Ido-Angla vortaro : M
ma: (conj.) but. FIS
macedoni-o: macedoine: a dish consisting of a medley of
fruit and vegetables; (fig.) medley, hodgepodge.
macer-ar: (tr., intr.) to macerate: soften by
steeping. DEFIS
«macfarlane»: macfarlane: a kind of overcoat without
sleeves and with a mantle.
«mackintosh»: mackintosh: a watertight overcoat.
«madapolam»: (fabric) madapollam.
madelen-o: madeline: a small rich cake. DeFIS
madon-o: madonna: a picture or statue of the Virgin Mary.
«madras»: bandana handkerchief.
madrepor-o: madrepore, stony coral (genus: Madrepora).
madrigal-o: madrigal: a part song or glee; a little
amorous poem. DEFIRS
maestr-o, -ulo, -ino: maestro: a teacher of eminence, or
one eminently skilled in some art or science; -verko:
master-piece. DeFIRS
mag-o, -i: (biblical) magian, magi. DEFIS
magazin-o: (com.) warehouse, storehouse; (nav.)
storeroom; (milit.) magazine. ?DEFIR
magi-ar: (intr.) to practise magic; -ala kanto,
dicajo: incantation; (cf. eskamotar, sorcar, divinar,
nekromanciar). DEFIS
magnat-o: magnate: a nobleman of Poland or Hungary.
magnet-o: magnet; -o-petro: loadstone; -igar:
to magnetize; -a agulo: magnetic needle; -eso: (property)
magnetism. DEFIRS
magnetiz-ar: (tr.) to mesmerize (ulu); -(ad)o:
mesmerizing; animal magnetism; -ala: mesmeric; (cf. hipnotar).
magnez-o: (chem.) magnesium. DEFIRS
magnezi-o: (chem.) magnesia: magnesium oxide.
magnoli-o: (bot.) magnolia (-tree) (genus:
Magnolia). DEFIS
magr-a: lean, meager, lank, spare; (of things)
poor, sorry, scant, meager; -(ul)o: a lean person; (la)
-ajo: the lean (of meat); -igar, -eskar: to make,
become lean; -ega, -acha: emaciated. Ex.: Magra Homo,
vizajo, bovo, karno. (fig.) Magra burso, repasto, sulo,
amuzo. Ant.: grasa. DEFIS
mahagon-o: (wood) mahogany; -iero: m. tree;
(Swietenia mahagoni); -a lito-framo: m. bedstead.
maiflor-o: (bot.) lily of the valley (Convallaria
majalis). D
maiz-o: maize: (U.S.) corn; (England) Indian corn; (Zea
mays). DeFRS
majest-o: majesty, supreme grandeur, august dignity,
stateliness; (cf. Sinioro, la rejo, e.c.); -oza:
majestic; -o-lezo: lesé majeste. DEFIS
major-a: of full age; (mus.) major; -o, -ulo,
-ino: one who has attained his majority; (mus. and logic)
major; -eso: majority: legal age. Ant.: minora. DEFIS
majoran-o: (bot.) (sweet) marjoram (Origanum
Majorana). DEFIS
majorat-o: majorat; (in France) landed property
attached to a title and descending with it; entailed estate.
majordom-o: majordomo, head steward. DEFIRS
majoritat-o: majority: more than half of a given number or
group; (cf. plu-mult-o). DEFIS
makadam-o: macadam; -izar: to macadamize: cover a
road with small broken stones. DEFIRS
makak-o: (zool.) macaque: a genus (Macaca) of
short-tailed monkeys. DEFIS
makaron-o: macaroon: a kind of cake. DEFR
makaroni-o: macaroni. DEFIRS
makaronik-o: macaronic. Def.: Dicesas pri verki kompozita
en Latino barbara e burleska; IV-394. DEFIRS
maki-o: (zool.) maki (Lemur). DEFIRS
Makiavel-ala, -atra, -ismo: machiavelli-an, -ism.
makl-o*: (min.) macle, chiastolite. EFIS
makrel-o: (ich.) mackeral (genus: Scomber).
makrospor-o*: (bot.) macrospore, megaspore.
makrosporangi-o*: (bot.) macrosporangium.
makul-o: (also fig.) macula: spot, blotch, stain; -izar:
to blot, stain, daub, smear; -oza, -iz-ita: spotted,
speckled; -et-izar: to spot, speckle, fleck; sen- -a:
spotless; -ole, fango-mak-ulo: oil-, mud-stain; kavalo
kun ronda -i: dappled horse; -o sur lua honoro, sur la
bona reputo: stain, blot upon his hono(u)r, reputation.
makulatur-o: (print.) maculature: waste or spoiled
paper. DeFIRS
mal-a: bad, evil, ill (quality, acts, writing, condition,
weather, news, sense, etc.); -e: badly, wrongly, amiss,
poorly; -ajo: (gen. sense) bad object, act, event;
hardship, misfortune; mischief; plu -a: worse; plu-mal-igar:
to make worse; la maxima malajo, lo maxim mala: the worst
(thing); mal-agar, -facar: to act, do wrong, evil,
mischief; mal-fac-ema: malevolent, mischievous; -augur-oza:
inauspicious, sinister, unlucky; mala chanco: ill-luck,
mischance; -chanc-oza: unlucky, unfortunate; -efik-anta:
malevolent, malignant; male traktar: to maltreat, ill-use,
abuse, bully; mal-fam-oza: ill-famed; mal-eduk-ita:
badly brought up, ill-bred, unmannerly; mal-formac-ita:
malformed, gawky, ill-shaped; mal-digesto: indigestion; mal-humor-oza:
bad homo(u)red, ill-tempered; mal-intenc-anta, -oza:
evil-minded, badly-disposed; mal-odoro: bad smell, stink; mala
morto: tragic death, bad end; mal-pekt-ita: unkempt; mala
pesto!: egad! plague on it! mal-vol-anta: malevolent,
ill-disposed, spiteful; mal-vol-eg-anta: malignant. Ant.: bona.
malad-a: sick, ill (person); -eta, -ema: poorly,
sickly, somewhat unwell, ailing, indisposed; -(ul)o: a
sick person; -eso: (condition) illness, sickness (cf. morbo);
-et-eso: indisposition; igar malad-eta: to
indispose. V. exp.: vid. morbo. Ant.: sana. eFI
malakit-o: (min.) malachite. DEFIRS
malari-o: (med.) malaria. DEFIRS
maldicens-ar: (intr., tr.) to speak ill (pri ulo),
to disparage, decry (ulu, ulo); (cf. denigrar, difamar,
kalumniar). Def.: Dicar malajo pri ulu, ulo, pro mala
intenco. V. exp.: La civila lego punisas la difamo, na la maldicenso;
ica resortisas nur a la etikal lego. FIS
male-ar: (tr.) to cold-forge. Def.: Form-izar per
martelo (en kolda stando). V. exp.: Forjar esas la sama
ago, en varma stando. Martel-agar esas nejusta o
nesuficanta, nam on povas martel-agar irga kozo, sen malear ol;
la kozo povas rezistar, o ruptesar, o deformesar altramaniere;
V-493. EFIS
maledik-ar: (tr.) to curse, imprecate, damn (ulu,
ulo); (cf. blasfemar, imprekar); -o:
malediction, curse. DEFIS
maleol-o: (anat.) malleolus: ankle-bone, ankle.
malgre: (prep.) in spite of, despite,
notwithstanding, against the will of; -ke: (conj.)
notwithstanding that (followed by verb; cf. tamen); -
sua volo: against ones will; -to: in spite of
that, nevertheless; ni iris malgre la pluvo: we went
notwithstanding the rain; ni iris malgre ke il interdiktis lo:
we went notwithstanding he forbade it; el mariajis su kun il
malgre sua matro: she married him contrary to her
mothers wish. FI
mali-o: a mallet or mall used in play; -o-ludo:
mall (a game); -o-placo: a place for playing mall.
malic-o: malice, spite; mischievousness; smartness; -oza,
-ema: malicious, spiteful, mischievous; -ajo:
malicious or mischievous act. N.B. The sense of this word is by
no means always «malice». It is something between evil
intention and keen wit with a tinge of each in it, sometimes
having more of the one, sometimes more of the other. EF
malign-o: malicious, pernicious, evil, ill-disposed,
malign, baleful. (N.B. Maligna is used in a somewhat less
strong sense than the E. «malignant»; and properly means:
disposed to take pleasure in the misfortune or suffering of
others; malign-ega, mal-vol-eg-anta); -a muliero: a
malicious woman; -a spirito: an evil spirit; -a tomoro:
a malignant tumo(u)r. EFIS
malt-o: malt. DEFIS
Malta-kruco: Maltese cross.
malv-o: (bot.) mallow (genus: Malva); -ea:
mauve-colo(u)red. DeFIRS
malvaroz-o: (bot.) rose-mallow, hollyhock (Althaea
rosea). IS
malvavisk-o: (bot.) marshmallow (Althaea
officinalis). IS
malyot-o: bathing-tights, -dress; (tights as for acrobats,
cf. kalz-ego).
mam-o: breast (of woman); udder (of animal); -oza:
full-breasted; -ala: mammary; -atra: mammilary; -pinto:
nipple, teat, dug (of animals). eFI
mamifer-o: mammal; (class) mammalia. EFIS
mamil-o*: (anat.) mammilla: nipple (cf. mam-pinto).
mamut-o: mammoth. DEFIRS
man-i: (antiq.) manes, ancestral spirits, shades.
mana-o: manna. DEFIRS
manch-o: (long) handle, hilt, haft; neck (of musical
instr.); -o di balay-ilo: broom-stick; guvern-il-o:
rudder, helm. FIS
mandaren-o: mandarin. DEFIRS
mandarin-o: mandarin orange; tangerine orange.
mandat-o: money order (as P.O.; cf. cheko).
mandel-o: almond; -iero: a. tree (Prunus
Amygdalus); -lakto: milk of a.; -atra okuli: a.
eyed; -siropo: a. syrup, orgeat (cf. orjato).
mandibul-o: mandible; (zool.) either the upper or
lower, part of the beak of a bird; (anat.) lower jaw; (cf.
maxilo); -ala: mandibular. DEFIS
mandolin-o: (mus.) mandolin. DEFIRS
mandor-o: (mus.) mandore: a kind of stringed lute.
mandragor-o: (bot.) mandragora; European mandrake
(Atropa mandragora). EFIS
mandrel-o: (tech.) mandril, mandrel. Def.: Utensilo
por kurvigar plaki, dilatar tubi, e.c.; IV-336. EFIS
mandrin-o: (tech.) drill-chuck. FIS
manej-o: manege: riding-school; -academy. DeFIRS
manekin-o: manikin, lay figure, dummy. Def.: Figuro
imitanta la formo di homo o di animalo; ofte artikizita; III-327.
manet-o: (tech.) hand-lever, movable handle or
knob. FI
mang-o: (fruit) mango; -iero: mango tree
(Mangifera). DEFIS
mangan-o: (min.) manganese. DeFIRS
mangl-o: (fruit) mangrove; -iero: mangrove
tree (Rhizophora Mangle). DeFIS
mangust-o: (zool.) mongoose (Herpestes).
mani-o: mania, monomania: derangement of the mind
especially upon a single subject; -eto: hobby, fancy; -ika,
-oza; -iko, -ozo: maniac(al); (cf. monomani-iko). Ex.:
Il havas mani(et)o skribar, kompozar. Mani(et)o pri kultivado di
tulipi. DEFIRS
manier-o: manner, way of doing anything; or acting;
method; mannerism; (pl.) behavio(u)r, deportment, (cf. kustumo,
modo); omna laboristo laboras segun sua maniero: every
workman has his own way of doing a thing; parol- (od, -modo)
mode, manner of speech; il havas tre agreabla manieri: he
has very pleasing manners. DEFIRS
manifest-ar: (tr.) to manifest, make to appear,
make known; -a: manifest, no longer concealed (cf. evidenta,
vid-ebla, notora, publika). Ex.: Deo manifestas su per sua
laboruri. Manifesta eroro. DEFIRS
manik-o: sleeve (of a garment, or any sleeve-like object);
-o buf-anta: puffed or bulging s.; sur- -o:
over-s., s. guard. FIS
maniok-o: (bot.) manioc, manihot, cassava (genus:
Manihot). DEFIS
manipl-o: (Rom. antiq., eccl.) maniple.
manipul-ar: (tr.) to manipulate; to treat, work or
operate with the hand. DEFIRS
manipulator-o: sounding-key; apparatus used to send
messages (telegraphic, etc.) by breaks in the current.
manivel-o: crooked handle, crank; -e plear ario: to
grind out a tune (as on a hand organ); -arboro:
crank-shaft; -drilo: breast-drill. FIS
manjar: (tr.) to eat: chew and swallow; (fig.)
to eat away; consume; -etar: to nibble, to eat little; -o,
-ado: a meal, eating; -ajo: something eaten or to be
eaten; food, victuals (cf. nutr-iva, disho); -il-aro:
eating utensils; -eg-ero: glutton; -o-trogo:
manger, crib, eating tough; -eyo, -o-chambro: eating
place, dining chamber, refectory; -o-sako: nosebag (for
horses). FIS
mank-ar: to be lacking, wanting, missing; (cf. indijar);
-o: want, lack, absence, deficiency, shortcoming, need; to
mankas a me: I miss it (lit.) that is missing to me; manko
di respekto, di pekunio: lack of respect, of money; mankas
multa libri (od, multa libri mankas): many books are
missing. FIS
manometr-o: manometer: a pressure or vacuum gauge; steam
gauge. DeFIRS
manot-o: handcuff; -izar, -ligar: to handcuff.
manovr-ar: (tr., intr.) to maneuver (manuvre)
(troops, ships); (fig.) to manage, or bring about, with
skill (an affair, etc.). DEFIRS
mansard-o: garret; story or room under a sloping roof (cf.
atiko). DFIR
manshet-o: cuff (detachable or not, of shirts, gowns);
(cf. ponyeto, paramento). Def.: Parto (ordinare starchita)
qua finis maniko di kamizo e cirkondas la karpo; VI-245.
mante-ar: (tr.) to toss (ulu) in a blanket.
mantel-o: (garment) mantle, cloak; (arch.)
mantel (as over a fire-place); -eto: short cloak; (R.C.
ch.) mantelletta; -sako: portmanteau; clothes-bag;
(cf. valizo). DEFIRS
manten-ar: to keep fast, hold fast, sustain (in a state of
stability); -ar karpenturo per fero: to uphold timberwork
with iron; to maintain, preserve: keep in the same state; -ar
ordino, familio: to maintain order, a family; la -o di la
legi: the maintaining of the laws. Def.: Tenar en la sama
pozeso o stando; VI-51. EFIS
mantili-o: mantilla. DEFIRS
mantis-o*: the decimal part of a logarithm.
manu-o: hand; -ala: manual; -laboro: hand
(or, manual) labo(u)r; -libro: hand-book, manual:
-skrib-ita: hand-written (cf. manuskripto); -agar:
(tr.) to handle, wield; (fig.) to manage; -ag-ebla:
which can be handled, workable; (fig.) manageable; -fabrikar:
(tr.) to make (ulo) by hand; (cf. fabrikar);
-edo: handful; -edope: by handfuls; -frapo:
blow, cuff, thump; -dorso: back of hand; -preso:
hand-pressure; handshake; -veturo: hand-truck, barrow; -vish-ilo:
hand-towel; -apog-ilo: hand-rest; -sako: hand-bag,
reticule. eFIS
manufaktur-o: (establ.) manufactory, factory (cf. fabrik-erio);
-ala: relating to factories; -isto, -estro:
manufacturer; oza: full of factories. DEFRS
manuskript-o: manuscript. DEFIRS
manzanil-o: (bot.) manchineel (-tree) (Hippomane
mancinella.). DeFIS
map-o: map; reliefa -o: relief map. E
mar-o: sea (cf. oceano); -a, -ala: of or
relating to the sea, marine, maritime (cf. nav-ala); -isto:
seaman, sailor; -o meza (od, plena): main sea, high
sea; -portuo: sea-port; -ala nauzeo: sea-sickness; -kolo,
stret-ajo: arm of the sea, strait; -fish-aro:
sea-fish; -o-aglo: (orni.) white-tailed sea-eagle
(Haliaetus albicilla); -hundo: (mam.) seal (Phoca);
-o-spumo: sea-foam; (fig.) meerschaum; -o-spuma
pipo: meerschaum pipe. DeFIRS
marabut-o*: Marabout. Def.: Mohamedista kleriko od ermito;
maraskin-o*: maraschino: a kind of liquor. DEFIRS
marasm-o: (med.) marasmus: progressive emaciation.
march-ar: (intr.) to walk, step, tread; (of
soldiers) to march; -(ad)o: walk(ing), march(ing); -ar
granda-paze: to stride; -o aceler-ata: forced-,
quick-, hurried-march or walk; -o-modo, -maniero: way of
walking, gait (cf. pazo); -anto, -ero: pedestrian,
walker, marcher; -ario: march-music, -tune; -etar:
to trip along (of children). Def.: Facar pazi, pozar alterne la
pedi sur la sulo, irge qua esas la direciono o la skopo di ta ago
(ne rezervata a la militala marcho, o la militala komandi);
marchand-ar: (tr.) to bargain for, beat down the
price of, haggle about; -(ad)o: bargaining; il
longa-tempe marchandis ta domo: he was a long time bargaining
for that house. F
marcipan-o: marzipan, marchpane: a kind of sweetmeat.
mardi-o: Tuesday. FIS
mare-o: tide, ebb and flow (cf. fluxo, refluxo); -ego:
bore, eagre: rush of water up an estuary; wave caused by meeting
of two tides. FIS
mareograf-o*: marigraph: tide-gauge register.
mareometr-o*: tide-gauge.
margarin-o: (chem.) margarin; (com.)
oleomargarine, artificial butter. DEFIS
margrav-o: (title) margrave. DEFIS
margrit-o: (bot.) marguerite, oxe-eye daisy
(Chrysanthemum leucanthemum); -eto: English daisy (Bellis
perennis). eF
maria-balno: (chem.) water-bath; (cook.)
double-boiler. DFIS
mariaj-ar: (tr.) to marry; legally unite in wedlock
(by an official, priest, minister); (cf. spoz-igar, aliancar);
la komonestro mariajis li: the mayor married them; -ar
su: to get married (kun ulu); -o, -eso:
marriage, matrimony, wedlock; -o leg-ala: civil marriage; -anto,
-ero: person officiating at a marriage, match-maker; -ebla:
marriageable; -at-ulo: married man, (nova)
bridegroom; -festo: wedding, nuptials; -fest-anti,
-gasti: wedding-party, -guests; -anunco: banns. V.
exp.: Lago mariajar implikas 3 personi; la
homulo e la homino mariajata, e la legal (o religial) oficisto,
qua mariajas (unionas) li. Do, segun rigoro, la verbo mariajar
povas havar quale subjekto nur loficisto. Per extenso, on
povas dicar ke la homulo e la homino mariajas su, pro ke
lia volo esas ya la kauzo di la mariajo; II-726. La sacerdoto mariajas
Maria e me. La patrulo di Maria grantis Maria e me kom spozino.
Maria spozuligis me. Me spozinigis Maria, od, me mariajis
me kun Maria. EFI
marin-ar: (tr.) to marinate: to salt or pickle, as
fish, and then preserve in oil or vinegar; -ajo: marinade;
(cf. sal-izar). DeFIRS
marionet-o: (also fig.) marionette, puppet; filo-
-o: dancing jack. DEFIRS
marjin-o: margin (of book, of paper); (fig.)
border, edge (of anything); not-izar en -o: to note or
write in the margin. DEFIS
«mark»: (money) mark; (weight) mark; an
old weight: 8 oz. (ounces).
mark-o: mark: token by which anything is known; stamp; -izar:
to mark; -ifar: to produce a mark, leave a trace; -o-signo:
distinctive mark or sign; (cf. indiko, signo, atesto); marko
sur mutono, sur boko-tuko: mark on a sheep, on a napkin; doganala
-o: stamp of the Customs. DEFIRS
markez-(ul)o: marquis, -ino: marchioness.
markot-ar: (tr., hort.) to layer: bend a shoot or
branch to the ground and cover with earth so as to take root; -ajo:
branch or shoot thus layered. FI
marmelad-o: marmelade. DEFIRS
marmit-o: pot (for boiling); porridge-pot. FIS
marmor-o: marble; -a: of marble (statuo, e.c.); -ala,
-atra: relating to marble; marble-like, marmoreal; -umar:
to stain or vein like marble. DeFIRS
marmot-o: (zool.) marmot (Arctomys Marmota); (U.S.)
woodchuck, groundhog. eFIS
marn-o: marl. FI
marod-ar: (intr.) to maraud: rove in quest of
plunder; (tr.) to plunder. DEFRS
marokin-a, -o: morocco (leather). DFIS
maron-o: (fruit) marron: horse-chestnut (Aesculus
Hippocastanum); -ea, -bruna: chestnut-colo(u)red; (cf. kastano).
marquiz-o: marquee: a large field tent; an ornamental
verander or penthouse overhanging a balcony, window or door.
Mars-o: (myth., astron.) Mars.
marsh-o, -lando: marsh, morass, bog, fen, swamp. E
marshal-o: marshal, field-marshal. DEFIRS
marsuin-o: porpoise (Phocaena communis). FIS
marsupial-o: (zool.) marsupial. EFIS
mart-o: (month of) March. DEFIRS
martel-o: hammer; -agar: to hammer (cf. malear);
-ag-(ad)o: hammering; -ag-ebla: malleable; ligno-
-o: mallet, pestle, beetle; (cf. malio); vapor-
-ego: steam-, forge-hammer. FIS
Martin-pesk-aro: (orni.) kingfisher (Alceda
hispida); (cf. alcedo).
Martin-somero: St. Martins summer: warm, damp season
in England and southern Europe from November to about Christmas.
martir-o, -ulo, -ino: (also fig.) martyr; -igar:
martyrize (ulu). DEFIS
martr-o: (zool.) marten (Mustela Martes).
marvel-o: wonder, marvel, prodigy. Def.: Ulo qua efikas
astoneso od admiro per aparta beleso, grandeso o stranjeso, mem
per superhomeso o supernatureso; II-19. EFIS
mas-o: mass: body of matter cohering in one body, usually
of considerable size; (cf. amaso, bloko, turbo).
masaj-ar: (tr.) to massage (ulu).
masakr-o: (tr.) to massacre. Def.: Mortigar un (od,
plu generale) plura personi kruele o senbezone; III-698.
mash-o: mesh, link (as in knitting, etc.); -kuraso,
-kuto, -tuniko: coat of mail. DE
mashin-o: machine, engine; -i, -aro: engines,
machinery; -isto: machinist: one who runs or constructs
m.s; -ala: mechanical; relating to machinery (cf. makanik-ala);
-agar: to use or operate a m.; -izar: to furnish
m.s to; -ifar: to produce, make m.s; exploz -o:
infernal machine; milit- -o: engine of war; sut- -o:
sewing m.; vapor- -o: steam-engine; -skrib-ar: (tr.)
to write with a m., to typewrite (ulo); (cf. skrib- -o,
-isto, -ero: typist). DEFIRS
mashinac-ar: (tr.) to machinate: plan or contrive
in secret with evil purpose. DEFIS
masiv-a: massive, bulky; -o: a large solid mass (as
of masonry); a block (of flowers, trees, etc.); bulk (of a
mountain or hill). DEFIRS
mask-ar: (tr.) to mask (to cover the face with a
mask, not travestiar); -ilo: a mask; -ita, -ito:
masked (person); -o-festo, -it-aro: masquerade; -it-eso:
(fig.) a disguise. DEFIRS
maskaron-o: (arch.) carved or moulded face (or
figure). V exp.: To ne esas masko, ma vizajo plu o min groteska,
skultita IV-336. DFRS
maskul-a, -ala, -atra: male, masculine; -o: a male;
-a genro: gender; -eso: masculinity. DEFIS
mason-ar: (tr.) to do masons work on: to
build (with stone, brick, etc.); to wall up, seal up (a door,
etc.); -isto: mason, bricklayer. EF
mast-o: mast; -eto: small m., spar, pole; ye
mi-masto: at half-mast; -i, -aro: masts (of a ship,
etc.); -izar: to put m.s on, in (a ship, etc.); -iz-ilo:
sheer legs. DEFRS
mastic-o: mastic: a resin from the mastic tree; any of the
pasty cements, esp. putty; -izar: to putty. DEFI
mastik-ar: (tr.) to chew, masticate; -ajo:
something to chew; cud; -endo: (med.) masticatory; -achar:
to munch. EFIS
mastodont-o: mastodon. DEFIRS
mastr-o: master: person having authority; -ino:
mistress; -eso: mastery; su- -eso: self-mastery,
self-control; sub- -o: foreman, overseer. DEFIS
mat-o: mat, matting (of straw or other materials).
matador-o: matador. DEFIRS
matematik-o: mathematics. DEFIRS
materi-o: (also fig. as of discourse, book, etc.)
material, matter (out of which something is made); -ajo:
material object, substance; -ala: material: relating to
matter; -oza: substantial, not formal; -atra:
material (analogous to); -al-isto, -ista: materialist(ic);
-al-ismo: materialism; -al-eso: materiality; -o
prima, kruda: raw material; -igar: to materialize: to
make (a spirit) visible in or as a material form; -al-igar:
to invest with material characteristics, to substantialize.
matid-a: dull, hollow (of sound); mat(t), dead, dull, not
shiny, glossy (of colo(u)rs, etc.). Ant.: sonora, bril-anta.
matin-o: morning, forenoon: time from dawn to midday; -ala:
m., f.; matutinal; ca- -e: on (or in) this m., f.; morga
-o: tomorrow m., f.; (esas) fru-matine: (it was) early
in the m. eFIS
matlot-o*: matelot: a kind of fish-stew; a kind of
sailors dance, hornpipe. F
matr-o: mother; -ala: maternal; -eto: little
mother; (fig.) mamma; -eso: maternity:
motherliness; -ala linguo: mother-tongue; -aquo: (chem.)
mother-liquor. V. exp.: Matro esas la sentimental
equivalanto di patrino; VI-535.
matrac-o: mattress. DEFIR
matras-o: (chem. instr.) matrass. EFIS
matric-o: (tech.) matrix. DEFIRS
matrikul-o: matricula: register in which names are entered
consecutively, as for a hospital, prison, society, etc.; -eskar,
-izar: to matricula. DeFIRS
matron-o: matron. DEFIRS
matur-a: (also fig.) ripe, mature: having become
completely developed; -igar: to cause to ripen or come to
maturity; -a frukti: ripe fruits; -a evo: mature
age; -a abceso: ripe (suppurating) abcess; -a delibero:
mature deliberation. EFIS
matutin-o: (R.C. Ch.) matins. Def.: «Ofico» di la
matino; V-340. eFIS
mauzole-o: mausoleum. DEFIRS
maxil-o: maxilla: upper jaw bone (cf. mandibulo); -ala:
maxillary. EFI
maxim(e): (adv. of comparison) most; -a:
highest; -o: maximum; -multo: the generality,
majority, the most; -multe posible: the most possible; -granda
posibla: the greatest possible; -bona: the best; -a
sorgo: the greatest care; lu laboris maxime: he works
most; la maxim granda asno ek la tri: the biggest ass of
the three; -alta: highest; -a valoro: highest
value; (fig.) highest price; -ala: relating to the
maximum; -klara posible: as clear as possible, the
clearest possible. Ant.: minim. DEFIRS
may-o: (month) May. DEFIRS
mayolik-o: majolica. DEFIRS
mayonez-o: (cook.) maayonnaise (-sauce).
mayor-o: (milit. title) major. DEFIRS
mayuskul-o: capital or uncial letter, majuscule. Ant.: miniskulo.
maz-o: mace. Def.: Baston(ego) plu grosa ye un extremajo
kam ye laltra; ica servas kom mancho, e lenesma havas
nodi, o klovi o saliaji; II-709. La mazo moderna esas uzata quale
ceremoniala insigno, ex.: en parlamento. EFIS
mazurk-o: mazurka (dance and music). DEFIRS
me: I, me; (acc. me, or in case of necessity men);
-a, -i: (sing. and pl.) my, mine; la me-ajo e la
tu-ajo: mine and thine. Ex.: Me amas mea frati. Vua servisti
ne frequentas mei, e mei ne frequentas vui. DEFIRS
mecen-o: Maecenas; (fig.) patron of art and
science. DEFIRS
mech-o: wick (of lamp, of candle); tinder; (artil.)
quick-match; -o-fusilo: match-lock. FS
medali-o: medal. DEFIRS
medalion-o: medallion; (fig.) locket. DEFIRS
medi-o: (also nat. sciences) environment,
surroundings; (of people) circle, set; (cf. cirkum-aji);
en la intelektala, etikala e sociala medio: in the
intellectual, moral and social environment; -a: ambient,
mediac-ar: (tr.) to mediate: to intervene,
interpose between people or in something to harmonize or
reconcile; -o: mediation, intervention; -anto, -ero:
mediator; intermediate; agent; middleman, go-between; -anta:
intermediate; (cf. mediata). DEFIS
median-a*, -o: (geom., and fig. in zool., anat., bot.)
median (middle), mesial. Def.: Rekto qua juntas somito di
triangulo a la mezo dil latero opozita; VII-280. DEFI
mediat-a: mediate: intermediate, not direct or immediate,
indirect; -igar: to mediatize: to make intermediate,
render mediate; -e: intermediately, indirect; ne- -a:
immediate: without intervention of another object, cause or
agency; (cf. quik); -ajo: something intermediate,
intermediary (object; cf. mediac-anto). DeFIS
medicin-o: (art, profession) medicine; (cf. medikamento);
-ala: medical; -ist-o, -ulo, -ino: one who occupies
himself with medicine, even theoretically (cf. mediko); -doktoro:
doctor of m., -student(ul)o: student of m. DEFIRS
medik-o, -ulo, -ino: physician, doctor; -ala:
medical; -acho: quack. V. exp.: Per mediko on devas
komprenar medicinisto praktikanta, kontre ke medicinisto
(segun letimologio) esas irgu qua okupas su profesione pri
medicino (mem nur teoriale). Profesoro di medicino, exemple, esas
medicinisto, ma povas ne esar mediko. Kuracisto signifikas
ta qua (profesione) kuracas, sive mediko, sive ne; VI-141.
medikament-o: medicine, medicament; -a, -ala, -atra:
medicinal; -izar: to apply, give medicine to (ulu).
medit-ar: (tr., intr.) to meditate, think over,
ponder (cf. projetar); Ex.: Meditar (pri) ula verajo, la
paroli di evangelio-libri. Il pasas sua tempo en meditado. Meno
meditema. DEFIS
medium-o: (spiritistic) medium. DEFIRS
medul-o: medulla: (bone) marrow; (of plants)
pith. eFIS
meduz-o: (zool.) medusa: jelly-fish, sea-nettle; Meduzo:
(myth.) Medusa. DeFIRS
Mefistofel-ala, -atra: Mephistophelean. DEFI
mefit-o: mephitis: noxious or foul exhalation, especially
from earth; (mines) choke-damp. DEFIS
megafon-o: megaphone: (large) speaking trumpet.
megalit-a: megalithic: consisting of large stone; -o:
megalith (monument). DEFIRS
megaspor-o*: (bot.) megaspore. DEFIS
megasporangi-o*: (bot.) megasporangium.
megateri-o*: (paleon.) megathere. DEFIRS
meger-o: shrew, vixen, termagent. DFI
mejis-ar: (tr.) to taw (skins). Def.: Specala
maniero preparar la peli, precipue la mikra peli: mikra bovyuno,
mutono, mutonyuno, kapro-yuno, por fabrikar ganti, delikata shui,
e.c. La mejisado esas specala karakterizata per to ke la tanago
di la peli, vice facesar per tanoza extrakturi, quale la tanago
propre dicita, esas facata per specala mixuro blankatra kompozita
de aluno, vitelo e marala salo; VI-245. F
mekanik-o: (science of) mechanics; -ala:
mechanical; relative to mechanics or the laws of motion (cf. mashin-ala);
-isto: mechanician: one learned in the theories of
mechanics (cf. mashin-(if)isto). Ex.: omna movi di korpi
esas mekanikal, la libera falo di korpo, same kam la falo di
vapor-martelo. DEFIRS
mekanism-o: (philos., mechan, and fig.) mechanism,
machinery; structure; mechanical parts. Def.: Ensemblo di la
mekanikal relati, kun egardo a la dispozeso di la parti; VII-205.
Ex.: La mekanismo do horlojo od altra mashino. La mekanismo esas
ulo abstraktita, la strukturo, la dispozeso di la parti di la
aparato. DEFIS
mekanist-o: (philos.) representative of mechanism.
mekanomorfos-o*: mechanomorphosis.
melankoli-o: (of persons) melancholy; (med.)
melancholia; -oza: melancholy, dispirited, gloomy (of
mind); (cf. trista). Ant.: gayeso. DEFIRS
melanism-o*: (biol.) melanism.
melas-o: molasses, treacle. DeFIS
mele-o*: melee; a general had to hand fight. EF
melinit-o: melinite (-powder). DEFIRS
melis-o: (bot.) balm, balm-mint (Melissa
officinalis). DeFIS
melk-ar: (tr.) to milk (an animal). DE
melodi-o: melody; -a, -ala, -oza, -atra: melodious,
musical, sweet, tuneful. DEFIRS
melodram-o: melodrama. DEFIRS
melolont-o: maybeetle, cockchafer (Melolontha vulgaris).
melon-o: melon, muskmelon (Cucumis Melo); aquo- -o:
watermelon (Cucumis Citrulis); kantalupo- -o: cantaloup.
melope-o: (mus.) melopoeia. eFIRS
mem: (adv.) even, still, (in comparson); (emphasis)
really, indeed (cf. ya); mem se: even if; mem
plu bona: still better, better yet; yes, me konfesas, ke
mea manui esas mem tre sordida: yes, I admit that my hands a
really very dirty; ica pano esas bona, ma ita esas mem plu
bona: that bread is good but that is even better; il
meritas estimo, mem amo: he merits esteem, even love.
membr-o: member (of society, community, party, parliament,
of an equation); limb (of body); -o (di frazo): clause
(cf. klauzo); -i, -aro: members, limbs; -oza:
limbered, membered. EFIS
membran-o: (anat., bot.) membrane. DEFIS
«memento»: (R.C. ch.) memento: prayers for living
and dead.
memor-ar: (tr.) to remember, recollect, have a
memory of; (cf. merkar); -igar: to cause (ulu)
to remember, remind, bring to mind, commemorate; -(ad)o: (act,
faculty) memory, remembrance; -ajo: what is rembered,
recollection; -ig-ilo: reminder, souvenir, keepsake; -e:
by heart; -inda: memorable; -igo: commemoration,
remembrance; -ig-iva, -ala: commemorative; -noto:
note of reminder, memorandum; -libro: memo. book; ri-
-o: reminiscence, recollection. EFIRS
memorand-o: memorandum; (of societies, academies); (dipl.)
memorial: a note or informal state paper used in diplomacy.
memorial-o: memoir. Def.: Historiala verko, en qua
lautoro naracas leventi di sua vivo o di sua tempo;
menaj-o: housekeeping: administration, cleaning and
general management of a house, especially apart from mere cooking
arrangements; -isto, -ulo, -ino, -estro: housekeeper.
Def.: Domal (hemala) ekonomio o servado; IV-66. F
menajeri-o: menagerie. Def.: Kolekturo de animali rara o
sovaja por expozo; III-327. DEF
mencion-ar: (tr.) to mention, make mention of; honor-oza,
-iz-anta -o: honorable mention. V. exp.: vid. citar.
mendik-ar: (tr.) to beg (for alms); -anto, -ero,
-isto: beggar, mendicant. EFIS
menhir-o*: menhir: standing stone. DEF
mening-o, -i: (anat.) meninx, meninges. EFIS
meningit-o: (med.) meningitis; -o
cerebro-spinala: cerebro-spinal m. EFIS
menisk-o*: (opt., phys.) meniscus. DEFIS
mens-o*: (of abbeys) revenue; (fig.)
table-money, allowance for table. F
menstru-ar: (intr., physiol.) to menstruate, have
the monthly flow; -o: menses. DEFIRS
ment-o: mind: seat of consciousness, thought, volition and
feeling; mentality: cast or habit of mind (cf. spirito, psiko,
intelekto); -ala: mental; -o milit-ist-ala: a
military mind: an intelligence which looks at all matters from a
soldiers viewpoint; -o partis-ala: a partisan mind
or spirit; -o publika: public spirit or mind; -o-mediko:
physician of the mind, alienist. ?EFIS
menti-ar: (intr.) to lie, tell a falsehood (pri,
per); -etar: to fib. FIS
menton-o: chin; -o sali-anta: prominent c.; -o
du-pada: double c.; -barbo: c. beard; (cf. infra
labio-barbo); -bandajo: c. bandage; -kateno: (horses)
curb-chain; menton-umo: c.piece, c.-band, -strap. Def.: (menton-umo):
Bendo ek stofo, ledro o metalo por renar kapvesto sur la kapo;
anke kuseneto od utensilo por violino fixa dum ke on pleas;
III-10. FI
mentor-o: mentor (counselor). DEFIRS
menu-o: menu, bill of fare. DEFS
menueto: minuet (dance or air). DEFIRS
menuz-ar: (intr.) to do fine carpenters or
joiners work; -isto: cabinet-worker, joiner (cf. eben-isto).
V. exp.: vid. karpentar. F
mercenari-o: (milit.) mercenery (soldier)
mercer-o: (Eng.) mercers business,
haberdashers trade. (U.S.) dry-goods business; -isto:
mercer, haberdasher: a dealer in textile fabrics, trimmings, and
small articles of dress. EFIS
meridian-a lineo, meridiano: meridian. DEFIRS
merin-o: merino (-sheep); -lano: merino wool.
mering-o: (cook.) meringue: a kind of icing and
cake made of it. DEFIS
meristem-o*: (bot.) meristem. DEFIS
merit-ar: (tr.) to deserve, merit (ulo de ulu);
-o: merit, worth, desert. Ex.: Meritar laudo, puniso,
rekompenso. EFIS
meriz-o: wild cherry; -iero: wild cherry tree
(Prunus avium). F
merk-ar: (tr.) to mark, to impress (ulo) on
ones memory, to retain or remember) a thing, keep in mind,
(cf. memorar); vorti facile merk-ebla: words easy
to keep in mind; merkez mea vorti: mark my words; me
merkos to: I will bear that in mind; -o-vorto:
catch-word, cue-word, key-word. V. exp.: Merkar expresas
ideo simila a lernar, tamen min konsideranta la peno e
lintenco; III-495. De
merkat-o: (aslo fig. as in polit. econ.) market:
public place for selling. Def.: Vendeyo publika; III-466. Stando
di la ofro e demando di vari en un urbo o loko; II-76.
merkurdi-o: Wednesday. FIS
merkuri-o: (chem.) mercury, quicksilver.
merl-o: (orni.) blackbird (Turdus merula).
merlan-o: (ich.) whiting (Gadus Merlangus).
merlon-o*: (fort.) merlon. Def.: Parto (solida) di
muro inter du kreneli; VII-280. DEFIS
merluch-o: (ich.) merluce: the European hake
(Merlucius vulgaris). eFIRS
merogoni-o*: (embryol.) merogony. DEFIS
meromorf-a*: (math.) meromorphic. DEFIS
merotomi-o*: merotomy: division into parts. DEFIS
mes-o: (R.C. Ch.) mass; -libro: missal,
prayer-book; -o sen-kanta: low mass DEFIRS
mesaj-o: message: official communication, diplomatic,
parliamentary; (cf. letro, send-ajo). EFIS
mesi-o: (also fig.) Messiah; -an-a, -ala:
Messianic. DEFIRS
meskin-a: mean, paltry (person, act); narrow, illiberal
(ideas, policy); stingy, niggardly (persons, policy); shabby
(room, person); -ajo: mean or paltry thing or act, shabby
trick. Def.: Qua indijas larjeso, alteso (precipue etikala);
mestic-a, -o: (of persons, animals) half-breed,
mixed-breed; mestizo: a peson of mixed Spanish and American
Indian blood; (cf. mulato, hibrido); (cf. V-33).
mestier-o: trade, handicraft: occupation or business in
which manual or mechanical labo(u)r is necessary, as that of a
carpenter or mason; -ala: technical, craft; -isto:
artisan, mechanic; il esas mestiere torn-isto: he is
a turner (or lathe-worker) by trade. FIR
met-ar: to put on , don (clothing, ornaments); (cf. vest-izar);
-ar frako: to put on a dress-coat; -o: donning,
dressing; -ebla: wearable: which can be put on. FI
metaboli-o*: (biol.) metabolism. DEFIS
metacentr-o*: (hydros. and shipbuilding) metacenter
(metacentre) DEFIRS
metacinez-o*: (biol.) metakinesis. DEFIS
metafaz-o*: (biol.) metaphase. DEFIS
metafizik-o: metaphysics. DEFIRS
metafor-o: (rhet.) metaphor. DEFIRS
metafraz-o: metaphrase: literal translation. Def.: Expliko
qua konsistas en tradukar loko (frazo) en plura klara, simpla e
vulgara vorti; V-485. DEFIRS
metageometri-o*: metageometry.
metakarp-o: (anat.) metacarpus. EFIS
metal-o: metal; -a, -ala, -oza: metallic: of m.,
relaing to m., full of m.; -ajo: m. object; -izar:
to metallize; to coat or impregnate with m.; -ifo:
metallurgy; ore production (cf. metalurgio); -if-isto:
metallurgist; -filo: wire; -laboristo: m.worker; -vaz-aro,
-aj-aro: ironmongery, hardware. DEFIRS
metalografi-o: metallography. DEFS
metaloid-o*: (chem.) metalloid.? DEFS
metalurgi-o*: metallurgy: science and art of preparing
metals from the ores (not the extracting of ores; cf. metal-ifo).
metamer-o*: (zool.) metamere. DEFIS
metamorfos-ar: (tr.) to metamorphose. DEFIRS
metan-o*: (chem.) methane, marsh-gas. DEFIS
metastabil-a: (physical chem.) metastable.
metatars-o: (anat.) metatarsus. EFIS
metatez-o: (gram.) metathesis. DEFIRS
metempsikos-o: metempsychosis, transmigration of souls.
meteor-o: meteor. DEFIRS
meteorologi-o: meteorology; -isto: meteorologist.
metil-o*: (chem.) methyl. DEFIS
metod-o: method: special or definite system of procedure; (of
things) ala: methodical; (of persons) oza:
methodical; -ale, -oze: methodically. Ex.: Il facas omno
segun metodo (od, metodoze). Metodala aranjo. DEFIRS
metod-ismo: (rel.) methodism: doctrine of
methodists; -isto: methodist (member of a religious sect).
metodologi-o: methodology. DEFIS
metol-o*: (chem.) metol. DEFIS
metonimi-o: (rhet.) metonymy. DEFIRS
metonomazi-o: metonomatosis. Def.: Chanjo di propra nomo
per traduko, qua celas ol; V-485. DEFIRS
metop-o: (arch.) metope. DEFIRS
metr-o: (metric) meter (metre): 1.093 yards; (poet.)
meter; -o-quadrato: square meter: 1.196 square yards; -o
kubo: cubic meter: 35 cubic feet; -ala: (measure or
verse) metrical. Note: A list of metric abbreviations may be
found in IV-608-9. DEFIRS
metrik-o: (science of) versification, prosody,
metrologi-o*: metrology.
metronom-o: metronome. DEFIRS
metropol-o: metropolis: a chief or capital city.
metropolit-o: (eccl.) metropolitan (bishop).
mez-a, -o: middle, midst; -e di: in the middle of; -a,
-ala: middle, medial, median; -grada, -valora: (of
quantities) average; (math.) mean; (gen.)
middling, mediocre, tolerable (cf. pasabla); -grado,
-valoro: average, mean, mediocrity; -valore:
moderately, indifferently; -epoko: the Middle Ages; -epok-ala:
medieval; -eva: of middle age; -a stando: (od, situ-eso):
moderate circumstances; -a fosto (di fenestro): mullion; -o-soprano:
mezzo-soprano; -a proporcion-alo: (geom.) mean
proportional. I
mezenter-o*: (anat.) mesentery. DEFIS
mezoderm-o*: (embryol., zool.) mesoderm.
mezolab-o*: (instr.) mesolabe. DEFIRS
mezotint-o*: mezzotint(o). DEFI
mezur-ar: (tr.) to measure (with an instrument), to
survey (land); -(ad)o: measure, measurement, measuring; (mus.)
time, measure; bar; -ilo: an instrument for measuring; -ebla:
measurable; sen- -a: immeasurable, immoderate; excessive,
exorbitant; super- -o: over-measure; agro- -isto:
land (or, field) surveyor. V. exp.: vid. evaluar. EFI
mi: mi, third note of diatonic scale.
miasm-o: miasma: noxious exhalation. DEFIRS
miaul-ar*: (intr.) to mew: to cry as a cat, to
caterwaul, miaou. DEFIS
mi-cirkl-o: hemicycle, half-circle.
mi-de-o: demigod.
mi-dek-e-du-o: half-dozen.
miel-o: honey; (fig.) sweetness; -ala, -oza,
-atra: honeyed, melliferous; -ifar: to produce honey; -aquo:
hydromel, mead; -kuko: gingerbread; -mixuro:
oxymel: a mixture of vinegar and honey; -tempo: honeymoon.
mien-o: (of the face) look(s), mien, countenance, -acho:
affected, lackadaisical, simpering look; -o superba:
haughty look; facar mien-i, -achi: to put on airs, mince,
simper, smirk; ne judikez homo segun lua mieno: do not
judge a person by his looks. DEFR
mi-faci-o: (photog.) pose between face and profile;
(cf. mi-profilo).
mi-farm-ajo: metairie: land (or implements) leased for
half-share of produce; -ado: metayage; -isto, -ero:
mi-frat-ulo: half-brother.
migr-ar: (intr.) to migrate; -anta, -ema:
migrating; (fig.) itinerant; -anta uceli: migrating
birds. EFIS
migren-o: megrim: a kind of sick or nervous pain affecting
one side of the head, hemicrania. ?DeFIR
migrenin-o*: (med.) a kind of remedy for megrim or
mika-o: (min.) mica. DEFIS
mikoriz-o*: (biol.) mycorrhiza. DEFIS
mikr-a: little, small; (cf. poka); -eta, -acha:
tiny, wee; -ope: little by little, bit by bit; -igar:
to make small, belittle; (cf. min-grand-igar, diminutar), -o-kosmo:
microcosm. Ex.: Mikra spaco, chambro, homo, sumo, nombro, merito.
Ant.: granda. DeFIRS
mikrob-o: microbe. DEFIRS
mikrofon-o: microphone. DEFIRS
mikrograf-o*: micrographer: one versed in micrography.
mikrografi-o: micrography: description of microscopic
objects. DEFIRS
mikrometr-o: micrometer. DEFIRS
mikron-o*: micron: 1/1000 of a millimeter (millimetre).
mikropil-o*: (bot., zool.) micropyle. DEFIS
mikroskop-o: microscope. DEFIRS
mikrosom-o*: (biol.) microsome. DEFIS
mikrospor-o*: (bot.) microspore. DEFIS
mikrosporangi-o*: (bot.) microsporangium.
mikrozo-o: microzoa: animals of microscopic smallness.
mil: thousand; -o: a (one) thousand; -esma:
(ordinal) 1000th ; -imo: (fraction) 1/1000
(part); -yara: millenary; (cf. cent, du for
derivatives). FIS
milan-o: (orni.) kite (Milvus ictinus). FS
mili-o: mile: 5280 feet; 1609.35 meters (metres).
miliard-o: billion; 1000 millions; -iero:
billionaire. DeFIRS
milic-o: militia; -ano: militiaman. DEFIRS
miligram-o: milligram: 0.015 grain. DEFIRS
milimetr-o: millimeter (millimetre): 0.039 inch.
milion-o: million; -iero: millionaire.
milit-ar: (intr.) to (make) war; (fig.) to
militate; (por, kontre); -igar: to cause to make
war; -anto, -isto: fighter, combatant, warrior; -ala:
military: relating to war; -ist-ala: military: relating to
warriors; -ema: combative, pugnacious, bellicose; -arto:
art of war; -ruzo: stratagem (of war); -ist-aro:
armed force of a country (cf. armeo); -judicio:
court-martial; -ala kapt-ito: prisoner of war; -navo:
warship; -nava: naval. DEFIS
militar-ismo: militarism; -isto: militarist: a
believer in militarism; -igar: to militarize: to bring
into a condition of (or imbue with) militarism. Ex.: On dicas, ke
la maxim bona metodo kuracar militaristo esas igar lu militisto.
mi-lum-o: half-light, twilight, subdued light.
mi-lun-o: half-moon.
milyet-o: (bot.) millet (Panicum miliaceum).
mim-ar: (tr.) to mimic: express by dumb show, as
for ridicule; -anto, -isto: mimic, mime. DeFIRS
mimetik-a*: (zool.) a mimicking (animal); -eso:
mimicry; imitative resemblance of one animal to another or to
some inanimate object.
mi-mond-umo: demi-monde.
mimos-o: (bot.) mimosa, sensitive plant (genus:
Mimosa). DEFIRS
min(e): (adv.) less (Note: The short form: min
is used when followed by adjective or verb; as, min granda:
smaller; the longer form: mine is used when not followed
by word which it modifies, as at the end of a sentence; il
laboris mine: he worked less; min bela: less
beautiful; parolez min multe: speak less; min multo:
the lesser; min kam ul-tempe: less than ever; min multa
pekunio: less money; sempre min: less and less. V.
exp.: Min esas diminutala; minus esas
sustracionala. Ex.: Esante min durstanta kam me, il drinkis un
glaso minuse; II-738. Ant.: plu. Note: In distinction from
E. usage where «less» is used adjectivally, min is
always an adverb, therefore : min multa homi, not min
homi. FIRS
min-ar: (tr.) to undermine, to mine: extract ores,
etc.; (cf. sub-destruktar) (milit.) to sap; -eyo:
a mine; -ey-ala: pertaining to mines: la rivero minis
la rivo: the river undermined the bank. DEFIRS
minac-ar: (tr.) to menace, to threaten (ulu, per
ulo). Ex.: Il minacis mortigar me. La muro minacis krular (E.
the wall totters). Kolero esas minaco. EFIS
minaret-o: minaret. DEFIRS
mineral-o: mineral; -igar: to mineralize: transform
into a mineral; -izar: to mineralize: to cover or
impregnate with mineral. DEFIRS
mineralogi-o: mineralogy; -isto: mineralogist.
minestrel-o: minstrel: poet, singer of the Middle Ages.
min-grand-igar: to lessen, make smaller; (cf. mikr-igar,
min-gros-igar, diminutar).
min-gros-igar: to reduce in size; (cf. tenu-igar).
miniatur-o: miniature; a small and delicate painting, as a
portrait; a representation on a much reduced scale. DEFIRS
minim(e), -a: (superlative of min) least, lowest,
minimum; -o: minimum; -a nombro (necesa por valideso di
voti): quorum; min bona, min kurajoza: least good,
least courageous; min multa bruiso posibla: least possible
noise: minim chera: least dear, the cheapest; la minim
alta monto: the lowest mountain; skribar pri kozi quin on
komprenas minime: to write things about which one understands
least; (cf. note on form in min(e). DEFIRS
minion-a: small and dainty, daintily pretty; -ino:
a daintily pretty girl or woman; (fig.) darling, pet; -a
boko: a pretty (and small) mouth; -a pedo: a dainty
foot. F
ministeri-o: administrative or executive department of a
government of which a ministro is the head (cf. V-158); la
ministraro demisionis, ma la ministerii ankore funcionis: the
ministers have resigned but the «ministries» (administrative
departments) still carried on their work.
ministr-o: (state functionary) minister; -aro:
cabinet, ministry (collective); -ala: ministerial; -eyo:
government office; dum la ministr-eso di Sro. X: during
the ministry of Mr. X; chef- -o: premier, prime minister.
minium-o: minium: red oxide of lead; (paint) red-lead.
minor-a: (jur.) minor: under age; (logic, music,
eccl.) minor; -eso: (of age) minority; -a
modo: minor key. Ant.: majora. DEFIS
minoritat-o: minority: the smaller number. Ant.: majoritato.
minotaur-o: (myth.) Minotaur. DEFIRS
mint-o: (bot.) mint (genus: Mentha); -o krispa:
curly mint (Mentha crispa); pipro-minto: peppermint
(Mentha piperita). DEFIRS
minuci-o: minutia, trifle, minor detail: -i:
minutiae; -ema: (person) particular; attentive to detail,
fastidious, hairsplitter; -em-acho: fuss-budget, busybody.
minus: (arith., alg.) minus; di plus tri minus
un facas (od, esas) quar: two plus three minus one makes
four; il pagis a me un dollar minuse: he paid me one
dollar less (i.e. he took one dollar from the price); un glaso
minuse: one glass less. V. exp.: vid. min. DEIRS
minuskul-o: (print.) small letter; (in manuscripts)
miniscule. Ant.: mayuskulo. DeFIS
minut-o: (of time: astron., geom. of degree)
minute. DEFIRS
min-valor-igar: to depreciate: to lessen the value of; to
undervalue, underrate; disparage; la abundo de pekunio
minvalorigas la valoro: the abundance of money depreciates
its value; komercaji minvaloreskas: goods are beginning to
depreciate; minvalorigar persono: to depreciate a person.
miocen-o: (geol.) miocene. DEFIS
miologi-o*: myology. DEFIS
mi-ombr-o: half-shade, partial shadow; (astron.)
penumbra; (cf. mi-lumo).
miop-a, -(ul)o: near-sighted, myopic (person); -eso:
myopia. DEFIS
miozot-o: (bot.) myosotis: forget-me-not (genus:
Myosotis). eFISL
mi-profil-o: (photog.) half-profile (taken from the
back; cf. mi-facio).
mir-o: myrrh. DEFIS
mirabel-o: «mirabelle»: a small yellow plum (European).
miraj-o: mirage; (fig.) delusion. EFIR
mirakl-o: miracle; -a: miraculous: truly
supernatural; -ala: miraculous: relating to miracles; -atra:
miraculous: mervelous,wonderful; -if-anta: wonder-working,
working miracles. DEFIR
miriad-o: myriad: an immense number; (antiq.) ten
thousand. DEFIRS
miriametr-o: myriameter: ten thousand meters (metres); 6.2
miles. DEFIRS
miriapod-o: (zool.) myriapod; milliped. (class.
Myriapoda). DEFIS
mirmekofag-o: (zool.) ant-eater, ant-bear
(Myrmecophaga). IL
mirmekofil-a*: (zool.) myrmecophilous. DEFIS
mirmekoleon-o: (ent.) ant-lion (genus:
Myrmecoleon). IL
mirt-o: (bot.) myrtle (genus: Myrtus).
mirtel-o: (fruit) bilberry; -iero: bilberry
plant: European whortleberry plant (Vacinium Myrtillus).
mis-alianc-ar (su): to contract a misalliance; to marry
beneath one; -o: misalliance, a bad match.
mis-aplik-ar: (tr.) to misapply (ulo, ad, sur).
mis-deskript-ar: (tr.) to misrepresent, wrongfully
describe (cf. mis-prezentar).
mis-(dis)donar: (tr.) to misdeal (cards).
mis-dukt-ar: (tr.) to mislead (ulu).
mis-event-ar: (intr.) to come to any harm, to
happen unluckily, to turn out ill; -o: mischance, mishap,
mi-sfer-o: hemisphere.
mis-formac-ar: (tr.) to misform, misshape; -o,
-uro: malformation.
mis-interpret-ar: (tr.) to misinterpret.
mision-ar: (religious, scientific, etc.) mission; -isto,
-ero: missionary. DEFIRS
mis-ir-ar: (intr.) to go astray, lose ones
mis-judici-o: (jur.) erroneous judgement.
mis-judik-ar: (tr.) to misjudge (not legal).
mis-kalkul-ar: (tr., math.) to miscalculate.
mis-kompren-ar: (tr.) to misunderstand,
mis-koncept-ar: (tr.) to misconceive.
mis-konoc-ar: (tr.) to misunderstand (something
perceptible to the senses), to mistake; (cf. konocar).
mis-kont-ar: (tr.) to miscount.
mis-nom-ar, -izar: to misname, give a wrong name to (cf. nom-ar).
mis-paf-ar: (intr.) to miss fire.
mis-paz-o: (lit. and fig.) false step, mis-step;
blunder, slip; faux pas; -pazar: to make, take a
false step, stumble (cf. ped-butar).
mispel-o: (fruit) medlar; -iero: medlar tree
(Mespilus). DISL
mis-poz-ar: (tr.) to put in the wrong place. V.
exp.: vid. egarar.
mis-prezent-ar: (tr.) to present wrongly,
misrepresent. Ex.: Il misprezentis (od, mis-deskriptis) la stando
di la afero, la fakti di la kazo.
mis-pronunc-ar: (tr.) to mispronounce.
mis-rezon-o: wrong reasoning, a fallacy.
«Miss»: (title) miss.
mis-selekt-ar: (tr.) to mischoose.
mis-send-ar: (tr.) to missend (ulo); to misdirect
(a letter, etc.).
mis-tax-ar: (tr.) to mistax, wrongfully assess.
mistel-o: (bot.) mistletoe (Viscum); -bero:
berry of mistletoe. De
misteri-o: (also antiq., eccl.) mystery; -ala:
relating to mysteries; -oza, -atra: mysterious.
mistifik-ar: (tr.) to hoax, mystify: mischievously
deceive someone in sport; -o: hoax, mystify (for sport);
(cf. perplex-igar, konfuz-igar). DEFIR
mistik-a, -(ul)o: mystic; -eso, -ismo: mysticism.
mis-traduk-ar: (tr.) to mistranslate, to translate
mis-uz-ar: (tr.) to misuse, make bad use of, waste.
mit-o: myth. DEFIRS
mi-tambur-o: tambourine. V. exp.: Pro ke tamburo (ed anke
tamburino) havas du feli, esas naturala indikar per «mitamburo»
la instrumento, qua havas un felo; IV-511.
miten-o: mitten; mi- -o: a mitten which leaves the
fingers bare. Def.: Ganto en qua nur la grosa fingro esas
separita e la qua ceteri unionita; III-327 EFS
mitologi-o: mythology; -isto: mythologist.
mitr-o: (eccl.) miter (mitre).? DEFIRS
mitrali-o: grape-shot, canister, shrapnel; -agar,
-o-pafar: (tr.) to fire grapeshot, shrapnel at or on.
mitralios-o: machine-gun; (ancient) mitrailleuse.
mix-ar: (tr.) to mix, mingle, blend (ulo kun ulo);
inter- -ar: to intermix (uli); -ar su: to
intervene in, meddle; -ar karti: shuffle cards; -o,
-uro: mixture, blend, medly; -ajo: miscellanea,
miscellany; -o-linea: (geom.) mixtilineal; -ach-eso:
promiscuousness. Ex.: Mixar laquo kun la vino. Mixar (E.
blend) kolori. Mixar diversa flori en buketo.Mixar su en
laferi di altru. Me mixas klor-acido kun nitrat-acido (e me
intermixas la du acido). EFI
mizantrop-(ul)o: misanthrope: hater of mankind.
mizer-ar: (intr.) to be in misery (because of
poverty, destitution, or unhappiness or pain); -o: misery,
wretchedness, want, sore need, distress. DEFIRS
mizerikordi-o: mercy, mercifulness; -oza, -ema:
merciful, compassionate, clement; sen- -a: unmerciful.
Def.: Kompato (di Deo) qua pardonas a pekanto; III-327. Ex. Deala
mizerikordio. Klamar mizerikordio ad ulu. Ta homo esas
senmizerikordia. FIS
mnemonik-o: mnemonics: art or system for developing the
memory. DEFIRS
mobiliz-ar: (tr., milit.) to mobilize (troops).
mobl-o: a piece of furniture: any movable object
serviceable or use or decoration of an apartment; -aro: (set,
collection) furniture; -izar: to furnish (a house,
room, etc. with furniture); -iz-ita-domo, chambro, lojeyo:
furnished house, room, lodging; -ifar: to make furniture.
mod-o: mode: a passing usage which depends upon taste,
caprice; fashion, style; (gram.) mood (indicative,
imperative, etc.); (philos., mus.) mode; (jur.)
modus; -ala: (log.) modal; -al-eso: (log.)
modality; segun la modo, segun moda: according to the
mode, in the fashion, fashionable; vestizar ulu segun la modo;
to dress someone in the fashion: -o anciena: old
fashion. DEFIRS
model-o: model (of a machine, etc.): copy or standard to
be followed; -atra: standard, exemplary; Solomon
konstruktis la templo segun la modelo di la tabernaklo:
Solomon built the temple according to the model of the
tabernacle; el posturas kom modelo por skultisto: she acts
as a model for a sculptor; -o skribita: a written copy; ilua
vivo esas modelo di vertuo: his life is a pattern of virtue;
(cf. shablono, imit-ajo, mod-uro, -ajo). DEFIRS
moder-ar: (tr.) to moderate: keep within bonds
(passions, zeal, ardour, etc.); to abate (a price), reduce
(ones expenses); mitigate (a sentence); -ema:
temperate; -ilo: governor, regulator (of speed); -e:
moderately; sen-moder-eso: immoderation. Ant.: acelerar,
augmentar. DEFIS
modern-a: modern; -igar: to modernize. DEFIS
modest-a: modest: not bold or presumptuous; not boastful
or obtrusive; (N.B. «modest» in the sense of observing sex
proprieties is translated by pudor-oza, chasta, dec-anta).
V. exp.: vid. diskreta. Ant.: Superba, pretend-ema,
arog-ema, vanitat-oza, fatua. EFIS
modifik-ar: (tr.) to modify: make partial changes
in (cf. chanjar); -ivo: (gram.) a modifying
or qualifying word. Ex.: Modifikar lego, frazo, puniso.
modilion-o*: (arch.) modillion. DEFIS
modlar: (tr., sculpt.) to make a model (in clay,
wax) of something from which a statue or other work is to be
executed or enlarged. DEFIRS
modul-o: (arch.) module; (math.) modulus.
modulac-ar: (tr.) to modulate: pass from one key to
another without break in melody; to inflect, vary ( the voice in
speaking). DEFIRS
«mogul»: (oriental title) mogul.
Mohamed-ana, -ano: Mahometan, Mohammedan, Musselman; -an-ismo:
Mahometanism, Islamism. DEFIRS
moher-o: (fabric) mohair. DEF
mok-ar: to laugh at: ridicule, deride, mock, rally, gibe,
scoff; -etar: to banter, chaff; -(ad)o: mockery,
derision, jeer; -o-klamo: hue and cry. DEFR
mokasin-o*: moccasin: an Indian shoe. DEFRS
mol-a: soft: easily yielding to pressure, not hard; (cf. dolca);
(of muscles) flabby (cf. laxa); (of meat) tender; (of
fruits) mellow; -acha: flimsy, flabby; -igar:
to soften; (fig.) to mollify; -ig-iva: emollient; ovi
mole koqu-ita: soft-cooked eggs. Ant.: harda. FI
molar-a (dento): molar, grinder (tooth). DEFIS
mold-ar: (intr.) to turn, grow mouldy. DE
molekul-o: molecule. DEFIRS
moleskin-o: (fabric) moleskin. DEFI
molest-ar: (tr.) to molest, pester, annoy, bother.
V. exp.: Molestar signifikas volata tedado per tormenteti
o persekuteti. La vorto bone tradukas la F. brimer (E. to
play jokes on), qua esas molestado impozita kom probo a la novici
en armeo, lerneyo. Anke on povas dicar: «la dogano esas
konstanta molestado por la voyajanti»; III-35. DEFIS
moli-o: mole, jetty (used as a harbor (harbour)
breakwater). DEFIRS
molibd-o*: (chem.) molybdenum. DEFIRS
molos-o: a species of watch-dog (Canis familiaris
molossus); (pros.) Molosian metre.
molton-o: (fabric) molleton: swanskin, canton
flannel. DeFIS
molusk-o: mollusk. DEFIRS
moment-o: momentum. DEFIS
monad-o: (philos., zool.) monad. DEFIS
monak-(ul)o: monk, friar; -ala, -atra: monastic,
monachal, monkish; -ino: nun; -eso: (condition,
state) monasticism, monkhood; -ismo: (system, doctrine)
monasticism; -eyo: monastery, convent. DEFIRS
monark-o: monarch; -ala: monarchal: relating to
monarchs. DEFIRS
monarki-o: monarchy; -ala: monarchal: relating to
monarchies; (cf. monark-ala). ?DEFIRS
monat-o: month; -salario: month;s pay; omna-monat-e,
-a: every month, monthly; ca-monate: (during, in) this
month; po monato, singla monate: by the month, so much a
month; mi- -a: half-monthly, twice a month. De
mond-o: (general sense) the world (cf. tero); -umo:
the world: society, people; -umo eleganta, alta: world of
fashion, smart set, high-life; -ala: mundane; -um-ema:
worldly-minded; -um-ala: relating to society; relating to
good manners; -um-ajo: a worldly thing, vanity; -um-an-ulo:
man of the world; um-an-eso: worldliness. eFIS
moner-o: (zool.) moner(on). DEFIS
monet-o: (of gold, silver, copper) coin, cash,
change, specie; (fig.) currency; (cf. pekunio); -o-peco:
a coin; -papero: paper money: which takes the place of
coin (cf. bankobilieto); -ala: monetary; -igar:
to monetize: put into circulation, give a standard value to in
currency; -ifar: to coin, mint into money; to raise money;
-if-isto: coiner; -if-eyo, -erio: mint; -uyo:
a purse. eFIRS
monism-o*: (philos.) monism. DEFIRS
monist-o*: monist. DEFIRS
monitor-o: (nav.) monitor. DEFIRS
monodrom-a*: (math.) monodromic. EFIS
monofiletik-a*: (bot.) monophyletic. DEFIS
monoftong-o*: (gram.) monophthong: a single vowel
sound; a combination of two vowels pronounced as one.
monogam-a: monogamic; -(ul)o: monogamist.
monogen-a*: (math.) monogenic, monogenetic.
monografi-o: monograph. DEFIRS
monogram-o: monogram. DEFIRS
monoik-a*: (bot.) monoecious.
monokl-o: monocle, single eye-glass. Def.: Unika aparta
okulvitro; V-1. DEFIRS
monoklin-a: (bot.) monoclinous; (cryst.)
mono-kord-o: (mus. and acous.) mono-chord.
mono-kotiledon-a, -o: (bot.) monocotyledon(ous).
monokrom-a: monochrome; -ajo: (paint)
monochrome picture; camaieu. Def.: (monokrom-ajo) Pikturo per un
sola koloro, plu o min klara; VI-480. DEFIS
monolit-a, -o: monolith(ic). DEFIRS
monolog-o: monologue, soliloquy. DEFIRS
monomani-o: (med.) monomania: insanity upon
one particular subject (cf. manio); -ika, -iko:
monomaniac(al). DEFIRS
monomi-o, -ala: (alg.) monomial. DEFIS
monopol-o: monopoly; -igar: to monopolize; -emo,
-ig-anto, -ero, -isto: monopolist. DEFIRS
mono-silab-a: monosyllabic. DEFIRS
mono-sperm-a*: (bot.) monospermous. DEFIS
monoteism-o: monotheism. DEFIRS
monoteist-o: monotheist. DEFIRS
monoton-a: monotonous; -eso: monotony.
monotrop-o*: (math.) monotropa. DEFIS
monstr-o: (pr. and fig.) monster; -a, -ala,
-atra: monstrous, enormous; -ajo: (object or act)
monstrosity. DEFIRS
mont-o: mount, mountain; -eto: hill, hillock,
knoll; -aro, -o-kateno: mountain range; -oza:
mountainous; -et-oza: hilly; -o Etna: Mt. Etna; Venus-monto:
(anat.) mons veneris; -o-pinto: mountain peak (the
point); (cf. ad-monte). EFIS
montant-o: upright: piece of any framework, wood or iron;
stanchion, beam, post, side-piece (of a ladder). FIS
montr-ar: (tr.) to show, exhibit: make to see or
know; -inda: worthy of showing, presentable; -isto:
showman; -ar rara libro: to show a rare book; -ez a me
ta homulo: show me that man; -ar kurajo: to show
courage; (cf. manifestar, expozar, indikar, prizentar, aparar).
monument-o: monument. DEFIRS
mops-o: pug-dog. DRS
moquet-o: moquette: a kind of velvet carpeting; Wilton
carpeting. DeFIS
mor-i: manners, habits, conduct considered from the moral
point of view; (cf. etiko); bona -i: good morals,
habits or customs; -ala: habitual, customary: relating to mori
(N.B. not conforming to the rules of right conduct,
righteousness. A moral man = etikala homulo; cf. IV-233); moral-isto:
one who studies the «mori». Def.: Kustumi (di persono o
lando), natural od aquirita, relate lia boneso o maledeso por la
konduto di vivo. FL
morb-o: disease, malady, distemper: the illness itself;
(for state, condition, ill person, cf. malad-a, -eso); -oza:
diseased; -ala: morbid: relating to the disease; -if-anta,
-iva: morbific, pathogenic. Ex.: Kancero esas un de la maxim
danjeroza morbi; Morbala simtomi. V .exp.: Me audas, ke Sro. X.
esas malada (E. sick, ill). Yes, il havas la morbo
(E. disease) di Bright. Nuntempe esas multe maladeso (E.
sickness) en nia urbo. eFISL
morbil-o: (med.) measles. IL
mord-ar: (tr.) to bite (cf. rodar); -etar:
to nibble; -anta, -ema: biting; (fig.) mordant,
caustic, sarcastic, poignant. eFIS
morel-o: (bot.) morel: an edible fungus (Morchella
esclenta). DE
moren-o: (geol.) moraine. DEF
morfin-o: morphia, morphine, DEFIRS
morfogen-a*: (biol.) morphogenic. DEFIS
morfogenez-o*: (biol.) morphogenesis. DEFIS
morfologi-o: morphology. DEFIRS
morfos-o*: (biol.) morphosis. DEFIS
morg-e: tomorrow, (la) morga dio, morgo: the next
day, day after; -e matine: tomorrow morning; pos-morge:
(day) after tomorrow; til morge: until tomorrow; sep
dii pos morge: a week from tomorrow. Ex.: li lektos la libro
morge. Se me ne venos morge, takaze me venos posmorge. De
morganatik-a: morganatic. DEFIRS
morili-o: andiron, fire-dog. S
mors-o: bit (of a bridle); (fig.) curb, check,
restraint. FI
mort-ar: (intr., lit. and fig.) to die, cease to
live, depart this life; (of fire) to go out; (of
movement) to come to an end; -igar: to deprive of
life; cause to die, kill, execute, put to death (by natural or
artificial means); (cf. ocidar, asasinar, sen-kap-igar,
masakrar); -eskar: to be dying, be on the point of
death; -o: death, decease; -ado: mortality; -anto,
-onto: dying person, moribund person; -inta: dead,
defunct; -o-punto: point of death; -o-puniso: death
penalty; -ala: death; -iva: mortal: subject to
death; -iv-eso: liability to death; -ig-ive malada:
mortally sick; -igo: killing, execution; -ig-isto:
executioner; -ig-anta, -iva: mortal, deadly: which causes
death; (as a disease, wound); stone -inta: stone dead; naske-
-inta: born dead stillborn; -ar natur-ale: to die a
natural death; -ale vund-ita: mortally wounded; -ig-ive
-ala pal-eso: deathly pallor; esar (balde) mort-onta:
to be at the point of death, at deaths door; -ar ye la
mond-umo; to be dead to the world; -int-ala domo:
mortuary; depoz-, expoz-eyo di mort-inti: morgue.
mortadel-o: Bologna sausage. DFIS
morter-o: mortar: a building cement. DFIS
mortez-o: (carp.) mortise; -izar: to cut a
mortise in. EFS
mortifik-ar: (tr., rel. and fig.) to subdue the
passions and appetites by severe discipline; (N.B. for sense of
«to humiliate», cf. sham-igar, vexar). EFIRS
moru-o: (ich.) cod (-fish) (Gadus morrhua); sika
-o: stockfish; dried (unsalted) cod; sika sal-moruo:
dried salted cod; oleo ek moru-hepato: cod-liver oil.
morus-o: (bot.) mulberry; -iero: mulberry
tree (genus: Morus). SL
morv-o: (vet.) glanders. FS
mos-o: cabin-boy, sea-apprentice, ship-boy. FI
mosk-o: (scent) musk; -iz-ita: m. scented; -anado:
m. duck; (Anas moschata); -o-cervo: m. deer (Moschus
moschiferus); -o-bovo: m. ox (Ovibus moschatus); -o-musareno:
m. shrew, sondeli (Myogale moschata); -o-rato: m. rat
(Fiber zibethicus); -o-skarabeo: m. beetle (Ceromby
moschatus). DEFIR
moske-o: mosque. DEFIRS
moskit-o: (ent.) mosquito; para- -o:
mosquito net. DEFRS
most-o: must: unfermented grape-juice. DEFIS
mot-o: motto (of a book, a chapter). DEIR
motacil-o: (orni.) wagtail (Motacilla). L
motet-o: (mus.) motet. DEFIRS
motiv-o: motive: that which excites to action, determines
choice; (mus.) motif; -izar: to state the motive or
grounds of (an opinion, act); (fig.) to justify; plendo-
-o: reason for complaint, grievance; sen- -a:
gratuitous: without proof or motive (cf. gratuita); sen-
-a supozajo: gratuitous supposition; il motivizis sua
refuzo: he stated the grounds for his refusal. DEFIRS
motor-o: (mechanical) motor: moving power, that
which imparts motion; -veturo: motor vehicle; gazolin-
-o: gasoline motor. DEFIRS
mov-ar: (tr., intr.) to move, set in motion, stir,
propel; -(ad)o: movement, motion; -anta: moving; -iva:
motive, propelling, driving; -ebla: movable; -ebl-eso:
mobility; -o-povo: moving power, propelling force; -o
altern-anta: alternating movement; ne- -ebla:
immovable. EFIS
moviment-o: (mus.) tempo, movement, time.
moyen-o: means, medium (through which a thing is done);
instrumentality; -i: (material) means, resources; (math.)
means; -acho: (poor) expedient; -i legitima:
legitimate means; per la -o: by means (of); kontributar
segun sua -i: contribute according to ones means; vivo-
-i: means of subsistence or existence; trovar la -o facar
ulo: to find the means to do something. F
mozaik-o: mosaic (work). DEFIRS
mu-ar: (intr.) to moult, mew; shed or cast off hair
(if dogs), feathers (of birds), horns (of deer), outer layer of
skin (of serpents), and the like which are replaced by new
growth; to break, change (voice at puberty); voco-muo:
change of voice. Def.: Chanjar pelo, pili, plumi, ye determinita
tempi o periodi; III-606. eFIS
muar-o: moire: a watered fabric, as watered silk.
mucilaj-o: (bot.) (plant-) mucilage; (N.B. for the
adhesive substance, cf. gluo). Def.: Humoro vikoza qua
trovesas en ula planti; IV-586. EFIS
muel-ar: (tr.) to grind, crush (in a mill); (cf. grindar);
-eyo, -erio: mill; -disko, -petro: millstone; -isto:
miller. FIRS
muev-o: (orni.) gull, sea-gull (genus: Larus).
muf-o: muff (for hands); (tech.) casing, box.
mufl-o: (chem.) muffle. Def.: Speco di vazo (ek
argilo) en qua on pozas objekti submisenda nedirete a
lefiko di la fairo; III-530. DEFIS
muflon-o: (zool.) mouflon; species of wild sheep
(Ovis Musimon). DEFIS
«mufti»: mufti: Mohammedan official.
muj-ar: (intr.) to bellow, roar (winds, waves,
thunder, cannon); (cf. bramar). FIS
muk-o: mucus; -ozo: mucus membrane (cf. pituito,
mucilajo). Def.: Humoro normale sekretaca da la membrani
dicata mukozi; IV-585. EFIS
mul-o, -ino, -ulo: mule; -(dukt)isto: muleteer.
mulat-o, -ulo, -ino: mulatto; (cf. mestico, hibrido).
Def.: Genetito da blankulo e negrino (o negro e blankino); V-33.
muld-ar: (tr.) to form a mold (mould) of, as in
sand, in which to make a casting; (fig.) -ar su: to
mold, model oneself. V. exp.: En giserio, on unesme muldas:
to esas ago donar justa formo ad la sablo o largilo en qua
on varsos la fuzita metalo. Po la muldo on uzas la muld-ilo
ek ligno, fero, e.c. Duesme on gisas la fuzita metalo en
la mulduro; III-82. EFIS
mult-a: (of number) many, numerous; (of
quantity) much; -o: a lot, a large quantity; -i:
many (in number); -a homuli: many men; -a vino:
much wine; -eso, -opl-eso: multiplicity; -opl-a, -o:
manifold, multiple; (plu-) -igar: to multiply: make more
numerous (for math. sense, cf. multiplikar); -igo:
multiplication; -eskar: to become more numerous; -a-tempe:
many a time; -a-forma: multiform; -a-flora:
multiflorous: many-flowered; -e plu bone: much better, a
great deal better; -a-sorta, speca: many kinds of, many
species of; -a-kolora: multi-colo(u)red, many colored; plu
o min multe: more or less. Ant. Poka. EFIR
multiform-a*: (math.) multiform. DEFIS
multiplik-ar: (tr., arith.) to multiply; -endo:
multiplicand. DEFIS
multipol-a*: (math.) multipolar.
mulur-o: (arch.) moulding; (cf. kornico).
mumi-o: mummy; -igar: to mummify. DEFIRS
mung-ar (su): to blow ones nose, to wipe ones
nose. L
municion-o, -i: ammunition, munition (of war); -furgono:
caisson. DEFIRS
mulier-o: woman (adult); (cf. viro, homino).
municip-o: municipality; -estro: mayor (of a city);
(cf. urb-estro). DEFIRS
munt-ar: (tr., tech.) to put together, assemble,
set up, mount (a machine, a gem). V. exp.: On asemblas
planki o peci, on ne muntas li. On muntas mashino o
karpenturo, asemblante lua peci; IV-598. DEFIRS
mur-o: wall; -ego: thick or large wall (as of a
city, a fort); -ala: mural; -izar, -klozar: to wall
up, immure; -armoro: cupboard (in a wall); -papero:
wallpaper. eFIS
muren-o: (ich.) muraena, moray (Muraena helena).
murmur-ar: (intr.) to murmur: make a low, continued
noise; (of water) to purl; (of wind) to breathe,
whisper, rustle; (of bees) to hum; -(ach)ar: (tr.)
to mumble, mutter: utter indistinctly; (N.B. for sense of «to
whisper» cf. susurar). DEFIS
mus-o: mouse; -ea, -griza: m. colo(u)red, m. gray
(grey) (colored); -truo: m. hole; -eyo: m. nest; -kapt-ilo:
m. trap. DERL
musaren-o: (zool.) shrew-mouse (genus: Sorex).
mush-o: (ent.) fly; -eto: small fly, midge; -kapt-ilo:
f. catcher; para- -o: f. screen; -snaper-o*: (orni.)
flycatcher (Muscicapa). FIRS
musk-o: (bot.) moss; -oza: mossy,
moss-grown. FI
muskad-o: nutmeg; -iero: nutmeg tree (Myristica
fragrans). DFIRS
muskat-o: muscat grape; -vino: muscatel (wine).
musket-o: matchlock (musket); -iero: musketeer,
mousquetaire. DEFIRS
musketon-o: musketoon: an ancient musket.
muskul-o: (anat.) muscle; -ala: muscular
(system, etc.); -oza: muscular: brawny; -aro:
musculature; -eso: muscularity. DEFIRS
musl-o: common (or, edible) mussel (Mytilus edulis): (cf. molusko).
muslin-o: (fabric) muslin. DEFIRS
muson-o: monsoon. Def.: Vento qua suflas de esto a westo
dum duimo di lyaro, ed inverse dum laltra duimo;
II-643. DeFIRS
must-ar: (intr.) must, to have to, to be
under the nesessity of, be obliged; (past tense) had to; me
mustas ridar, vidante ta spektaklo: I had to laugh, seeing
that spectacle (i.e., I could not do otherwise). V. exp.: Mustar
expresas neceseso absoluta (sen-kondiciona) e nerezistebla;
VI-487; kp. darfar, oportar. Ex.: Sur ta glitiganta
planko-sulo, me mustis falar. Quante richa il mustas esar. Me
mustas facar equivalas: esas necesa ke me facez. Quon on mustas
facar por enirar en la cielo? Il ne povas venar kun me, il mustas
laborar. DE
mustard-o: (condiment) mustard; -uyo: mustard pot.
mut-a, -(ul)o: dumb, mute: destitute of the power of
speech (cf. tac-anta); -ega, stone-muta: stone
dumb. EFIS
mutac-o: (biol.) mutation. DEFIS
mutil-ar: (tr.) to mutilate, maim. Ex.: Mutilar
membro di la korpo. (fig.) Mutilar la verseso, la poemo.
muton-o: a sheep; -i: sheep; (fig.) small,
compact masses of white fleecy clouds (which move across the sky
like a flock of sheep); -ino: ewe; -ulo: ram; -karno:
mutton; -atra: sheep-like; woolly, fleecy; -eyo,
-stablo: sheep-fold; -felo: sheepskin; -shultro:
shoulder of mutton; pastoro di -i: shepherd. EFI
mutual-a: mutual. Ex.: Societo di mutual sokurso (E.
benefit society). Mutuala asekurerio. V. exp.: Mutuala, reciproka:
Mutuala aplikesas nur a la sociala institucuri di
«reciproka» helpo, sokurso, e.c.; IV-162. DEFIS
muz-o: (myth., also fig.) Muse. DEFIRS
muze-o: museum, DEFIRS
muzel-o: (anat.) snout, muzzle (of animals); (fig.)
pout, pouting; facar -o: to pout, stick out the lips; -ligar:
to muzzle; -lig-ilo: a muzzle; -floro: (bot.)
snapdragon (Antirrhinum). Def.: La nazo e la boko di bestii, en
qui ta du parti esas salienta (hundo, porko, e.c.); III-10.
muzik-ar: (intr.) to play music; -igar: to
set to m.; -ajo: written music, score; -ala:
musical, relating to m.; -ema: musical: fond of playing
m.; -am-anta: m. loving; -isto, -ero: musician.
Note: A list of musical terms and abbreviations may be found
IV-328-330. DEFIRS
myel-o: spinal-marrow, -cord. G
myelin-o: (anat.) myelin. DEF
myelit-o: (med.) myelitis: inflammation of spinal
cord. DEFIS
«mylord»: my lord.