Ido-Angla vortaro : N
nab-o: nave; hub of a wheel.
nabet-o: (bot.) rape (Brassica rapa oleifera); -oleo:
rape oil. FS
nabob-o*: nabob. Def.: Princo di India; metafore, richega
viro; VII-280. DEFIRS
nacion-o: nation; -ala: national; -ano: a
native, national; member of a nation; -al-igar: to
nationalize (an industry, etc.); -an-igar: to naturalize
(cf. civit-an-igar); -al-ismo: devotion to or
advocacy of a nation; national interest or unity; -eso:
nationality (of a nation as a whole); -al-eso, -an-eso:
nationality (of an individual); -al-ista, -isto:
nationalist(ic). DEFIRS
nadir-o: (astron.) nadir. DEFIRS
naft-o: naptha. DEFIRS
naftalino: napthaline. DEFIRS
naiv-a: naïve: unaffectedly simple: ingenuous; artless; -ajo:
act of native simplicity; -acha: silly. DEFR
nakarat-a, -o: nacarat: orange-red colo(u)r. DeFS
naktigal-o: (orni.) nightingale (genus: Luscinia).
nam: (conj.) for (= because, but in a less
immediate and explicit way than pro ke. Introduces a
sentence or subordinate clause which adduces reason, proof or
justification). Esas matino, nam la uceli kantas: it is
morning for (not because: pro ke) the birds are
singing. Ex.: Vu ne trovos il en la domo, nam me jus vidis il en
la strado. Vu ne povas vidar il, nam il esas departinta de longe.
Lavez vua manui, nam li esas sordida. Me ne povas amar ilu, nam
il odias me. Ni irez lente adheme, nam balde esos nokto. V. exp.:
Nam, pro ke: Pro ke introduktas dependanta propoziciono,
qua kontenas motivo o pruvo por la chefa propoziciono
prieranta o sequanta: nam introduktas chefa frazo, qua
kontenas anke motivo o pruvo, ma nur por preiranta frazo, o
tacita penso. Ex.: Pro ke pluvas, me ne ekiros. Me ne ekiros nam
pluvas; III-223; cf. or. Ta du konjuncioni
interdistingesas precize quale Angla for e because.
La Angla linguisto Sweet skribas pri li tale: «La du precipua
konjuncioni kauzala esas pro ke, qua konstatas nemediata e
direte aganta kauzo, e nam, qua ajuntas expliko o motivo,
ofte kom quaza posa penso; ex.: ni kunprenis nia parapluvi, pro
ke ni timas ke pluvos; nam la barametro falis de kelka tempo.
Konseque, nam uzesas libere pos pauzo ed esas do nur
mi-konjunciono (konjunciono koordinanta); IV-524; kp.
Talmeys Text Book, p. 113. L
nan-o: dwarf. FIS
nankin-o: (fabric) nankeen, nankin. DEFIR
nap-o: turnip (Brassica Napus esculenta). FIS
narac-ar: (tr.) to narrate, relate, tell (something
that happened, a true incident); -ar sua historio: to tell
ones history; -o pri batalio*: narrative of (or,
about) a battle. V. exp.: Naracar ne esas samsenca kam rakontar;
naraco esas prefere historiala, do vera; rakonto
esas prefere imaginala, do desvera o fingita; ex.: «il naracis
lua historio, qua semblas feala rakonto»; II-485-6. EFIS
narcis-o: (bot.) narcissus, daffodil; (genus:
Narcissus); (cf. jonquilo). DEFIRS
nard-o: (bot.) spikenard (East Indian: Nardostachys
Jatamansi); -o-unguento: nard (ointment). DEFIS
narkot-ar: (intr.) to be in a state of narcosis; -o:
narcosis; -igar: to narcotize; -ig-iva, -ivo:
narcotic. DEFIS
narval-o: narwhal (Monodon monoceros). DEFIS
nas-o: bownet, eel-trap (for fish); hoopnet (for birds).
nask-ar: (intr.) to be born; -o, -epoko:
birth, nativity; -ala: natal; -igar: to give birth
to (cf. genitar); -e blinda: blind from birth; -anta:
nascent; -ala yuro (od, naskoyuro): birthright; -inta
nove: new-born (child, etc.); -into un-esma:
first-born child; (cf. seniora); -e poeto: a poet
by birth, a born poet; -o-lando: land of birth, fatherland
(cf. patrio); -o-loko: birthplace; -en-nask-into:
a native; kun-nask-into: congenital. IS
nat-ar: (intr.) to swim (of living beings); -erio:
natatorium. eFIS
natr-o: (chem.) sodium; -o-kloro: chloride
of sodium.
natur-o: (all senses) nature; -ala: (also
mus.) natural; -ale: naturally; -ala lego:
natural law; -al-ismo: (philos., art) naturalism; -al-isto:
(philos., art) naturalist; -cienc-isto: naturalist:
one versed in natural history; -kolora: (of wood, etc.)
not colored, of natural colo(u)r. DEFIRS
naufraj-ar: (intr.) to be shipwrecked; -o:
(ship)wreck; -anto, -into: shipwrecked person, castaway.
nautil-o: (zool.) nautilus. DEFIS
nauze-ar: (intr.) to feel nauseated, be sick to the
stomach, be qualmish; -(ad)o: nausea, qualm, retching; -igar:
to nauseate (cf. insipid-igar, repugnar, vomar); -ig-anta:
nauseous; (fig.) loathsome, disgusting. EFIS
nav-o: (nav.) vessel: (merchant-) ship (cf. milit-navo);
nave (of a church); -aro: shipping (collect.),
fleet; -eto: (fig. eccl.) incense-box;
(weavers) shuttle; -ala: nautical; -ano:
member of a ships company; -ero, -isto: seaman,
mariner, sailor; -estro: master of a (merchant-) ship; -o
tri-ferdeka: a three decker (ship); komerc-navo, var-navo:
merchant-man; vapor- -o: steamer; me iris nave (de
Hamburg ad Bordeaux): I went by ship (from H. to B.); la
kapitano restis en-nave: the captain (of a warship) remained
on board; -atra osto: scaphoid bone (cf. tarso); -oida
osto: scaphoid bone (of carpal bones). eFIRS
navig-ar: (tr., intr.) to navigate, sail (on); -arto:
(art of) navigation, seamanship; -anta viro: seafaring
man; -ala: nautical: relating to navigation; -ebla:
navigable; fora- -ado: foreign trade; rivo- -o:
coasting;. DEFIRS
nayad-o: (myth.) naiad, water-nymph. DEFIRS
naz-o: nose; -ala: nasal; -alo: (gram.)
a nasal (sound, letter); -al-igar: (gram.) to
nasalize; -fetida: a stinking nose; (med.) affected
with ozaena; -guto: a nose-drop, snot, snivel; -kataro:
cold in the head; -peco: nose-piece (serving as
protection); -parolar: to speak through the nose; -truo:
nostril; (of whales) blow-hole; -tuko:
handkerchief; -binoklo: nose glasses; facar longa nazo
(ad, kontre) (fig.) to laugh at; -o kontre -o:
nose to nose (fig.) face to face. DEFIRS
ne: (adv.) not; ne plus: no more; ne
multo: not much; tote ne: not at all, by no means, not
in the least; ne tam multe: not so much; me anke ne:
nor I also; ne for: not far from; ne nur: not only;
ne tante stupida: not so stupid; ne male: not
badly; ne ja: not yet. Note: As distinguishable from des-
in word composition, ne- carries a less forceful sense of
negation, implying merely absence of the positive quality rather
than the absolute negation; ex.: ne-facila: difficult =
not easy; des-facila: difficult = arduous, laborious.
ne-acent-iz-ita: unaccented.
ne-acept-ebla: unacceptable.
ne-aces-ebla: (of persons, places) unapproachable,
ne-admis-ebla: inadmissible.
ne-ago, -agemeso: inactivity; -ag-anta: inactive; -ag-ema:
(tendency) inactive; indolent, lazy.
ne-aktiv-a: inactive.
ne-akurat-a: unpunctual, not prompt.
ne-alien-ebla: inalienable.
ne-alter-ebla: unalterable: unmodified; unadulterated.
ne-amans-ita: untamed.
ne-aplik-ebla: inapplicable.
ne-aprob-ar: (tr.) to disapprove: not to approve (ulo).
ne-apt-a: inapt, unfit.
ne-atak-ebla: unassailable; (fig.) unimpeachable,
ne-atenc-oza, -ema: inattentive, unmindful.
ne-aud-ita: unheard (of).
ne-blam-ebla: blameless.
nebul-ar: (impers.) to be foggy, misty, hazy; -oza,
-atra: foggy, misty, nebulous (cf. nebuloza); (fig.)
obscure, not intelligible; -izar: to cover with fog; -pluvar:
to drizzle. DeFIS
nebulos-o: (astron.) nebula.
ne-cert-a: uncertain.
neces-a: necessary, indispensable requisite (cf. bezon-ata);
-ajo: a necessary thing, the needful; -igar:
necessitate. Ex.: Esas necesa konsequajo. Respirado esas necesa
por la vivo. Ne esas necesa parolar pri to. Ant.: superflua,
ne-utila. EFIS
ne-ces-anta: incessant (cf. sen-cesa).
ne-chanj-ebl-a: unchangeable, unalterable, immutable.
ne-chast-a: unchaste, lewd, immodest.
ne-cirkonciz-ita, -ito: uncircumsized (person).
ne-civiliz-ita: uncivilized.
ne-dechifr-ebla: undecipherable.
ne-decid-ema, -iva: irresolute, indecisive; -ita:
undecided (of acts).
ne-defens-ebla: indefensible, untenable.
ne-defin-ita: undefined, indefinite.
ne-delikat-a: indelicate.
ne-depend-o: independence.
ne-deskript-ebla: indescribable.
ne-destrukt-ebla: indestructible.
ne-determin-ebla: indeterminable.
ne-devoc-oza: undevout, irreligious.
ne-dic-ebla: unutterable, unspeakable.
ne-digest-ebla: indigestible.
ne-diret-a: indirect (cf. mediata).
ne-diskret-a: indiscreet; -eso, -ajo: (quality,
act) indiscretion.
ne-dispon-ebla: indisposable, unavailable.
ne-disting-ita: indistinct (voice, etc.); -ebla:
undistinguishable; -ante, -ite: indifferently (without
ne-divid-ita: undivided; -ebla: indivisible.
ne-docil-a: intractable.
ne-domt-ebla: indomitable, untamable, ungovernable.
ne-dorm-ado, -iveso: sleeplessness, wakefulness, insomnia.
ne-dub-ebla: indubitable.
ne-dur-anta, -iva: not lasting, transient, transitory.
ne-edit-ita, -ajo: unpublished (book, paper).
ne-efac-ebla: indelible, ineffaceable.
ne-efik-anta, -iva: inefficacious, ineffective,
unavailing, inefficient.
ne-ego: (philos.) the non-ego, the external world.
ne-egal-a: unequal, (cf. ne-para).
ne-elekt-ebla: (polit.) ineligible.
ne-equitat-oza: inequitable.
ne-eror-iva: infallible (church, etc.); not capable of
erring (cf. infalibla, ne-fali-iva).
ne-esper-ebla, -ita: unhoped for, unlooked for; (cf. ne-expekt-ata).
ne-etik-al-a, -ajo: immoral (act.) ; -(ul)o:
immoral person.
ne-evalu-ebla: invaluable, inappreciable.
ne-evit-ebla: inevitable, unavoidable.
ne-exakt-a: (of objects) inaccurate, incorrect,
inexact (calculation, news, etc.); -ajo: an inaccuracy.
ne-exekut-ebla: impracticable, unfeasible; -ita:
ne-exerc-ita: unexercised, unpractised, unexerted,
ne-exhaust-ebla: inexhaustible.
ne-exist-o: non-existence.
ne-exkuz-ebla: inexcusable, unwarrantable; (cf. ne-justifikebla,
ne-expekt-ata, -ita: unexpected, unthought of, unlooked
for; (cf. ne-esper-ita).
ne-expert-a: inexperienced, inexpert, unpractised.
ne-explor-ita: unexplored, uninvestigated; -ebla:
inscrutable, unfathomable.
ne-explot-ata, -ita: (of mines, etc.) unexploited,
unworked; (land) untilled, uncultivated.
ne-explik-ebla: unexplainable, inexplicable,
unaccountable, singular; -ita: unexplained.
ne-expres-ebla: inexpressible, ineffable, unutterable.
ne-exting-ebla: inextinguishable, unquenchable.
ne-extirp-ebla: ineradicable.
ne-fac-ebla: impracticable (cf. ne-exekut-ebla).
ne-facil-a: difficult: not easy (cf. Note under ne).
ne-fali-iva: unfailing, unerring, infallible (cf. ne-eror-iva,
ne-fatig-ebla: indefatigable, untiring, unwearied.
ne-fekund-a: (of living beings) infertile, barren,
sterile (cf. ne-fertila).
ne-ferma: unstable, not solid; weak.
ne-fertila: (of ground, inanimate things)
infertile, barren (cf. ne-fekunda).
ne-fidel-a: unfaithful, untrue, disloyal.
ne-fin-ita: unended, unfinished, indefinite (without end);
(cf. ne-defin-ita, infinita).
ne-fix-a: movable.
ne-flex-ebla: (phys., moral) inflexible;
inexorable, unbending.
nefrit-o*: (med.) nephritis. DEFIS
neg-ar: (tr.) to deny: declare untrue or
non-existing; (cf. renegar); -(ad)o: denial,
denying, negation; -ilo: (gram.) a negative (word);
-ala: negative: relation to negation; -anta, -iva:
denying; expressing negation, negatory; -ebla: deniable; kad
vu negas ke vu dicis to: do you deny that you said that?
Ant.: afirmar. DeFIS
ne-gast-ig-ema: inhospitable.
negativ-a, -o: (math., photog., elec.) negative.
neglij-ar: (tr.) to neglect: to treat carelessly,
slight, be remiss (in the performance of a duty, task, care of
health, peson, etc.); -o: negligence; -ado: (habitual)
neglect; -eso: (state of) neglect; -anta, -ema:
negligent, neglectful, remiss, careless; -ebla:
negligible, trifling, unimportant. Ant.: sorgar. EFIS
neglije-o: negligee, undress, dishabille: unceremonious
attire. DEFI
negoci-ar: (tr.) to negotiate: to procure, or
arrange for, by negotiating. Ex.: Negociar ligo atakala e
defensala; Negociado pri ula afero grava, pri mariajo.
negr-a: -(ul)o: negro; -ino: negress; -acha:
nigger; -o-vend-ado: slave trade; -o-vend-isto:
slaver. Ant.: (negr-(ul)o), blank-(ul)o: DEFIS
ne-graci-oza: ungraceful.
ne-gratitud-o: unfratitude, thanklessness; -oza:
unthankful, ingrate.
ne-guvern-ebla: ungovernable.
ne-habil-a: unskilful, inept, awkward.
ne-habit-ata: uninhabited.
ne-hom-ala: inhuman: non-human (cf. ne-humana).
ne-honest-a: dishonest, unfair, underhand, discreditable.
ne-human-a: inhuman: cruel.
ne-imit-ebla: inimitable.
ne-inteligent-a: unintelligent, stupid.
ne-inter-rupt-ita: uninterrupted.
ne-inter-veno: non-intervention
ne-jur-inta, -into: unsworn (person).
ne-just-a: improper, wrong; (cf. ne-yusta).
ne-justifik-ebla: unjustifiable, unwarrantable.
nek: neither
nor; me povas nek enirar
nek ekirar: I can get neither in nor out; il drinkas nek
biro nek vino: he drinks neither beer nor wine. FIRS
ne-kapt-ebla: uncapturable, impregnable, unseizable.
ne-kare-ebla: indispensable.
ne-kombat-ebla: indisputable.
ne-kombust-ebla: incombustible.
ne-komod-a: inconvenient.
ne-kompar-ebla: incomparable: (fig.) matchless,
unequalled, peerless.
ne-komplet-a: incomplete.
ne-kompren-ebla: incomprehensible, unintelligible.
ne-koncept-ebla: inconceivable.
ne-konci-anta: unconscious.
ne-koncili-ebla: incompatible, irreconcilable.
ne-konquest-ebla: impregnable.
ne-konsequ-o: (log.) incoherence, inconsequence,
ne-konstant-a: inconstant, fickle, unsteady, flighty,
changeable (cf. vari-ema).
ne-konstituc-ala: unconstitutional.
ne-kont-ebla: countless, innumerable.
ne-kontent-a: dissatisfied.
ne-korp-ala: incorporeal.
ne-korupt-ebla: (phys., mor.) incorruptible.
ne-kred-ebla: incredible, past belief; -anto, -ero:
unbeliever, infidel.
nekrobios-o*: (biol.) necrobiosis. DEFIS
nekrolog-o: necrology: obituary review of (distinguished)
persons who have died within a certain length of time.
nekromanci-o: necromancy: pretended divination by aid of
spirits; black art; (fig.) magic; -ar: to practise
necromancy. DEFIRS
nekropol-o: necropolis, city of the dead, large cemetery.
nekros-o*: (med.) necrosis. DEFIS
nektar-o*: (myth., bot., fig.) nectar.
nektari-o*: (bot.) nectary.
ne-kun-mezur-ebla: incommensurable.
ne-kustum-ala: uncustomed, uwonted (hono(u)r, etc.)
unusual, unfamiliar (object); -anta: (of persons)
ne-lacer-ebla: untearable.
ne-laut-a: low (voice), under ones breath.
ne-leg-ala: illegal, unlawful.
ne-lekt-ebla: unreadable, illegible.
ne-lez-ita: unhurt, uninjured.
ne-logik-ala: illogical.
ne-manj-ebla: uneatable.
ne-mediat-a: immediate: proximate; direct (without
intervention of another object, cause or agency); -e:
directly (cf. quik, direta).
ne-merit-ata, -ita: unmerited, undeserved, uncalled for.
ne-mezur-ebla: immeasurable, inappreciable.
ne-mort-iva, -ivo: everlasting, immortal; -iv-eso:
immortality; -igar, ne-mort-iva: to immortalize.
ne-modest-a: immodest: not boastful (cf. ne-pudor-oza).
ne-mov-anta: motionless, immobile; -ebla:
immovable; -ebl-eso: immobility.
ne-navig-ebla: unnavigable, unseaworthy.
ne-neg-ebla: undeniable.
neni-o*: nenia. Def.: Kanto o lamento funerala, en
lantiqua mori. DEFI
ne-nobel-a: plebean; -(ul)o: commoner.
ne-noc-iva: innocuous, harmless.
ne-norm-ala: anomalous, irregular (cf. anomala).
nenufar-o: nenuphar: nenuphär: the great white water-lily
of Europa (Nymphaea albl or, Nuphar). EFIS
ne-obedi-ema: not obedient, insubordinate.
ne-ofens-iva: inoffensive.
neologism-o: neologism. DEFIS
neon-o:* (chem.) neon.
ne-oportun-a: innoportune, unseasonable.
ne-ordinar-a: uncommon, unusual (cf. extraordinara).
ne-organik-a: inorganic.
neovitalism-o*: neovitalism. DEFIRS
ne-pac-ig-ebla: implacable, inexorable.
ne-pacient-a: impatient; -eso: impatience; -igar,
-eskar: to make, to become impatient.
ne-palp-ebla: impalpable.
ne-par-a: not even, odd (of numbers)
ne-pardon-ebla: unpardonable; -ema: unrelenting,
implacable, pitiless; (cf. ne-exkuzebla).
ne-partis-ana: unpartisan, impartial; -an-eso:
ne-pek-iva: impeccable.
ne-penetr-ebla: impenetrable, impermeable, impervious (cf.
ne-percept-ebla: imperceptible, undiscernible.
ne-perfekt-a: imperfect; -ig-ebla: imperfectible.
ne-peris-iva: imperishable, everlasting.
ne-perme-ebla: impermeable (cf. ne-penetr-ebla).
ne-person-ala: (gram., philos.) impersonal.
ne-pertur-ebla: imperturbable.
ne-plan-a: uneven: not level.
ne-polit-a: impolite, uncourteous, uncivil.
ne-politik-a: impolitic (in affairs of state).
ne-ponder-ebla: imponderable.
ne-popular-a: unpopular.
ne-posibl-a: impossible; -eso, -ajo: (quality,
act) impossibility.
nepot-o, -ulo, -ino: grandchild; pos- -ulo:
great-grandson. IL
nepotism-o: nepotism. DEFIS
ne-potent-a: impotent: powerless (cf. impotenta).
ne-pov-o, -eso: inability, incapacity.
ne-pre-vid-o, -em-eso: wanting foresight, improvidence; -anta,
-ema: improvident (person); -ita: unforeseen, unlooked
for (thing); -ite: unawares, napping.
ne-probabl-a: improbable, unlikely (cf. ne-versimila).
ne-produkt-iva, -ema: unproductive.
ne-profund-a: shallow: (fig.) superficial.
ne-pronunc-ebla: unpronounceable.
ne-prudent-a: imprudent, foolhardy, indiscreet.
Neptun-ala: (geol.) Neptunian.
ne-pudor-oza, -ema: immodest (in sex proprieties; cf. ne-modesta).
ne-pura: impure (cf. ne-chasta).
ne-racion-ala, -oza: irrational, unreasonable.
Nere-ido: (myth.) Nereid. DEFIRS
ne-real-a: unreal; -ig-ebla: unrealizeable.
ne-reflekt-ita: (phys., mental) unreflected;
thoughtless, unconsidered (act); -ema: thoughtless,
heedless (person).
ne-refut-ebla: irrefutable, irrefragable.
ne-regul-ala, -oza: irregular (cf. ne-korekta); -oz-eso:
irregularity (cf. ne-plan-ajo).
ne-rekuper-ebla: irrecoverable.
ne-remedi-ebla: incurable (disease) (cf. ne-sanig-ebla).
ne-repar-ebla: (lit. and fig.) irreparable.
ne-repres-ebla: irrepressible.
ne-reproch-ebla: irreproachable.
ne-respekt-oza: disrespectful (ad).
ne-respons-iva: irresponsible.
ne-rezist-ebla: irresistible.
nerv-o: nerve; -aro: nervous system; -ala:
nervous: relating to the nerves; -oza, -oz(ul)o: nervous
(person); -oz-eso: nervousness; -oz-igar: to excite
the nerves of (ulu); -oz-eskar: to grow, become
nervous; sen- -igar: to unnerve. DEFIRS
nervaturo: (bot., ent.) nervure. IS
ne-san-ig-ebla: (of persons) incurable (cf. ne-remedi-ebla).
ne-satur-ebla: insatiable.
ne-sav-ar: (tr.) to be ignorant of, not to know (ulo);
-o: ignorance (of a fact; cf. nul-savo); -ante:
unwittingly, unknowingly.
ne-sek-ebla: indivisible.
ne-sekura: insecure, unsafe.
ne-sent-iva: insensetive, unfeeling, impassive; -eble:
insensibly, imperceptibly.
ne-separ-ebla: inseparable.
ne-serioz-a: superficial (mind) not dangerous (wound,
etc); (cf. ne-profunda, surfac-ala).
ne-shancel-ig-ebla: (lit. and fig.) unshakable,
immovable, resolute, steady, firm.
ne-shirm-ata: unscreened, unsheltered, open.
ne-signifik-o: insignificance (cf. sen-signifika,
sen-importa, sen valora).
ne-skrupul-oza: unscrupulous.
ne-sobr-a: intemperate (in eating and drinking); (cf. ne-moderata,
ne-soci-ema: unsociable.
ne-solv-ebla: insoluble (problem, etc.).
ne-sond-ebla; (lit. and fig.) unfathomable.
ne-sonor-a: dull, hollow, toneless, muffled (cf. matida).
ne-sorg-ema: inattentive, heedless, unmindful, negligent.
nest-o: (also fig.) (bird-) nest; -ifar: to
build a nest. DE
ne-submers-ebla: unsinkable.
ne-submis-ita: unsubdued.
ne-suces-o: non-success, failure.
ne-suci-ema: careless, unsolicitous.
ne-sufic-anta: insufficient, inadequate.
ne-susten-ebla: insupportable, indefensible, untenable.
net-a: clean, spotless, neat, tidy, natty: without spot,
stain, blot, impurity; (of price) net (cf. sen-tara);
-igar: to clean, cleanse; -e kopiar: to make a fair
copy of. Ex.: Neta aquo, plado, denti, manui, (fig.)
koncienco. Ant.: sordida, ne-neta (cf. pura).
ne-toler-anta, -ema: intolerant; -ebla:
intolerable, insupportable, unbearable, insufferable.
ne-traduk-ebla: untranslatable.
ne-tra-ir-ebla: impassable.
ne-tranquil-a: (phys., mental) untranquil, unquiet,
unagitated, uneasy, restless.
ne-transakt-ema: intransigent, (esp. in politics: refusing
compromise); irreconcilable, uncompromising.
ne-transit-iva: (gram.) intransitive.
ne-tush-ita: untouched, intact; -ebla: untouchable,
neuron-o*: (anat.) neurone.
ne-util-a: useless, needless.
neutr-a: (all senses) neutral, neuter; (la) -o:
(gram.) a neuter; (la) -i: (polit.) the
neutral powers; -eso: neutrality; -igar: to
neutralize (cf. equalibrar, kompensar). Ex.: Neutra vorto,
sexuo, naciono, persono, (chem.) salo. DEFIRS
ne-uz-(ad)o: disuse; -ata, -ita: unused, not in
use, unutilized, obsolete.
nev-o, -ulo, -ino: nephew, niece; po-nev-ulo:
ne-valid-a: invalid; -igar: to invalidate, void,
ne-vari-anta, -ebla, -iva: invariable, unchangeable,
neve-o: neve (glacial snow). eFIS
ne-vend-ebla: unsaleable; -ita: unsold, la
ne-vend-it-aji: goods unsold.
ne-ver-simil-a: unlikely, improbable, not plausible (cf. ne-probabla).
ne-vid-ebla: invisible; -ita: unseen, unpercieved.
ne-vink-ebla: unconquerable, invincible, insuperable,
insurmountable, overwhelming; -ita: unvanquished.
ne-violac-ebla: inviolable; -ata, -ita: inviolate.
ne-vol-ata, -ita: involuntary (cf. sen-vola),
ne-volunt-a: unwilling.
nevralgi-o: neuralgia. DEFIRS
nevrasteni-o: (med.) neurasthenia. DEF
nevrit-o*: (med.) neuritis. DEF
nevrologi-o*: neurology. DEFIS
nevropter-o: (ent.) neuropteran. DEFIS
nevros-o: (med.) neurosis; -ika, -iko:
neurotic (person). DEFIRS
ne-vund-ebla: invulnerable.
nevus-o: nævus: pigmented place on skin, usually
congenital; birthmark, mole; -o flamea: burnt mark, scar
of burn. DEF
ne-yust-a: unjust, unlawful, unrighteous, unfair (cf. ne-justa).
ne-zel-oza: lukewarm.
ni: we, us (a ni, nin); -a: our(s) «Nia
Patro»: the Lords Prayer, (cf. note under on).
nich-o: (arch.) niche, nook: recess in a wall (as
for a statue or a bed) DEFIS
niel-o: niello: a black enamel. DEFIS
nigel-o: (bot.) nigella: fennel-flower (genus:
Nigella). eFISL
nigr-a: black (cf. obskura); -o: black, the
colo(u)r itself (cf. negro); -eso: (quality)
blackness; -igar: to blacken, smut; -eskar: to turn
black. Ant.: blanka. EFIS
nihil-o: naught, nothing, something non-existent, nonenity
(cf. nulo); -a: void; -eso: nothingness,
inexistence, nihility; -ajo: a nullity; -igar; -eskar:
(jur.) to annul, become void; to rescind, cancel; -ig-ebla:
voidable; -ismo: nihilism; -ist-o, -a:
nihilist(ic); -eso di grandeso homala: nothingness of
human greatness. V. exp: Destruktar, nihil-igar: por la
destrukto materiala e kontreyura di dokumento, ni havas la verbo:
destruktar. Do ni darfas rezervar nihiligar a la
yurala senco (igar tote ne-valida o sen-valora). Remarkez, ke
propre dicite on povas nihiligar nulo materiale, pro ke la
materio esas permananta; on povas nur destruktar (quaze
des-konstruktar) la material objekti; VI-537.
nikel-o: (metal.) nickel; -izar: to
nickel-plate (ulo). DE
nikelin-o*: nickeline; niccolite.
nikotin-o: nicotine. DEFIRS
niktalop-a: (med.) nyctalopic: part blind by day; -eso:
nyctalopia: day blindness. DEFIRS
nimb-o: (meteor.) nimbus: a large rain-cloud of
uniform greyness (N.B. not halo; cf. aureolo).
nimf-o: (myth.) nymph. DEFIRS
nipel-o: (tech.) nipple. Def.: Interna junto-tubeto
kun filetoza extremaji. DE
«nirvana»: (Buddhism) Nirvana.
nitr-o*: (chem.) nitrogen, azote (cf. azoto);
-ato: nitrate; -at-acido: nitric acid.
niv-ar: (impers.) to snow; -eskar: to
commence to snow; -oza, -atra, -ea: snowy; -o bulo:
snowball; -floko: snowflake; -ea barbo: snow-white
beard. IS
nivel-o: level: horizontal surface; (cf. plano, plata);
-izar: to measure the level of, to find the height of (by
a surveyors level); -iz-ilo: level instrument which
shows the level. DFIRS
niveol-o: (bot.) snow-drop (Galanthus nivalis).
nix-o, -ulo, -ino: (myth.) nix, water sprite,
undine. DE
no: (interj.) no! Ant. yes. EFIS
nobel-a: noble (by birth); -o, -ulo, -ino: a noble;
-aro: nobility (collect.) eso: (rank)
nobility; -igar: to ennoble: raise to nobility (ulu).
V. exp.: Nobela, nobla: La nobeli esas sociala
klaso, qua formacesis per la reputeso heredita de la ancestri da
la decendanti. Nobleso esas etikal traito. Nobelo
tote ne bezonas esar nobla, ed inversa nobla homo ne
bezonas esas nobela. DEFIS
nobl-a: noble (morally); -eso: nobility (of
character); -igar: to ennoble: to make noble. V. exp.:
vid. nobela. Ant.: abjekta, vulgara, infama. DEFIS
noc-ar: (tr.) to harm, injure, hurt, wrong, be
injurious (ulu, ulo); -eso: (state) damage; -iva:
noxious, nocive, harmful, detrimental. V.exp.: vid. detrimentar.
noch-o: notch, nick, dent, indentation; -izar: to
notch, dent. Def.: V-forma dentizuro (quale en flecho,
dento-roto; lintervalo o lakuno inter du denti di
ingranajo, do linverso di dento; (kp. III-142). Mikra
kavajo produktita per instrumento o frapo. F
nocion-o: notion. Def.: Ideo quan on havas pri ulo. Ex. La
koncienco direte donas al homo nociono pri la bono e lo mala. Il
donos a vu nociono pri ca afero. DEFIS
nod-o: knot (in thread, cord, rope, etc.); (nav.)
knot: nautical mile: 6080.27 ft., 1852 meters (metres); -igar:
to tie a knot in (ulo); -ifar: to knot: produce
knots; -o Gordiala: Gordian knot. FIS
nokt-ar: (impers.) to be night; -as: it is
night; -eskar: night is coming on; -ala: nocturnal.
(ye) -esko: (at) nightfall; -o: night
(cf. tenebro, obskuro); -o-mezo:
midnight; -o-vag-anto, -ero: night prowler; -o-vazo:
chamber-pot; -o-lampo, -bujio: night-light; nokto-marvelo:
(bot.) marvel of Peru (Mirabilis). DEFIRS
noktiluk-o: (zool.) noctiluca (genus: Noctiluca).
noktu-o: (orni.) white owl, barn-owl (Noctua); (cf.
nokturn-o: (mus.) nocturne. DEFIRS
nom-ar: (tr.) to name: call (ulu) by name,
to say the name of (ulu); -esar: to be named, to be
called; -o: name; (gram.) noun; -izar: to name:
give a name to (ulo); -iz-o, -uro: naming;
appelation; -izado: nomenclature (cf. nomenklaturo);
-e: namely (viz.); bapto- -o: Christian name; pre-
-o: first name; ye la -o di: in the name of; ye mea
-o (vice me): in my name; propra -o: own name; proper
noun; sen- -a: nameless. Def.: Dicar, lektar o pensar la
nomo; «nom-izar» esas donar nomo (nova); IV-164. Ex.: Ka vu
nomas ta persono? La persono nomesas S.X. Lua gepatri nomizis il
Jean X. (gram.) Propra, komuna nomo; nomo-substantivo;
nom-adjektivo. DEFIS
nomad-(ulo), -a:.nomad(ic). DEFIRS
nombr-o: (cardinal) number, numeral (i.e. numbers used in
simple counting: 1, 2, 3, etc. cf. numero); (gram.)
number; -izar: to give numbers to; to count, take census
of; -o prima: prime number; -ala: numerical; granda-
-a: numerous; sen- -a: numberless (cf. ne-kont-ebla).
nomenklatur-o: nomenclature. DEFIRS
nomin-ar: (tr.) to nominate: to name as a canditate
for election or appointment to an office or title; -o, -eso:
(act. condition) nomination, appointment, designation; -ala:
(of price, value) nominal; -anto, -ero: nominator,
presenter; -ato, -ario: nominee; -al-ismo: (philos.)
nominalism. EFIS
nominativ-o: (gram.) nominative. DEFIS
nomografi-o*: nomography.
non: nine; -o: the ninth; -esma, -esmo: (ordinal)
ninth, (rel.) novena (nine days devotion); -imo:
(fraction) a ninth part; -opla: ninefold; -a-dek-yara,
-o: nonogenarian; -a-dek: ninety; (cf. du).
nopal-o: (bot.) nopal, Indian-fig, cochineal-tree
(Opuntia coccinellifera). DEFIRS
nord-o: north; -ala: nothern; -e: northerly,
in the north (with movement: ad e); -esto:
north-east. DEFIRS
nori-o*: noria: a machine for raising water by buckets on
an endless chain. DEF
norm-o: norm: authoritative standard or model; -a:
of or constituting a norm, rule, or principle; -ala:
ordinary, regular, normal: relating to an authoritative standard,
as in speaking of health, etc.; (goem.) -ala, -alo:
normal: perpendicular to a tangent; -igar: to establish (ulo)
as a norm, to make a standard of (ulo); -izar: to
furnish with a standard, norm; -al-igar: to standardize;
to seal (weights, measures); pezo- -o: standard of
weights. V. exp.: Regulo esas precepto o preskripto
generala, enuncita per vorti. Normo esas kozo konkreta,
qua servas quale modelo o tipo a qua on komparas la
ceteri por evaluar lia justeso; III-410. DEFIRS
nostalgi-o: nostalgia, homesickness. EFIRS
nostok-o*: (bot.) nostoc: a plant of blue-green
algæ (genus: Nostoc). DEFS
not-ar: (tr.) to note down, set down in writing,
make memo of; (cf. remarkar); -izar: to annotate,
make notes in (a book); (mus.) to write down the notes;
(N.B. on notas remarki en libro; on notizas libro per remarki;
cf. Talmeys Text Book, p. 109); -o: noting; note,
mark, memo, minute (to assist the memory); (mus.) note
(written or sounded); (diplom.) note; -iz(ad)o, -izuro:
annotation, notation (musical, chemical, etc.); inventory; -iz-iva:
annotative; -iz-anto, -ero: annotator; -libr-eto:
memorandum book (cf. posh-kayero); -o-referi:
reference marks (signs, numbers), etc.). DEFIRS
notari-o: notary (public); koram -o: in the
presence of a notary. DEFIRS
notic-o: (short) notice, note, or account (instructive or
informative as on bottle labels, or in a museum, etc.); -o
biografiala: biographical sketch. Def.: Nelonga skribajo
instruktiva o informiva pri partikulara temo od objektivo;
III-204. V. exp.: avizo. DEFIS
notifik-ar: (tr.) to notify (formally), give notice
of (ulo, ad ulu). V. exp.: sav-igar. DEFIS
notor-a: manifest, well-known, known generally, notorious
(N.B. but not in a bad sense); -eso: notoriety,
notoriousness. DEFIRS
nov-a: (of things) new, novel; (of persons)
new (in service, office); -(ul)o: a newcomer; -ajo:
a new thing, novelty; -e: newly , freshly (cf. recente);
-e nask-into: a new-born child; -yaro, -a: New
Year; -igar: to innovate (ulo) (intr.: enduktar
novajo); -ig-anto, -ero: innovator; V. exp.: vid. anciena.
novel-o: short story, novelette; -isto: short-story
writer. V. exp.: Romano esas generale libro kontenanta
fingita historio di un o plura personi. Novelo signifikas
nur rakonto de kelka pagini, qua havas la naturo di romano, me
esas romano tre kurta, tam per lampleso kam per la duro
(generale on rakontas nur aventuro, epizodo, fakto); IV-291-2.
novembr-o: November. DEFIRS
novic-(ul)o: novice, probationer, tyro, neophyte,
apprentice; -a: (fig.) novice: inexperienced,
green, raw (of persons); -eso: novitiate,
probationship. DEFIS
nu: (interj.) well! now then! come now! well now!
nuanc-o: nuance: a slight shade, gradation, as of tone,
colo(u)r, meaning, etc.; -oza: full of shades, tints,
slight gradations or distinctions; -izar: to shade,
variegate, express the nuances; la -i inter sinonimi: the
shades of difference between synonyms. DeFR
nub-o: cloud; (fig.) gloom, darkness, shadow; -aro:
(a mass of) clouds; -oza: cloudy, nubilous; -izar:
to cloud, cover with clouds. eIS
nuc-o: a walnut; (fig,) nut: any hard shell
enclosing a kernel; -iero: (wal)nut tree; -ier-ligno:
walnut (wood); -rupt-ilo: nut-cracker.
nud-a: nude, naked, bare; -igar: to strip, undress,
lay bare, denude; -kapa: bare-headed; -peda:
bare-footed; lo -a: (abstract) the nude.
nudl-i: noodles, ribbon vemicelli, spaghetti. DE
nugat-o: nougat, a kind of almond cake. eF
nuk-o: nape of the neck; -umo, -kovr-ilo:
neck-covering, -flap (as to protect against sun or rain); (fig.)
muffler. Def.: Nuk-umo esas acesoro o peco di kasqueto; IV-337.
nukl-o*: (biol.) nucleus. EFS
nuklein-o*: nuclein. DEFIS
nul-a: no, not any none; -e, -maniere: nowise, in
no way, not at all; -o: nothing; (interj.) no use!
no go! not a bit of it! -u: no one, nobody; -ajo:
nullity (cf. nihilo); -o pluse: nothing more; -kaze:
in no case; -loke: nowhere; -tempe: never; -ag-anta,
-ema; -fac-anta, -emo: do-nothing, idle (person) (cf. indolenta);
-savanta: ignorant; (cf. ne-savo); -valor-anta:
of no value, worthless, invalid. Ant.: kelka: eFI
numer-o: (ordinal) number (i.e. indicative of order or
succession; as 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
etc.); -ala: numerical (order); -izar: to give
successive numbers (to houses, journals, etc.). DEFIRS
numerator-o: (arith.) numerator. EFIS
numismatik-o: numismatics. DEFIRS
numulari-o: (bot.) moneywort (Lysimachia
Nummularia). FIS
numulit-o: (paleon.) nummulite. DEFIS
nun: (adv.) now, at present, at this time; -a:
(time) present, actual, current, now occurring (cf. prezenta);
-tempa: present day, time; -tempe: at the present
time; -a stando: the existing condition, status quo; -a
evento: a present, current event; nun kande: now when,
now that (N.B. not nun ke). Ex.: Me lernas nun la
internaciona linguo. Nun kande il venis, ni iros. D
nunci-o: (Popes) nuncio. DEFIRS
nupcial-a: (zool.) nuptial.
nur: (adv.) only; -a: indicates exclusion
(of all else) only, sole (cf. sola, unika); ne nur:
not only; se nur: if only, providing that; nur ed
unike: purely and simply. Ex.: Nur lamo inspiras il. Il
drinkas nur vino. Me donas ol a vu, se nur vu venos. Il nura (od,
sola) esas kulpoza. D
nutac-o*: (astron., plant physiol.) nutation.
nutr-ar: (tr.) to nourish, feed, sustain (ulu),
(cf. alimentar, alaktar); -(ad)o: nourishing,
nutrition, sustenance; -anta, -iva: nourishing, nutritive,
nutritious; -iv-aro; -iv-gan-ilo: (means of) subsistence, (fig.)
livelihood, living. Ex.: Nutrar la familio. La sango nutras la
korpo. Nutriva dieto. EFIS