des-lig-ar: (tr.) to untie.
des-lok-iz-ar: to delocalize.
des-lokac-ar: to vacate (a lodging).
des-lokl-izar: to uncurl (hair).
des-loyal-a: disloyal.
des-magnet-igar: to demagnetize.
des-magnetiz-ar: to unmesmerize (ulu).
des-makul-izar: to clean spots from, remove the
stains from.
des-manch-izar: to take off the handle of.
des-mariaj-ar: (tr.) to unmarry, annul
the marriage of.
des-mask-ar: (tr.) to unmask.
des-maskul-igar: to emasculate.
des-mast-izar: to dismast.
des-merit-ar: (intr.) to be
undeserving; to forfeit the esteem (de ulu, per ulo).
des-met-ar: (tr.) to take off (a
garmet, etc.).
des-mix-ar: (tr.) to separate.
des-mobl-izar: to unfurnish, strip of furniture.
des-monet-igar: to demonetize (cf. sen-valor-igar).
des-munt-ar: (tr.) to dismount, take
apart (a machine).
des-muzel-lig-ar: (tr.) to unmuzzle.
des-nacion-al-igar: to denationalize; -an-igar:
to denaturalize.
des-naiv-igar: to sharpen the wits of.
des-net-a: dirty, unclean, untidy; -igar:
to dirty; -ig-anta: soiling; (cf. sordida).
des-nobl-igar: to debase, -eso:
ignominy, meanness; -igo: debasing; -ig-anta:
debasing, ignominious.
des-nod-igar: to untie a knot in.
des-obedi-ar: to disobey.
des-obstrukt-ar: to deobstruct, clear; -iva,
-ivo: (med.) deobstruent.
des-oportun-a: inopportune; -ajo:
something i.
des-ordin-ar: (tr.) to disorder,
derange, disturb; -ogo: hurly-burly.
des-organ-izar: to disorganize.
des-orient-izar: (lit.) to turn from
the east; (fig.) to put out of one's element; to put on
the wrong scent, to lose one's bearings.
des-ost-izar: to bone, to fillet (fish); -iz-ita
dindo: boned turkey.
des-ox-izo: disoxygenation.
des-oxid-igar, -izar: to disoxidate, deoxidize.
des-pak-igar: to unpack, unbundle.
des-pav-izar: to unpave, take up the pavement.
des-pekt-ar: (tr.) to uncomb.
des-pend-ar: (tr.) to take down, unhang
(a chandelier, etc.).
despens-o: pantry, larder, buttery, steward's
office; -isto: steward. FIS
des-persuad-ar: (tr.) to dissuade,
persuade to the contrary of (ulu pri ulo, ulu per ulo).
des-pia: impious, ungodly, undevout.
despit-ar: (intr.) to be vexed; to
fret. Def.: Despito: chagreno mixita kun iraco.
Ex.: Ilua agi despitigas me (E. his acts vex me); Quo importas,
sive il esas joyoza sive il esas despitoza (E. what do you care
whether he is joyous or vexed). Lasar eruptar sua despito; (E. to
vent one's ill humor). eFIS
des-plan-igar: to put out of true, (of wood) to
des-plas-izar: to displace (ulu, ulo).
des-plen-igar: to diminish the contents of, to
empty; -eskar: to get low.
des-plez-ar: (intr.) to be displeasing
(ad ulu); (tr.) to displease (ulu).
des-plezur-o: displeasure, grief, sorrow.
des-plum-izar: to pluck (feathers).
des-polar-igar: to depolarize.
des-polis-ar: to remove the polish, to rough.
des-popul-izar: to depopulate.
des-popular-igar: to render unpopular.
des-posed-igar: to dispossess, oust.
despot-o: despot; -a, -ala, -atra:
despotic. DEFIRS
des-priz-ar: (tr.) to disdain, scorn,
despise; -igar: to bring into disrepute,
discredit (ulu).
des-profund-ajo: shoal, shallow.
des-propr-igar: to renounce (property in
des-pur-a: impure; -eso, -ajo:
des-qualifik-ar: to disqualify.
des-quiet-a: (mentally) uneasy, anxious; -eso:
inquietude, disquietude; -ig-anta: disquieting.
des-racion-o, -eso: unreasonableness,
des-rig-izar: to unrig (a ship).
des-rigid-igar: to make pliant, unstiffen.
des-rigl-agar: (tr.) to unbolt.
des-rug-izar: to unwrinkle, smooth (the face).
des-saja: unwise, foolish.
des-sal-izar: to remove the salt from.
des-sel-izar: to unsaddle.
des-sepult-ar: (tr.) to exhume.
des-serv-ar: (tr.) to disoblige, not to
des-sigl-ar: (tr.) to unseal.
des-skrub-agar: (tr.) to unscrew (ulo);
(cf. des-visar).
des-sold-ar: (tr.) to unsolder.
des-spul-ar: (tr.) to unwind (from a
bobbin or spool).
des-stop-ar: (tr.) to unstop, uncork; -ilo:
des-strand-igar: to get afloat, refloat.
des-stult-igar: to sharpen the wits of.
des-suol-izar: to take soles from; (fig.)
to wear off the soles of.
des-sut-ar: (tr.) to unsew, unstitch.
des-tens-ar: to slacken, relax.
des-tex-ar: to unweave.
destin-ar: to destine (ulo, ulu, ad ulo).
Ex.: Destinar sua filiulo esar advokato. Esar kontenta pri sua
destino (E. to be content with one's lot). DEFIS
des-tord-ar: (tr.) to untwist.
des-torpor-igar: to remove the numbness from, to
des-tromp-ar: (tr.) to undeceive.
des-tron-izar: to dethrone (a king).
destrukt-ar: (tr.) to destroy.
des-trus-ar: (tr.) to untuck, let down
(a garment).
des-union-ar: to disunite.
des-valid-igar: to invalidate.
des-varm-igar: to cool or make cold (a hot
des-vel-izar: to unveil; (fig.) to
des-vest-izar: to take the clothing from,
undress, divest.
des-virg-igar: to deflower (a virgin).
des-vis-ar: (tr.) to unscrew (a screw);
(cf. des-skrub-agar).
des-volv-ar: (tr.) to unroll, unwrap.
des-zon-izar: to ungird, loosen a girdle.
detach-ar*: (tr., milit., nav.) to
draft: to send away, to send off for a particular service (from
the main body). DEF
detachment-o: (milit.) detachment,
draft. DEF
detal-o: detail, particular: a minute or
distinct part; -a, -oza: detailed; -e:
in, with d.s, minutely, piece-meal, bit by bit; -igar:
to particularlize, state circumstantially, give the d.s of; sen-
-e: briefly, in a few words. Ex.: La detali di afero, di
listo. Detaloza kalkulo. Il detale naracis sua historio. Il
detaligas sua historio. DEFIRS
detektiv-o: detective: secret policeman. DEFR
determin-ar: (tr.) to determine: to fix the limits
of; to ascertain or settle the exact truth about (ulo); (gram.)
to fix the extent, the meaning of a word or sentence; -o:
determination (not resolution, cf. rezolvo). Ex.:
Lavoisier determinis la kompozuro di l'aero. Determinar disto de
la tero a la suno. La determino di la volo. Determinita nombro.
La doktrino di determinismo. V. exp.: vid. definar.
deters-ar: (tr.) to deterge: to cleanse, purge away
(as foul matter); -anta, -iva, -ivo: detergent. Ex.:
Detersar la intestini. DeFI
deton-ar: (intr.); -igar: (tr.) to
detonate; -o, -uro: detonation, report. DEFIS
de-tranch-ar: (tr.) to cut off, excise.
detriment-ar: (tr.) to prove detrimental to, be
prejudicial to; Ex.: Ica fakto detrimentis mea reputeso. Ica
aranjo esas facita a mea detrimento, lo detrimentas me. V. exp.: Detrimentar
e domajar esas diversa speci di nocar. Domajar
(ulo) esas facar material altero, qua minbonigas kozo (o la korpo
di persono). Detrimentar (ulu) esas efektigar a lu ula
perdo, mem nerekte e nevole; IV-237-8. EFIS
de-turn-ar: (tr.) to turn away, aside (ulu, ulo,
dev-ar: (tr.) to have the obligation of, have the
duty of, ought, should; -o: duty, obligation. Def.: «Devar»
konvenas ad omna ed omnaspeca obligesi (moral od altra), do devas
uzesar en omna imperi, preskripti e konsili. Ex.: Se vu volas
bone standar, vu devas esar sobra. Vu devas ne adulterar, furtar.
V. exp.: vid. darfar; kp. mustar. FIS
devanc-ar: (tr.) to out-run, out-strip, out-do, to
distance. V. exp.: On preter-iras kozo senmova, ma
devancar implikas ke la objekto movas, e movas en sama sinco kam
la subjekto; IV-137. F
devast-ar: (tr.) to devastate, lay waste, ravage,
desolate. Ex.: Ula uragano, ula pesto devastis la lando, la urbo.
develop-ar: (tr.) to develop: make larger, fuller;
to unfold (a plot, etc.); -(ad)o, -eso: development;
growth, increase, progress. Ex.: Gimnastiko developas la korpo.
Developar la mento di infanto. Developo di arboro. V. exp.: Developar
indikas generale la kreskado gradoza e reguloza, sive di
l'organismi, sive di omna kozi simila od analoga ad organismi. Evolucionar
expresas la preciza ciencala (e filozofiala) ideo di evoluciono,
enduktita la Lamarck, Darwin, e.c.; ol karakterizas ula speco di developo,
ed implikas transformo (ol opozesas a la dissolvo, qua
esas l'inversa fenomeno). Singla organismo, ento «developas
su»; nur spci «evolcionas» tra la longa serio de yarcenti,
chanjante sua formo, adaptante su ad altra kondicion ai di vivo,
e.c.; III-221. EFI
deviac-ar: (tr., intr.) to deviate, swerve (de).
Ex.: La deviaco di magneta agulo. EFIS
deviz-o: device: emblematic design; blazon- -o:
heraldic bearing. DEFIRS
devoc-o: devotion: act of religion, external worship (cf. pi-eso);
-oz-a, -(ul)o: a devout (person); -ala: devotional;
facar devocaji: to perform one's devotions. DEFIS
devon-o*: (geol.) Devonian strata. DEF
devor-ar: (tr.) to devour, eat greedily; -anta,
-ema: devouring, ravenous, voracious; -em-eso:
voracity. EFIS
devot-a: devoted; -eso:
devotedness, devotion; -esar, -igar su: to be
d., to devote oneself. Ex.: Esar tote devota ad ulu, ad ulo.
Devoteso a sua patrio. Devotigar su ad ula skopo. DEFI
dextr-a: right (handside); -e:
on the r.; -a manuo: r. hand; -uz-ero:a
r. handed person; -ano: (parl.) member
of party on right (a conservative); turnar ad-dextre:
to turn to the r. Ant. sinistra. eFIS
dextrin-o: (chem.) dextrine.
dezert-a: desert, deserted; -o:
a desert, wilderness; -igar: to make a d. of (ulo).
Def.: Qua esas sovaja (od arida) e ne habitata. Ex.: Insulo
dezerta. Sahara esas dezerto. Lando dezerta e nehabitata (E. a
wild and uninhabited country). EFIS
dezinenc-o: desinence: formative suffix,
word-ending. Def.: Finalo di vorto, precipue por indikar la
flexiono. DeFIS
dezir-ar: (tr.) to desire: to wish for
earnestly, long for, hanker for, covet; -egar:
to greatly covet, lust after; -inda: desirable; -ajo:
a desirable object, a desideratum; il ardoroze deziris
richaji: he ardently desired wealth; me deziras
ke vu parolez: I wish you to speak; me desiras a
vu omna feliceso: I wish to you all happiness.
dezol-ar: (tr.) to make disconsolate,
distress, grieve (ulu); -eso:
affliction, desolation (mental); -anta, -iva:
grievious, disheartening. Ex.: La morto di mea amiko dezolas me.
di: (marks the genitive, possession, belonging
to) la domo di mea patrulo: my father's house; en
la tempi di la Romani: in the time of the Romans; la
rejo di Anglia: the king of England; la fenestri
di la domo: the windows of the house; di qua, di
qui: whose, of which; la puero di qua me vidis
la libro: the boy whose book I saw; la libri di
qui vu prizis la binduro: the books, the binding of
which you liked; di qua esas ica granda fabrikerio:
whose is this great factory? V. exp.: vid. de
di-o: day (of 24 hours; cf. jorno);
-ala: daily; de un dio a l'altra:
from one day to another; la dii dil semano: the
days of the week. eFIS
diabas-o*: (petrog.) diabase: trap,
greenstone. DEF
diabet-o: (med.) diabetes; -ika,
iko: diabetic (person). DEFIRS
diabl-(ul)o: (theol. and fig.) devil,
fiend; -ala, -atra: diabolic, devilish; -eto:
little d., imp; -ino: she d.; -ajo:
act of devil(t)ry; per la -o: what the devil; diablatra
infanto: a little demon (child); facar diablatra
tumulto: to make a devlish uproar. DEFIRS
diachilon-o*: diachylon: a kind of a plaster for
wounds. DE
diadem-o: diadem. DEFIRS
diafan-a: diaphaneous, transparent, pellucid;
(cf. translucida); -a marko:
watermark (on paper). Def.: Qua lasas pasar la lum-radii, tale ke
on povas klare dicernar objekti tra ol. Ex.: Aquo, polisita
vitro, esas diafana. Ant. opaka. eFIS
diafiz-o*: (anat.) diaphysis: the shaft
or main part of a long bone. DEF
diafragm-o: (anat., elec., opt.)
diaphragm. EFIRS
diagnoz-ar: (tr., med.) to diagnose.
diagonal-a, -o: (geom.) diagonal.
diagram-o: (geom.) diagram.
diakon-o: (eccl.) deacon. DEFIRS
diakonis-o: (eccl.) deaconess.
diakritik-a, -o: diacritic. Def.: Teknikala
termino por omna signi adjuntita a literi (supersigni, subsigni,
e.c.); III670. DEFIRS
dialekt-o: dialect. Def. Vario regionala di
linguo. DEFIRS
dialektik-o: (log.) dialectics.
dializ-o: (chem.) dialysis. DEF
dialog-ar: (intr.) to dialogue: take
part in a dialogue (kun); -izar:
to put in form of a d. (ulo). DEFIRS
diamant-o: (stone) diamond; -atra:
d. like, -o-forma: d. shaped; -izar:
to cover with d.s (ulu, ulo); -o
tali-ita: cut-d.; -o kruda: rough d.; -o-garnituro:
set of d.s; -o(frot)-polvo: d. dust; muntar
-o: to set a d. DEFIRS
diametr-o: (geom.) diameter; -o
(interna): caliber, bore (of guns, etc.) DEFIRS
diant-o: (bot.) pink (genus: Dianthus).
diapazon-o: tuning-fork. DeFIRS
diare-ar: (intr.) to have a diarrhoea.
dias-o*: (geol.) dyas: the Permian
formation. DE
diastaz-o: (chem.) diastase.
diastol-o: (physiol.) diastole. Ant.: sistolo.
diatez-o: (med.) diathesis.
diatome-o: (zool.) diatom.
diatonik-a: (mus.) diatonic.
diatrib-o: diatribe. DEFIRS
dic-ar: (tr.) to say, tell, (ulo,
ad ulu): -o, -ajo: saying, what one
says; su-dic-anta: so-called, self-styled. V.
exp.: Gramatikale, dicar esas transitiva, parolar
netransitivia: co konstitucas granda, esencala difero. Dicar
sempre relatas ula objekto, t.e. la kozi (frazi) quin on dicas; parolar
expresas la pura ago di la voco. «On devas
parolar por dicar ulo; ma existas multa homi, qui parolas por
dicar nulo»; V35. FIS
dicern-ar: (tr.) to discern: to see and
identify by noting differences; -(ad)o, -uro:
discernment, discrimination; -iv-eso:
discernment (faculty); -ebla: distinguishable.
Def.: Vidar o komprenar la difero di du kozi (t.e. ke li
diferas); III495. Ex.: Dicernar la verajo de la eroro. La
daltonismiki dicernas male la kolori. Agar sen dicerno. V. exp.:
Me dicernas la du soni s e sh,
e me distingas la per adjuntar h
a s en l'una kaso; III495. Ant.: konfundar.
dicion-o, -arto: elocution, delivery (utterance;
N.B. not «diction»: choice of words; cf. stilo);
-isto: elocutionist. Def.: Arto, maniero parolar
o deklamar; III670. Ex.: Diciono klara, inciziva. Diciono
esas la arto di aktoro. DeFIRS
diciplin-ar: (tr.) to discipline
(children, soldiers, etc.); sen- -a, n- -ita:
undisciplined. DEFIRS
dicipul-o, -ulo, -ino: disciple EFIS
didaktik-o: didactics. DEFIRS
didelf-o: (zool.) opossum (Didelphis).
diedr-a*, -o*: (geom.) dihedral.
diet-o: (med., also legislative) diet; -al-a:
dietary; -igar: to d. (ulu); impozar -o
ad ulu: to place someone on a d.; esar en -o:
to be on a d. Def. (Nutranta) rejimo sequenda; parlamentatra
kunveno. VI51; III138. DEFIRS
dietetik-o*: (med.) dietetics.
diez-o: (mus.) a sharp (#).
difam-ar: (tr., jur.) to defame,
traduce, libel, asperse; -anta, -iva, -ema:
defamatory; (cf. maldicensar, kalumniar, denigrar).
Def.: Dicar ulo vera o nevera qua atakas la honoro or reputeso;
ago, punisebla da la civila lego; II645, IV203.
difer-ar: (intr.) to differ: be
different, be unlike; (of opinion) to disagree; -o:
(math.) difference; -anta: different.
Ex.: La sentimenti, la interesti di homi diferas. Diferar
opinione de ulu. La difero inter tri e un esas du. V. exp.: Difer-anta:
esence des-simila (per speco); diversa: plu
multa kam un. Ex.: La diversa dezinenci di vorto havas senci
diferanta: (E. the various terminations of a word have different
meanings). DEFIS
diferenci-ar: (tr., intr., biol., sociol.)
to differentiate, to acquire or give a distinct or separate
character (cf. diferencial-igar); -(ad)o:
differentiation, the modification or specialization of parts or
organs. DEFIS
diferencial-o: (math.) differential; (tech.)
d. gear; -igar: (math). to
differentiate; -ig-(ad)o: differentiation.
difrakt-ar: (tr., opt.) to defract.
difteri-o: (med.) diptheria; -ik-a,
-o: diphtheritic (person). DEFIRS
diftong-o: (gram.) diphthong.
difuz-ar: (tr.) to diffuse: to spread,
disperse widely. DEFIRS
dig-o: dike, dam, coffer-dam; -izar:
to dike, dam. Def.: Konstrukturo por preventar indundado.
digest-ar: (tr., physiol.) to digest; -ig-ivo:
(med.) a digestive. DEFIS
digital-o: (bot.) digitalis.
digitalin-o*: (med.) digitalin,
digitalis. DEF
digitigrad-a, -o: (zool.) digitigrade.
Ant. plantigrada. EFIS
dign-a: worthy; meriting, deserving; having
merit, worth, virtue; -eso: worthiness; (cf. respekt-ind-eso).
Ex.: Digna de rekompenso, de laudo, de puniso. FIS
digram-o: digraph; a combination of two or more
letters to represent one sound, as ch, sh.
digres-ar: (intr.) to digress (de);
-o: (also astron.) digression:
departure from main subject. EFIS
dik-a: (dimension) thick; (plu-)
-igar: to thicken (cf. pludens-igar:); vitro
dika de un centimetro: glass one centimeter thick. Def.:
Relatas nur un dimensiono (di geometriala solido), la 3a (pos
longeso e larjeso); III544. V. exp.: Grosa
relatas du dimensioni e havas la kontreajo: tenua.
Exemple, texuro, papero, metala plako esas dika
o dina; filo, kordo, kolono, esas grosa
o tenua. Ant. dina.
diklin-a: (bot.) diclinous.
dikotiledon-o*: (bot.) dicotyledon.
dikotom-a*: (bot.) dichotomous.
dikotomi-o: (log.) dichotomy.
dikt-ar: (tr.) to dictate; utter
sentences to be written down; (cf. imperar, impozar).
diktam-o: (bot.) dittany (genus:
Dictamnus). DEFIS
diktator-o: dictator. DEFIRS
dil: di la.
dilat-ar: (tr.) to dilate. Ex. Kaloro
dilatas korpi. EFIS
dilem-o: dilemma. DEFIRS
dilet-ar: (tr.) to have a great liking
for, be partial to, be an amateur in (music, etc.); -anta,
-anto: diletante. DeFIRS
diligent-a: diligent. Def.: Qua agas kun zelo e
rapideso. V. exp.: vid. asidua. Ant. lenta,
indolenta, ne-ag-ema. EFIS
dilijenc-o: diligence, stage-coach.
dilut-ar: (tr.) to dilute; thin by
admixture of a liquid; -anta, -ema: (of
style, etc.) diffuse. FIS
diluvi-o: deluge, flood; -alo, -ala
formacuro: (geol.) diluvium. DeFIS
dimension-o: dimension. DEFIS
diminut-ar: (tr., intr.) to diminish,
lessen, -iva, ivo: dimunutive; (cf. min-grand-igar,
min-gros-igar). Ant. Augmentar, kreskar,
ampligar; developar. DEFIS
dimiti-o: (fabric) dimity.
din-a: thin; on dimension of a paper, plank,
etc.; (plu-)din-igar: to make t.; -e
taliar: to mince, cut thin (meat, etc.) V. exp.: vid. dika.
Ant.: dika. DE
dinam-o (-mashino): dynamo. DEFIRS
dinamik-o: dynamics. DEFIRS
dinamism-o: dynamism; the doctrine that all
substance involves force. DEFIRS
dinamit-o: dynamite; -agar: to
dinamometr-o: dynamometer. DEFIRS
dinasti-o: dynasty. DEFIRS
dind-o: turkey. FI
dine-ar: (intr.) to dine, to be at
dinner; -o-horo: d. time; frua -o:
early d. Def.: Dineo esas la repasto dil vespero; VI162.
dinosauri-o*: (paleon.) dinosaur(ian).
dinoteri-o*: (paleon.) dinothere.
diocez-o: diocese (of a bishop). DEF
dioptr-o: (opt.) diopter: sight-vane.
Def.: La fesnestreto tra qua on regardas por vizar punto per
l'instrumento nomata alidado; IV292. DEIRS
dioptri-o: (opt.) diopter; unit of
refractive power. Def.: Uneso di mezuro por la «okulvitri»;
dioptrik-o: dioptrics. Def.: Teorio di la
optikala vitri (kp. katoptriko); IV292.
dioram-o: diorama: DEFIRS
diorit-o: (min.) diorite. DEFIRS
diplas-ar: (tr.) to displace; to change
the place of (ulo); to misplace; put out of
place (ulo); -ar su: to change
one's place or residence; -o-pezo: (nav.)
displacement (of a ship); il diplasas omno en sua
chambro: he puts everything out of place in his room; -ar
libro: to misplace a book; (cf. egarar).
diplom-o: diploma; -izar: to
confer a d. upon (ulu). DEFIRS
diplomac-o: diplomacy, diplomatics; (fig.)
tact, shrewdness; skill in conducting any kind of negotiation or
social matter; -ema, -atra: diplomatic; -isto:
diplomat. DEFIRS
diplomatik-o: diplomatics: science of ancient
writings. DEFIRS
diport-o: (stock exchange)
backwardation. Def.: Ajorno til proxima borsal liquidaco di la
livro di valori vendita, pagante premio; la premio pagata por ta
ajorno; II75. DFIS
dipter-a, -o: (ent.) dipteral (insect).
diptik-o: diptych: ancient tablet of two leaves.
direcion-o: (line of) direction, bearing (both
ways). Ex.: Du paraleli havas la sama direciono; IV4.
V.exp.: vid. sinso. DEFIRS
direkt-ar: (tr.) to direct; manage,
conduct; put in a direction, (ulu, ulo, ad); -(ad)o:
direction, management; -eyo, -erio: manager's
house or office; -anta, iva: directive,
managing; -anto, -ero, -isto: director, manager;
-ist-eso, -er-eso: directorship; -ist-ala,
-er-ala: directorial -ebla: dirigible; mis-
-ar: to mismanage. Ex.: Direktar veturo, navo, armeo,
teatro. Direktisto di fabrikerio. Direktar sua regardi vers
objekto. Direktar la studiado di ulu. Direktebla balono esas
aer-navo. V. exp.: vid. guidar. DEFIRS
direktori-o*: (Fr. hist.) Directoire.
diret-a: direct (opposite to indirect, as:
direct way, discourse, method); -a treno:
through train. Ex.: La Suez-kanalo esas la voyo maxim direta de
Europa a la extrema oriento. V. exp.: La voyo direta
de A a B povas ne esar rekta (E. straight).
Ant.: ne-direta. DEFIS
dis: (mus.) D. sharp.
dis-don-ar: (tr.) to distribute
promiscuously, deal out; -(ad)o: distribution,
giving (gifts, etc.), deal (at cards); (cf. distributar,
repartisar). Def.: Donar hike ed ibe (ordinare hazarde);
VI79. Ex.: Disdonar prospekti a la pasanti.
disenteri-o: (med.) dysentery; -ala,
ika: (persons) dysenteric. DEFIRS
disert-ar: (intr.) to dissertate; -o,
uro: dissertation; oral or written examination on a
question; disquisition; (college) theme. DeFIRS
dish-o: dish (of food), viand, mess; -o
frianda: a toothsome d.; karno- -o:
meat dish, dish of meat. E
disident-a: (rel.) dissident,
dissenting; -(ul)o: dissenter; -eso:
dissent. Def.: (Teknikala termino di religiala historio): qua ne
konsentas kun la maxim multa samreligiani pri ula punto, dogmato;
III389, 634. Ex.: Sekto disidenta. DeFIRS
disimul-ar: (tr.) to dissimulate,
dissemble; hide under a false appearance; -anta:
two-, double-faced, artful, sly. Def.: Celar sua pensi, opinioni,
sentimeni, o fingar altri; III199. Ex.: Disimular sua joyo,
kulpi, desfeliceso. Me ne disimulas la danjero ube me
esas. (I do not hide the fact that there is danger where
I am). EFIS
disip-ar: (tr.) to waste, squander;
(cf. extravagar, prodigar); -(ad)o,
-eso: dissipation, waste; -anto, -ero, -emo:
squanderer, spendthrift, prodigal, waster. Def.: Spensar abunde
ed ecese sua havaji en multa frivola o sterila spensi, e havas
prefere blamanta senco. Figurale, on disipas sua forteso, sua
atenco inter multa objekti e skopi; IV102; (kp. prodigar).
disk-o: disc, disk; (games) quoit,
discus; -o di luno: d. of the moon; signal-
-o: signal d. (as on R.R.). DEFIRS
diskont-ar: (tr., com.) to discount:
advance money on a bill, deducting the interest; -isto:
bill-broker. DEFIRS
diskret-a: discreet, -eso:
discretion. Ex. Il esas saja e diskreta persono. Atingar la evo
di diskreteso. Fidar a la diskreteso di ulu. V. exp.: Modesta
esas ta qua havas pri su opiniono moderata, ne exajerata, e ne
havas ecesa pretendi; humila esas ta, qua havas
pri su basa opiniono, e qua pozas su base, sub la ceteri; diskreta
esas ta qua evitas jenar or tedar la ceteri per sua demandi, o
nocar li per ne-prudenta agi, exemple revelanta la sekretaji;
IV465. Ant.: ne-diskreta, ne-oportuna.
diskriminant-o*: (math.) discriminant.
diskurs-ar: (intr.) to make a speech,
deliver a discourse, an address to discant (pri);
-achar: to rant. DEFIRS
diskursiv-a*: (phil.) discursive:
proceeding regularly from premises to conclusion. DEF
diskut-ar: (tr.) to discuss (a
questoin, project, point of law, etc); -achar:
to wrangle, dispute, cavil; -ebla, -inda::
discussable, debatable. Def.: Examenar questiono ponderante la
«por» el la «kontre». Parolante pri personi ne havanta la
sama opiniono, kambiar argumenti pri ula temo; V678.
dislok-ar: (tr.) to dislocate:
disarrange, put out of order or place; (milit.) to break
up (an army); to dismember (a state). Ex.: On dislokas, sive
mobili, utensili, mashini, sive armeo od armeo-korpo;
III324. V. exp.: Luxacar koncernas nur
l'artiki. DEFIS
dism-o: tithe; impozar la- -o:
to t., levy t.s. FIS
disoci-ar: (tr., chem.) to dissociate;
break up into consitutents. DEFIRS
disonanc-ar: (intr., mus.) to make a
dissonance, discord; (cf. des-, mis-, ne-akordar).
dispach-o: (mar. insur.) adjustment of
averages; -isto: nautical assessor. DFS
disparat-a: (log.) disparate; (fig.)
incongruous; -ajo, -eso: disparity. Def.:
Teknike e precize, aplikesas a du nocioni, qui ne apartenas a la
sama genero, nek esas genero l'una di l'altra. Vulgare e laxe,
dicenas pri omno quo esas tre nesimila, nekoheranta,
neharmonianta; III389. DEFIS
dis-part-igar: to dismember; take part from
part, take limb from limb.
dis-pec-igar: to dismember; take piece from
piece, carve up.
dispens-ar: (tr.) to dispense (ulu
de ulo) to exempt, excuse from, give leave not to do or
observe (ulo); -o:
dispensation; (cf. permisar). Ex.: Dispensar de
la fasto. La granda evo dispensas la oldi militar. Ant.: obligar,
koaktar. DEFIRS
dispensari-o: dispensatory, dispensary (med.)
Def.: Loko en qua la povri povas konsultar medicinisti e recevar
flegi o medikamenti (sen lojar en ol); III389. EFIS
dispepsi-o: (med.) dyspspsia; -ika,
-iko: dyspeptic. DEFIS
dispers-ar: (tr.) to disperse, scatter.
Ex.: La vento dispersas la nubi, la folii. Armeo vinkinta
dispersas l'enemiki. Disperso di la Judi. V. exp.: Dispersar
esas preske sinonima di dissemar, ma kun ideo
plu agema, ideo di lanso, pulso ad fore; IV465.
dispon-ar: (tr.) to have the disposal
of, have (ulo) at one's disposal; to dispose of
(ulo); -ebla: disposable,
available; (milit.) unattached; -ebl-eso:
disposability: (milit.) state of being unattached; Ex.:
Ca homo disponas sua domo, sua havaji. (power of disposal). La
libri esas en vua dispono. Me havas cento de franki disponebla
por komprar. Oficiro, trupi disponebla. Me donas a vu la
disponebleso di mea havaji. Esar sub la dispono di ulu. (E. to be
at a person's beck and call). DEFIRS
dis-poz-ar: (tr.) to dispose, lay out,
parcel out; -(ad)o, -eso: disposition,
disput-ar: (intr.) to have a dispute,
to quarrel, wrangle, bicker; -o: quarrel,
altercation; -achar: to squabble, brawl, wrangle
about trifles; -ebla: disputable, contentable; -ema:
disputatious, quarrelsome; inter- -ar: to
mutally quarrel. Def.: Diskutar senordine e grosiere; V678.
dis-rupt-ar: (tr.) to disrupt, break
dis-sek-ar: (tr.) to dissect.
dis-sem-ar: (tr.) to disseminate: sow,
scatter (seed); to strew, (things); spread abroad (ideas, error,
truth, etc.).
dis-send-ar: (tr.) to spread, send in
different directions.
dis-solv-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to
dissolve, liquify; (fin.) liquidate, wind up; -o,
-eso, -uro: dissolution, solution; -ema, -iva,
-ivo: solvent, dissolvent. Ex.: Aquo dissolvas sukro.
Dissolvar societo. Dissolvo di parlamento, di mariajo.
dist-ar: (intr.) to be distant, be
remote; -o: distance; distanta de Paris
per 5 km.: to be 5 km distant from Paris. DEFIRS
dis-tens-ar: (tr.) to distend.
distik-o: (verse) distich. DEFIS
distil-ar: (tr.) to distil.
disting-ar: (tr.) to distinguish; set
apart; to characterize; to make distinct or different by sign,
mark or characteristic; -o: distinction: making
different; -eso: distinctness,
characteristicness; -anta, -ebla: distinct,
characteristic; -ita: distinguished (person,
object); -iva: distinctive. Def.: Facar ulo por
ke altru povez discernar; III495. Ex.: La raciono distingas
la homo. La distingivi extera posibligas ke on povas dicernar
l'una objekto de l'altra. Parolez, skribez distingeble. Oficiro
distingita. V. ex.: vid. dicernar. Ant.: konfundar.
dis-tord-ar: (tr.) to distort.
distrakt-ar: (tr.) to distract, divert;
-(ad)o, -eso: distraction, diversion,
recreation; (fig.) absence of mind; -ita:
diverted; (fig.) absent-minded; -anta:, -iva:
diverting entertaining. Def.: Deturnar la mento, l'atenco de sua
objekto per amuzivo, sive per irg altra moyeno. Existas menti
naturale distrakata o distraktebla, qui distraktesas da irga
extera kauzo, o mem da nula; IV465. V. exp.: On distraktar
kom sinonimo di amuzar, ma ol nultempe esas
exakte sinonima: ol sempre konservas sua propra senco, mem kande
la distrakto esas efekto o konsequo di amuzo; IV465.
dis-tranch-ar: (tr.) to cut up (into
pieces), carve (off).
distribut-ar: (tr., gen. and tech.) to
distribute; to deal out, apportion, dispense; (cf. disdonar,
repartisar). V. exp.: Distributar esas donar (o sendar)
a siversa personi o loki, ma kun dicerno, ne hazarde. Exemple, on
distributas premii a la skolani. Teknikale, on distributas la
vaporo a la du parti di cilindro en oportuna tempo; VI79.
distrikt-o: district. Def.: Limitizita teritorio
sub un judicial resortiso. DEFIRS
diten-ar: (tr.) to detain; withhold,
keep back (what belongs to another); -o:
detention: withholding; -anto, -ero: holder,
possessor (of public property); one who withholds from another.
(N.B. not used in sense of imprison, cf. en-karcer-igar).
Def.: Konservar til ula evento; II75. Ex.: Dum milito la
guvernerio ordinare ditenas la havaji di rezidanta enemiki.
ditiramb-o: dithyramb. DEFIRS
distres-o: distress; -krio: cry
of d.; -ala signalo: signal of d. EF
divag-ar: (intr., lit. and fig) to
ramble, wander, rove, stray, divagate. Ex.: Bestii divigas. La
divagi di aquofluo. Alkoholiko divagas en sua parolado, t.e.
vagas en sua parolado o mem sua pensado, sen ordino nek raciono;
III199. eFIS
divan-o: divan. V. exp.: Divano
ne havas dors-apogilo, ma nur movebla kuseni. Sofao
havas dors-apogilo (esas quaze repozlito). Kanapeo
esas quaze larja stulego por plura personi, kun dors-apogilo e
brakio-apogili; II647. DEFIRS
diven-ar: (intr., tr.) to become; to
get, grow, pass into some new state or condition; to become of;
be the final condition of; quo il -os?: what
will he become? or what will become of him? (cf. -esk-).
Ex.: Divenar malada, povro, richa, grasa. La homo, diveninta plu
saja, agas plu bone. FI
diverg-ar: (tr.) to diverge (de,
ek). Def.: Deviacar, dispersar di un punto a diferanta
direcion-o, -i; (fig.) esar ne-konkordanta. Ex.:
Lumradii divergas. Divergo di opinioni. Ant.: konvergar.
divers-a: sundry, diverse, several, various; -aji:
sundry articles: distinct things, not necessarily different in
kind; -eso: diversity; variety, multiplicity.
Def.: Qua esas plu multa kam un, ma ne granda nombro. Ex.:
Diversa personi. La diversa interesti di la nacioni. La diversa
senci di vorto. DEFIRS
diversion-o: (milit.) diversion;
turning aside; -ar: (intr.) to make,
cause a d. Def.: Atako (en kombato) por deturnar l'atenco e la
fortaji di la enemiko; simila taktiko en la konversado, por
deturnar ol de temo jenanta, desagreabla, nekonvenanta, e.c. (Ne
konfundenda kun digreso); III329.
divid-ar: (tr., math. and gen.) to
divide (ulo, per ulo); maxim granda
komuna -anto: greatest common divisor; -ebla:
divisible (per); -endo: (math.,
fin.) dividend. DEFIRS
divin-ar: (tr.) to divine: guess (by
any means); -ajo, -endo: puzzle, poser, riddle;
(cf. konjektar, pre-dicar). Ex.: Divinar la
intenci di ulu. Divinar engimato. Me donas a vu di foyi divinar
ol. Divino di la futuro. EFIS
divizion-o: (milit.) division.
divorc-ar: (intr.) to be divorced (de);
-igar: to divorce; -inta, -into:
divorced (person). EFIS
divulg-ar: (tr.) to divulge; reveal,
make known (a secret, news, etc.). DEFIS
dizastr-o: disaster. Def.: Desfortuno tre granda
e subita, generale koncernanta multa homi o tota socio, ex. grava
vinkeso, granda incendio, naufrajo; III324. EFIS
«djin»: djinn, jinni.
do: (mus.) do: first tone of diatonic
do: (prep.) therefore, then, so,
consequently, (introduces a conclusion). Ex.: Me pensas, do me
existas. Il esas vua patro, do vu devas respektar il. L'alkoholo
foligas, do ol esas veneno. FI
doari-o: jointure, dower, marriage-settlement
(provided by the bride-groom or his family; cf. dotar);
-ier-ino: dowager. FI
doc-ar: (tr.) to teach; (cf. instruktar,
lernar); -ajo: something taught; -ant-aro:
teachers (collect.). L
docent-o: private docent; private teacher or
lecturer (university). DeR
docil-a: docile, tractable. Def.: Facile docebla
e duktebla; II-19. Ex.: Skolano docila. Docila kavalo.
dodekaedr-o*: (geom.) dodecahedron.
dodekagin-a*: (bot.) dodecagynian:
having twelve styles. DEFIS
dodekagon-o*: (geom.) dodecagon.
dog-o: mastiff. DF
dogan-o: (institution) customs; -eyo:
custom-house, place; -pago, -taxo: custom-duty; -uniono:
c. union. FIS
dogmat-o: dogma; -ifar: to
dogmatize. DEFIRS
dogmatik-o: dogmatics. DEFIRS
dogr-o: (boat.) dogger. DeFIS
doj-o: (title) doge. DEFIR
dok-o: dock. Def.: Mar-baseno por konstruktar o
reparar navi; baseno cirkondita da kayi o warfi por charjar o
descharjar navi. DEFR
doktor-o: doctor; holder of a doctorate; -eso:
doctorate; -o pri yurcienco: d. of laws; -o
pri literaturo: d. of letters. DEFIRS
doktrin-o: doctrine. DEFIRS
dokument-o: document; -izar: to
document; supply with d.s. DEFIRS
dol-o: (jur.) fraud, deception, malice;
evil or criminal intent; -oza trompo: fraudulent
deception; -oza krimino: malicious crime. Def.:
En la kriminal yuro, ol signifikas la kontrelega volo vizanta
l'exekuto di krimino (doloza krimino); en la civila yuro: l' ago
intence kontrelega, ex. pri kontrati; VI76.
dolc-a: pleasing to the taste: -a
oranjo, vino: sweet orange, wine; -a odoro,
(ek-)sufluro: a sweet smell, breath; pleasing to the
ear: -a voco, murmuro: a sweet voice, a gentle
murmur; pleasing to the mind; -a influeso: a
gentle influence; -a memoro: a pleasant
remembrance; -a koloro, lumo: a soft (or
pleasing) color, light; (miscel.) -a vetero:
mild weather; -a dormo: a soft slumber; -a
humoro: a gentle humour; -a kiso: a
sweet kiss; (cf. sukr-oza). FIS
doli-o: (tech.) dolly-end; -iero:
dolly, holding-on-tool. Def.: Doliiero esas specala instrumento,
qua uzesas en la rivetago pro impedar la riveto ekbatesar per la
martelagi. Dolio esas la kavajo, qua esas ye l'extremajo di la
doliiero; III79. E
dolikocefal-a, -o: dolichocephal(ous).
«dollar»: (pl.-i)
dolman-o: hussar's pelisse. DeFIS
dolmen-o: domen, cromlech: table-stone. Def.:
Speco di megalita monumento; VI74. DEFRS
dolomit-o: (min.) dolomite.
dolor-ar: (intr.) to feel a pain, to
suffer (physically; cf. chagrenar); -o:
physical suffering: pain, ache; -i: throes,
pangs; -anta, -oza: painful, sore; -igar:
to cause pain to (ulu), to make sore, make
suffer; -ig-anta: which causes pain, painful; havar
reumatism-ala dolori: to have rheumatic pains.
dom-o: house; -ala: domestic;
relating to a house; -eto: small h., cottage; -estro,
-mastro: head of h.; -o-chefo:
major-domo; -o-guvern-ist-ino: house-keeper; -korpo:
main building. eFRL
domaj-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to damage;
to injure, harm, impair, spoil; -iva: injurious,
hurtful; ye lua -o: to his injury, cost; sen-
-a, ne- -ata: undamaged. Ex.: La pluvo domajas la
rekoltajo. La kanono domajis ta edifico. V. exp.: vid. detrimentar.
domen-o: domain; estate (cf. ter-hav-ajo);
-o-domo: manor-house. DEFIRS
domestik-a: (of animals) domesticated; -igar:
to domesticate (cf. domtar, amansar).
domicil-o: domicile; residence, place of abode; -ala:
domiciliary; -izar: to d., settle (ulu).
dominant-o*: (mus.) dominant; fifth
note of scale. DEF
domin-o: (game) dominoes; (mantle)
domino; -o-stono: domino (single-piece).
dominac-ar: (tr.) to have dominion
over, sovereign authority, sway over; (fig.) tower, rise
above, command, control; -o: domination,
dominion; -anta, -ema: dominant, predominant,
prevailing; -ach-anta: domineering. Ex.:
Napoleon deziris dominacar Europa. Dominacar la pasioni. Monto
dominacanta la maro. Fuorto dominacas la urbo. Religio
dominacanta. DEFIRS
dominikan-o*: Dominican (friar).
domt-ar: (tr.) to subdue, subjugate,
quell. V. exp.: On domtas propre la sovaja
bestii (sen vere amansar oli, nek igar oli domestika).
On domtas figurale la pasioni, la furioza amaso
(turbo), e.c.; III468. DFIS
don-ar: (tr.) to give; -o:
giving; -ajo: what is given; (fig.)
gift (cf. donacajo); -ema:
generous; -(at)ajo, -aji: datum, data. Ex.:
Donar manjajo. Donar donacajo. Donar sua filiino en mariajo.
Donar signo di vivo. Donar la manuo. Donar puniso, apetito, letro
ad ulo. V. exp.: Me donas manjajo ad ulu, ma me
ne donacas la manjajo, nam me postulas pekunio por ol. Ant.: aceptar,
recevar. eFIS
donac-ar: (tr.) to give: make a
donation, a gift, a present of (ulo, ad ulu), to
give away, bestow; -ajo: gift; -ario: donee;
-anto, -into, -ero: donor. Ex. Donacar almono.
Donacar (senrekompense) manjaji a la povri. V. exp.: vid donar.
dop: (prep., in space) behind, back of,
after, posterior; (cf. pos); -e:
from behind, in back; -a: rear, back, hinder; -ajo:
object or part behind; - la domo: behind the
house; -a butiko: back-shop; -a korto:
back-yard; -a masto: after mast; mizzenmast; -irar:
to come after (not necessarily «to follow»); -lando:
hinterland; -rem-ar: to scull; -rem-ilo:
sculling oar. Ant. avan. I
dorad-o: (ich.) dorado: a species of
dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus). DFIRS
Dori-ana: Dorian (race, dialect). DEFIRS
dorik-a: (arch.) Doric. DEFIRS
dorlot-ar: (tr.) to coddle, pet; (fig.
to nurse); -achar: to pamper (a child, a
person); me prizas dorlotar me: I love to take
my ease, to coddle myself. Def.: Traktar delikat-ege, -ache.
dorm-ar: (intr., tr.) to sleep, be
asleep, slumber; -anta: sleeping, dormant; -etar:
to doze; -ema: (momentarily) sleepy (cf. somnolar);
-emo: sleepyhead; -eyo:
sleeping place, dormitory; -eskar: to fall
asleep; -igar: to lull, send (ulu)
to sleep; -ig-iv-a, -o: soporific; -et-igar:
to make drowsy; la infanto dormas dolce: the
child sleeps a sweet sleep; -o-chambro: sleeping
chamber, cubicle. eFIS
dorn-o: (bot.) thorn, prickle.
dorno-ginest-o: (bot.) furze,
thorn-broom, gorse (Ulex).
dorno-perk-o: (ich.) stickleback
(Gasterosteus aculeatus).
dors-o: (anat. and of knife, book, hand,
etc.) back; -ala: relating to the back;
dorsal; -o an -o: back to back; -apog-ilo:
back of a seat; -o-korbo: basket (carried on
b.); -o-kurva: round-shouldered; -o-sako:
knapsack. EFIS
dosel-o: dais; raised, canopied seat, fixed or
portable. S
dot-ar: (tr.) to endow: furnish a
dowry, dower, marriage-portion to (ulu); supply
(some public institution with a permanent fund); -o,
-uro: dowry (provided by father or family of the bride),
(cf. doario) endowment; (fig.) gift,
talent; sen- -a puerino: a portionless girl; la
talento esas la maxim bona doturo quan on povas donar a sua
filii: talent is the best dowry one can give his
children; havar la doto plezar: to have the gift
of pleasing. DFIS
doz-o: (med., pharm.) dose; -igar:
(tr.) to put up a doze of, to apportion a dose of (ulo).
dracen-o: (bot.) dragon-tree
(Dracaena). DFS
drag-ar: (tr.) to dredge (out) (a
river, etc.), to explore with a drag; -ilo, -mashino,
-batelo, -navo: dredge. eFS
dragoman-o: dragoman. Def.: Interpretisto en
Oriento; IV199. DEFIRS
dragon-o: (milit.) dragoon.
draje-o: sugar-plum. Def.: Mandelo od altra kozo
kovrita per harda sukrajo; V722. F
drak-o: (myth.) dragon; (astron.)
Draco. DeFIRS
drakm-o: (Gr. money) drachma; (weight)
dram: eighth part of a troy ounce. DEFIRS
drakon-ala: Draconian; severe, cruel.
dramat-o: drama: -ala, -atra, -oza:
dramatic; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to
dramatize. DEFIRS
drap-o: (woolen) cloth; -o-komerco:
c. trade. F
drapir-ar: (tr.) to drape: to cover
with drapery, hang in folds. DEFIR
drash-ar: (tr.) to thresh, thrash
(grain); -ilo, -mashino: flail; thresher.
drastik-a: (med. and fig.) drastic.
dren-ar: (tr.) to drain (a field, a
wound, etc.); -tubo: drainage pipe.
dres-ar: (tr.) to train, break in
(animals). V. exp.: On dresas l'animali por igar
li exekutar ula determinita (ofte ne naturala) movi, sive por
servar la homo (ex. kavalkado), sive por facar irga prodaji. Omna
domestika animalo esas edukata da sua mastro; ma
ne omni esas dresita. Me povas edukar chasokundo
(t.e. hundo de chasala raso) sen ule dresar lu (por la chaso o
por irga altra agado); VI383. DFR
driad-o: (myth.) dryad, wood-nymph.
drift-ar: (intr., nav.) to drift. Def.:
Esar pulsata da vento o mar-fluo exter sua voyo; II75.
dril-o: (tech.) drill-handle, holder;
(cf. borilo, trepano). Def.: La instrumento qua
portas e movas la borilo (en metalo). DER
drink-ar: (tr.) to drink; -eyo, -erio: bar,
public house; -o-pekunio: drink-money, tip; -kansono:
drinking song; -o-fum-eyo: tap-room (lit. drink and smoke
place); ne- -ebla: undrinkable. DE
drog-o: drug; -erio: druggist's establ.; -izar:
to physic, give a d. to (ulu, su). DEFIS
drol-a: droll, funny, humorous. DEF
dromedar-o: (zool.) dromedary. DEFIRS
dron-ar: (tr.) to drown; (of ships) to
founder, go to the bottom; -ito: a d.ed person. Def.:
Mortigar ulu, su per asfixio en liquido. V. exp.: La navisti ne dronesis,
nam la navo ne dronesis, ma nur sinkis til la bordo; (cf.
II16). E
dront-o: (orni.) dodo, dronte (Didus ineptus).
druget-o: (fabric) drugget. DEF
druid-o: druid. DEFIRS
drup-o: (bot.) drupe. EFIS
druz-o: (min.) druse. DEFS
du: two; -o: a couple, pair, dyad; -ima, -imo:
half (N.B. but «half» in composition is translated by mi-
as, mi-horo, mi-cirklo); -im-igar: to divide in
half; -opla, -oplo: double; -opl-igar: to double,
to duplicate; -foye: two times, twice; -ala: dual; -alo:
dual; number in gram.; -al-ismo: dualism; dek-e-du:
twelve; duadek e tri: twenty-three; dekeduo: a
dozen; duadeko: a score; duacent-e-un: two hundred
and one; duacent-e-okadek-e-sis: 286; dek-e-duamil:
12,000; du-ople kin esas dek: twice five is ten; du-ima
litro: half a liter; du-ime aquo, du-ime vino: half
water, half wine; du-ime fola: half foolish; ye duima
voyo: (at) half way, midway; dividar du-ime (kun ulu)
to go halves; la soldati marchis duope: the soldiers
marched by twos; omna duesma dio: every second day, every
other day; la du: both (adjectively); due: both
(adverbially); li du iris a la staciono: they both went to
the station; ni du konkordis: we were both agreed; omna
du esis ebria: both men were drunk; du-masta navo:
two-masted ship; plu kam du-ime: more than half; il
arivis ye du kloki: he arrived at two o'clock; dumanua:
two-handed; du-part-igo: bipartition; du-partis-ana,
-ala: bipartisan; du-senc-a: double meaning;
equivocal; -ajo: equivocation; du-yar-ala: biennial
(cf. mi-yarala). DEFIRS
dub-ar: (intr.) to doubt; waver in opinion,
hesitate to believe; -ala, -anta: dubative; -ema,
-inda, -ebla: doubtful, dubious, ambiguous, questionable; -anto,
-emo: doubter; -em-eso: distrustfulness; sen- -e:
without doubt, undoubtedly. Ex.: Me ne dubas, ke il venos. Dubar
pri ulo. Solvar dubo. EFIS
duel-ar: (intr.) to fight a duel (kun, kontre
ulu). DEFIRS
duen-o: duenna, chaperon. DEFS
duet-o: (mus.) duet, duo. DEFIRS
duk-(ul)o: duke (de); -ino: duchess; -ala:
ducal; -eso: (rank, dignity) dukedom; -io: duchy.
dukat-o: (coin) ducat. DEFIRS
dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead, conduct, bring along (ulu,
ulo). V. exp.: vid. guidar. eFIS
duktil-a: ductile. DEFIS
dulkamar-o: (bot.) woody night-shade, bitter-sweet
(Solanum dulcamara). DEFIS
dum: (prep.) during (the whole period spoken of);
marks interval of time an event has taken place in; -e:
meanwhile, in the mean time, yet, still; - ke (conj.)
while, whilst, during the time when. Ex.: Dum la nokto. Il
habitis dum plura yari en mikra vilajo. La mesajo arivis dum lua
absenteso. Dum ke vu repozos, me skribos. Dume la vetero esis
varma. L
dun-o: dune, down, sand-hill. DEFIRS
dung-o: manure, compost (artificial manure); -izar:
to m.; -o-tero: vegetable mold; (cf. sterko). Def.
Omno quon on mixas a la tero por igar ol plu fertila. On uzas
multa minerala dungi, qui ne esas sterko; VI248. De
duodenum-o: (anat.) duodenum. DEFIS
dup-(ul)o: dupe; -igar: to dupe, take in, make a
person believe a falsehood; -ig-anto, -ero: cheat,
trickster; -o-spoz-ulo: cuckold. Ex. Il lasis su dupigesar
(da ulu) quale stultulo. DEF
duplik-o*: (jur.) rejoinder. DFIS
duplikat-o: duplicate, identical copy. DEFIRS
dur-ar: (intr.) to last, endure, remain, continue,
hold out; (cf. permanar, kontinua); -onta: to be
continued (cf. pluso sequos). Ex.: La piramidi di Egiptia
ankore duras. La skribado duras. Durigar diskurso, letro. Spaco e
duro. Dur-iva stofi, instrumenti. Duranta joyi, chagreni.
duramatr-o*: (anat.) dura mater. DEFIS
durst-ar: (intr., also fig.) to thirst, be thirsty;
-igar: to cause t. to; sen- -igar: to quench the t.
of. DE
dush-ar: (tr.) to douche: give a shower bath to.
duv-o: (barrel-) stave. Def. Duvi esas planki di specala
formo, ek qui on kompozas la bareli; III81. DF
duyong-o: dugong (Halicore dugong). Def.: Mar-hundo di la
Malayal insularo (India-oceano, e.c.); III230.