Ido-Angla vortaro: G

Ido-Angla vortaro: G

gaban-o: water proof cloak with hood and sleeves; (naut.) pilot-coat. — FIS
gabar-o: lighter, barge (for loading and unloading ships). — DFIS
gabion-o: (fort.) gabion. — EFIRS
glad-o: (ich.) codfish (Gadus). — FI
gaf-o: boat-hook; (fig.) gaff (as used to secure heavy fish). — eFI
gagat-o: jet (mineral); -ajo: object made of j. — DL
gain-o: a long narrow vertical holder, sheath, scabbard (as for a sword, bayonet, etc.: en- -igar: to sheath) a sword, etc. V. exp: vid. etuyo. — FI
gaj-o: pledge, pawn, deposit, gage; something given as security for repayment of money borrowed; -o-pekunio: earnest money; -o-homo: hostage; -izar: to give as a pledge, secure; depozar (ulo) gaje o kom gajo: to pawn; prenar kom gajo: to hold as pledge; pagar (o donar) gajo (-pekunio): to pay a deposit. — eF
gal-o: gallnut, nutgall; -vespo: gallfly (Cynips). — DeFIRS
gala: (adj.) gala; -dineo: gala dinner; -festo: gala festival; -robo: a gala robe, festive dress. V. exp.: Ica vorto uzesas precipue adjektive, por qualifikar festo, dineo, reprezento, e.c. On uzos do ol kom unesma elemento di kompozita vorti; IV-11. — DEFIS
galant-a: gallant; polite and attentive to ladies; -ajo: act of gallantry, courteous act (to ladies). — DEFIRS
galanten-o: (cook.) galantine; collared turkey or veal. — DeFIRS
galban-o: galbanum, a resinous gum. — DEFIRS
galen-o: (min.) - galena. — DEFIS
galer-o: (antiq. vessel) galley; -ano: one of the crew of the g.; (fig.) g.slave (cf. bagn-ano). — DEFIRS
galeri-o: gallery, a long narrow room, hall or passageway; highest balcony (in theaters, churches); balcony on stern of ship; drift tunnel, (in mining or fortification) -spekt-anti, -ant-aro: the gallery, people seated in g. — DEFIRS
galet-o:  «gallette»: a thin cake. — FS
gali-o*: (chem.) gallium. — DEF
galicism-o: Gallicism, a French idiom. — DEFIRS
galikan-a: Gallican, Gallic; -ismo: Gallicanism. — DFIRS
galimatias-o: galimatias, jargon, gibberish. V. exp.: Galimatiaso ne estas linguo, ma diskurso o parolado qua estas gramatikale korekta ma konfuza ed obskura per la stilo; VII-158. — DeFS
galinel-o: (orni.) gallinule: water-hen, moor-hen (genus: Gallinula). — eFISL
galion-o: (nav.) galleon. — DEFIS
galiot-o: (nav.) gal(l)liot. — DEFIS
galon-o: galoon, a narrow trimming, lace of gold, silver, silk, etc.; -iz-ita: galooned. — DEFIRS
galop-ar: (intr.) -igar (tr.): to gallop; -etar: to canter; -eg-ante: at full gallop; -anta ftizio: (fig.) galloping consumption. — DEFIRS
galosh-o: galosh: a shoe with a wooden sole. — DeFIRS
galvan-ala: galvanic, related to galvanism; -ismo: galvanism, galvanic (or voltaic) electricity. — DEFIRS
galvaniz-ar: (tr. elec., and fig.) to galvanize, electrify; (cf. galvano-plastar). — DEFIRS
galvanometr-o: galvanometer. — DEFIRS
galvanoplast-ar: (tr.) to electrotype; -(ad)o: galvanoplasty, electrotyping, electro-metallurgy. — DEFIRS
gam-o: (mus.) gamut, scale. Def.: Sequo di la soni di ula tono en l'ordino di alteso (ex.: c, d, e, f, g, a, b esas la gamo di la tono di C); IV-467. — eFIRS
gamb-o: leg, shank; -oza, -iz-ita: legged; bon-, bel-gamb-oza: well made about the legs; -o ligna o artificala: wooden, artificial leg; -alo: boot-leg; -armo: leg-guard; sen- -a: legless. — FI
gambit-ar: (tr.) to trip up (ulu); (fig.) (in chess) to play a gambit. — FI
gambol-ar: (intr.) to gambol, skip about in frolic, romp. — EF
gamel-o: (milit., nav.) mess-bowl, -platter; (fig.) mess; -o-kamarado: messmate; manjar -e: to mess to-gether. — FIS
gan-ar: (tr.) to gain, to earn, to win; -ajo: what is gained; -ig-anta: lucrative, profitable; -ema: covetous, greedy (cf. avida); -em-eso: cupidity; -ar sua nutrivi: to make one's living; -ar sua proceso: to win one's case; -ar dek franki: to earn (or make) ten francs; -ar premio: to win a prize; -ar batalio: gain a battle; -ar l'amo: gain the love. — EFIS
gang-o: (min.) gangue. — DEFIS
ganglion-o: (anat.) ganglion. — DEFIRS
gangren-ar: (intr. med.) to be affected with gangrene; -igar, -ifar: (tr., intr.) to g., to produce mortification; -o: g., (fig.) corruption. — DEFIRS
gans-o: (orni.) goose; -ulo: gander; -o-yuno: gosling; -o-plumo: quill pen; -o-pedo: foot of a g.; -o-pelo: gooseflesh, creeping of the flesh; -o-marcho: Indian file, single file; -o-pazo: goose-step (milit.) — DS
gant-o: glove; -izar: to g., fit with g.; armo- -o, fera -o: gantlet, gauntlet. — eFIS
gap-ar: (intr.) to gape with wonder or curiosity (like a simpleton). — DE
gar-ar: (tr.) to put or place to one side of a road or way (temporarily for protective purposes); to shunt, switch, (trains on a siding); -ar su: to turn aside (as to allow another to pass), to give way (as a fencer to protect himself); -voyo: (R.R.) siding, shunt-line; -eyo: a side place; (fig.) a garage (for autos). Def.: Pozar latere ad ula voyo, en halto o rezervo, quaze depozita o shirmata; IV-103. Ex.: On garas treni sur gar-voyi (N.B. gareyo ne esas staciono). On garas bateli en la protui o gareyi (larjigita parti) di kanalo. La pasanti en la stradi garas su de la veturi o por lasar altru pasar. La skermanto garas su por «kovrar» (protektar) sua korpo ed evitar la stroki di espado. — DeFIS
garanti-ar: (tr.) to guarantee, warrant; (cf. cert-igar, responsar, kaucion-igar). Ex.: Garantiar la pago di debajo. Me garantias ca posh-horlojo pur un yaro. Me ne povas garantiar la vereso di ta aserto. — DEFIRS
garb-o: sheaf (of wheat, etc.); aquo- -o: sheaf-like cluster of jets; fairo- -o: fireworks resembling a sheaf; -amaso: cock, stack, rick. — DF
garbanz-o: (bot.) chick-pea (Cicer). — S
gard-ar: (tr.) to gaurd (persons); to tend (beasts); -ar su: to beware, take heed; -ist-o: a guard; -ar per la okuli: not to lose sight of; -o-hundo: watch-dog; -o-navo: g. ship; -ez vu por ke on ne videz vu: beware that no one sees you; -ar la karcer-ani: to guard prisoners; -ar la mutoni: to take care of the sheep. — EFIS
garden-o: garden; -kultivar: to g.; -kultiv-(ad)o: horticulture; -festo, -partio: g. party. — DEF
gardeni-o: (bot. genus) gardenia. — DEFIRS
gardi-o: (ich.) roach (Leuciscus rutilus). — FS
garen-o: warren; -kuniklo: rabbit of a w.; kuniklo- -o: rabbit w. — FI
gargar-ar: (tr.) to gargarize, to gargle (the throat) (ulu, su); -ivo: a gargle, gargative. — DeFIS
garit-o: sentry-box. — FIS
garnis-ar: (tr.) to furnish with things necessary to complete or embellish; -ar biblioteko, butiko: to stock a library, a shop; -ar fortreso: to supply a fortress with provisions, ordnance, ammunition and stores; elua bela denti -as lua boko: her beautiful teeth set off her mouth; -ar disho: to garnish a dish; -ar chapelo per flori: to trim a hat with flowers. — DeFIRS
garnitur-o: garniture, ornamental appendages, embellishment, furniture, dress. — DEFIR
garnizon-o: garrison; -ano: member of a g. — DeFIRS
garot-o: short piece of wood used to tighten anything, especially cords by twisting around; packing-stick; -agar: to garrote, strangle (as in Spain); -ligar: to make fast, with or in a garrote; (fig.) to pinion, strangle. — eFS
garson-o: (man) waiter; office porter. — FI
garter-o: garter(band); (cf. kalzo-ligilo); -izar: to g. (ulu). — EFS
gas-o: gas; -a: gaseous, which is g.; -ala, -atra: gaseous, relating to g., gasiform ; -oza: gaseous: full of g.; -ifar: to produce, make g.; -if-erio: g. works; -brut-ilo: g. burner; -kont-ilo: gas-meter; -igar: to gasify. — DEFIRS
gasometr-o: gasometer, gas-holder: gas-reservoir. (cf. gas-kontilo).
gast-o: guest; -esar: to be a g., to stay, lodge (che ulu); -igar: to receive (ulu) as a g.; to lodge (ulu); -igo: lodging, putting up (a g.); -ig-ema: hospitable; -eyo: g. place. - DER
gastropod-o: (zool.) gastropod.- DEF
gastralgi-o*: (med.) gastralgia: gastric neuralgia, pain in the abdomen; belly-ache. — DEF
gastrit-o: (med.) gastritis. — DEFIS
gastronom-o: gastronome, epicure. Def.: Homo qua havas subtila gusto e savas dicernar la qualesi di la manjaji e drinkaji; VII-155. V. exp.: vid. gurmando. — DEFIRS
gastronomi-o: gastronomy. Def.: Quaza arto di la gastronomo. — DEFIRS
gauj-ar: (tr.) to gauge, measure (the capacity of), to take the g. of. Def.: Mezurar la konteno (interna volumino) di navo, barelo. e.c.; III-75. — EF
gav-ar: (tr.) to cram, gorge (with food), (artificially) to fatten (animals). — F
gavot-o: gavot(te): a kind of lively dance or tune (French). — DeFIRS
gay-a: gay, lively, merry, cheerful; -eso: gaiety, merriment, hilarity, mirth, glee; -esar: to be g.; -igar: to make (ulu) merry, cheer, enliven, gladden; -ig-anta, -iva: exhilarating; (cf. joyo). Ant.: trista. — EFIS
gayak-o: guaicum-wood, lignum-vitae; -iero: g. tree (genus: Guaiacum). — DeFIRS
gaz-o: gauze. — DeFIRS
gazel-o: (zool.) gazelle (genus: Gazella dorcus). — DEFIRS
gazolin-o: gasoline, gasolene. — DEFIRS
gazon-o: grass-sod, turf; -izar: to turf, sod; -eyo, -agro, -bedo: lawn, greensward, grass plot. — F
gebl-o: gable (of a house). — DE
gehen-o: Gehenna; (fig.) hell. — DEFIRS
«geisha»: geisha, Japanese singing or dancing girl. — DEFIRS
gelatin-o: gelatine. — DEFIRS
gelt-o: commission money, percentage on sales, bonus. Def.: Sumo po cento pagata a komizi, vendisti, e.c. ek lia vendi; II-75. — DF
gem-o: gem, precious stone. — DEFIS
gencian-o: (bot.) gentian (genus: Gentiana). — DEFIRS
genealogi-o: genealogy, pedigree; -isto: genealogist. — DEFIRS
gener-o: genus; -ala: general, generic; -ale: generally, in general; -al-eso: (character) generality; -al-ajo (la): (objective) generality; -al-igar: to generalize; -al-ig-(ad)o, -uro: generaliz-ing, -ation. — DEFIS
generacion-o: generation, people of same period. — DEFIRS
general-o: (milit.) general. — DEFIRS
generalisim-o: generalissimo, commander-in-chief. — DEFIS
generator-o*: (tech.) generator. — DEF
genez-o: (also Biblical) genesis; (geom.) genesis, generation; -ala: genetic. — DEFIS
geni-o: genius, particular natural talent, uncommon intellectual power; (fig) attendant spirit; -oza: full of g.; havar -o por aferi, por muziko: to have a g. for business, for music; il havas la doto di granda -o: he has the gift (natural endowment) of great g.; la -o di la Franca esas klareso: the g. of the French language is clearness; il esas mea mala -o: he is my evil g.; 1a -o di Roma: the g. of Rome. — DEFIRS
genit-ar: (tr.) to beget, breed, generate, procreate (living beings); cf. produktar (ulo); (geom.) to generate; -(ad)o: begetting, reproduction (di ulu); -ala, -anta, -iva: genital, generating, reproductive; -uro: offspring, a progeny; (of animals) a litter; -ema: prolific; V. exp.: On genitas filio; luxo produktas vicio. — DeFIRS
genitiv-o: (gram.) genitive. — DEFIS
genr-o: (gram.) gender. Def.: Gramatikala sexuo; IV-692.
gent-o: (Roman) gens. — L
genu-o, -ala: knee; -pozar: (intr.) to kneel (down); -poz-inte: on bended knee(s); -flexar: to bend the k.; -flexo: genuflexion; -shirm-ilo: any screen for k., as knee-piece (armor), top of boot, etc. — eFI
geocentr-ala*: (astron.) geocentric. — DEF
geodezi-o: geodesy. — DEFIRS
geognozi-o: geognosy. — DEFIRS
geograf-o: geographer. — DEFIRS
geografi-o: geography. — DEFIRS
geolog-o: geologist. — DEFIRS
geologi-o: geology. — DEFIRS
geomanci-ar*: (intr.) to practise geomancy. — DEF
geometr-o: geometer, geometrician. — DEFIRS
geometri-o: geometry. - DEFIRS
gepard-o: (zool.) cheetah (Cynailurus). — DFRS
gerani-o: (bot.) geranium (genus: Geranium). — DEFIRS
gerfalk-o: (orni.) gerfalcon, gyrfalcon (subgenus: Hierofalco). — DEFIS
German-ia: Germany; -a, -ala: German, Germanic; -o: a German; -ismo, -ajo: Germanism; -igar: to Germanize; -am-ant-a, -o: Germanophil; -odi-ant-a, -o: German-hating, -hater; la -a (linguo): German language.
germani-o*: (chem.) germanium. — DEF
gerundi-o: (gram.) gerund. — DEFIRS
ges: (mus.) G flat.
gest-ar: (intr.) to gesticulate (as in speaking); -o: gesticulation, gesture, deaf and dumb sign; -ad-ema: gesticulative; -e: by gesticulating. — DEFIRS
getr-o: gaiter, leggings; -eti: spats; -izar: to put leggings on (su, ulu). — eF
«geyser»: geyser. - DEF
«ghetto»: ghetto. - DEF
gib-o; -ozeso: rounded protuberance: bump, hump, knob, hunch, boss, gibbosity; -oza: gibbous, hunched, humpbacked: -ier(-ul, -in)o: hunch-back; -izar: to put a bump, boss on (sulu, ulo). — eFS
gibbon: gibbon, ape. — DEF
gibelin-a, -o: (Ital., hist.) Ghibelline. — DEFIRS
gichet-o: wicket, small gatelike window in ticket-offices, etc.; also as in game or cricket. — F
gigant-a: gigantic; -o, -ulo, -ino: giant. — DEFIRS
gild-o: guild, gild. Def.: Ensemblo di samspeca mestieristi. M.-X.132. — DEF
giloch-ar: (tr., arch.) to furnish or decorate with a guilloche; -uro: ornament of interlaced curved lines. — DeFR
gilotin-o: guillotine; -ager: to g. (ulu). — DEFIRS
gimnastik-ar: (intr.) to do gymnastics; -eyo: gymnasium. — DEFIRS
gimnazi-o: gymnasium, classical preparatory school (esp. in Germany); (cf.kolegio; liceo). — DEFIRS
gimnosperm-o:(bot.) gymnosperm. — DEFIS
gimnot-o: (ich.) gymnotus, electric eel (Gymnotus electricus). — DeFIS
ginece-o: (antig.) gynecium, women's apartment; (bot.) gynoecium. — DEFIS
ginest-o: (bot.) broom (Genista). — DFIS
gipaet-o: (orni.) gypaetus, lammergeier, bearded vulture (Gypaetos barbatus). — EFISL
gips-o: gypsum, plaster-of-paris; ordinary plaster (as used for house interiors); (cf. mortero); -izar: to plaster; (cf. krepis-ar); -oza: gypseous, chalky; -o-min-eyo: plaster-mine, chalk-pit; -ajo: plaster cast (cf. stuko); -eskombri, -o-rezidui: pieces of old plaster work. — DeFIRS
gipur-o: guipure (lace). — DEFIR
girland-o: garland: wreath of flowers, leaves, etc. — DEFIRS
girometr-o: gyrometer, rotary speed indicator. — DeFIRS
giroskop-o: gyroscope. — DEFIS
gis: (mus.) G sharp.
gis-ar: (tr.) to cast: found molten metal; (cf. muldar); -fero: c. iron; -fera lingoto: pig-iron; -defekto: defect in casting, blow-hole. Ex.: Gisar kanono en mulduro. III-82. — DI
gitar-o: (mus.) guitar. — DEFIRS
gizard-o: (anat.) gizzard. Def.: Triesma stomako di l'uceli; V-87. — E
glac-ar: (tr., tech.) to gloss, glaze (paper, leather, etc.) (cf. glezar); to calender (fabrics). — DeFR
glaci-o: ice; (fig.) ice-cream; coldness; -ala: relating to ice, -igar: to freeze (ulo) into ice (cf. konjel-ar, frost-igar, frigor-izar); -eskar; to freeze, become ice; -armor-o: ice-box; -amaso, -peco: mass of ice, floe; -eto: icicle; -o-strado: ice-bed; -ruptado, -dis-solvado: the breaking up, the melting of ice; -ig-anta: freezing. — eFIS
glacier-o: glacier: -ala: glacial: relating to g.s (cf. glaci-ala). — DEFS
glaciz-o: (fort.) glacis. — DEFRS
gladiator-o: gladiator. — DEFIRS
gladiol-o: (bot. genus) gladiolus. — DEFIL
glan-o: (bot.) acorn; (anat.) glans; -re-kolto: crop of acorns; penis-glano: extremity of penis, glans penis. — eFI
gland-o: (anat.) gland; -eto: glandule. — DEFIS
glas-o: a drinking glass; -edo de vino: a glass(ful) of wine; -shokar (kun ulu): to touch, or clink glasses as in drinking; (fig.) to hobnob. Def.: L'ordinara vazo, en qua on drinkas vino od aquo: II-645. — DE
glat-a: smooth, sleek; -igar: to s.; (fig.) to iron (clothes); -ig-ilo: a smoothing instr., an iron (for ironing) (cf. repasar); Ant.: aspera. — DR
glaukom-o*: (med.) glaucoma. — DEF
glaukonit-o: (min.) glauconite. — DEFIS
glav-o: (also fig.) sword; -di yusteso: (fig.) the s. of justice. Def.: Espado tranchanta. — FL
gleb-o: clod, lump of earth. — FI
glez-ar: (tr.) to glaze, apply a vitreous coating to pottery. Def: Aplikar vitra strato sur ceramikajo; IV-579. — DE
gliceri-o*: (bot.) glyceria, panicularia, manna-grass (Glyceria). — L
glicerin-o: glycerine. — DEFIRS
glicin-o: (bot) glycine; (chem.) glucina, oxide of glucinum. — DEFIS
glikokol-o: (chem.) glycocoll, amidoacetic acid, glycin. — DEFIRS
glikos-o: (chem.) glucose. — DEFIRS
glin-ar: (tr.) to glean (ears of grain); (fig.) to gather (things thinly scattered). Ex.: Glinar la spiki pos la rekolto. Li studiabis ta epoko tante komplete, ke nun ni povas nur glinar poka fakti nova. — EF
glipt-ar: (tr.) to carve, engrave, grave (precious stones); -arto: glyptography. Def.: Skultar medali e lapidi; IV-291. — DeFIS
glir-o: (zool.) dormouse (Myoxus glis). — FIS
glit-ar (intr.), -igar (tr.): to glide, slide, slip, slur (over); -eyo, -voyo: a slide; -ig-anta, -iva: slippery; -nodo: slip-knot, running knot, noose (cf. slingo); -veturo: sleigh, sledge, sled; -flugar: (aviation) to plane; -shuo: snow-shoe. Ex.: On glitas sur voyi kovrita per frosto-pluvo. Il sizis la kordo e glitis til la tero. La batelo glitas sur la kalma maro. La taso glitis de mea manuo. Glitigar sua manuo en la posho di ulu. Vua remonstri glitas de lua mento. — DEF
glob-o: globe, orb, ball; okul- -o: eye-ball; -atra, -forma: globular. V.exp.: vid. balono. — DEFIRS
globul-o: (anat.) globule, corpuscle (of blood). — eFIS
glori-o: glory; -ach-oza: vainglorious; -izar: to glorify; -izar su: (per o pri ulo) to g. in anything, pride oneself upon; sen- -a: inglorious. — DEFIRS
glos-o: (lexicol.) gloss, running commentary. — DEFIS
glosari-o: glossary: partial dictionary explaining the harder words. — DEF
glot-o: (anat.) glottis. — EFIRS
glu-o: glue; gelatin- -o: glue made from clippings of hoofs, hides, etc.; pasto- -o: paste (made with flour and water); glu-izar: to put g. on, glue (ulo) (cf. gum-izar). — EFI
glugl-ar: (intr.) to gurgle (cf. gorgolar, klukar). Def.: Bruiso di liquido ekiranta botelo; IV-11. — DFIS
glum-o*: (bot.) glume. — EF
glut-ar (tr.) to swallow, gulp, gobble up (food, etc.); to quaff, swill (liquids); (fig.) to take in, to look at, with eagerness, avidity; -ajo: a draught, a gulp; -edo: mouthful, gulp; -ema: gluttonouse, greedy; en-glut-ado: deglutination. Ex.: Glutar tasedo de kafeo, pinglo, ostro. (fig.) Il glutas el per la okuli. — eFIRS
glute-o: (of persons): buttock, breech, bottom; -ala: gluteal; -alo, -ala muskulo: gluteal muscle; -e batar (tr.) to spank, flog (on the backsides). V.exp. vid. sedo. — eL.
gluten-o: (chem.) gluten. — DEFIS
glutin-ar: (tr., intr.) to stick, fasten or be fastened by adhesion; adhere, paste, glue, agglutinate; (cf. adherar) kun- -ar du kozi: to stick two things together; -ar papero sur maro: to paste paper on a wall; -iva, -ema: agglutinative, glutinous (cf. viskoza); -isto: paster, sizer, paper-hanger, bill-sticker. (cf. glu-izar, gum-izar).
gneis-o: (min.) gneiss. — DEFIRS
gnom-o: (myth.) gnome. — DEFIRS
gnomik-o*: gnome, aphorism, brief maxim; -ala: gnomical, sententious. — DEFIS
gnomon-o: gnomon, index of a sun-dial. — DEFIRS
gnomonik-o*: gnomonics, the art of dialling. — DEFIRS
gnos-o: (theol., philos.) gnosis. — DEFIS
gnostik-a, -(ul)o: gnostic; -ismo: Gnosticism. — DEFIRS
gnu-o: (zool.) gnu (Catoblepas gnu). — DEFIRS
gobi-o: (ich.) gudgeon (Gobio). — DSL
goblet-o: goblet, mug; -o gradizita: graduate (d) cup, flask. Def.: Glaso sen pedo, quaze cilindra, ofte ek metalo; II-645. — EFS
godron-o: (arch. and ornamental) godroon, a kind of edge molding or fluting. — EF
goelet-o: (nav.) schooner (two-masted). — DFIS
golf-o: (geog.) gulf, a large bay; (game) golf; (cf. bayo). — DEFIRS
golp-o: smut, blight (of grain) (Ustilago carbo). Def.: Fungo parazita dil frumento; VI-540 — I
gonagr-o*: (med.) gonagra, gout in the knee. — DeF
gond-o: door-, gate-, rudder-pintle; -bendo: pintle-brace, iron-work clamped on a door to sustain the pintle.  V.exp.: Charniro kompozesas ek du metal peci ocilanta sur un axo komuna, e quan on skrubagas sur pordo, kesto, e.c. por apertar o klozar. Gondo esas axala fer-peco kudatra e pivotoza, sustenanta la gondobendo, sur qua rotacas la pordo, e.c. — F
gondol-o: (boat) gondola; (of air-ship) g. car; -isto: gondolier. Def.: Vehilo suspendita ad aerostato (direktebla o ne); speco di batelo uzata en la laguni, aparte en Venezia (E. Venice); VI-26. — DEFIRS
gonfalon-o*: gonfalon, medieval banner.
goniometri-o: goniometry. — DEF
gonokok-o: (med.) gonococcus. — DEFIRS
gonore-o: (med.) gonorrhea. — DEFIRS
Gordi-ala nodo: Gordian knot.
gorge-ar: (intr.) to chirp, twitter; -etar: to cheep, peep. Def.: La specala kanto di mikra uceli; VI-27. — IS
gorgol-ar: (intr.) to gurgle, to fall with a purling, splashing noise (as noise of brooks); to rattle, rumble (of water in stomach); cf. gluglar). — DEFIRS
goril-o: (zool.) gorilla. — DEFIRS
gorjeret-o: (surg.) gorget, a cutting instrument used in lithotomy. — DeFIS
got-o: (med.) gout; -oza, -ika; -oz(ul)o, -iko: gouty (person). — EFIS
gotik-a: Gothic (architecture, etc.). — DEFIRS
grab-ar: to engrave (lines), to etch; nigra- -uro: mezzotint; (cf. gliptar, xilografar). Def.: Trasar linei kava sur metal plako; VII-413. Ex.: On grabas figuro sur plako (per linei, per aquaforto). — DeFIRS
grac-o: (theol.) grace; per la -o di Deo: by the g. of God. — EFIRS
graci-o: gracefullness, charm, elegance of manner or form; Gracio: one of the (three) Graces; ne- - oza: ungraceful, ungracious, awkward, ungainly, uncouth; afektacar -o: to put on airs. — DEFIRS
gracil-a: gracile, slender and graceful, svelte, lithe. Def.: Gracioze tenua ed alta; VI-569. — eFIS
grad-o: step (of stairs); degree (as of temperature); degree (in university); grade, rank (in order of dignity); step (in progress); size (of shoes, gloves, etc.); -ego: tier, high step; -izar: to put steps into (ulo); to graduate (an instrument); (university) to confer a degree on (ulu); -iz-o, -uro: graduating, gradation, scale; -oza, -opa: gradual: proceeding by steps or degrees; -oze, -ope: gradually; -aro: degrees, steps (collect.); -iz-ita: graded, graduated; -ope: by degrees; -iz-ito: (university) graduate; universitatala grado: university degree; me obtenis mea grado ye Oxford: I graduated at Oxford. — DeFIRS
grafik-a: graphic; -o: a graph; -arti: g. arts (as opposed to plastic arts); (N.B. «a g. account» = pitoreska deskripto). — DEFIRS
grafit-o: (min.) graphite, plumbago. — DEFIRS
grafologi-o: graphology; -isto: handwriting expert (judge). — DEFIRS
grafometr-o*: graphometer.
gram-o: gram(me): 15.432 grains Troy . — DEFIRS
gramatik-o: grammar. — DEFIRS
gramin-o: a gramineous plant; grass. — DEFIS
gran-o: -eto: any very small, hard mass; as, a grain of seed (cf. semino), of sand, of sugar, etc., kernel (of corn); the composite particles of any substance; rough exterior texture, as grain in leather, in metals, in wood; pellet; (bot.) granule; -ala, -atra, -o-forma: granular; -(et)igar (tr.), -(et)eskar (intr.) to granulate, to form or collect into grains or granules (N.B. not med. sense, cf. granuligar); -ifar: to produce grains; -izar: to grain (leather), put a grain on (ulo); -oza: full of grains, seedy; -iz-ita: grained; -vend-isto: seedsman, g. seller; -eyo: granary; -if-anta: g. bearing; -achi: refuse grains; kafe- -o: coffee-berry; lin- -o: linseed; -o-manj-ant-a, -o: granivorous (animal; cf. granivora). — DEFIS
granari-o: loft, attic (in country houses for grains, hay). — FIS
granat-o: (min.) garnet; -ea: g. colored. — DeFIRS
grand-a: a term of comparison denoting more magnitude than something else, or beyond what is usual; as great, large, big; also used fig. in the sense of the E. «grand» apart from material dimensions: -a vazo, domo: a large vase, house; -a urbo: a great city; -a bruiso, forteso: a great noise, strength; -a festo: a great holiday; -a duk(ul)o: grand-duke; Alexandro la -a: Alexander the Great; -anma: magnanimous, noble-minded; -ev-eso: longevity; -eta: biggish; -ulo: a large man; a great man (in power, dignity), grandee (Spain); -e: greatly, grandly; -eso: (quality) magnitude, largeness of bulk or dimensions, bigness, bulk; (fig.) high degree, grandness; -ajo: a large object; -eso di urbo: extent of a city; greatness of a city; -eso di krimino: greatness of a crime; -ega: enormous, immense, bulky; (plu-) grand-igar: to enlarge, magnify, make big. — EFIS
grandioz-a: grandiose, imposing. — DEFIRS
granit-a, -o: (min.) granite. — DEFIRS
granivor-a, -o: granivorous (animal); cf. grano-manjanta). — DEFIS
grant-ar: (tr.) to grant, allow, concede, confer (demands, favors, privileges, etc.); to award (damages); -o, -ajo: grant, concession, award. (cf. exaucar). Def.: Donar o koncesar ulo kom favoro, konseque ulo demandita o dezirata; II-709. — E
granul-o: (med.) granule (of a granulation, as from wounds, ulcers); -aro, -igo, -esko: granulation; -ala, -oza: granular, granulated. — DEFIRS
grap-o: cluster, bunch, a number of fruits or flowers growing along a common stalk. — FI
grapin-o: (nav.) grapnel, grappling-iron, -hook. — eFI
gras-o: fat, grease; -a, -oza, -atra: fat, greasy, adipose; -izar: to grease (ulo); -igar: to fatten (ulu); -makulo: grease spot. Ant.: (adj.) magra. — eFIS
grat-ar: (tr.) to scratch (so as to allay itching); (of animals) to claw; (of noise) to scrape, grate. (cf. skrachar). — FI
gratifik-ar: (tr.) to bestow (money) on; to tip (ulu per ulo); -uro: bounty, gratuity, tip. Def.: Donar pekuniala rekompenso exter la salario o preco debata; IV-12. Ex.: La rejo gratifikas il per pensiono. Ni donis drink-moneto a la garsono kom gratifikuro. — DFIS
gratin-o: (cook.) gratin, brown crust, burnt crumbs; -izar (tr.), -ifar (intr.): to gratinate, to cook, as with a covering of buttered crumbs, until a crust or crisp surface forms; -iz-ita: gratinated, «au gratin.» — DeF
gratitud-ar: (tr.) to be grateful, thankful to (ulu, pro, pri ulo); -o: gratitude. (cf. dankar). — EFIS
gratuit-a: gratuitous, free, gratis (cf. senpaga); -e: gratis, for nothing. Def.: (adj.) recevata sen pago; (adv.) sen demander pago; II-75, III-322. — DEFIRS
gratul-ar: (tr.) to congratulate, felicitate. Ex.: Gratular ulu pri lua vinko. — DEFIS
grav-a: (phys.) heavy, ponderous; (fig.) weighty, momentous, not frivolous, grave, (cf. importanta, serioza); (mus.) low (note), deep (tone); (gram.) grave (accent); -eso: gravity; (plu-)grav-igar: to make (more) heavy, serious; -igo, -esko: aggravation; -eskar: to become weighed down, serious; min-grav-igar: to make less heavy, serious; to extenuate, mitigate. V. exp.: Grava equivalas ne-frivola; serioza equivalas ne-vivaca, ne-gaya. On parolas pri grava afero, serioza mieno. Ant.: lejera. — EFIS
gravel-o: (med.) gravel, stone in the kidneys or bladder; -ika, -iko: (person) afflicted with g. — EF
gravi-o: gravel, small stones or pebbles intermixed with sand; -atra: gritty. — eFR
gravid-a: pregnant, with child; -eso: pregnancy, gestation (state); -igar: to make pregnant, get with child; -eskar: to become pregnant, conceive a child; -eso: (physiol.) conception. — IL
gravit-ar: (intr., phys. and fig.) to gravitate, be attracted, tend to a center; la lego di -ado: the law of gravitation. — DEFIS
greft-ar: (tr., hort.) to graft (plants, trees); -ajo, -uro, -o-sproso: graft, portion of a plant to be grafted on another. — EF
Gregori-ala: Gregorian (calendar, chant, etc.).
Grek-a: Greek, Grecian; la Greka: the Greek language; -o-Latina: Greco-Latin.
grel-ar: (intr., impersonal) to hail; -etar: to sleet; -as: it hails; -eto: sleet; -o: hail(-storm); -uno: a hail-stone; -frapar, -agar: to devastate, ravage (ulo) by hail; stono- -o: a hail of stones; flecho- -o: a shower of arrows. — F
gremi-o: lap (of a sitting person); (fig.) -o di l'eklezio: bosom, pale of the church; -alo: gremial, lap cloth worn by a bishop. Ex.: El tenis sua infanto sur sua gremio. — DIS
grenad-o: (fruit) pomegranate; (milit.) (hand-) grenade; -iero: p. tree (punica granatum); -isto: a soldier who throws g.s; (fig.) grenadier: a foot soldier of a special corps. — DeFIRS
gres-o: (min.) sandstone. — FI
gret-o: grating, a partition of iron or wood bars; grate (of a stove), (metal or wood) railing or fence (used to partition off); -izar: to inclose or cover with railing, to rail in — EFS
grifon-o: (myth.) griffon; griffon, a kind of European water-dog. — DEFIS
gril-ar: (tr.) to grill, broil (ulo) on gridiron; -ilo: grill, gridiron; -ita kotleto: broiled chop. — EF
grili-o: (ent.) cricket (genus: Gryllus). — DFIS
griliotalp-o: mole-cricket (Gryllotalpa). — DFIS
grim-ar: (tr., theat.) to make up (su), by painting wrinkles, etc., the appearance of an old person; to make up (ulu) as an old person. — FR
grimas-ar, -adar: to grimace, contort the face, make a wry face. — DEFR
grinc-ar: (intr.) to gnash, grind (per la denti); to grate (as a door, etc.). — FI
grind-ar: (tr.) to grind, rough down as on a grindstone, or as with emery, etc.; -o-petro: whetstone; -o-petr-ego: grindstone. V. exp.: On ne nur akutigas o polisas kozi, ma on anke tornas (grindas) li per la grind opetr-(eg)o. Materii por la grindo esas karborundo*, smerilo, diamant-polvo, e.c.; III-82. — E
grip-o: (med.) grip(pe), influenza; -ika, -iko: (person) sick with g. — DEFIRS
griz-a: gray, grey (colored); -o: gray (the color); -eso: grayness (quality); -(ul)o, griz-hara, griz-barba, griz-kapa homulo: a gray-haired man; -eskar: to become, turn g.; -atra, -esk-anta: grizzled. — eFIS
grog-o: grog. — DEFIR
grond-ar: (intr.) to roar, rumble (of thunder, storm, wind, waves); to growl, snarl (of animals). Def.: Audigar bruiso duranta e nelauta, quale la tondro fora, od ula animali iraceskanta; IV-12. — F
grop-o: croup, rump (of a horse and some other animals); (arch.) hip-roof; -rimeno: crupper (of harness). — DeFIRS
gros-a: thick and long; (fig.) large, great, gross, thick, bulky; (cf. granda), -a arboro: a large tree; skribar grosa literi: to write in large, heavy letters; -a e kurta: squat, dumpy, stubby. Def.: Relatas du dimensioni, specale en korpo di qua la longeso esas granda o nedefinita; III-544. Ex.: Grosa homo, filo, kordo, kolono. V. exp.: vid. dika. Ant.: tenua. — eFIS
grosdekedu-o: gross, 12 dozen.
grosier-a: (of persons, acts or objects) without delicacy, coarse, rude, blunt, boorish, low; -eso: grossness: coarseness; -ajo: coarse language or word; vulgarity, rude act; -(ul)o: a rude man, a boor; -eg(ul)o: blackguard. V. exp.: To ne esas simple ne- (o des-) polita, ma ne-edukita, preske ne-civilizita; IV-12. — eFIS
grot-o: grotto. — DEFIRS
grotesk-a: grotesque (object, antic, dance, idea, etc.). — DEFIRS
grozel-o: a gooseberry; -iero: g. bush (Ribes grossularia). — FS
gru-o: (orni, also astron.) crane (family: Gruidæ). — FL
gruch-o: crutch; -iero: one who carries c.s; (fig.) a cripple; -irar: to go on c.s. — DeI
gruelo: grits, groats, oatmeal. — F
grumo: groom, a manservant, esp. one in charge of horses. — DEFR
grumelo: grume, a clot (in the blood, in milk, etc.); -iz-ita, -oza: clotted; -igar (tr.), -ifar (intr.): to clot; (cf. koagular). — eFIS
grun-ar, -achar: (intr.) to grunt (as a pig); (of persons) to grumble, growl. — DeFIS
grup-o: group (of persons or objects), clump (of trees), flock (of sheep); -igar, -e dispozar: to group; -ifar: (intr.) to group, form into g.s; -ano: member of a g. — DEFIRS
gruz-o*: (orni.) grouse, ptarmigan, white, black, red (Lagopus scoticus) M. XI. 348. — DEF
guach-pikt-ado, -uro: gouache-painting; a style of water-color painting. DeFI
guan-o: guano. — DEFIRS
guard-o: (milit.) guard, body of troops; -ano: soldier or member of g. — DEFIRS
guat-ar: (tr.) to watch, be on w. for; to lie in wait for; -igar: to place (ulu) on w.; -anto, -ero, -isto: watcher, look-out-man; -o-turm-eto: w. tower. Ex.: Guatar l'enemiko, l'okaziono. La kato guatas la muso. — FI
guberni-o: government (district; e.g., as in Russia); -estro: governor (of a certain district, province). — DeFIRS
gudr-o: tar; -izar: to t.; -o-telo: tarpaulin. — F
guelf-a, -o: (Ital. hist.) Guelph. — DEFIRS
guf-o: eagle-owl (Strix bubo). — I
guid-ar: (tr.) to guide, to lead, to conduct in a way; -anto, -ero, -isto: (person) guide; -ilo: (mechan.) guide; -o-flago: (milit.) guidon; -libro: g. book. V. exp.: Guidar esas esence montrar la justa voyo ad ulu, qua ne konocas ol, qua povas hezitar od erorar. Duktar e guidar esas direktar ulu od ulo akompanante lu: ex. Kapitano duktas sua kompanio, ma generalo nur direktas armeo, restante en sua quartero. On duktas o direktas navo, aer-navo, kande on esas «ye bordo» (en oli); ma per Hertzala radii on povas direktar torpedo sen duktar ol; IV-162. — EFIS
guind-o: heart cherry. Def.: Frukto simila a cerizo; IV-136 — FS
gul-o: ghoul. — DEFIS
gum-o: gum, vegetable substance which exudes from certain trees; (cf. kauchuko); -oza, -atra: gummy; -izar: to smear, cover with g.; -arboro: g. tree; -rezino: g. resin; -tafto: court plaster. — DEFIRS
gumigut-o: gamboge; -iero: g. tree (Garcinia). — DFIR
gumlak-o: gum-lac, shellac. — DEFIRS
gurd-o: gourd, calabash. — EF
gurm-o: milk-scall, -crust, scabs on an infant’s head (crusta lactea). — F
gurmand-o: gourmand, one fond of good living; -acho: glutton. Def.: Homo qua prizas la bona (bon-saporoza) dishi e manjas multo de li; VII-155. V. exp.: Manj-eg-ero (gurmand-acho) esas homo qua manjas multo, sen dicerno, kun apetito brutal; gurmando preferas ne manjar kam manjar ulo qua ne plezas lu; gastronomo prizas la bona dishi, la bona vivi, e.c., tamen lu ne manjas o drinkas tro multo, lu esas nur «experto» pri la tablo; VII-155. — DEF
gurt-o: broad strap, band; girth (of saddle); -izar, -ligar, -agar: (tr.) to strap, band, girth (a horse); -frapar, -flogar: to strike, flog with a strap. Def.: Bendo larja e plata (de ledro, tolo, e.c.) por ligar o kun-ligar. (To ne esas bendo, rimeno, nek zono); III-469. — DE
gust-ar: (tr.) to taste; (cf. saporar). –ala: gustatory; -experto: expert taster (as of tea), connoisseur (of wines, etc.); bona –o: a nice t. (used also in psychological sense); -agreabla, - ecitanta: relishing, tempting, savory; mal-gusta joko: a bad joke, a vulgar joke; -ar la vino: to t. the wine, il esas autoro sen bona –o: (fig.) he is an author deficient in t.; kontentigar omna gusti: (physiol. and psychol.) to satisfy (please) all tastes. — DeFIS
gut-o: drop (of liquid); -ifar: to drop, drip, trickle, run down; -ope: d. by d. — FS
gutaperk-o: gutta-percha. — DEFIRS
gutur-o: (internal) throat, gullet; (cf. fauco); -ala: relating to the gullet; gutteral; -alo: (gram.) a gutteral. Def.: L’interna kavajo supre en la kolo (ciencale: la faringo, la laringo e la supra ezofago): ex. on parolas pri soni guturala (ciencale, li esas velala od uvulala); III-165 — eFIS
guvern-ar: (tr. general sense) to rule with authority, to have physical power over, to direct: -ar navo: to steer a ship; to rule over a ship; -ilo: (tech.) governor; a rudder, helm; -ar aferi: to manage a business; -ar sua pasioni: to control one’s passions; ca muliero –as sua spozo: this woman rules her husband; -ar infanti: to manage children; la rejo di Anglia regnas ma ne –as; la parlamento –as: the king of England reigns but does not govern; the parliament governs; la verbo aktiva –as l’akuzativo; the active verb governs the accusative; la navo guvern-esas bone: the ship answers her helm; -ala sistemo: governmental system; la –isto di provinco, di banco: the governor of a province, of a bank; -anto, -isto di navo: helmsman of a ship; -ant-ino, -ist-ino di puero: governess of a child; la guvern-ado
guyav-o: (bot.) guava (fruit); -iero: g. tree (Psidium Guayaba). — DEFS

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