Ido-Angla vortaro: J
ja: (adv.) already; before or by this time or
the time mentioned, even now; ja ne: not yet; (fig.)
not even; lu ja arivis: he has already arrived; il ne
ja arivis: he has not yet arrived; lu ja dormeskis: he
has already fallen asleep; kad vu ja asistis kunsido? No, me
ne ja asistis: have you as yet attended a meeting? No, I have
not yet been present; Ka vu ja lektis ta libro? No, me ne ja
lektis ol, me ne ja trovis la necesa tempo: Have you read
that book yet (already)? No, I have not read it yet, I have not
found the necessary time. Il ja ne esas kontenta: he is
not yet content; Kad il ja finabis la laboro kande lua patrulo
vizitas il? Had he already finished the work when his father
visited him? V. exp.: vid. ankore. FIL
jabot-o: jabot: ruffle on shirt bosom; lace frill
worn on womans bodice. DeFR
jac-ar: (intr.) to lie (position of persons or
things living or dead); -anta: lying (ill, dead),
stretched out; -eyo: layer, bed; hike jacas: here
lies (ulu, ulo). FIS
jad-o: (min.) jade. DEFIS
jaguar-o: (zool.) jaguar (Felis onca).
jaket-o: (womans) jacket. DeFIRS
jakobin-o: a Jacobin; -eso,-ismo: Jacobinism.
jakonet-o: (fabric) jaconet. DEFIRS
jalap-o: (bot.) jalap (esp. the Ipomoea purga).
jaluz-a: jealous; -(ul)o: a j. person; -eso:
jealousy. EFI
janichar-o: Janizary: Turkish infantryman.
Jansen-ismo: Jansenism; -isto: Jansenist; -ist-a,
-ala: Jansenistic.
januar-o: January. DEFIRS
jar-o: jar: large earthen jug for water, etc.
jardinier-o: jardinière; flower stand or receptacle for
plants; a dish of mixed vegetables. V. exp.: Ne vazo, ma
mobl(et)o por suportar flori o buketo; VI-528. DEFIS
jargon-ar: (intr.) to talk jargon, gibberish, to
jabber, to use unintelligible language; (cf. slango,
galimatiaso). Def.: Linguo o dialekto nekorekta, ma ne
esencale od intence diferanta de la ordinara linguo; VII-158.
Ex.: La stranjeri ne parolas la Franca, li nur jargonas. La
jargono di la infanti, di la rurano. DEFIRS
jasmin-o: (bot.) jasmine, jassamine, (genus:
Jasminum). DEFIRS
jasp-o: (min.) jasper; -umar: (tr.)
to marble, vein (books, etc.). DEFIS
javelin-o: (weapon.) javelin. Def.: Speco di
dardolonga e dina. EFIS
je-o: (orni.) jay (Garrulus gandarius). EF
jele-o: jelly; -o de ribi, ribo-jeleo: currant j.
jelozi-o: Jalousie: Venetian blind, curtain blind.
Def.: Klozilo kompozita ed multa lati (lameni) superpozita, quin
on povas generale inlinar per rotaco cirkum lua longesal axo, e
quin on povas levar o deslevar quale kurteno, per kordo o
kordono. Kande ol esas tote levita, la lati esas aplikita uni sur
altri; III-290. DeFIS
jem-ar: (intr.) to groan, moan, to give forth a
dull, low sound of grief or pain; -ar pro doloro: to groan
with pain; -ar pri sua mortinta kompano: to bemoan his
dead companion, FIS
jemel-a, -o: twin; -i: (astron.) Gemini; -a
frati: t. brothers; -a liti: t. beds; tri- -i:
triplets. EFIS
jen-ar: (tr.) to hinder the movments of the body,
(of clothing, etc.) to pinch, be too tight; (fig.) to hold
in constraint, prevent, hinder from doing something; -o:
inconvenience, annoyance, trouble; ca shui -as me: these
shoes pinch me; alta dogan-taxi jenas lindustrio:
high custom dues hinder industry; lua prezenteso -as me:
his presence disturbs me (he is in the way). DF
jendarm-o: gendarme: one of a body of military
police, esp. in France. DeFIS
jeneroz-a: generous, open-handed, munificent, liberal (in
gifts). DEFIS
jeni-o: (milit.) corps of engineers; -ano:
e. soldier, a sapper and miner; (cf. injenioro).
jenjiv-o: gum (of teeth). FI
jenjivit-o*: (med.) gingivitis. EFI
jenr-o: (art.) genre; -o-pikt-(ad)o, -uro:
«genre» painting: representing scenes in common life, in
opposition to history and landscape. DeF
jentil-a: (of character) nice, well-bred, courteous, civi;
-(ul)o: gentleman (in character): a man of fine
feeling. V. exp.: Jentila relatas la karaktero e la mori
di persono agreabla e plezanta. Polita relatas nur
lextera formi di la sociala relati, la paroli, gesti,
agad-manieri (maxim ofte konvencionala o simbolatra); II-646.
jer-ar: (tr.) to manage, administer, conduct (a
hotel, business (for an owner)); -ant-eso: managership.
Def.: Administrar por la profito di la proprietero, esante
salariata oficisto. V. exp.: On bezonas ofte distingar tre klare
ladministranto (who owns) de la jer-anto, -isto (manager),
exp.: jeranto di domeno, kastelo, hotelo, teatro, lugata domi,
e.c. FIS
jerm-o: (pr. and fig.) germ; -ifar: (intr.)
to germinate, spring up, sprout; -if-igar: (tr.) to
cause to germinate, sprout; -if-eyo: (brewing) malt-house;
-if-anta plasmo: g. plasm; la -i di vertui, di idei:
the g. of virtues, of ideas. EFIRS
jerze-o: jersey, sweater. EF
Jesu: Jesus; -Kristo: Jesus Christ.
jet-ar: (tr.) to throw; for- -ar: to throw
at a distance, throw away; (cf. lansar, spricar); -ar
ombro: to t. a shadow. FI
jezuit-o: Jesuit. DEFIRS
jibet-o: gibbet. V. exp.: La objekto havas la formo di la
litero Greka G (ne ta di la litero ?); kp. patibulo;
IV-511. EF
jig-o: (dance, tune) jig. DEFIRS
jilet-o: vest; waistcoat. F
jilflor-o: (bot.) gillyflower (Cheiranthus cheiri).
jin-o: (liquor) gin. DEFIRS
jinet-o: (zool.) genet(te): species of
civets (Viverra Genetta); a Turkish ringcurb, -bit. DEFIS
jinjer-o: ginger. EFIS
jir-ar: (intr.) to turn about, gyrate; (nav.)
veer around, tack about, put about; -achar: to prowl
around. V. exp.: Turnar, rotacar, jirar: La verbo turnar
esas la maxim generala e suficas por lordinara uzado. La du
altri esas teknikala. Korpo rotacas kande ol turnas cirkum
axo qua trairas lu (ex. roto cirkum sua axo: to
esas letimologiala origino di la verbo: L. rota,
rotare). Korpo jiras, kande ol turnas cirkum axo o
punto situita exter lu, plu o min fore (ex. veturo, navo
jiras deskriptante arko di cirklo o di altra kurvo; II-644.
jiraf-o: (zool.) giraffe, camelopard. DEFIRS
jiravolt-o: (horsemanship) volt right and left,
quick turning. FI
jok-ar: (tr.. intr.) to joke, banter (ulu);
to joke, jest (kun ulu, pri ulo); -ema, -oza:
jocular, waggish, facetious; -ante, per jokar: by way of a
joke, in jest; -ajo: a joke jest (objective); -mentio:
hoax; laciva -o: broad jest, coarse joke. EI
joke-o: jockey. DEFRS
jongl-ar: (intr.) to juggle (per): to
play tricks by sleight of hand. DEFIS
jonk-o: (Chinese) junk. DEFIS
jonquil-o: (bot.) jonquil (Narcissus Jonquilla).
jorn-o: (opp. to night) day, daylight, daytime;
(cf. dio); -ar: to be daylight, daytime; -eskar:
it begine to be light, day is coming; -ala: diurnal,
daytime; daily; -o-mezo: midday, noon; en plena -o:
in broad day (light); -o -laboro: a days work,
day-labor; -o di ok hori: an eight-hour day; -ala
labor-isto: a day worker; -ope laborar: to work by the
day; -o-pago: a days pay. Ant.: nokto.
jovdi-o: Thursday; santa -o: Maundy T. FIS
joy-ar: (intr.) to be joyous, be delighted, be
glad; -igar: to cause (ulu) to rejoice, to fill
with joy; (cf. gay-igar); -egar: to jubilate,
exult; -oza: joyful, joyous; -ema: jovial, jolly; -o-trubl-anto,
-ero: (fig.) spoil-sport, damper, wet-blanket.
ju-ar: (tr.) to enjoy: to have a
satisfaction in, feel with pleasure, revel in; -ar bona
reputo: to enoy (have) a good reputation; ca homo juas la
tempo prezenta sen pensar pri la futuro: this man enjoys the
present without troubling himself about the future; -ar
lembaraseso di ulu: to enjoy the embarrassment of
someone. eF
jube-o: jube: a gallery in a church containing the
rood. EF
jubile-ar: (tr.) to celebrate the jubilee of; -o:
(R. C. Church and Jewish) jubilee; 50th anniversary, golden
wedding; -ata, -ato: (person) of 50 years standing.
Jud-o, -ulo, -ino: a Jew; -a, -ala: Jewish; -ismo:
Judaism; la migr-anta judo: the wandering Jew; -eyo,
-aro: Ghetto, jewry; (cf. Izrael-ido, Hebreo) Judo.
judici-ar: (tr., jur.) to judge judicially (ulu,
ulo); (cf. judiko); -o: trial, judgment; -eyo:
court of justice; -anto, -ero, -isto: judge, justice,
magistrate; -ala: judicial: relative to the court; -ist-ala:
judiciary: relative to the judges; -isto, -aro:
judiciary; -ist-eso: judicature, magistracy; -ebla:
justiciable; -o-povo: judicial power; -isto
inquest-anta: examining magistrate; havar -ala resortiso o
domeno: to have jurisdiction; -ant-aro: (fig.)
bench of judges; jury; -anto, -ano: juryman; (cf. juriano,
jurinto); enuncar la -o: to pass sentence. Def.: Facar
legala, yurala «judiki»; IV-167. EFIS
judik-ar: (tr., intr.) to judge: to conclude
or determine by the exercise of judgment (not legal; cf. judiciar);
to exteem, deem, think; -o: judgment; logical opinion; -o-povo:
faculty or power of judgment; me -as il kom honesta: I
judge hime to be honest; -ar segun la semblo: to judge by
appearances. EFIS
jugular-a*: (anat.) jugular. DEFIS
jujub-o: (fruit) jujube; -iero: j. tree
(genus: Zizyphus). EFR
julep-o: (pharm.) julep: a sweet demulcent
mixture, used as a vehicle. DEFIS
juli-o: July. DEFIRS
julien-o: julienne: a clear vegetable soup.
jung-ar: (tr.) to put to, «inspan» (as horses to
a carriage), to yoke up (oxen); -o: yoking, putting in;
(cf. yugo); -it-aro, -ajo: (animal, object yoked)
team, yoke, pair of horses, oxen. L
jungl-o: jungle. EF
juni-o: June. DEFIRS
junior-a, -o: junior, younger. EF
juniper-o: (bot.) juniper-tree, (genus:
Juniperus); -bero: j. berry. EFI
junk-o: (bot.) rush, cane, (genus: Juncus); -izar:
to cover with rushes; to cane (chairs, etc.). FIS
junt-ar: (tr., material sense) to join:
place one thing in contiguity to another; (of hands) to clasp;
(cf. unionar) -uro, -eyo: joint, junction; -ita
pedi: with feet together; -ita manui: clasped hands; -o-strek-eto:
(print.) hyphen; -ar du planki per gluo: to glue
two planks together; -ar alo ad la domo: to add a wing to
the house; -ar du gardeni: to join two gardens.
EFIS jup-o: skirt (of gown); (of men) kilt; suba
-o, sup-jupo: underskirt, petticoat. FR
jur-ar: (tr., intr.) to swear: make solemn
declaration, to give ones oath; -igar: to swear in (ulu),
administer the oath to (ulu); -inta: sworn; -into:
person sworn (cf. juri-ano). Ex.: Jurar dicar la verajo.
Jurar fideleso ad ulu. Jurar amikeso ad ulu. eFIS
juras-o, -ala*: (geol.) Jurassic (period or
system). DEF
juri-o: jury; -ano: juror, juryman (cf. judik-ant-ano,
jur-into). DEFIS
juriskonsult-o: jurisconsult: a man learned in law,
esp. Civil law; a jurist; counsellor at law. DEFIRS
jurisprudenc-o: judicature: ordinary method which
tribunals use in judging points of law; -i: precedents. V.
exp.: Ne en la senco; yuro- (lego-) cienco, ma en la senco;
interpretado di la legi per la verdikti di la judiciisti, o
generale: maiero aplikar la legi a la partikulara kazi;
IV-200. DFIS
jurnal-o: journal, newspaper, gazette; -isto:
journalist, newspaperman; -ist-eso: (profession)
journalism; -ista: journalistic; -aro: the press.
jus: (adv.) just: just now, this last
minute, the moment just passed; -a: of a moment ago. Ex.:
Vu venas tro tarde, lu jus mortis. Me jus arivis. DEFIS
just-a: conforming to some proper standard (N.B. not
legal sense; cf. yusta); right, correct, well grounded,
exact, proper (of measure, time, balance, word, thought, etc.); -eso:
rightness, exactness, appositeness, propriety; esar justa:
to be right (in opinion, or deed, or fact); justa-tempe:
at the right time, in the nick of time, precise; ta horlojo
esas -a: that clock is right; donar justa mezuro: to
give the right measure; to esas tre justa dicajo: that is
a very proper saying; havar ideo justa pri ulo: to have a
just idea of the thing; havar justa suspekti pri ulu: to
have justifiable suspicions. eFIS
justifik-ar: to justify: prove or show to be right;
to vindicate, warrant; -eble: justifiable, warrantable.
Def.: Montrar ke ulu od ulo esas justa. (kp. yust-igar);
jut-o: jute. DEFIS
juvel-o: jewel; -uyo, -buxo: j.-holder, -box; -vend-eyo,
-erio: j. shop. DEFIRS