Ido-Angla vortaro: H
ha! (interj.) ha! ah!
habil-a: (physical, intellectual) able, clever,
skilful, adroit, dextrous, handy; -a horlog-if-isto: a
clever clock-maker; il esas -a en sua arto: he is clever
in his art; -a fripono: a sharp rogue. V. exp.: On povas
divenar "habila" ne nur per studiado ma per
aktual experienco; on povas divenar kapabla per lernado
sen praktike aplikar sua savado. Ant.: ne-habila, ne-apta.
habilit-ar: (tr.; esp. juris.) to habilitate, to
qualify, to render competent, to enable. Ex.: Habilitar
minor(ul)o kontraktar. Habilitar su por ula ofico. La habiliteso
heredar cesas en fora gradi di parenteso. DeFIS
habit-ar: (tr., intr.) to inhabit, to live (in)
(permanently); (cf. rezidar); -(ad)o: habitation,
residing; -eyo: (place) habitation, abode, dwelling-place;
(zool.) haunt, habitat; -anto, -ero: inhabitant,
denizen; -ebla: (in)habitable. V. exp.: Habitar
esas rezidar permanante en propra o fixa domo; lojar
esas rezidar tempe (kurte) che altra persono od en
gasteyo. La soldati lojas che la habitanti dil urbo. On habitas
urbo, lando, dum ke on lojas en hotelo, che amiko,
parento, en apartamento, en chambro, e.c.; I-410. EFIS
habitakl-o: (nav.) binnacle, compass-box. F
hach-ar: (tr.) to hatch, shade by lines cut or
drawn; to hash, to mince, cut into very small parts; -ajo,
-ita karno: mince-meat; -uro: hatching; -ilo: (cook.)
chopping-knife. Def.: Pece-tigar (karno, e.c.); IV-562. Ex.: On
hachas karno per multa densa tranchuri preske paralela; simile on
hachas desegno per multa linei preske paralela; V-31. eF
hagiograf-o: hagiographer. DEFIS
hagiografi-o: hagiography. DEFIS
hak-ar: (tr.) to chop, (rough) hew, cut up (with an
axe or large cutting instrument), (cf. hachar); -achar:
to hack; -(ad)o, -uro: chopping,hewing; a chop, cut; -isto:
chopper, hewer; -ilo: a chopping instr. (as an axe); -il-eto:
a small cutting instr.; hatchet; -ilo-stroko stroke of an
axe; -il-uyo: axe-holder, -case; -o-kultelo:
cleaver, chopping-knife. DeFIS
hal-o: a large room of considerable size; (merkato-)
market, public place, ordinarily covered, where marketing is
carried on; -vend-isto: market-, stall-keeper; -o-taxo:
market-dues; linguo di la -i: (fig.) Billingsgate
(language). DeFS
halbard-o: halbard. DEFIRS
halofit-o*: (bot.) halophyte. DE
halogen-o*: (chem.) halogen. DEF
halon-o*: halo (as around moon, head, etc.).
halt-ar: (intr.) to (make a) halt, stop; -igar:
to cause (ulu) to halt; to stop (ulo); -ig-ilo:
a stopping instr., a catch; -ez: (command.) halt!
stop there! that will do! DEFI
halter-o: dumb-bell; -agar, exercar su per -i: to
do d. b. exercises. FIS
halucin-ar: (intr.) to have hallucinations, to
delude (su); -igar: to cause h.s in (ulu); to
affect with visions or imaginary perceptions. DEFIRS
halux-o*: hallux, great toe of foot.
hamadriad-o*: (myth.) hamadryad, woodnymph.
hamak-o: hammock. EFRS
hamstr-o: (zool.) hamaster (Cricetus). DEFRS
han-o: a fowl, hen or cock; (fusil-) cock (of a gun
or pistol); -ulo: cock, rooster (cf. pultro); -ino:
hen; -yuno: pullet; -yun-eto: chicken; -ulo-kres-to:
comb of a cock. DE
hano-lakt-o: mulled-egg, egg-flip. Def.: Drinkajo ek
vitelo quirlita en varma aquo sukrizita; V-621.
hanch-o: hip (of persons), haunch, hind-quarter (of
animals); -o-flexar: to bend at the hips. DEFIS
handikap-ar: (tr., in sports and fig.) to handicap.
hangar-o: shed (esp. for vehicles), outhouse; (aviation)
hangar. Def.: Tekto pozita sur fosti o pilastri; II-709.
hans-o: Hanse-town; -ala: Hanseatic. DEFIRS
har-o: a hair (of a person's head; cf. pilo); -aro:
hair (collect.); -oza: hairy; -treso:
hair-plait, pigtail, queue; -o-pelo: scalp; -ar-acho:
mop, shock of hair; -dik-eso: a hair's breadth; long-hara;
long haired. DE
hard-a: (also fig.) hard, tough, indurate; -igar:
to harden (ulu, ulo); to temper (iron, etc.); (fig.)
to indurate, toughen, inure; -ig-uro: temper (of metals); -eso:
hardness. Ex.: Fero esas metalo tre harda. Ovo harde koquita.
Lito harda. Hardigar sua korpo. Havar harda kordio (fig.).
Kavalo kun harda boko. Ant.: mola. DE
harem-o: harem; -an-ino: woman of h. DEFIRS
haring-o: (ich.) herring; -o fum-izita:
smoked h.; -o-bando: shoal of h. DEFIS
harmoni-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to be in harmony
(kun); -igar: to harmonize (ulo); -ala,
-alo: harmonic (sound). DEFRS
harmonik-a*: (math.) harmonic(al) (proportion,
harmonik-o: (mus. instr.) harmonica. DEFIRS
harmonium-o: (mus. instr.) harmonium. DEFIRS
harnes-o: harness (as of a horse); -izar: to
harness; -aro: (horse-) trappings, sen- -igar: to
unharness. DEFS
harp-o: (mus. instr.) harp. DEFIRS
harpi-o: (myth.) harpy. DEFIRS
harpun-o: harpoon; -agar: (tr.) to. h.
hashish-o: hashish. DEFIRS
hast-ar: (intr.) to hasten, make haste; -igar:
to hurry (ulu, ulo, su); to press, push forward expedite;
(cf. acelerar, plu-rapid-igar, avancar); -oz-ege:
precipitously. Ex.: hastigar la pazo, la progreso di ulo. Il
departis hastoze. Il ekiris, ma sen hasto. DEF
hau-o: (agri.) hoe; -agar: (tr.) to
h.; -eto, plata -o: mattock. Def.: Instrumento fera kun
ligna mancho, por exkavar la tero; la fera parto esas larja,
plata e tranchanta, kun aristo en plano perpendikla a la mancho;
VI-533. DeF
haul-ar: (tr., nav.) to haul, heave in (cf. tirar);
to tow; -voyo: tow-path; -ar la kanoto ye bordo:
haul the boat on board; -ar sur kord(eg)o: to haul, pull
upon a rope; -ar navo: to tow a ship; -ar kord(eg)o ad
su, ad ulu: to haul in a rope. DEFIS
hav-ar: (tr.) to have (ulo: money, occasion,
motive, time, etc.; N.B. not to be used as verbal auxiliary); -aj-o,
-i: property, possessions, what one is worth. DEFIS
hazard-o: (hap-)hazard, luck, chance, something uncertain
and unplanned; -e: by chance, casually, accidentally,
perchance; -ala: accidental, fortuitous; -o-ludo:
game of chance; -e trovar: to find or meet unexpectedly; ye
la -o di la menuo: pot-luck; ne fidez a -o: do not
trust to chance; se vu -e trovos il bon-humora: if
perchance you find him in good humour. DEFRS
he! (interj.) hey! eh!
(la) Hebre-a (linguo): the Hebrew (language); -a, -ala:
Hebrew, Hebraic; -ismo, -ajo: Hebraism; -isto:
Hebraist; (cf. Izrael-ido, Judo).
heder-o: (bot.) ivy (Hedera). ISL
hederace-o*: (bot.) ground-ivy (Glechoma
hederacea). L
hef-o: yeast, leaven. D
heg-o: hedge, hedgerow. Def.: Barilo o klozilo (cirkum
agro) formacita ek arbusti; IV-204. DEF
hegemoni-o: hegemony. Def.: Speco di dominaco o prepondero
di un naciono inter altri (historial e politikal termino);
heg-roz-o: (bot.) dog-rose (Rosa canina); -iero:
sweet-brier, eglantine.
hejir-o: hegira (Mohammedan). DEFIRS
hekatomb-o: (lit. and fig.) hecatomb. DEFIRS
hektar-o: hectare, 2.47 acres. DEFIRS
hektik-a: (med.) hectic. DEFIS
hektograf-ar: (tr.) to hectograph, to mimeograph.
hektogram-o: hectogram: 3.527 oz., avdp. DEFIRS
hektolitr-o: hectoliter: 22.01 imperial galls; 26.417 U.S.
galls. DEFIRS
hektometr-o: hectometer: about 328 ft. DEFIRS
helebor-o: (bot.) hellebore (genus: Helleborus); -o
verda, fetida, nigra: green, stinking, black (species of) h.
Helen-a*, -ala: Hellenic; -ismo, -ajo: Hellenism; -isto:
heli-o*: (chem.) helium. DEFIRS
heliant-o: (bot.) helianthus, sun-flower (genus:
Helianthus). eFIS
helic-o: (arch., geom.) helix; (of a ship)
propeller; (bot.) tendril; -o-navo: screw-ship; -atra:
helicoid, winding, spiral; (cf. helicoida); -o-resorto:
spiral spring, coiled spring. eFIS
helicoid-a*: helicoid, spiral (cf. helic-atra).
helik-o: snail (family: Helicidæ). L
helikopter-o: (aeron.) helicopter. EFIRS
heliocentr-ala*: heliocentric. DEF
heliograb-ar: (tr., photo, engr.) to make
heliogravures. EFIS
heliometr-o*: (astr. instr.) heliometer.
helioskop-o: (astr. instr.) helioscope.
heliostat-o*: heliostat. DEFIRS
heliotrop-o: (bot.) heliotrope (genus:
Heliotropium). DEFIRS
helix-o: (anat.) helix. EFIS
"heiler" (pl. -i): heller, Austrian coin;
0.2 cent.
helm-o: (ancient) helmet. Def.: Specala formo di
kasko (mezevala e blazonala); IV-78. DeFIS
help-ar: (tr.) to help, aid, assist (ulu, pri,
por, ulo); -o: help, assistance (cf. sokursar);
-anto, -ero, -isto: assistant, helper; (in composition)
assistant-, under-; (on ships) mate; aide; -o-kirurgi-isto:
assistant surgeon; -ilo, -ivo: (instrument, object which
aids) aid, help, relief, assistance, auxiliary; -o-verbo:
auxiliary verb; -ar ulu levar su (stac-eskar): to help
someone to lift himself (to rise); kun la -o di Deo: with
the help of God. DE
hem-o: home; esar -e: to be at home; -o-dei:
lares, home-gods; -rest-ema persono: domesticated,
home-loving person; -facita, -bakita: home-made, -baked.
V. exp.: La hemo povas esar ne kompleta domo, ma apartamento
mikra e mem nur un chambro; lo esencala esas, ke on sentas ke ol
esas personala "eseyo" (rezideyo), tote diferanta de
chambri di hotelo o di lojeyo; I-411. DEF
hematit-o: (min.) hematite, bloodstone.
hemerokal-o: (bot.) day-lily (genus: Hemerocallis).
hemiop-a*: (med.) hemianoptic; -eso:
hemianopsia, hemiopsy. EF
hemiplegi-o*: (med.) hemiplegia. DEF
hemipter-o: (ent.) hemipter. DEFIS
hemistik-o: (verse) hemistich. DEFIS
hemoglobin-o*: hemglobin, haemoglobin. DEF
hemoptizi-o*: (med.) haemoptysis, blood
expectoration. DEF
hemoragi-o*: (med.) hemorrhage. DEF
hemoroid-o, -i: (med.) hemorrhoid(s), pile(s).
hepat-o: (anat.) liver; -ala: hepatic; pasteto
de grasa -i: pate de foie gras, potted goose livers.
hepatik-o: (bot.) liverleaf, hepatica (Hepatica).
hepatit-o*: (med.) hepatitis, inflammation of the
liver; (min.) hepatite, liver stone. DEF
heptaedr-o*: (geom.) heptahedron. DEF
heptagon-o*: (geom.) heptagon. DEF
herald-o: herald. DEFIRS
herb-o: herb, a plant which does not have a woody stem
(cf. herboro); -aji: herbage; (fig.) grass
(cf. gazono); -ala, -atra, -oza: herbaceous, herby,
grassy; herbo-stip-eto: a blade of grass; mala -o:
weed. EFIS
herbari-o: herbarium, classified collection of dried
plants. DEFIRS
herbivor-a, -o: herbivorous (animal). Def.:
Herbo-manj-anta, -anto. DEFIS
herbor-o: (medicinal) herb; -isto: herbalist. Def.:
Medicinala planto sikigita o preparita (en la formo en qua ol
vendesas da herboristo); VI-213. DEFIS
herd-o: hearth, fireplace, hearthstone; floor or bottom of
an oven. De
hered-ar: (tr.) to inherit, be the heir to (ulo,
de ulu); -o: (act) inheriting; -ajo: heritage
(estate), inheritance, heirloom, legacy; -anto, -into:
inheritor; heir; -ala, -ita: hereditary; sen- -ant-eso:
escheat (cf. re-version-ar). Ex.: Heredar havajo de
gepatri; Lua sola heredajo esis nobla nomo. EFIS
herezi-o: heresy; -ano: heretic; -ala, -ana:
heretical. DEFIRS
heris-ar: (tr.) to bristle (up) (of hair, feathers,
etc.); -o: bristling; (med.) horripilation; -ita:
bristled, bristly; (fig.) hirsute, prickly; -igar la
hari: to make one's hair stand on end. FS
herison-o: (zool.) hedgehog (genus: Erinaceus).
Herkul-o: (pr. and fig.) Hercules; -ala, -atra:
Herculean. DEFIRS
hermafrodit-a, -o: hermaphrodite. DEFIRS
hermetik-a: hermetic(al). DEFIRS
herni-o: (surg.) hernia. DEFIS
hero-(ul)o: hero; -ajo: act of heroism; -komika:
mock-heroic. DEFIRS
heron-o: (orni.) heron (Ardea). DEFI
heron-fonten-o: Hero's fountain.
herpet-o: (med.) herpes, tetter, shingles.
hers-o: (agri.) harrow; (fort.) portcullis
(set with spikes); -agar: (tr.) to h. F
heterodox-a: heterodox. Ant.: ortodoxa. DEF
heterogen-a: heterogeneous. DEFIRS
heterosexual-a: heterosexual.
hexaedr-o: (geom.) hexahedron. DEF
hexagon-o*: (geom.) hexagon. DEF
hexagram-o: (geom.) hexagram. DEFIS
hexametr-o: (verse) hexameter. DEFIRS
hezit-ar: (intr.) to hesitate, falter, be doubtful;
-igar: to cause (ulu) to h.; -anta, -ema:
hesitant, irresolute, faltering. Ex.: Il hezitas inter deziro e
shamo. Hezitar avan danjero. Karaktero hezitema. Hezitanta voco,
respondo. DEFI
hiacint-o: (bot., min.) hyacinth. DEFIRS
hiat-o: (gram. and fig.) hiatus. DEFIRS
hibrid-a, -o: hybrid, mongrel (cf. mestica, mulata);
-ifar: to produce h. offspring; -igo:
hybridization. Def.: Animali e planti qui venas de mixo di du
speci; V-33. Ex.: Mulo esas hibrido de kavalino ed asnulo.
hid-o*: (chem. nomenclature) hydrogen (cf. hidrogeno);
-o-peroxo: hydrogendioxide, peroxide.
"hidalgo": hidalgo: Spanish nobleman of lower
class. DEFIRS
hidr-o: (myth., astron.) Hydra; (zool.)
hydrophis, a genus of fresh water polyps. DEFIRS
hidrat-o*: (chem.) hydrate. DEFIS
hidraulik-o: hydraulics. DEFIRS
hidrocefal-eso: (med.) hydrocephalus, water on the
brain; -o: (person) afflicted with h. DEF
hidrodinamik-o: hydrodynamics. DEFIRS
hidrofobi-o: (med.) hydrophobia. DEFIRS
hidrogen-o: (cheem., common term) hydrogen (cf. hido).
hidrograf-o: hydrographer. DEFIS
hidrografi-o: hydrography. DEFIS
hidroliz-o: (chem.) hydrolysis. DEFIS
hidrologi-o: hydrology. DEFIS
hidromanci-o: hydromancy. DEFIS
hidromekanik-o*: hydromechanics. DEFIS
hidrometr-o: hydrometer. DEFIRS
hidrometri-o: hydrometry. DEFIRS
hidropati-o: hydropathy. DEFIRS
hidrops-o: (med.) dropsy; -ika, -iko:
dropsical (person). DEFIS
hidroquinon-o*: (chem.) hydroquinone. DEFIS
hidroskop-o: bletonist, finder of springs. DFIRS
hidroskopi-o: bletonism, art of finding under-water
sources. DFIRS
hidrostatik-o: hydrostatics. DEFIRS
hidroterapi-o: hydrotherapeutics. DEFIRS
hien-o: (zool.) hyena; -o stri-oza: striped
h. (Hyaena striata). DEFIRS
hier-e: (adv.) yesterday; -a: of y.; -e
matine: yesterday (in the) morning; la -a dio:
yesterday; pre-hiere: (on the) day before yesterday; sep
dii pos hiere: in a week. FIS
hierarki-o: hierarchy. DEFIRS
hieratik-a: hieratic (writing, etc.). DEFIRS
hieroglif-o: hieroglyph. DEFIRS
"high life"*: high life, life among the
aristocracy or the rich.
higien-o: hygiene. V. exp.: vid. salubra.
higrometr-o: hygrometer. DEFIRS
higrometri-o: hygrometry. DEFIRS
higroskop-o: hygroscope. DEF
hik-e: here, in this place; -a, -ala: here, this; -e
ube: here where; ad exter hike! out of here! away with
you! for hike: far distant from here; tra hike:
through here, this way; venez adhike: come here, hither; til
hike: (un)to here; hike apude: near here; hike
interne: here within. L
hil-o: (bot.) hilum, hile. EFIS
hilot-o: (Spartan) helot. DEFIRS
himen-o*: (anat., bot.) hymen. DEFIS
himene-o*: hymeneal, a marriage song. DEFIRS
himenopter-a, -o: (entom.) hymenopter(al).
himn-o: hymn; -aro, -o-libro: hymnal, h. book.
hioid-o*: (anat.) hyoid (bone). EFIS
hip-ar: (intr.) to have the hiccoughs, to hiccup.
hipalag-o: (gram., rhet.) hypallage. DEFIS
hiperbat-o: (gram.) hyperbaton. Def.: Figuro di
retoriko konsistanta en renverso di l'ordino dil vorti; VI-135.
hiperbol-o: (rhet.) hyperbole; (math.)
hyperbola. DEFIRS
hiperboloid-o*: (geom.) hyperboloid. DEFIRS
hiperbore-o: a Hyperborean. DEF
hipermetrop-a*: hypermetropic; far sighted; -eso:
hypermetropia. DEFS
hipertrofi-ar: (tr.) to cause hypertrophy to; to
develop to an unusual or abnormal degree; -o, -eso:
hypertrophy. Ant.: atrofiar. DEFIES
hipnot-ar: (intr.) to be in a hypnotic state; -o:
(state) hypnosis; -igar: to hypnotize (ulu); -igo:
hypnotization; -ismo: hypnotism (doctrine); -ig-ato:
person hypnotized. DEFIRS
hipocikloid-o*: (geom.) hypocycloid. DEFIRS
hipodrom-o: hippodrome. DEFIRS
hipofiz-o*: (anat.) hypophysis, pituitary gland.
hipogastr-o*: (anat.) hypogastrium. DEFIS
hipoge-o: (anc. arch.) hypogeum. DEFI
hipogrif-o: (myth.) hippogriff, winged horse.
hipokamp-o: (ich. genus) hippocampus. EFIS
hipokondr-o: (anat.) hypochondrium. DEFIRS
hipokondri-o: (med.) hypochondria; -ika,-iko:
hypochondriac. DEFIRS
hipokrit-a: hypocritical; -(ul)o: hypocrite,
dissembler; -eso: hypocrisy; -ajo: act of h.,
imposture; -esar: to be a h.; -agar: to act the h.;
(dolce) to wheedle. DEFIRS
hipopotam-o: (zool.) hippopotamus. DEFIRS
hipostaz-o: (theol.) hypostasis. DEFIR
hipotek-o: mortgage, hypothec; -izar: to m. (ulo),
to hypothecate. DeFIRS
hipotenuz-o: (geom.) hypotenuse. DEFIRS
hipotez-o: hypothesis. DEFIRS
hipsometr-o*: hypsometer. DEFIS
hipsometri-o: hypsometry, measurement of heights.
hirund-o: (orni.) swallow (family: Hirundinidæ'); -o-kaud-atra:
swallow-tailed; (carp.) dove-tailed. FISL
his-ar: (tr., nav.) to hoist, raise, haul up
(sails), to run up (a signal, a flag); -ar su: (fig.)
to raise oneself, hoist oneself, get up. DeFIS
hiskiam-o: (bot.) henbane (genus: Hyoscyamus).
hisop-o: (bot.) hyssop. DEFIRS
Hispan-ala: Hispanic.
histeri-o: (med.) hysteria, hysterics; -ika,
-iko: hysteric (person). DEFIRS
histerotomi-o*: (surg.) dissection of the womb;
Caesarian operation. DEF
histologi-o: histology. DEFIRS
histori-o: history; -isto, -ero: historian; pre-
-ala: immemorial. EFIRS
historiograf-o*: historiographer: official historian of a
prince or state. DEFIRS
histrion-o: (antiq.) histrion, stage player.
hivernar: (intr. of animals and persons) to
hibernate, to winter (cf. estivar); (milit.) to go
into winter quarters. eFIS
ho! Oh! ho! (denoting pain, sorrow, regret); ho there!
holla! (nav.) ahoy; ho! ho! heyday! dear me! bless
my soul! ho la rejino desfortunoza! oh, unfortunate queen!
hoboy-o: (mus., instr.) hautboy, oboe.
hodometr-o: (vehicle) hodometer, speedometer; (for
persons) pedometer; (pazo-kont-ilo). Def.: Instrumento
por mezurar la disti paririta da (1) rotvehilo, (2) marchanto.
hok-o: hook; -oza, -atra: curved, crooked, hooked,
bent; porto-hoko: porter's h., cargo-handler's h.; labio-barbo
hok-oza: curling mustache; -e fors-ar: (tr.) to
pick (a lock). DE
hok-oid-o*: (anat.) unciform (bone).
hold-o: (nav.) hold (of a ship). E
hola*: holla! hallo!
holograf-a: holographic: -a testamento: will
written in testators own hand. DEFIS
holokaust-o: (also fig.) holocaust, burnt offering.
Def.: Sakrifiko en qua la viktimo esis tote kombustata; IV-79
holoturi-o: (zool.) holothurian: a kind of water
polyp (genus: Holothuria), trepang, beche de mer. DEFIRS
hom-o: (species, inclusive of both sexes) man, a human
being, person; -i: people, men and women; -aro:
mankind, humanity (collect.); -ulo: a male (cf. viro,
maskulo); -ino: woman (cf. muliero); -a,
-ala: human; -eso: humanity, quality or condition of
being human (cf. human-eso); -ale: humanely
(possible, etc.); -igar: to humanize, to make human; -ach-ulo:
a sorry fellow, wretch, a nobody; hom-ocid-ar: to murder; hom-in-odi-anto:
misogynist. eFIS
homaj-ar: (tr.) to do (or pay, render) homage to (a
prince, a sovereign); (fig.) to pay one's respects to (ulu);
homajar la vertuo: to pay h. to virtue; facar homajo a
la mortinti: to render honor to the dead. EFI
homard-o: lobster (genus: Homarus). DFL
homeopati-o: homeopathy; -isto: homeopathist.
homeosexual-a: (med.) homosexual. DEF
Homer-ala, -atra (rido, e.c.): Homeric.
homili-o: homily, sermon (cf. prediko).
homogen-a: homogeneous; -eso: homogeneity.
homolog-a: (geom., biol., chem.) homologous.
homonim-a: homonymous. DEFIRS
honest-a: honest, fair and straightforward in conduct,
thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright, worthy; -eso:
honesty, probity, integrity, uprightness. EFIS
honor-o: honor; -ala: honorary (guard, etc.); -inda:
worthy of h.; -oza: honorable, full of h.; -iz-anta,
-iva: honorary, honorific; -izar: to h., pay h. to (ulu,
per ulo); -izar su: to do oneself the h., esteem it an
h., take pride in; honor-promiso, -parolo, -juro: word of
h.; (milit.) parole; -legiono: Legion of Honor; -kazo,
-skrupulo: a point of honor; -afero: an affair of h.; -menciono:
honorable mention; -um-ala: honorary: intended merely to
confer h.; possessing a title or place without performing the
duties of the position, IV-163; as honor-um-ala profesoro:
honorary (titular) professor; sen-honor-igar: to dishonor,
deprive of h. EFIS
honorari-o: honorarium, fee, emolument. Def.: Salario di
la "liberal arti" (advokato, medicinisto, e.c.);
hop! hop! jump! go!
hoplit-o: (antiq.) hoplite. DEFIRS
hor-o: hour, the twenty-fourth part of a day; (cf. kloko);
-ala: horal; -ope: hourly, by the h.; -quar-imo:
a quarter of an h. eFIS
Hori: (Gr. rel.) Horæ, the three goddesses of the
hord-o: horde, a nomadic group; (fig.) crowd, band,
pack. DEFIRS
horde-o: (bot.) barley (Hordeum); -grano: a
grain of b.; (fig., med.) stye; -sukro: b. sugar.
horizont-o: (also fig.) horizon; -ala:
horizontal; -alo: (geom.) horizontal line.
horloj-o: clock, time-piece; -ala: horologic; -eto,
posh-horlojo: a watch; (ri-) tensar -o: to wind the
c.; kontre-horloje: backwards (on a dial); against the
clock. eFIS
hornblend-o: (min.) hornblende, amphibole.
hornis-o: (ent.) hornet (Vespa crabro). De
horor-ar: (intr.) to feel dread mixed with
detestation, to abhor, detest, loath, dread, have a horror of (pri,
pro, ulu, ulo); -igar: to horrify, cause aversion to; -inda:
horrible, horrid. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. EFIS
horoskop-o: horoscope; facar la -o: to cast a
person's nativity. DEFIRS
hortensi-o: (bot.) hydrangea (Hydrangea Hortensia).
hospic-o: asylum, convalescent hospital, refuge (for the
infirm, poor, aged, etc.); (as in the Alps) hospice, inn for
travelers (kept by religious order). V. exp.: En hospitalo
on kuracas maladi; en hospico on mantenas (longe, o mem
por lia restanta vivo) oldi, infirmi, infanti, e.c. Malado
konvalecanta povas ekirar hospitalo por enirar hospico;
IV-136. DeFIS
hospital-o: hospital (cf. ambulanco). V. exp. vid. hospico.
host-o: host, one who receives or entertains a guest.
hosti-o: (C. rel.) host, consecrated wafer.
hotel-o: hotel (cf. albergo); -mastro:
hotel-manager, -owner. DEFR
"hozana": hosanna.
hu-o: (orni.) owl, particularly the white owl
(Athene noctua); -eto: owlet; tawny owl, brown owl
(Syrnium aluco, Strix aluco); -o nivea: snowy owl (Nyctea
nivea); paser-huo: little owl (Glaucidium passerinum); sparvier-huo:
hawk owl (Surnia ulula). (cf. IV-296). F
huf-o: hoof; -forj-isto: farrier; -oza, -ozo:
hoofed, ungulate. DE
hugenot-o: Huguenot. DEFIRS
hum! hem! hum!
human-a: humane, kind, compassionate, merciful; -(ul)-o:
a h. person, humanitarian; -eso: humaneness, humanity; -isto:
humanist, a student of the humanities; -ala, -ema:
humanitarian; -ismo: humanism; -e: humanely; -igar:
to humanize, render humane (cf. hom-igar). DEFIRS
humer-o: (anat.) humerus. EFIS
humid-a: humid, wet, damp, moist; -eso: (condition)
humidity; -ajo: (object) the damp; -igar: to damp,
moisten, wet. EFIS
humil-a: humble, meek, lowly; -igar: to humble,
humiliate, cast down. Def.: Qua basigas su vole, qua subordinas o
submisas su (etikal senco). Per extenso, on darfas parolar pri
gesti, paroli, agi, e social situeso humila, humil-iganta;
III-226. V. exp. vid. diskreta. Ant.: superba.
humor-o: (bona, mala) humor, temper, mood,
disposition; (old physiol.) one of the four bodily fluids
determining the temperament; nekonkordo di humori:
incompatibility of temper(s); havar dolca -o: to have a
sweet temper; esar en -o laborar: to be in a working h. V.
Exp.: Humoro signifikas propre e primitive la liquidi di
l'organismo, qui pleis tanta rolo en l'antiqua medicino; konseque
e metafore la (bona o mala) mentala stando o tendenco
(instantala, per qua ol distingesas de karaktero). Humuro
esas speco di esprito, di ironio, qua expresas su en konversado
ed en la rakonti; III-416. EFIRS
humur-o: humor, humour, jocose imagination (less
intellectual and more sympathetic than wit). V. Exp. vid. humoro.
humus-o: humus, vegetable mould. DEFIS
hund-o, -ulo, -ino: dog; -ala: canine; -yun-aro:
litter of pups; parturar hund-yuni: to whelp, to pup.
hundo-herb-o: dog-grass, couch-grass (Triticum repens).
hungr-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be hungry (cf. apetitar);
(fig.) to be eager, greedy; -oza: hungry; -eg-oza:
famished; -igar: to make hungry, cause hunger; -eg-igar:
to starve (ulu); -anta la glorio: greedy or eager
of glory. DEFI
hura! hurrah! hurray! hura-o: a hurrah, huzza.
hurd-o: hurdle, a movable frame, as of wattled twigs, for
folding sheep, gates, etc.; hurdle, an artificial barrier to be
leaped. De
husar-o: (milit.) hussar. DEFISguyav-o:
(bot.) guava (fruit); -iero: g. tree (Psidium
Guayaba). DEFS
ha! (interj.) ha! ah!
habil-a: (physical, intellectual) able, clever,
skilful, adroit, dextrous, handy; -a horlog-if-isto: a
clever clock-maker; il esas -a en sua arto: he is clever
in his art; -a fripono: a sharp rogue. V. exp.: On povas
divenar "habila" ne nur per studiado ma per
aktual experienco; on povas divenar kapabla per lernado
sen praktike aplikar sua savado. Ant.: ne-habila, ne-apta.
habilit-ar: (tr.; esp. juris.) to habilitate, to
qualify, to render competent, to enable. Ex.: Habilitar
minor(ul)o kontraktar. Habilitar su por ula ofico. La habiliteso
heredar cesas en fora gradi di parenteso. DeFIS
habit-ar: (tr., intr.) to inhabit, to live (in)
(permanently); (cf. rezidar); -(ad)o: habitation,
residing; -eyo: (place) habitation, abode, dwelling-place;
(zool.) haunt, habitat; -anto, -ero: inhabitant,
denizen; -ebla: (in)habitable. V. exp.: Habitar
esas rezidar permanante en propra o fixa domo; lojar
esas rezidar tempe (kurte) che altra persono od en
gasteyo. La soldati lojas che la habitanti dil urbo. On habitas
urbo, lando, dum ke on lojas en hotelo, che amiko,
parento, en apartamento, en chambro, e.c.; I-410. EFIS
habitakl-o: (nav.) binnacle, compass-box. F
hach-ar: (tr.) to hatch, shade by lines cut or
drawn; to hash, to mince, cut into very small parts; -ajo,
-ita karno: mince-meat; -uro: hatching; -ilo: (cook.)
chopping-knife. Def.: Pece-tigar (karno, e.c.); IV-562. Ex.: On
hachas karno per multa densa tranchuri preske paralela; simile on
hachas desegno per multa linei preske paralela; V-31. eF
hagiograf-o: hagiographer. DEFIS
hagiografi-o: hagiography. DEFIS
hak-ar: (tr.) to chop, (rough) hew, cut up (with an
axe or large cutting instrument), (cf. hachar); -achar:
to hack; -(ad)o, -uro: chopping,hewing; a chop, cut; -isto:
chopper, hewer; -ilo: a chopping instr. (as an axe); -il-eto:
a small cutting instr.; hatchet; -ilo-stroko stroke of an
axe; -il-uyo: axe-holder, -case; -o-kultelo:
cleaver, chopping-knife. DeFIS
hal-o: a large room of considerable size; (merkato-)
market, public place, ordinarily covered, where marketing is
carried on; -vend-isto: market-, stall-keeper; -o-taxo:
market-dues; linguo di la -i: (fig.) Billingsgate
(language). DeFS
halbard-o: halbard. DEFIRS
halofit-o*: (bot.) halophyte. DE
halogen-o*: (chem.) halogen. DEF
halon-o*: halo (as around moon, head, etc.).
halt-ar: (intr.) to (make a) halt, stop; -igar:
to cause (ulu) to halt; to stop (ulo); -ig-ilo:
a stopping instr., a catch; -ez: (command.) halt!
stop there! that will do! DEFI
halter-o: dumb-bell; -agar, exercar su per -i: to
do d. b. exercises. FIS
halucin-ar: (intr.) to have hallucinations, to
delude (su); -igar: to cause h.s in (ulu); to
affect with visions or imaginary perceptions. DEFIRS
halux-o*: hallux, great toe of foot.
hamadriad-o*: (myth.) hamadryad, woodnymph.
hamak-o: hammock. EFRS
hamstr-o: (zool.) hamaster (Cricetus). DEFRS
han-o: a fowl, hen or cock; (fusil-) cock (of a gun
or pistol); -ulo: cock, rooster (cf. pultro); -ino:
hen; -yuno: pullet; -yun-eto: chicken; -ulo-kres-to:
comb of a cock. DE
hano-lakt-o: mulled-egg, egg-flip. Def.: Drinkajo ek
vitelo quirlita en varma aquo sukrizita; V-621.
hanch-o: hip (of persons), haunch, hind-quarter (of
animals); -o-flexar: to bend at the hips. DEFIS
handikap-ar: (tr., in sports and fig.) to handicap.
hangar-o: shed (esp. for vehicles), outhouse; (aviation)
hangar. Def.: Tekto pozita sur fosti o pilastri; II-709.
hans-o: Hanse-town; -ala: Hanseatic. DEFIRS
har-o: a hair (of a person's head; cf. pilo); -aro:
hair (collect.); -oza: hairy; -treso:
hair-plait, pigtail, queue; -o-pelo: scalp; -ar-acho:
mop, shock of hair; -dik-eso: a hair's breadth; long-hara;
long haired. DE
hard-a: (also fig.) hard, tough, indurate; -igar:
to harden (ulu, ulo); to temper (iron, etc.); (fig.)
to indurate, toughen, inure; -ig-uro: temper (of metals); -eso:
hardness. Ex.: Fero esas metalo tre harda. Ovo harde koquita.
Lito harda. Hardigar sua korpo. Havar harda kordio (fig.).
Kavalo kun harda boko. Ant.: mola. DE
harem-o: harem; -an-ino: woman of h. DEFIRS
haring-o: (ich.) herring; -o fum-izita:
smoked h.; -o-bando: shoal of h. DEFIS
harmoni-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to be in harmony
(kun); -igar: to harmonize (ulo); -ala,
-alo: harmonic (sound). DEFRS
harmonik-a*: (math.) harmonic(al) (proportion,
harmonik-o: (mus. instr.) harmonica. DEFIRS
harmonium-o: (mus. instr.) harmonium. DEFIRS
harnes-o: harness (as of a horse); -izar: to
harness; -aro: (horse-) trappings, sen- -igar: to
unharness. DEFS
harp-o: (mus. instr.) harp. DEFIRS
harpi-o: (myth.) harpy. DEFIRS
harpun-o: harpoon; -agar: (tr.) to. h.
hashish-o: hashish. DEFIRS
hast-ar: (intr.) to hasten, make haste; -igar:
to hurry (ulu, ulo, su); to press, push forward expedite;
(cf. acelerar, plu-rapid-igar, avancar); -oz-ege:
precipitously. Ex.: hastigar la pazo, la progreso di ulo. Il
departis hastoze. Il ekiris, ma sen hasto. DEF
hau-o: (agri.) hoe; -agar: (tr.) to
h.; -eto, plata -o: mattock. Def.: Instrumento fera kun
ligna mancho, por exkavar la tero; la fera parto esas larja,
plata e tranchanta, kun aristo en plano perpendikla a la mancho;
VI-533. DeF
haul-ar: (tr., nav.) to haul, heave in (cf. tirar);
to tow; -voyo: tow-path; -ar la kanoto ye bordo:
haul the boat on board; -ar sur kord(eg)o: to haul, pull
upon a rope; -ar navo: to tow a ship; -ar kord(eg)o ad
su, ad ulu: to haul in a rope. DEFIS
hav-ar: (tr.) to have (ulo: money, occasion,
motive, time, etc.; N.B. not to be used as verbal auxiliary); -aj-o,
-i: property, possessions, what one is worth. DEFIS
hazard-o: (hap-)hazard, luck, chance, something uncertain
and unplanned; -e: by chance, casually, accidentally,
perchance; -ala: accidental, fortuitous; -o-ludo:
game of chance; -e trovar: to find or meet unexpectedly; ye
la -o di la menuo: pot-luck; ne fidez a -o: do not
trust to chance; se vu -e trovos il bon-humora: if
perchance you find him in good humour. DEFRS
he! (interj.) hey! eh!
(la) Hebre-a (linguo): the Hebrew (language); -a, -ala:
Hebrew, Hebraic; -ismo, -ajo: Hebraism; -isto:
Hebraist; (cf. Izrael-ido, Judo).
heder-o: (bot.) ivy (Hedera). ISL
hederace-o*: (bot.) ground-ivy (Glechoma
hederacea). L
hef-o: yeast, leaven. D
heg-o: hedge, hedgerow. Def.: Barilo o klozilo (cirkum
agro) formacita ek arbusti; IV-204. DEF
hegemoni-o: hegemony. Def.: Speco di dominaco o prepondero
di un naciono inter altri (historial e politikal termino);
heg-roz-o: (bot.) dog-rose (Rosa canina); -iero:
sweet-brier, eglantine.
hejir-o: hegira (Mohammedan). DEFIRS
hekatomb-o: (lit. and fig.) hecatomb. DEFIRS
hektar-o: hectare, 2.47 acres. DEFIRS
hektik-a: (med.) hectic. DEFIS
hektograf-ar: (tr.) to hectograph, to mimeograph.
hektogram-o: hectogram: 3.527 oz., avdp. DEFIRS
hektolitr-o: hectoliter: 22.01 imperial galls; 26.417 U.S.
galls. DEFIRS
hektometr-o: hectometer: about 328 ft. DEFIRS
helebor-o: (bot.) hellebore (genus: Helleborus); -o
verda, fetida, nigra: green, stinking, black (species of) h.
Helen-a*, -ala: Hellenic; -ismo, -ajo: Hellenism; -isto:
heli-o*: (chem.) helium. DEFIRS
heliant-o: (bot.) helianthus, sun-flower (genus:
Helianthus). eFIS
helic-o: (arch., geom.) helix; (of a ship)
propeller; (bot.) tendril; -o-navo: screw-ship; -atra:
helicoid, winding, spiral; (cf. helicoida); -o-resorto:
spiral spring, coiled spring. eFIS
helicoid-a*: helicoid, spiral (cf. helic-atra).
helik-o: snail (family: Helicidæ). L
helikopter-o: (aeron.) helicopter. EFIRS
heliocentr-ala*: heliocentric. DEF
heliograb-ar: (tr., photo, engr.) to make
heliogravures. EFIS
heliometr-o*: (astr. instr.) heliometer.
helioskop-o: (astr. instr.) helioscope.
heliostat-o*: heliostat. DEFIRS
heliotrop-o: (bot.) heliotrope (genus:
Heliotropium). DEFIRS
helix-o: (anat.) helix. EFIS
"heiler" (pl. -i): heller, Austrian coin;
0.2 cent.
helm-o: (ancient) helmet. Def.: Specala formo di
kasko (mezevala e blazonala); IV-78. DeFIS
help-ar: (tr.) to help, aid, assist (ulu, pri,
por, ulo); -o: help, assistance (cf. sokursar);
-anto, -ero, -isto: assistant, helper; (in composition)
assistant-, under-; (on ships) mate; aide; -o-kirurgi-isto:
assistant surgeon; -ilo, -ivo: (instrument, object which
aids) aid, help, relief, assistance, auxiliary; -o-verbo:
auxiliary verb; -ar ulu levar su (stac-eskar): to help
someone to lift himself (to rise); kun la -o di Deo: with
the help of God. DE
hem-o: home; esar -e: to be at home; -o-dei:
lares, home-gods; -rest-ema persono: domesticated,
home-loving person; -facita, -bakita: home-made, -baked.
V. exp.: La hemo povas esar ne kompleta domo, ma apartamento
mikra e mem nur un chambro; lo esencala esas, ke on sentas ke ol
esas personala "eseyo" (rezideyo), tote diferanta de
chambri di hotelo o di lojeyo; I-411. DEF
hematit-o: (min.) hematite, bloodstone.
hemerokal-o: (bot.) day-lily (genus: Hemerocallis).
hemiop-a*: (med.) hemianoptic; -eso:
hemianopsia, hemiopsy. EF
hemiplegi-o*: (med.) hemiplegia. DEF
hemipter-o: (ent.) hemipter. DEFIS
hemistik-o: (verse) hemistich. DEFIS
hemoglobin-o*: hemglobin, haemoglobin. DEF
hemoptizi-o*: (med.) haemoptysis, blood
expectoration. DEF
hemoragi-o*: (med.) hemorrhage. DEF
hemoroid-o, -i: (med.) hemorrhoid(s), pile(s).
hepat-o: (anat.) liver; -ala: hepatic; pasteto
de grasa -i: pate de foie gras, potted goose livers.
hepatik-o: (bot.) liverleaf, hepatica (Hepatica).
hepatit-o*: (med.) hepatitis, inflammation of the
liver; (min.) hepatite, liver stone. DEF
heptaedr-o*: (geom.) heptahedron. DEF
heptagon-o*: (geom.) heptagon. DEF
herald-o: herald. DEFIRS
herb-o: herb, a plant which does not have a woody stem
(cf. herboro); -aji: herbage; (fig.) grass
(cf. gazono); -ala, -atra, -oza: herbaceous, herby,
grassy; herbo-stip-eto: a blade of grass; mala -o:
weed. EFIS
herbari-o: herbarium, classified collection of dried
plants. DEFIRS
herbivor-a, -o: herbivorous (animal). Def.:
Herbo-manj-anta, -anto. DEFIS
herbor-o: (medicinal) herb; -isto: herbalist. Def.:
Medicinala planto sikigita o preparita (en la formo en qua ol
vendesas da herboristo); VI-213. DEFIS
herd-o: hearth, fireplace, hearthstone; floor or bottom of
an oven. De
hered-ar: (tr.) to inherit, be the heir to (ulo,
de ulu); -o: (act) inheriting; -ajo: heritage
(estate), inheritance, heirloom, legacy; -anto, -into:
inheritor; heir; -ala, -ita: hereditary; sen- -ant-eso:
escheat (cf. re-version-ar). Ex.: Heredar havajo de
gepatri; Lua sola heredajo esis nobla nomo. EFIS
herezi-o: heresy; -ano: heretic; -ala, -ana:
heretical. DEFIRS
heris-ar: (tr.) to bristle (up) (of hair, feathers,
etc.); -o: bristling; (med.) horripilation; -ita:
bristled, bristly; (fig.) hirsute, prickly; -igar la
hari: to make one's hair stand on end. FS
herison-o: (zool.) hedgehog (genus: Erinaceus).
Herkul-o: (pr. and fig.) Hercules; -ala, -atra:
Herculean. DEFIRS
hermafrodit-a, -o: hermaphrodite. DEFIRS
hermetik-a: hermetic(al). DEFIRS
herni-o: (surg.) hernia. DEFIS
hero-(ul)o: hero; -ajo: act of heroism; -komika:
mock-heroic. DEFIRS
heron-o: (orni.) heron (Ardea). DEFI
heron-fonten-o: Hero's fountain.
herpet-o: (med.) herpes, tetter, shingles.
hers-o: (agri.) harrow; (fort.) portcullis
(set with spikes); -agar: (tr.) to h. F
heterodox-a: heterodox. Ant.: ortodoxa. DEF
heterogen-a: heterogeneous. DEFIRS
heterosexual-a: heterosexual.
hexaedr-o: (geom.) hexahedron. DEF
hexagon-o*: (geom.) hexagon. DEF
hexagram-o: (geom.) hexagram. DEFIS
hexametr-o: (verse) hexameter. DEFIRS
hezit-ar: (intr.) to hesitate, falter, be doubtful;
-igar: to cause (ulu) to h.; -anta, -ema:
hesitant, irresolute, faltering. Ex.: Il hezitas inter deziro e
shamo. Hezitar avan danjero. Karaktero hezitema. Hezitanta voco,
respondo. DEFI
hiacint-o: (bot., min.) hyacinth. DEFIRS
hiat-o: (gram. and fig.) hiatus. DEFIRS
hibrid-a, -o: hybrid, mongrel (cf. mestica, mulata);
-ifar: to produce h. offspring; -igo:
hybridization. Def.: Animali e planti qui venas de mixo di du
speci; V-33. Ex.: Mulo esas hibrido de kavalino ed asnulo.
hid-o*: (chem. nomenclature) hydrogen (cf. hidrogeno);
-o-peroxo: hydrogendioxide, peroxide.
"hidalgo": hidalgo: Spanish nobleman of lower
class. DEFIRS
hidr-o: (myth., astron.) Hydra; (zool.)
hydrophis, a genus of fresh water polyps. DEFIRS
hidrat-o*: (chem.) hydrate. DEFIS
hidraulik-o: hydraulics. DEFIRS
hidrocefal-eso: (med.) hydrocephalus, water on the
brain; -o: (person) afflicted with h. DEF
hidrodinamik-o: hydrodynamics. DEFIRS
hidrofobi-o: (med.) hydrophobia. DEFIRS
hidrogen-o: (cheem., common term) hydrogen (cf. hido).
hidrograf-o: hydrographer. DEFIS
hidrografi-o: hydrography. DEFIS
hidroliz-o: (chem.) hydrolysis. DEFIS
hidrologi-o: hydrology. DEFIS
hidromanci-o: hydromancy. DEFIS
hidromekanik-o*: hydromechanics. DEFIS
hidrometr-o: hydrometer. DEFIRS
hidrometri-o: hydrometry. DEFIRS
hidropati-o: hydropathy. DEFIRS
hidrops-o: (med.) dropsy; -ika, -iko:
dropsical (person). DEFIS
hidroquinon-o*: (chem.) hydroquinone. DEFIS
hidroskop-o: bletonist, finder of springs. DFIRS
hidroskopi-o: bletonism, art of finding under-water
sources. DFIRS
hidrostatik-o: hydrostatics. DEFIRS
hidroterapi-o: hydrotherapeutics. DEFIRS
hien-o: (zool.) hyena; -o stri-oza: striped
h. (Hyaena striata). DEFIRS
hier-e: (adv.) yesterday; -a: of y.; -e
matine: yesterday (in the) morning; la -a dio:
yesterday; pre-hiere: (on the) day before yesterday; sep
dii pos hiere: in a week. FIS
hierarki-o: hierarchy. DEFIRS
hieratik-a: hieratic (writing, etc.). DEFIRS
hieroglif-o: hieroglyph. DEFIRS
"high life"*: high life, life among the
aristocracy or the rich.
higien-o: hygiene. V. exp.: vid. salubra.
higrometr-o: hygrometer. DEFIRS
higrometri-o: hygrometry. DEFIRS
higroskop-o: hygroscope. DEF
hik-e: here, in this place; -a, -ala: here, this; -e
ube: here where; ad exter hike! out of here! away with
you! for hike: far distant from here; tra hike:
through here, this way; venez adhike: come here, hither; til
hike: (un)to here; hike apude: near here; hike
interne: here within. L
hil-o: (bot.) hilum, hile. EFIS
hilot-o: (Spartan) helot. DEFIRS
himen-o*: (anat., bot.) hymen. DEFIS
himene-o*: hymeneal, a marriage song. DEFIRS
himenopter-a, -o: (entom.) hymenopter(al).
himn-o: hymn; -aro, -o-libro: hymnal, h. book.
hioid-o*: (anat.) hyoid (bone). EFIS
hip-ar: (intr.) to have the hiccoughs, to hiccup.
hipalag-o: (gram., rhet.) hypallage. DEFIS
hiperbat-o: (gram.) hyperbaton. Def.: Figuro di
retoriko konsistanta en renverso di l'ordino dil vorti; VI-135.
hiperbol-o: (rhet.) hyperbole; (math.)
hyperbola. DEFIRS
hiperboloid-o*: (geom.) hyperboloid. DEFIRS
hiperbore-o: a Hyperborean. DEF
hipermetrop-a*: hypermetropic; far sighted; -eso:
hypermetropia. DEFS
hipertrofi-ar: (tr.) to cause hypertrophy to; to
develop to an unusual or abnormal degree; -o, -eso:
hypertrophy. Ant.: atrofiar. DEFIES
hipnot-ar: (intr.) to be in a hypnotic state; -o:
(state) hypnosis; -igar: to hypnotize (ulu); -igo:
hypnotization; -ismo: hypnotism (doctrine); -ig-ato:
person hypnotized. DEFIRS
hipocikloid-o*: (geom.) hypocycloid. DEFIRS
hipodrom-o: hippodrome. DEFIRS
hipofiz-o*: (anat.) hypophysis, pituitary gland.
hipogastr-o*: (anat.) hypogastrium. DEFIS
hipoge-o: (anc. arch.) hypogeum. DEFI
hipogrif-o: (myth.) hippogriff, winged horse.
hipokamp-o: (ich. genus) hippocampus. EFIS
hipokondr-o: (anat.) hypochondrium. DEFIRS
hipokondri-o: (med.) hypochondria; -ika,-iko:
hypochondriac. DEFIRS
hipokrit-a: hypocritical; -(ul)o: hypocrite,
dissembler; -eso: hypocrisy; -ajo: act of h.,
imposture; -esar: to be a h.; -agar: to act the h.;
(dolce) to wheedle. DEFIRS
hipopotam-o: (zool.) hippopotamus. DEFIRS
hipostaz-o: (theol.) hypostasis. DEFIR
hipotek-o: mortgage, hypothec; -izar: to m. (ulo),
to hypothecate. DeFIRS
hipotenuz-o: (geom.) hypotenuse. DEFIRS
hipotez-o: hypothesis. DEFIRS
hipsometr-o*: hypsometer. DEFIS
hipsometri-o: hypsometry, measurement of heights.
hirund-o: (orni.) swallow (family: Hirundinidæ'); -o-kaud-atra:
swallow-tailed; (carp.) dove-tailed. FISL
his-ar: (tr., nav.) to hoist, raise, haul up
(sails), to run up (a signal, a flag); -ar su: (fig.)
to raise oneself, hoist oneself, get up. DeFIS
hiskiam-o: (bot.) henbane (genus: Hyoscyamus).
hisop-o: (bot.) hyssop. DEFIRS
Hispan-ala: Hispanic.
histeri-o: (med.) hysteria, hysterics; -ika,
-iko: hysteric (person). DEFIRS
histerotomi-o*: (surg.) dissection of the womb;
Caesarian operation. DEF
histologi-o: histology. DEFIRS
histori-o: history; -isto, -ero: historian; pre-
-ala: immemorial. EFIRS
historiograf-o*: historiographer: official historian of a
prince or state. DEFIRS
histrion-o: (antiq.) histrion, stage player.
hivernar: (intr. of animals and persons) to
hibernate, to winter (cf. estivar); (milit.) to go
into winter quarters. eFIS
ho! Oh! ho! (denoting pain, sorrow, regret); ho there!
holla! (nav.) ahoy; ho! ho! heyday! dear me! bless
my soul! ho la rejino desfortunoza! oh, unfortunate queen!
hoboy-o: (mus., instr.) hautboy, oboe.
hodometr-o: (vehicle) hodometer, speedometer; (for
persons) pedometer; (pazo-kont-ilo). Def.: Instrumento
por mezurar la disti paririta da (1) rotvehilo, (2) marchanto.
hok-o: hook; -oza, -atra: curved, crooked, hooked,
bent; porto-hoko: porter's h., cargo-handler's h.; labio-barbo
hok-oza: curling mustache; -e fors-ar: (tr.) to
pick (a lock). DE
hok-oid-o*: (anat.) unciform (bone).
hold-o: (nav.) hold (of a ship). E
hola*: holla! hallo!
holograf-a: holographic: -a testamento: will
written in testators own hand. DEFIS
holokaust-o: (also fig.) holocaust, burnt offering.
Def.: Sakrifiko en qua la viktimo esis tote kombustata; IV-79
holoturi-o: (zool.) holothurian: a kind of water
polyp (genus: Holothuria), trepang, beche de mer. DEFIRS
hom-o: (species, inclusive of both sexes) man, a human
being, person; -i: people, men and women; -aro:
mankind, humanity (collect.); -ulo: a male (cf. viro,
maskulo); -ino: woman (cf. muliero); -a,
-ala: human; -eso: humanity, quality or condition of
being human (cf. human-eso); -ale: humanely
(possible, etc.); -igar: to humanize, to make human; -ach-ulo:
a sorry fellow, wretch, a nobody; hom-ocid-ar: to murder; hom-in-odi-anto:
misogynist. eFIS
homaj-ar: (tr.) to do (or pay, render) homage to (a
prince, a sovereign); (fig.) to pay one's respects to (ulu);
homajar la vertuo: to pay h. to virtue; facar homajo a
la mortinti: to render honor to the dead. EFI
homard-o: lobster (genus: Homarus). DFL
homeopati-o: homeopathy; -isto: homeopathist.
homeosexual-a: (med.) homosexual. DEF
Homer-ala, -atra (rido, e.c.): Homeric.
homili-o: homily, sermon (cf. prediko).
homogen-a: homogeneous; -eso: homogeneity.
homolog-a: (geom., biol., chem.) homologous.
homonim-a: homonymous. DEFIRS
honest-a: honest, fair and straightforward in conduct,
thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright, worthy; -eso:
honesty, probity, integrity, uprightness. EFIS
honor-o: honor; -ala: honorary (guard, etc.); -inda:
worthy of h.; -oza: honorable, full of h.; -iz-anta,
-iva: honorary, honorific; -izar: to h., pay h. to (ulu,
per ulo); -izar su: to do oneself the h., esteem it an
h., take pride in; honor-promiso, -parolo, -juro: word of
h.; (milit.) parole; -legiono: Legion of Honor; -kazo,
-skrupulo: a point of honor; -afero: an affair of h.; -menciono:
honorable mention; -um-ala: honorary: intended merely to
confer h.; possessing a title or place without performing the
duties of the position, IV-163; as honor-um-ala profesoro:
honorary (titular) professor; sen-honor-igar: to dishonor,
deprive of h. EFIS
honorari-o: honorarium, fee, emolument. Def.: Salario di
la "liberal arti" (advokato, medicinisto, e.c.);
hop! hop! jump! go!
hoplit-o: (antiq.) hoplite. DEFIRS
hor-o: hour, the twenty-fourth part of a day; (cf. kloko);
-ala: horal; -ope: hourly, by the h.; -quar-imo:
a quarter of an h. eFIS
Hori: (Gr. rel.) Horæ, the three goddesses of the
hord-o: horde, a nomadic group; (fig.) crowd, band,
pack. DEFIRS
horde-o: (bot.) barley (Hordeum); -grano: a
grain of b.; (fig., med.) stye; -sukro: b. sugar.
horizont-o: (also fig.) horizon; -ala:
horizontal; -alo: (geom.) horizontal line.
horloj-o: clock, time-piece; -ala: horologic; -eto,
posh-horlojo: a watch; (ri-) tensar -o: to wind the
c.; kontre-horloje: backwards (on a dial); against the
clock. eFIS
hornblend-o: (min.) hornblende, amphibole.
hornis-o: (ent.) hornet (Vespa crabro). De
horor-ar: (intr.) to feel dread mixed with
detestation, to abhor, detest, loath, dread, have a horror of (pri,
pro, ulu, ulo); -igar: to horrify, cause aversion to; -inda:
horrible, horrid. V. exp.: vid. pavorar. EFIS
horoskop-o: horoscope; facar la -o: to cast a
person's nativity. DEFIRS
hortensi-o: (bot.) hydrangea (Hydrangea Hortensia).
hospic-o: asylum, convalescent hospital, refuge (for the
infirm, poor, aged, etc.); (as in the Alps) hospice, inn for
travelers (kept by religious order). V. exp.: En hospitalo
on kuracas maladi; en hospico on mantenas (longe, o mem
por lia restanta vivo) oldi, infirmi, infanti, e.c. Malado
konvalecanta povas ekirar hospitalo por enirar hospico;
IV-136. DeFIS
hospital-o: hospital (cf. ambulanco). V. exp. vid. hospico.
host-o: host, one who receives or entertains a guest.
hosti-o: (C. rel.) host, consecrated wafer.
hotel-o: hotel (cf. albergo); -mastro:
hotel-manager, -owner. DEFR
"hozana": hosanna.
hu-o: (orni.) owl, particularly the white owl
(Athene noctua); -eto: owlet; tawny owl, brown owl
(Syrnium aluco, Strix aluco); -o nivea: snowy owl (Nyctea
nivea); paser-huo: little owl (Glaucidium passerinum); sparvier-huo:
hawk owl (Surnia ulula). (cf. IV-296). F
huf-o: hoof; -forj-isto: farrier; -oza, -ozo:
hoofed, ungulate. DE
hugenot-o: Huguenot. DEFIRS
hum! hem! hum!
human-a: humane, kind, compassionate, merciful; -(ul)-o:
a h. person, humanitarian; -eso: humaneness, humanity; -isto:
humanist, a student of the humanities; -ala, -ema:
humanitarian; -ismo: humanism; -e: humanely; -igar:
to humanize, render humane (cf. hom-igar). DEFIRS
humer-o: (anat.) humerus. EFIS
humid-a: humid, wet, damp, moist; -eso: (condition)
humidity; -ajo: (object) the damp; -igar: to damp,
moisten, wet. EFIS
humil-a: humble, meek, lowly; -igar: to humble,
humiliate, cast down. Def.: Qua basigas su vole, qua subordinas o
submisas su (etikal senco). Per extenso, on darfas parolar pri
gesti, paroli, agi, e social situeso humila, humil-iganta;
III-226. V. exp. vid. diskreta. Ant.: superba.
humor-o: (bona, mala) humor, temper, mood,
disposition; (old physiol.) one of the four bodily fluids
determining the temperament; nekonkordo di humori:
incompatibility of temper(s); havar dolca -o: to have a
sweet temper; esar en -o laborar: to be in a working h. V.
Exp.: Humoro signifikas propre e primitive la liquidi di
l'organismo, qui pleis tanta rolo en l'antiqua medicino; konseque
e metafore la (bona o mala) mentala stando o tendenco
(instantala, per qua ol distingesas de karaktero). Humuro
esas speco di esprito, di ironio, qua expresas su en konversado
ed en la rakonti; III-416. EFIRS
humur-o: humor, humour, jocose imagination (less
intellectual and more sympathetic than wit). V. Exp. vid. humoro.
humus-o: humus, vegetable mould. DEFIS
hund-o, -ulo, -ino: dog; -ala: canine; -yun-aro:
litter of pups; parturar hund-yuni: to whelp, to pup.
hundo-herb-o: dog-grass, couch-grass (Triticum repens).
hungr-ar, -eskar: (intr.) to be hungry (cf. apetitar);
(fig.) to be eager, greedy; -oza: hungry; -eg-oza:
famished; -igar: to make hungry, cause hunger; -eg-igar:
to starve (ulu); -anta la glorio: greedy or eager
of glory. DEFI
hura! hurrah! hurray! hura-o: a hurrah, huzza.
hurd-o: hurdle, a movable frame, as of wattled twigs, for
folding sheep, gates, etc.; hurdle, an artificial barrier to be
leaped. De
husar-o: (milit.) hussar. DEFIS