Ido-Angla vortaro : L
la: (def. article) the; (cf. le).
When the following word begins with a vowel, the «a» may be
omitted; as: linfanto. (mus.) la: sixth note
diatonic scale. FIS
labar-o: labarum: a Roman standard. DEFIS
labi-o: (anat. and fig.) lip; -ala: relating
to the lip; (gram.) labial; -oza: full-lipped; (bot.)
labiate; -(ach)oza, groslabia: blubber-lipped,
thick-lipped; -o-barbo: moustache; -o-pilo: whisker
(of an animal). DeFIS
labirint-o: labyrinth; (fig.) maze. DEFIRS
labirintodont-o*: (paleont.) labyrinthodon(t).
labor-ar: (intr.) to work, labo(u)r (pri ulo);
(tr.) to work (the earth, iron, wood, etc.); -ego:
hard work, toil; -uro: piece of work (performed); -eso:
workmanship, manner in which work is executed; -anta:
working; -oza: laborious (task); -ema: industrious,
hard-working; -anto, -ero, -isto: worker, workman,
artisan; -dio: working day; -jorno: days
work, day-labo(u)r; -benko: work-bench; -eskar: to
start work; -ista klaso, labor-ist-aro: working class; -divido:
division of labo(u)r; par- -ar: to work through to the
end, to finish a work, elaborate. EFIS
laboratori-o: laboratory. DEFIRS
labr-o: (ich.) wrass(e), (genus: Labrus).
lac-o: lace: a plaited string to fasten something through
eyelet holes; shoelace, etc; -agar: (tr.) to lace
(shoes, corsets, etc.); -izar: to put laces on (ulo);
(cf. dentelo). EFIS
lacer-ar: (tr.) to lacerate, tear, rend, to fray
out (by rubbing). EFIS
lacert-o: lizard; -ala, -atra: relating to lizards;
(zool.) lacertian. eFIS
laciv-a: lascivious, libidinous, lewd, lustful, wanton,
lecherous. DEFIS
lad-o: tin (-plate). IS
ladan-o: la(b)danum. DEFIRS
lag-o: lake; -eto: pond; -ala, -ana,
-o-habit-anta: lacustrine. EFIS
lagun-o: lagoon. DEFIRS
laik-a: lay, laic, laical; -(ul)o: layman; (cf. lea);
-eso: lay-character, non-religious character; -igar:
to laicize; (cf. sekular-igar). DEFIS
lak-o: lac, lacquer; gum-lako: gum-lac; -verniso:
lac varnish, lacquer, japan; shel- -o: shellac.
lake-o: lackey, footman, flunkey. DEFIRS
lakonik-a: laconic. DEFIRS
lakrim-o: tear; -ala: lachrymal; -oza, -ema:
lachrymose, tearful; -ifar: (intr.), -igar: (tr.)
to produce tears, to cause to shed tears; -o-vazo:
lachrymatory, tear-vase. V. exp.: Lakrimifar nule esas
neutila duaplajo di plorar; ol havas per su senco kelka
diversa; on ploras pro psikologiala kauzo, on lakrimifas
pro fiziologial od extera kauzo (kataro, fumuro, sablo, onyono);
IV-605. EFIS
lakt-o:milk; -oza, -atra: milky, lacteal, lactic; -ajo:
a m. preparation; -ea: milk-colo(u)red; -eyo, -erio:
dairy; -o-portisto, -vend-isto: milkman; -ifar: to
secrete or yield m.; (cf. melkar): -ifo: lactation;
-o-bovino: milch cow; -o-poto: m. jug; -o-voyo:
(astron.) Milky-Way; -umo: (ich.) milt, soft
roe. eFIS
laktaz-o*: (chem.) lactase. DEFIRS
laktometr-o*: lactometer. DEFIRS
lakun-o: lacuna, blank space, gap. Def.: Mi-teknikala
vorto uzata en diversa faki: indikas generale manko o vakuajo en
loko, qua devus esar normale plena (lakuno di texto; lakuno un
ula organal texuri); III-204. EFIS
lam-o: thin plate, sheet (-metal); blade (of sword, knife,
etc.); -iz-ita: laminated. eFIS
lama-o: lama (priest); (zool.) llama (Auchenia
lamantin-o: (zool.) lamantin: manatee, sea-cow
(genus: Manatus). DeFI
lamel-o: lamella: flake, scale (tech., bot., anat.).
lament-ar: (intr.) to lament, bewail, mourn (pri);
-ala, -atra: woeful: relating to lamenting; -inda:
lamentable: worth lamenting. V. exp.: Lamento esas expreso
vocala di doloro, ne nur per paroli, ma per krii, jemi, sospiri; plendo
esas expreso vortala di des-kontenteso; II-80. DEFIS
lamin-ar: (tr.) to laminate: to flatten out, roll
flat; -eyo, -erio: rolling-mill; -ilo: rolling
instrument; -ar voyo: to roll a road. EFIS
lamp-o: lamp. DEFIRS
lampas-o*: lampas: ornamental fabric for furniture.
lampion-o: cup or small pot filled with tallow or oil with
a wick, for illumination. FI
lampir-o: (ent.) lampyris: glow-worm. eF
lampred-o: lamprey (Petromyzon). DeFIS
lan-o: wool; -ajo, -a stofo: woolen goods, worsted;
-atra: fleecy: wool-like; -felo: fleece: entire
coat of animal; -o-graso: grease from sheeps wool.
lanc-o: lance, spear; -eto: small spear; (surg.)
lancet. DEFIRS
lancin-ar: (intr.) to shoot, dart, twinge (of
pain); -anta: shooting (pain). FIS
land-o: land, country; -ano: a native inhabitant; dopa
-o: hinterland. DE
«landau»: landau.
«landaulet»: landaulet.
landgrav-o*: (title) landgrave: a German count.
«landsturm»: landsturm.
«landwehr»: landwehr.
lang-o: (anat.) tongue; -(et)o: (fig.)
any object shaped like a tongue: language, speech; -eroro:
an error of the t.; extensar la -o: to put out the t.; retenar
la -o: hold the t.; mea -o faliis: my t. slipped,
tripped; tera -(et)o: neck of land; faira -o: t. of
fire; -o di seruro: bolt of a lock; resorto- -o:
spring bolt. FIS
langor-ar: (intr.) to languish, pine away, droop
(from hunger, love, etc.); to be languid. Def.: Deperisar pokope
pro maladeso od afekto qua deprenas la vigoro. Esar komplete
senenergia. Ex.: To esas morbo en qua on langoras longatempe ante
mortar. Langorar en karcero. La ardoroza suno langorigas la
flori. Depos la milito esas granda langoro en komerco.
Langor-anta, -oza, -ema spirito. EFIS
langust-o: spring (or spiny) lobster, sea crayfish
(Palinurus vulgaris); (cf. homardo). FS
lani-o: (orni.) shrike, butcher-bird (Lanius).
lanj-o: swaddling cloth, clout, babys diaper.
lanolin-o: lanolin(e). DEFS
lansar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to fling, hurl, throw
out or forward, cast, lance, dart (stones, darts,etc.) to shoot
(an arrow); throw, cast (a look); throw in (an epigram, a word);
to send forth (a book, a pamphlet); to cast (a beam of light); to
launch (a ship); (cf. jetar, spricar, impulsar, iniciar).
lantan-o: (chem.) lanthanum; (bot.) lantana
(genus: Lantana). DEFIS
lantern-o: lantern; eklipso- -o: dark lantern.
lanug-o: fine soft hair or hairlike growth; down (of
birds); (anat.) lanugo; (of fruit) wool; (of
cloth) soft nap (cf. pilo). eFI
lap-ar: (tr.) to lap (up): take into the mouth with
the tongue; (cf. lekar). DEF
lapid-o: precious stone, gem; -isto, -tali-isto:
lapidary. DeFS
lapislazul-o: (min.) lapis-lazuli. DEFIRS
lard-o: bacon, (cf. saimo); (of whales, etc.)
blubber; -o-fum-iz-ita: smoked bacon; -o-plako:
rasher; -o-spiso: larding needle or pin; -o-filo,
-kordono: strip, slice of bacon. FIS
laric-o: (bot.) larch (-tree) (genus: Larix).
laring-o: (anat.) larynx: -ala: larynge-an,
-al. DEFIS
laringit-o*: (med.) laryngitis. DEFIS
laringoskop-o*: laryngoscope. DEFS
laringotomi-o*: laryngotomy. DEFIS
larj-a: broad, wide; (N.B. not «large»; cf. grosa,
granda); -eso: width, breadth, wideness, broadness; (plu-)
larj-igar: to widen, broaden; du larj-esi: two
breadths (of cloth); long-ese e larj-ese: in length and
width; ica agro esas larja de duadek metri: this field is
20 meters (metres) wide. Def.: Qua havas la un dimensiono de
dextre a sinistre (opozita a longa). Ex.: Larja shultri, nazo,
facio, rivero. Ant.: streta. FI
larv-o: (ent.) larva; (antiq.) a ghost,
spector (spectre); -o di batrako: the young of the frog or
other batrachians; ran- -o: tadpole. DEFIS
las-ar: (tr.) to let, give leave, permit, allow:
not to hinder to have, to do; to let alone; (pos) to leave
behind; -ar su: to allow, suffer oneself (to), -ar ulu
repozar: to let someone rest, let anyone alone; me -as vu
imaginar: I let you think; me -as il parolar: I let
him speak. Ex.: Il volabus, se on lasabus lu agar, ke on demandas
de lu permiso pri omno. Me lasis il tranquila. Ni opinionas ne
vivar vane quankam nia verki apene lasas traci. Yen pomi, prenez
le bone e lasez le mala. DFI
lash-o: (surg.) splint; (R.R.) fish-plate; (tech.)
butt joint. D
laskar-o*: lascar: East-Indian sailor. DEFIS
last-a: last (in time and space); -e: lastly (of
time) lately (cf. recente). Ex.: La lasta horo di la dio.
Lasta yaro. La lasta domo en la strado. Laste naskinta. En lasta
instanco. Laste, me parolis pri. DE
lat-o: lath; -izar: to lath; -aro, -o-greto:
lattice work (cf. treliso); -ego: batten, thin
scantling. DEFS
latani-o: (bot.) latania (-tree), fan-palm
(Latania); -bero: fruit of latania. EFI
latent-a: latent. Def.: Qua ne aparas extere; II-20. Ex.:
Defekto latenta (en mashino, en animalo). Latenta kaloro.
later-o: (geom. arch.) side; -ala: lateral,
side (cf. flanko, bordo). eFIS
latex-o*: (bot.) latex. DEF
laticifer-a*: (bot.) laticerous. DEF
Latin-a: Latin; -(ul)o: a Latin; -ajo: a
Latin idiom; -eso: Latinity; -isto: Latinist; -igar:
to Latinize; la Latina: (linguo); the Latin. DEFIRS
latir-o: (bot.) sweet-pea (Lathyrus). L
latitud-o: latitude. EFIRS
latrin-o: water-closet, latrine, privy. DEFIS
latug-o: (bot.) lettuce. IS
latun-o: brass; -a filo: brass wire. DFRS
laub-o: (green) arbor, bower. D
laud-ar: (tr.) to praise, laud, commend; -o-diskurso:
eulogy, panegyric. Ant.: blamar. EFIS
laudan-o*: laudanum. DEFIS
laur-o: (bot.) laurel (genus: Laurus); (fig.)
glory, hono(u)r; -iz-ar: to deck, crown with laurel; ceriz-
-o: cherry-laurel; bay-laurel; roz- -o: common
oleander, rose-bay. DEFIRS
laureat-o: laureate. DEFIRS
laus-o: louse; -oz(ul)o: lousy person. DE
laut-a: loud (voice, sound). DE
lav-ar: (tr.) to wash, wash off or up, lave; (of
clothes) to launder: (fig.) cleanse (cf. net-igar,
skurar); -ist-ino: washerwoman; (di linjo)
laundress; -ajo: laundry; (linj-) -erio: laundry; -moblo:
wash-stand. DEFIS
lava-o: lava; -o-flu-ajo: lava flow. DEFIRS
lavend-o: (bot.) lavender (Lavandula). DEFIR
lax-a: loose, slack, lax, not tense, not tight, not close;
(med.) flaccid; (cf. mola); -igar: to
slacken, loosen, relax; -ig-iva, -ivo: laxative.
laz-o: lasso. DEFIS
lazaret-o: lazaretto: pest-, quarantine-house for sailors.
«lazarone»: lazzaroni: the poor class in Naples.
le: (pl. of def. article la) the: only to be used
when there is no other sign of plural, e.g. «the ayes and the
nayes»: le yes e le no.
lea*: (frato): (R.C. Ch.) lay brother (cf. laika).
lecion-o: (teachers) lesson; (professors)
lecture. DEFIRS
lecitin-o*: (chem.) lecithin. DEFIRSled-a:
ugly; offensive to the eye, ill-favo(u)red, unsightly; -ega:
hideous; plu-led-igar: to make ugly, to disfigure. Def.: Des-bela;
V-722. Ant.: bela. FI
ledr-o: leather; -o-prepar-isto: leather-dresser,
currier. DE
leg-o: (natural, moral, social, parl., legislative)
law (cf. yuro); -isto: one skilled in law; -ala,
segun-lega: legal, lawful; -al-eso, lego-konform-eso:
legality; -al-igar: to legalize; -ifar: to
legislate; -aro: laws (collect.), legislation; -if-ala:
legislative, relating to legislation; -if-anta:
legislative, law-giving (body); -if-ant-aro: legislature; -if-anto,
-ero, -isto: law-maker, legislator. DEFIRS
legac-ar: (tr.) to bequeath (ulo ad ulu); -ajo:
legacy, bequest; -ario: legatee. V.exp.: Legacar
diferas de testamentar, per ke ol koncernas specale la
kozi, havaji donata per testamento, e konseque havas sempre ta
kozi kom rekta komplemento. On povas testamentar sen legacar
ulo; III-160. DeFIS
legat-o: (popes) legate. DEFIRS
legend-o: legend. DEFIRS
legion-o: legion; (fig.) a multitude; Honor-Legiono:
Legion of Hono(u)r; me nom-esas -o: my name is legion
(Bib.). DEFIRS
legitim-a: legitimate; having the sanction of law, custom
or logic; (of a child) born in wedlock; (of a king)
hereditary; -igar: to legitimize; (cf. yur-izar:
yust-igar, justifikar). Ex.: Legitima infanto, autoritato,
pretendo, plendo. DEFIRS
legum-o: vegetable. DeFIS
legumin-o: (chem.) legumin. DEFIS
leguminos-o: (bot.) leguminous plant. DEFIS
lejer-o: light (in weight, force); (fig.) not
burdensome or severe (of food, clothing, work, punishment, etc.);
-igar: to lighten (cf. alejar). Ant.: grava,
opres-anta, pez-oza, facila. FIS
lek-ar: (tr.) to lick; (cf. lapar); -ar
sua fingri: to lick ones fingers. DEFI
lekt-ar: (tr.) to read, peruse; -ajo: what
is read; -ebla: readable: legible; -inda: readable:
worth reading; ri- -ar: to read over again. FIRS
lektor-o: (university) lecturer; (eccl.)
lector. DEFIS
lem-o: (log., math.) lemma; loam (as used for
leming-o*: (zool.) lemming (genus: Lemmus).
lemniskat-o: (geom.) lemniscate. DEFI
lemurian-o: (zool.) lemur (sub-order: Lemuroidea).
leng-o: (ich.) ling. (Lo ta molva).
leni-o: (firewood) block, log; -eto: billet,
block; (cf. ligno-bloko). IS
lens-o: (opt.) lens; (bot.) lentil (Lentilla
lens); -atra, -forma: lenticular.
lent-a: slow: not acting, moving promptly, sluggish,
lagging; (cf. tarda); -acha: dawdling; (plu-)
-igar: to cause (ulo, ulu) to slow down. Ex.: Lenta
treno, mento, exekuto, veneno, morto. Ant.: rapida, ajila.
lentigin-o: freckle; -oza: lentiginous, freckly.
lentisk-o: (bot.) lentiscus: mastic-tree (Pistacia
lentiscus). eFIS
leon-o: -ulo, -ino: lion; (astr.) Leo; (fig.)
object of interest and curiosity; -yuno: young lion,
lions cub; -ala: leonine; -ala parto: (fig.)
the lions share; -dento: (bot.) dandelion
(Leontodon taraxacum). EFIS
leopard-o: (zool.) leopard (Felis Leopardus).
lepidodendr-o*: (paleon.) lepidodendron.
lepidopter-o: (ent.) lepidopter(an). DEFIS
lepor-o: hare (genus: Lepus); -raguto: jugged hare;
-labio: hare lip. FIS
lepr-o: (med.) leprosy. DeFIS
lern-ar: (tr.) to learn (ulo); (cf. instruktar,
docar, studiar, saveskar); -o-libro: text-book,
manual. V. exp.: La gepatri docas ulo a la infanto, a la puero.
La infanto, la puero lernas ol.
lesiv-ar: (tr.) to wash (clothes, etc. in lye); (chem.)
lixiviate; -aquo: lye-water; lixiviation; -ajo:
linen or object to be washed, the laundry. FI
letargi-o: (med.) lethargy: morbid sleepiness; (cf.
torporo). DEFIRS
letr-o: (in correspendence) letter; -o-kapo:
letter-head; -ponder-ilo: letter-scale. EFIS
leucin-o*: (physiol. chem.) leucine. DEFIRS
leucit-o*: (min.) leucite; (bot.) leucite:
leucoplast. DEFIRS
leukocit-o*: (anat.) leucocite: white blood
corpuscle. DEFIRS
leukocitos-o*: (physiol. and med.) leukocytosis.
leukom-o*: (anat.) leucoma. DEFIRS
leukoplast-o*: (bot.) leucoplast. DEFIRS
lev-ar: (tr.) to lift (up); to raise (from below); -ar
su: to arise, get up; -ilo: lifting instrument; -o-skrubo:
screw-jack; -ar la shultri: to shrug the shoulders; -ponto:
lifting-bridge. Ex.: Levar la pedo, la manuo, la ankro. V.exp.:
vid. elevar. eFIS
lever-o: (mechan.) lever, handspike; fer- -o:
crowbar. EFI
leviatan-o: (pr. and fig.) leviathan. DEFIRS
levit-o: Levite. DEFIRS
levrier-o, -ulo, -ino: greyhound. FIS
lexik-o: lexicon, dictionary (esp. of Greek, Latin,
Hebrew); (cf. vort-aro, vorto-libro). DEFIRS
lexikograf-o: lexicographer. DEFIS
lexikografi-o: lexicography. DEFIS
lexikologi-o: lexicology; -isto: lexicologist.
lez-ar: (tr., physiol., jur.) to injure, hurt,
wrong; -o, -uro: (jur.) wrong, injury; (med.)
lesion. DeFIS
li: they (in general); (cf. il); -a, -i:
(adj.) their(s). IS
lian-o: (bot.) liana, bind-weed, creeper; any
woody, climbing and twining plant. DEFIRS
lias-o: (geol.) Lias. DEFIS
libacion-ar: (intr.) to offer up libations; -o:
libation, potation. DEFIS
libel-o*: libella: an instrument which measures levels:
(water-) level.
libelul-o: (ent.) libellulid: dragon-fly;
(Libellula). DeFIS
liber-a: free; -e: freely; -o, -ulo, -ino: a
free person; -ala: (of books, arts, education, principles,
political parties, etc.) liberal; -alo: a liberal,
liberalist; -al-eso, -ismo: liberalism; -es-ana, -ano:
libertarian; -igar: to discharge, liberate, free; -igo:
deliverance, liberation; -ig-anta: liberating, freeing,
rescuing; -tempo: leisure, spare time; (cf. ocio); tempal
hom-ulo: a man of leisure; en -a aero: in the open
air; ne- -a balon-ego: a captive baloon; ne- -eso:
captivity (cf. kapt-it-eso); -kambio: free-trade; -kambi-isto:
free-trader; -pens-ado: free-thinking; -pens-eso:
free-thought. EFIS
libertin-a: (esp. of the imagination, mind)
unrestrained, wayward, flighty (to an excessive degree); -(ul)o:
one characterized by excessive freedom in thought, manners,
habits, morals; (N.B. not E. libertine: cf: debocho); -eso:
libertinism (obs. sense), -esar: to be free from
restraint, to go to excess. V. exp.: Libertineso
signifikas troa libereso di penso e di ago, aparte pri mori. Ne
sinonima di debocho: on povas esar libertina per penso e
per paroli. La primitiva senco (konforma a letimologio)
esas liber-pensanto; IV-13. DeFIS
libr-o: book, volume (cf. tomo); -eto:
booklet; (mus.) libretto; -et-isto: (mus.)
librettist; -isto, -vend-isto: book seller, -aro:
collection of books, a library books alone; cf. biblioteko).
librac-o*: (astron.) libration: an apparent
oscillatory motion (as of moon). DEFI
lic-o: (ancient) lists; (modern) track, race
course. Def.: Voyo preparita specala (ed enklozita) per
konkursala kuri (sive di kavali, sive di homi, sive bicikli,
automobili, e.c.); IV-454. V. exp.: vid. areno. eFIS
licenc-ar: (tr.) to grant a license, give
(official) permission (to sell spirits, to teach, etc.); -o:
license, licensing; (poetic) license; deviation from
strict fact, form or rule (by artist or writer); licentiate: a
European university degree between that of bachelor and doctor;
M.A. degree (= L licentia docendi ), -iero: (univ.)
licentiate, an M.A.; -oza, -ema: uncurbed. DeFIRS
lienteri-o*: (med.) lientery: a kind of diarrhoea.
lietnant-o: lieutenant; -eso: (rank)
lieutenancy; -kolonelo: lieutenant-colonel. DEFIRS
lig-ar: (tr.) to bind (down), tie (up), fasten,
attach; -(ad)o, -eso, -uro: (act, state, result)
binding, fastening; league (association; cf. federo); (anat.)
ligature; -ajo: something bound together, a bundle; -ilo:
lash, band, strap (for tying); (fig.) bond (as of
matrimony); hund-lig-ilo: dog leash; kun- -ar: to
tie together. eFIRS
ligament-o*: (anat.) ligament. DEFIS
lign-o: wood (the material); -a, -ala, -oza, -atra:
woody, ligneous; -o-mort-inta: dead wood; -o-shuo:
wooden shoe, sabot; -o-bloko: block of wood, log; -o-paneli:
wainscotting; -o-trepano: auger; -o-martelo:
mallet; -inkrust-ado, -uro: marquetry. eFIS
lignin-o*: lignin. DEFIS
lignit-o: lignite. DEFIRS
ligustr-o: (bot.) privet (genus: Ligustrum).
lik-ar: (tr., intr.) to leak. Def.: (1) (aquo)
enirar navo; (2) (liquido o gaso) ekirar vazo, e.c.; (3) (navo)
enlasar aquo tra truo, fenduro; (4) (vazo) eklasar liquido o
gaso; II-76. DE
likantrop-a*, -(ul)o: (med.) (person) afflicted
with lycanthropy; -eso: lycanthropy. DEFIS
liken-o: (bot.) lichen; (cf. musko); -o
Islandana: Iceland moss. DEFIS
likenin-o*: lichenin: a starch derived from Icelandic
likopodi-o: (bot.) lycopod(ium), club-moss ,
(genus: Lycopodium). DEFIS
liktor-o: (Rom. hist.) lictor. DEFIS
lilac-o: (bot.) lily (genus: Syringa); -ea:
lilac-colo(u)red. DEFIRS
lili-o: (bot.) lily (genus: Lillium); -floro:
lilly flower. DEFIRS
liliace-o*: a lileaceous plant (family: Liliaceae).
Liliput-ala, -ana, -atra: Lilliputian.
limar: (tr.) to file; (cf. raspar); -ilo
triangula: a three-cornered file. FS
limak-o: (zool.) slug, naked snail (genus: Limax); -ala,
-atra: limacine, snail-like. eF
limand-o: (ich.) dab (Pleuronectes limanda).
limb-o: (tech.) limb; an edge or border, as of a
disk. EFIRS
limet-o: (fruit) lime; -iero: lime tree
(Citrus limetta). DeFISL
limf-o: (anat.) lymph; -ala: lymphatic
(duct, gland, etc.); -oza: lymphatic (temperament; of
persons). DEFIRS
limfatism-o: (med.) lymphatism. DEFIRS
limit-o: limit, boundary, bound; -izar: to set
bounds to, to bound (a field, a country; cf. restriktar); -iz,
-uro: limitation; -iz-anta: limiting; sen- -a, ne-
-iz-ita: unlimited, boundless. DEFIS
limon-o: (fruit) lemon; -iero: lemon tree
(Citrus limonum). DEFIRS
limonad-o: lemonade. DEFIS
limpid-a: limpid, clear (liquid, glass); -igar liquido
per filtrado: to clear water by filtering (cf. VI-528). Ant.:
konfuza. EFIS
lin-o: (bot.) flax (linum usitatissimum); -ajo:
(fabric) flax; semin-o, -i: flaxseed, linseed; -oleo:
linseed oil. DeFIRS
linc-o: (zool.) lynx (Felis Lynx); -okulo: (lit.,
and fig.) eye of a lynx, lynx-eye. EFISL
linch-ar: (tr.) to lynch (ulu).
line-o: (telegraphic, R.R., genealogical, military,
writing, printing) line; (cf. streko); -ala:
lineal: relating to lines; in a direct line (as line succession;
cf. lineara); -izar: to rule (paper, etc.); -iz-ilo:
ruler; (cf. linealo); -e, rekto-linee: in line, in
a straight line; -o direta: a direct line, -ajo:
line (geneal., biol.). DEFIRS
lineal-o: ruler (for drawing lines); kalkul- -o:
slide-rule. DIR
linear-a*: (math.) linear; of the first degree; -mezuro:
lineal measure. DEFIS
lingot-o: ingot; ora -o: bullion; gis-fera -o:
iron in pigs. Def.: Pecego di neformizita fuzita metalo, precipue
oro; II-76. eFIS
lingu-o: language; -ala: linguistic: relating to a
language (cf. linguistik-ala); -isto: linguist; -o
matr-ala: mother tongue; la doto di lingui: the gift
of languages. DEFIRS
linguistik-o: linguistics: science of language; -ala:
linguistical; relating to l.; (cf. lingu-ala).
liniment-o*: liniment, embrocation; (cf. embrokar).
linj-o: (lit. and fig.) linen: a piece of washable
wearing apparel or household goods, made from flax , muslin,
cotton; -aro korp-ala: underclothing, lingerie; -aro
dom-ala: house linen (table-cloths, sheets, etc.); -o
lav-ist-ino: laundress. F
«linoleum»*: linoleum (as for floors). DEFIRS
linon-o: lawn: a fine linen. DFIS
lintel-o: (carp.) lintel: head-piece of a
door-frame or window-frame. EFS
lipom-o: (med.) lipoma: a fatty tumor.
liquac-ar*: (intr., metal) to liquate. EFIS
liquid-a: (also gram.) liquid; -o, -ajo: a
liquid; -eso: liquidity; -igar: to liquefy. V.
exp.: Liquidaji referas kozi qui havas, mem instantale, la
qualeso liquideskar; ex.: (liquida) metalo. Fluido
nultempe asumas formo solid; aero esas fluido; (kp. fluido).
liquidac-ar: (tr., com.) to liquidate, settle, wind
up (property, debts, businesses). DEFIRS
liquor-o: liqueur, cordial; (cf. akloholaji).
lir-o: (mus.) lyre; (astron., anat.) lyra.
lirik-a: lyric. DEFIRS
list-o: list (of persons, of things); (parl., milit.)
roll; -o di elekt-eri: list of electors; -o di
juri-ani: panel of jurymen; -o-voto: vote by ticket.
listel-o: (arch.) listel, fillet. DEFIRS
lit-o: bed ((for sleeping, also fig. as bed of river),
-ala kozi: bedding; -o-framo: bedstead; -o-doselo,
-cielo: b. canopy, -o-tuko: b. sheet; -kovr-ilo:
b. cover; porto- -o: litter. FI
litani-o: litany; (fig.) endless enumeration.
litargir-o: (min.) litharge. DEFIRS
liter-o: letter (of alphabet); -eto: small letter;
(cf. miniskulo, mayuskulo); -ala: relating to
letters; literal: following the letter of exact meaning, not
figurative; (cf. vort-opa); -ope: letter by letter.
literatur-o: literature: the collective body of literary
productions, belles-lettres; -isto: (professional)
literary man; -oza: literary, scholarly, lettered (of
persons); -ozi: the literati, literary people. Def.: La
artiste skribita verki, la «bela literaturo»; II-87. V. exp.: Literaturo
ne esas sinonima di verk-aro qua indikas omnaspeca verki;
liti-o*: (chem.) lithium.
litier-o: litter: straw, hay, etc. used for bedding of
animals. EFI
litij-o: litigation: suit at law; -punto: point at
issue; -ala, -oza: litigious, contentious. DEFIS
litograf-ar: (tr.) to lithograph; -uro: a
lithograph. DEFIS
litologi-o: lithology. DEFIRS
litor-o: littoral: coastal region, seaboard. Def.: La tota
regiono plu o min larja, kontigua a la rivo; IV-426, 606; cf. plajo.
Exp.: Litorala voyo o fervoyo ne sequas ne sequas sempre la rivo.
litot-o: (rhet.) litotes. DEFIS
litotomi-o: (surg.) lithotomy; -ar: to
lithotomize. DEFIRS
litotrici-o: (surg.) lithotrity; -ar: to
perform l. DEFIRS
litotripsi-o: (surg.) lithotripsy, lithority; -ar:
to perform l. DEFIRS
litr-o: liter, litre (1.0567 quarts). DEFIRS
liturgi-o: liturgy. DEFIRS
liut-o: (mus.) lute. DeFIRS
liv-ar: (tr.) to leave or depart; to leave behind;
to quit (a place or position). V.exp.: vid. abandonar. E
livid-a: livid: black and blue, leaden-colo(u)red. V.exp.:
Pal-ega tote ne esas exakta: livida esas plu juste
plombo-kolora; III-20. DEFIS
livr-ar: (tr.) to deliver (goods, culprits,
manuscripts, etc.); -ar su: to deliver oneself up, give
oneself up, surrender; -isto: delivery-man. V. exp.: La
furnisanto ne livras la vari, nam il havas nula livristo; II-79.
livre-o: livery (worn by servants). DEFIRS
liz-o: lees, dregs; grounds (of wine, beer); (fig.)
dregs of the people. EF
lizimaki-o: (bot.) loose-strife (genus:
lo: it (referring to the contents of a previous sentence,
i.e. a fact, rather than a definite object; cf. ol); prenez
ica pomo, me volas lo: take this apple I desire it (= I
desire you to do so; me volas ol would mean I desire it,
i.e. the apple); nia amiko ja arivis, kad vu savas lo?
lo joyigas me: our friend has already arrived, do you know
it affords me joy. Lo is also used with
adjectives to mark an indeterminate sense: lo bona, lo vera,
lo bela: the good, the true, the beautiful; lo sama, lo
duesma: the same, the second (where it refers to an
indeterminate object or statement). Def.: Pronomo ed artiklo
indikanta kozo nedeterminita (antea frazo integra); VI-161, 239;
Mondo, IX, 55, 102.
lob-o: (anat., bot.) lobe. EFIS
lobeli-o*: (bot.) lobelia (genus: Lobelia).
loch-o: (ich.) loach (Cobitis barbatula).
locion-ar: (tr., med.) to wash with a lotion (ulu,
ulo); -o: lotion. DEFIS
log-o: (nav.) log; -tabelo, -libro:
log-book. Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la rapideso di navo;
logaritm-o: (math.) logarithm; -o-tabelo:
table of logarithms. DEFIRS
logik-o: logic; -isto: logician; -ala:
relating to logic; -ema, -oza: logical (proposition,
person); -oz-eso, -em-eso: logicality; ne- -ala,
kontre- -a: illogical. DEFIRS
logogrif-o: logogriph: word riddle. DEFIRS
logomaki-o: logomacy: war of words. DEFIRS
loj-ar: (intr.) to lodge, live, dwell for a limited
time (che ulu, ulo); -igar: to lodge, put up (ulu);
-eskar: to take ones abode, settle oneself; (fig.)
to lodge itself, fix itself; -eyo: lodging place,
dwelling; -anto: a lodger; -ig-anto: lodging house
keeper; -bilieto: billet (for troops). V. exp.: vid. habitar.
loji-o: (theat.) box, loge; (actors) dressing-room;
(house-porters) lodge; (masonic, etc.) lodge;
(arch.) loggia. DeFR
lok-o: place, spot, locality; (cf. placo); -ala:
local; -e, -ale: locally; -aro: premises, quarters,
general locality; -izar: to localize; (cf. en-fak-igar,
rang-izar, situar); omna-loke: everywhere; komuna
loko: public place. DeFIRS
lokac-ar: (tr.) to hire, rent, lease (ulo, de
ulu); (cf. lugar); -o-kontrato: lease
(document); -anto, -ero: one who hires, rents, lessee,
tenant; -ajo: what is hired, leased (house, vehicle,
etc.); -o-preco: cost of hiring; -o-kontoro:
box-office; domo lokac-ebla: house to let.
lokativ-o: (gram.) locative case. DEFIS
lokl-o, -eto: lock of hair, curl, ringlet; -igar,
-ifar: (tr., intr.) to curl (hair); -oza:
curly. DER
lokomobil-o: (agri., manu.) traction engine;
(portable) steam engine. DeFIRS
lokomoc-o: locomotion; -ar: (intr.) to move
from place to place. Ex.: Lokomoco divenis plu rapida depos la
kreo di fervoyo. Muskuli lokomocala. DEFIS
lokomotiv-o: (R.R.) locomotive. DEFIRS
lokust-o: (ent.) locust; (cf. akrido).
loli-o: (genus) lolium: rye-grass, darnel, tear.
lombard-o: pawnshop; -isto: pawnbroker. DeF
lombrik-o: lumbric; earthworm, dew-worm. eFIS
lonch-o: slice, chop (of bread, meat, etc.); pan- -o
butr-izita: slice of bread and butter. S
long-a: (of time, space) long; -eso: length;
-ajo: a long object; -eta: longish, pretty long; -es-ala:
longitudinal; -e, -ese, -es-ale: in length, lengthwise,
longitudinally; -e, longa-tempe: (for) a long time, a
great while; (plu-) longigar: to lengthen, elongate,
prolong; -eskar: to grow longer, stretch out; de longe:
long since, long ago; ica agro esas longa de cent metri (od,
havas cent metri de longeso): this field is 100 meters
(metres) long. Ant.: kurta (cf. oblonga). DEFI
longitud-o: longitude. EFIRS
lor: (prep.) at the time of (a definite event), at
the same time as; -e: then, at that time, by then; -a:
at that time (cf. dum); lore
lore: now
then; til lore: until then; ja lore, de lore:
thenceforth; since then; lor la milito: at the time of the
war; lor elua mariajo: at the time of her marriage; la
lora ministraro: the then ministry, the ministry of that
time. Def.: En la tempo di (samtempe kam); III-667. FI
«lord»: (title) Lord; (cf. sinioro).
lorn-o: (small) telescope, spy-glass; a single-barrelled
field glass; -eto: small spy-glass, lorgnette; (cf. teleskopo,
bi-lorn-eto); -agar: (tr.) to look through a
spy-glass at (ulu, ulo). FR
lot-o: lot: portion, share; (things for sale) lot; -o
di komercaji: a portion of goods; (in a lottery) share; (fig.)
prize; ganar la granda (od la maxima) loto: to win
the highest prize; (N.B. not in sense of fate: destino); -igar:
to divide into lots, to portion off: (cf. porcion-igar:
parcel-igar); -izar: to put a share, a lot into
something; me havas (ya) bela loto: I have made a good
choice; loto-ludo: lotto; a game of chance. eF
lota-o: (ich.) lote: burbot, eel-pout (genus: Lota
[vulgaris]). eFSL
lotri-ar: (tr.) to cast lots for (ulo); to
raffle for; to draw (lots, in a lottery); -o: lottery,
raffle. DEFIRS
lotus-o: (bot.) lotus. DEFIRS
loxodrom-o*: (geom., nav.) loxodromic curve or
line. DEFIS
loyal-a: loyal: faithful in any relation implying trust or
confidence; straight-forward, fair-dealing; bearing true
allegiance. Ex.: Loyala a la rejo, a sua patrio, a sua promiso,
en amikeso. Ant.: ne-sincera; hipokrita. DEFIRS
lu: (pron.) he, she, it (common gender form); -a:
his her(s), its; (when desirable to indicate gender, the forms: ilua,
olua, elua are used ); V. exp.: su, lu: il lavas su
(E. he washes himself); il lavis lu: (E. he washed him, or
her, or it). Petro deziras pruntar de Karlo lua parapluvo (E.
Peter desires to borrow from Charles his umbrella); lua
indikas ke la parapluvo esas la proprajo di Karlo; se sua
esis uzata vice lua, ol (sua) indikus ka la
parapluvo esas la proprajo di Petro, qua esas la subjekto di
pruntar; pluse kp. su e lu, Talmey, Text Book, p.
lubrifik-ar: (tr.) to lubricate: to oil; grease
(part of a machinme); -isto: oiler. eFIS
luci-o: (ich.) pike (Esox lucius). ISL
lucid-a: (of mind) lucid, clear, sane. Ex.: Homo di
lucida mento. Instanti lucida. EFIS
luciol-o: (ent.) lightning-bug, fire-fly. (Luciola
italica). FIS
lud-ar: (intr. of games, sports) to play (per);
(cf. plear); -riskar: to gamble; -o:
playing, game; -(risko): gambling; -anto, ero: a
player;-era, -ema: playful (child, animal); -emo:
playful person; (fig.) gamester, gambler; -ilo:
paything, toy; -kub-o, -aro: dice; -o-disko: (in
games) a quoit; -o-splinto: spilikin; jackstaw; peg
(as for cribbage); -sonalio: toy bell; vorto-ludo:
play upon words; esprit-ludo: play of wit; ludo-tablo:
a table for play; ludo di pacienteso: patience. Ex.: On
ludas per kegli, per buli, per biliardo, per karti, per shako,
e.c. L
ludion-o: «ludion»; (toy) Cartesian devil,
bottle-imp. Def.: Aparato fizikala uzata por studiar la diferanta
efiki sur korpo plunjita en laquo, anke uzebla kom ludilo.
lug-ar: (tr.) to let (out), rent (out); hire (out),
lease (out) (ulo, ad ulu); (cf. lokocar); -o:
letting, renting, leasing (by the proprietor); -o-kontrato:
lugr-o: (vessel) lugger. DEFIS
luk-o: sky-light; dormer-window; (nav.) hatchway.
lukan-o: (ent.) stag-beetle (family: Lucanus).
lukt-ar: (intr.) to wrestle: contend by grappling (kun)
and striving to throw; to scuffle, tussle; (fig.) to
strive, struggle (kontre). FIS
lul-ar: (tr.) to lull (ulu) to sleep, to
soothe, compose, quiet; -kanto: lullaby (cf. berso-kanto).
lum-ar: (intr. also fig.) to shine: emit rays of
light, give light; (cf. brilar); -o: light; -eto,
esko: glimmer, gleam; -ala: relating to light; -oza:
full of light; -igar: to cause (ulo) to shine; -ifar:
to produce light; -izar: to light (a room, etc.) throw
light upon; (fig.) to elucidate (a subject); -iz-ilo:
a light(ing instrument), luminary; -if-anta: luminous:
light producing; -iz-ata: luminous (from light received); -oz-eso:
luminosity; -rango: (theat.) foot-lights; -truo:
(nav.) porthole; (in gen.) scuttle. EFIS
lumb-o, -i: lumbar region, loin(s); -ala: lumbar; -oza:
thick-backed (person); -o-peco (di bovo); sirloin; -o-ruptar:
to break the back of. EFIS
lumbag-o: (med.) lumbago. EFIS
lump-o*: (min.) nodule: kidney-shaped ore, lump (of
sugar). E
lun: (abbr. accus. form of ilun, elun,
olun, without gender).
lun-o: moon; -ala: lunar; -ala periodo:
lunation, lunar month; -sun-ala: luni-solar; -o-lumo:
moonlight; -o plena: full moon; -o-nova: new moon; -eto:
(geom.) lune. DEFIRS
lunatik-a, -(ul)o: moon-struck, insane; fantastic,
whimsical. DEFIRS
lundi-o: Monday. FIS
lunoid-a* (osto): semilunar bone of the wrist.
lup-o: (simple) magnifying glass, reading glass,
pocket lens. Def.: Optikal aparato, qua servas por «grandigar»
lobjekti (ye mikra raporto), e qua esas nek sempre simpla
lenso, nek mikroskopo. On nomizas ol anke «mikroskopo simpla»;
V-675. DF
lupanar-o*: (antiq.) lupanar, brothel. L
lupi-o: (med.) wen. Def.: Speco di tumoro sub la
pelo; V-675 FIS
lupin-o: (bot.) lupine (genus: Lupinus).
lupul-o: (bot.) hop (-vine) (Humulus lupulus); -eyo,
-agro: hop-garden, -field. ISL
lupus-o: (med.) lupus. DEFIS
lur-ar: (tr.) to lure, allure, entice; (fig.)
wheedle, cajole (cf. seduktar); -ilo, -iz-ilo: a
lure; decoy, bait; -il-izar: to bait (a trap); -sifl-ilo:
call-whistle (for animals, birds); -ucelo: decoy-bird.
lustr-o: chandelier (cf. kandel-iero); (antiq.)
lustrum: space of five years. DeFIRS
lustrac-ar: (tr., antiq.) to lustrate: make clear
or pure by propitiatory offering. DEFIRS
lustrin-o: (fabric) lustring. DEFIS
lut-o: lute: a clayish cement. EFIS
Luteran-ismo: Lutheranism; -an-a, -o: Lutheran.
lutr-o: (zool.) otter (genus: Lutra). FIS
lux-o: luxury; -aji: luxuries, fancy goods,
articles de luxe, -ala: sumptuary: relating to
luxury; -oza: luxuriant; -oz-eso: sumptuousness,
luxuriousness; (cf. abund-anta, rich-ega). DEFIS
luxac-ar: (tr., surg.) to luxate, dislocate, put
out of joint (cf. dislokar). DEFIS
luxuri-o: lust, lewdness, lechery, unchastity; -oza:
lustful, lewd. FIS
luzern-o: lucern (-grass); alfalfa, purple medick
(Medicago sativa). DeFIR