Ido-Angla vortaro : O
o(d): (The «d» is omitted before
consonants) (conj.) or; o(d) . . o(d) either
or; il devos o submisar o demisar: he should either submit
or resign (cf. sive). DIS
oazis-o: oasis. DEFIRS
obcen-a: obscene. DEFIS
obedi-ar: (tr.) to obey; -esar: to be
obeyed; -(ad)o: obedience, obeying, observance (of a law,
command, etc.); -ema: (tendency) obedient. Ex.: La soldato
obedias sua chefo. EFIS
obelisk-o: obelisk. DEFIRS
obez-a: obese (cf. korpulenta, repleta); -eso:
obesity. Def.: Qua havas tro abunta graso, precipue en la ventro:
on qualifikas lu vulgare «ventroza». Lobezeso esas
maladeso e preske infirmeso; VI-601. EFIS
objecion-ar: (tr.) to object: adduce as an
objection. Ex.: On objecionis a Galileo ke, se la tero rotacas
objekt-o: object: anything that comes within the
cognizance of the senses (cf. skopo, komplemento); -ala:
objective (opp. to subjekt-ala); -alo: (opt.)
object-glass; -al-eso: objectivity. DEFIRS
oblat-o: wafer. Def.: Dina tabuleto ek farinpasto (azimo)
uzata por siglar letri. DRS
oble-o: wafer: a thin pastry. FRS
oblig-ar: (tr.) to oblige: put (ulu) under
obligation to do or not to do something, to bind, constrain (by
duty, hono(u)r, etc.) (cf. devar, koaktar); -o, -eso:
obligation (imposed by conscience, law, etc.); -anta:
obligatory (which obliges); -ata: (which is) obligatory,
incumbent; reciproka -eso: joint liability, obligation; ne-oblig-ata:
optional; obligesar ad ulu: to be beholden to someone; obligar
ulu per juro: to bind a person by oath; me obligas me
facar to: I assume the obligation, the responsibility to do
this. DEFIS
obligacion-o: (fin.) debenture, bond: a legal
obligation (bond) bearing interest; fervoyala -i: railway
bonds; -iero: bond-, debenture-holder. DEFIRS
obliqu-a: (also anat., gram.) oblique, aslant,
slanting; (fig.) indirect, not straightforward, insincere;
-a angulo, lineo: oblique angle, line; -e tranchar
stofo: to cut fabric slantingly, on the bias; ta aleo esas
-a: that lane runs slantingly; (gram.) -a kazo: oblique
case; (fig.) -a laudo: indirect praise; -a
homulo: an insincere (not straightforward) man. EFIS
obliter-ar: (tr.) to obliterate, blot out (little
by little or in a manner to leave traces). V. exp.: Nek efacar,
nek nuligar, ma nuligar per signo, qua igas ulo neuzebla
(ex. postal marko); IV-394. Ex.: La censuristo obliteris la
enskriburo. DEFIS
oblivi-ar: (tr.) to forget (cf. neglijar, omisar);
-igar: to cause (ulu) to forget, to cause (ulo)
to be forgotten (da ulu); -o: forgetting; -eso:
forgetfulness, oblivion; su- -o: self-forgetfulness; -ema:
forgetful, oblivious, unmindful; -o-karcero: oubliette:
castle dungeon. EFIS
oblong-a: oblong. Def.: Qua esas plu longa kam larja.
obol-o: (Gr. coin) obol(us); any of several small
European coins; mite, groat, farthing; a very small sum; -o di
vidvino: widows mite. DEFIS
obsed-ar: (tr.) to beset: to haunt, importune; to
obsess, to worry; to possess (by fixed ideas); (cf. persekutar,
tedar); la kortani obsedas la princo: the courtiers
beset the prince; la mento ofte obsedesas da sua propra erori:
the mind is often beset with its own errors; ca viro obsedas
me: that man worries me, or, importunes me. V. exp.: Obsedar
esas, etimologie, «siejar» persono, t.e. frequentar lu tedante
por solicitar lu pri ula kozo, o por vidar lu nediskrete;
figurale, to dicesas pri la pensi, imaji, pasioni qui okupas
konstante la mento, e quin on ne povas repulsar (la remorso
obsedas la kriminanto; teroriganta sonji obsedas lu); III-35.
observ-ar: (tr.) to observe: look at, watch (with
attention and study); (cf. obediar, remarker); -o:
observation (of an object); -anta, -ema: observing,
observant; -anto, -ero, -isto: lookout, observer; -eyo,
-posteno: place of observation, lookout post; -ebla:
observable. Ex.: Observar naturo, la irado di la astri, la mori
di la diferenta nacioni. Astronomiala observado. Mento observema.
observatori-o: (astron., meteorol.) observatory.
obsidian-o: (min.) obsidian: volcanic glass.
obskur-a: (lit. and fig.) obscure: without
sufficient light to enable one to see objects, gloomy, dim,
somber (sombre); not easily understood; little known; (of
colo(u)rs) dark; -igar: to obscure, dim, darken; nokto
-a: a dark night; stilo -a: an unclear style; vivar
-a vivo: to live an obscure life; -eso di lingui:
obscurity of language; la nubi obskur-igas la jorno: the
clouds intercept the daylight; longa frazi obskurigas la
senco: long sentences obscure the meaning. Ant.: klara.
obskurant-ismo: obscurantism; -isto: obscurantist:
one who opposes enlightenment. DEFIRS
obsolet-a: obsolete (words, customs, etc.); -eskar:
to become obsolete; -eso: obsoleteness, desuetude, disuse.
Def.: Exter la uzado, la kustumo. DEFIS
obstakl-o: (lit. and fig.) obstacle, hindrance,
obstruction, impediment, bar, clog: that which opposes; -o-kuro:
obstacle-race; (kaval-) kuro kun -i: steeple-chase.
obstin-ar: (intr.) to be obstinate (en, pri)
to persist, be firmly bent (on); -(ad)o: obstinacy,
perinacity, stubborness (cf. persistem-eso); -anta,
-era, -ema: obstinate, self-willed, opiniated, headstrong,
stubborn; -emo: an obstinate person; il obstinas en
taco: he keeps obstinately silent; esar obstin-anta pri
projeto nerealigebla: to persist in an impractical project.
V. exp.: vid. insistar. EFIS
obstrukt-ar: (tr.) to obstruct, block up, choke up;
be in the way of; -iva: obstructive. Ex.: Obstruktar voyo,
tubo. V. exp.: inkombrar. DEFIRS
obten-ar: (tr.) to obtain, procure, get (ulo, de
ulu). Ex.: Obtenar favoro de ulu. V. exp.: vid. recevar.
obtur-ar: (tr., tech.) to obturate: to stop or
close, as an opening. EFIS
obtuz-a: obtuse: blunt, dull, (of edges, angles); (geom.)
larger than a right angle; (fig.) dull (in sensibility,
mentality); -igar: to blunt, dull (cf. sen-pint-igar);
-angula: obtuse angular. Ex.: Hakilo obtuza. Il esas homo
mente obtuza. Ant.: akuta. EFIS
obus-o: (artil.) shell; -kanono: howitzer
(cf. bombard-ilo). FI
ocean-o: acean; (fig.) sea, flood, great quantity
(cf. maro); -ido: (myth.) Oceanide,
sea-nymph. DEFIRS
ocelot-o: (zool.) ocelot (Felis pardalis).
oci-ar: (intr.) to be idle, be unoccupied; -o:
(temporary) idleness, unoccupation; -ado: (pemanent,
habitual) idleness, leisure; -oza: unoccupied; -oz-ega,
-ema: lazy, slothful, indolent; -anto, -ero: idler,
person of leisure; -emo: loafer, sluggard. Def.: Esar en
stando di senlaboreso. Ociemeso esas la tendenco a ne laborar, a
facar nulo; ocioza signifikas la fakto, ne tendenco; IV-287. V.
exp.: On povas laborar dum sua liber-tempi, ma ne dum
periodo di ocio (cf. chomar, flanar). FIS
ocid-ar: (tr.) to slay, murder: kill with violence;
-ar su: to commit suicide; hom- -o: homicide; (cf. rej-ocido,
infant-ocido, su-ocido); Def.: Mort-igar violente (intence o
ne, krimine o ne); III-697. V. exp.: On ocidas anke bestii, ne
nur en bucheyo (ube on buchas li), ma en chaso ed en mult altra
okazioni. Ni havas asasinar por la ocido esence krimina; mort-igar
havas logikale la senco: igar mortar. ex.: ta yuno mortigis sua
gepatri pro chagreno; ta acidento mortigis plura personi pro
pavoro; III-697; on masakras plura personi kruele o
senbezone; III-698.
ocident-o: (literary term) occident (cf. westo).
ocil-ar: (intr.) to oscillate: swing back and
forwards (cf. vibrar, fluktuar); -ilo: swing (cf. baskul-ilo).
ocipit-o: (anat.) occiput: back part of head or
skull; -ala: occipital; -ala osto, -alo: occipital
bone. EFIS
ocit-ar: (intr., of persons) to yawn (cf. bear).
od: see o(d).
od-o: ode. DEFIRS
odalisk-o: odalisque, odalisk. DEFIRS
«odeon»: (ancient) odeum, odeon; (theater in
Paris) Odeon.
odi-ar: (tr.) to hate (ulu, ulo); -esar:
to be hated (da); -oz-eso: hatefulness; -ema,
-iganta: invidious; -inda: odious; (cf. abominar).
odise-o: (pr. and fig.) Odyssey. DEFIRS
odor-ar: (intr.) to have a smell or scent, smell
(fragrant, etc.), exhale odo(u)r; (cf. flarar); -o:
odor, scent, smell (cf. parfumo, flaro); -anta, -oza:
odoriferous; sen- -a, ne- -oza: odorless; bon-odora:
fragrant, sweet-smelling; mal- -o: bad odor. EFIS
ofens-ar: (tr.) to offend, give offense (offence)
to, shock (the sensibilities); -esar: to be offended (da);
-o: offense, affront (cf. insulto); -anta, -iva,
-ema: offending, shocking, offensive, obnoxious. EFIS
ofertori-o*: (R.C. rel.) offertory. DEFIS
ofic-o: (function, duty, assigned service) office,
post (cf. oficio, employo); -ala: functionary
relating to office, duty; (cf. oficiala); -isto: a
(civil) official (cf. oficiro); -estro: head of
(civil) office. Def.: Funciono administrala o direktala, sive en
la stato, sive en societo o grand entraprezo; III-697.
ofici-ar: (intr., eccl.) to officiate: perform
divine service; -anta, -anto: officiating (priest or
clergyman); -o: office (divine service); -ala:
relating to divine service (cf. oficala). EFIS
oficir-o: (milit. nav., of an order) officer (cf. ofic-isto);
sub- -o: subordinate officer, non-commissioned officer.
ofikleid-o: (mus. instr.) ophicleide. DEFIS
ofit-o*: ophite, greeen porphyry, serpentine. DEF
ofr-ar: (tr.) to offer, proffer, tender (ulo ad
ulu), to offer (to do); to place at the service of (ulu);
-ar su: to offer, propose (oneself); -o: offering
(act), offer, tender, proposal, bid; -ajo: what is
offered; -o: (polit. econ) supply: what is offered;
Ex.: Ofrar helpo, sua brakio a siorino, sua manuo ad amiko,
viktimo en sakrifiko, acompanar ulu. La lego di lofro e di
la demando determinas la preco di la vari sur ula merkato. V.
exp.: Il propozis a me irar kun il en la teatro, ma il ne ofris
a me plaso. On povas ofrar la vari sen prizentar
li: en la komercal borso, on ne prizentas la vari ipsa,
same kam en la financal borso en ne prizentas la valori:
tamen on ofras li; II-79, 167. DEFIS
oft-e: oft, often, oftentimes; -a: frequent; maxim
ofte: most often, very often; ne- -e: rarely, seldom.
Ex.: Ofte on mustas facar ulo quon on ne deziras facar. V. exp.: Ofta
ne esas sinonima a frequa. Ofta dicesas pri ulo quo
eventas «ofte», t.e. multa foyi en ula intervalo. Frequa
esas utila en tekniko: ex. on bezonas parolar pri flui
(elektrala) di granda frequeso: on ne povas dicar: di
granda ofteso: to semblus signifikar, ke on uzas li ofte;
IV-237. Ant.: rara. DE
oftalmi-o: ophthalmia. DEFIS
oftalmologi-o*: ophthalmology.
oftalmoskop-o*: ophthalmoscope.
ogiv-o: (arch.) ogive. DEFIS
ogl-ar: (tr.) to ogle: view with side glances; to
cast glances at slyly; -achar: to leer at (ulu).
ogr-(ul)o: ogre. DEFIS
ok: eight; -esma: (ordinal) eighth; -opla,
-oplo: eight-fold, octuple; -imo: one-eighth; -a-dek:
eighty, fourscore; -a-dek-yar-a, -o: octogenarian; -ima
negro: octoroon: person one-eighth black; (cf. du).
okarin-o: (mus. instr.) ocarina. DEF
okazion-o: occasion, opportunity; -e: occasionally,
at times; -e di: apropos (of); (cf. kauzo). Ex.: Me
kaptis la okaziono por parolar ad il. Kande okaziono prizentos
su, ni iros. EFIRS
okr-o: ochre; reda -o: red ochre. DEFIRS
oktaedr-o*: (geom.) octahedron. DEFIS
oktant-o: octant: eighth of a circle; (astron. instr.)
octant. DEFIS
oktav-o: (mus., ch. festival, verse) octave.
oktilion-o*: (English notation) octillion
(1,000,000 8 ). DEFS
oktobr-o: October. DEFIRS
oktogon-o*: (geom.) octagon. DEFIS
oktopod-o*: octopod (having eight legs); order Octopoda;
(cf. polpo). DEFIS
okul-o: eye; -eto: small eye; (tech.) eyelet
hole; -ala: ocular; -alo: eye-piece, eye-glass; -isto:
oculist; -agar: (tr.) to eye (ulu, ulo); -o
nuda: naked eye; -o po -o: eye for eye; -klapo,
-shirm-ilo: eye-shade; (for horses) blinker; -o-skrubo:
a staple, eyebolt: screw with ringed head. DEFIRS
okult-a: occult. V. exp.: vid. arkana. DEFIS
okultac-o: (astron.) occultation; -ar: (tr.)
to occult. DEFIS
okup-ar: (tr.) to occupy (a place, time); -ar
su: to occupy oneself, employ oneself, be busy (pri); -esar:
to be occupied (da); -eso: occupancy (fact); -(ad)o:
occupying; -ant-ajo, -ivo: (that which occupies)
business, work, occupation; -anto, -ero: occupant; -ata:
occupied, busy. Ex.: La lito okupas la tota spaco. La soldati
okupis la urbo. La diskutado okupis la tempo. Ca laboro okupis
dek yari di lua vivo. Il okupis su en (od, pri) sua gardeno. Esar
sen okupeso. La okupo di la urbo da la trupi. La okup-antajo,
-ivo di soldati, di komercisto. DEFIS
ol: (abbr. for olu; acus. olun) (neuter
pronoun referring to a definite object; cf. lo, lu) it; -i:
they (cf. li); -ua: its; -ia: their (cf. lia).
Ex.: Ol esas tre bela. La afero semblas bona, ma forsan ol ne
esas tala. La kavalo esas tro fatigita; ol(u) ne povus tirar la
veturo, La viri e la bestii ne konkordas inter su, nam ili (la
viri) tiris ad-dextre, dum ke oli (la bestii) tiris adsinistre.
old-a: (of living beings) old, of advanced age; -o,
-ulo, -ino: old person; -eso: oldness; -aro: (collect.)
aged persons; -eskar: to grow old; (plu-) -igar:
to age, make look old. Def.: Di evo avanc-inta. V. exp.: vid. anciena.
Ant.: yuna. E
ole-o: oil; -oza, -atra: oleaginous; -izar:
to oil (ulo); -ifar: to produce oil, give out oil; -uyo:
oil-holder, oilcan; cruet; -lampo: Argand lamp: common oil
lamp for illumination; -farbo: oil paint; -i santa:
(eccl.) holy oils; brul- -o: lamp-oil, kerosene; ricin-
-o: castor oil; oliv- -o: olive-oil. DEFIS
olfakt-ar*: (tr.) to perceiveby sense of smell; -o:
olfaction. -ala organo: olfactory organ. EFIS
oliban-o: olibanum: frankincense. eFIS
oligark-o*: oligarch. DEFIRS
oligarki-o: oligarchy. DEFIRS
oligocen-o: (geol.) oligocene. DEFIS
olim: formerly, in former times, once upon a time; -a:
former; -a tempo: in days of old. Ex.: Olim esis kustumo.
La homi di olima tempo. Olim ula princo regnis. Olima kustumo.
Olimp-o*: Olympus; -ano: a dweller in Olympus.
olimpiad-o: Olympiad: a period of four years.
oliv-o: (fruit) olive; -iero: olive tree.
ombr-o: shadow, shade; -izar: to shade, over shade;
put in, cover with shadows; -oza, -iz-anta: shadowy,
shady, umbrageous. eFIS
oment-o*: (anat.) omentum. DEFIRS
omis-ar*: (tr.) to omit, leave out or undone, pass
over; -o, -ajo: omission (cf. neglijar). Ex.:
Omisar formalajo. Ne omisez facar to. Il omisis fakto importanta.
omlet-o: omelet. DEFR
omn-a: (collective sense) all, every; -i:
all, everybody (collect.) -o: everything; -u:
every one; omna tri, omna quar: all three, all four; il
havas du filiuli, qui omna esas soldati: he has two sons who
are (both) soldiers; de omna loki: from every place; -a-di-e,
-a: daily, every day; -o-fac-anto: factotum; -a-kaze:
in any case, in any event; -a-foye: every time; -a-loke:
every place; -o-manj-anta: omnivorous (cf. omnivora);
-a-monata, -e: every month, monthly; -a-maniere: in
every way; -o-povo: omnipotence; -o-pov-anta:
omnipotent, all powerful; -o-savo: omniscience; -o-sav-anta:
omniscient; -a-semen-a, -e: weekly, every week. -o-sufr-anto:
(fig.) drudge; -a-sorta, -speca: every kind of; -o-tush-ero:
(fig.) meddler, busy-body; -ube: wherever. V. exp.:
vid. singla. eIL
omnibus-o: (vehicle) omnibus. DEFIRS
omnivor-o: ominvorous. DEFIS
on: one (indefinite pronoun): people, men, we, they
(when used vaguely for society), for people in general; on
dicas: people say, they say; on devas amar sua gepatri:
we should love our parents; on ne povas manjar sua kuko e
konservar ol: you cannot eat your cake and have it. (Note: Ni
translates «we» only when a limited number of persons is
thought of with whom the speaker or writer is directly
associated: ni qui kredas ke I.L. esas posibla). EF
onagr-o*: (zool.) onager: a wild ass (Equus
Onager); (hist.) onager: a stone-throwing machine.
omani-ar*: (intr.) to masturbate; -(ad)o:
masturbation, onanism. DEFIRS
ond-o: (lit. and fig.) (small) wave, swell, surge
(of water); undulation; -ego: billow, breaker; -ifar:
to rise in billow form or produce waves; to undulate, wave; -igar,
-izar: to cause waves on; to cover with waves; -ifo, -aro:
undulation, waves; -oza, -atra, -ifanta, -izita: wavy,
wavelike, undulating; -agit-ata: rough; -agit-eso:
billowy. Ex.: Ondi di maro, di soni, di tero (sismala). La maro
ondifas. La vento ond-igas, -izas la maro. Ondoza surfaco.
onix-o: (min.) onyx. DEFIRS
onkl-(ul)o: uncle; -ino: aunt; -ala:
avuncular; pre-onkl-ulo: great-uncle. DEF
onomatope-o: (gram.) onomatopoeia. DEFIS
ontogenez-o*: (biol.) ontogenesis. DEFIS
ontologi-o: (philos.) ontology. DEFIRS
onyon-o: (plant and edible bulb) onion; -eyo:
onion-bed; -shelo: onion-skin, -peel. EF
oolit-o: (geol.) oolite. DEFIRS
opak-a: opaque. Def.: Qua ne esas diafana, ne permeebla
per lumo. Ant.: diafana, translucida. DEFIS
opal-o: (min.) opal; -vitro: (fig.)
opal (or, iridescent) glass. DEFIRS
opalec-ar*: (intr.) to opalesce. DEFIS
oper-o: opera; -eto: operetta; -o-teatro:
opera house. DEFIRS
operac-ar: (tr., surg., mil., math., finan.) to
operate (upon); -ato, -ito: person operated upon; -ar
malado, tumoro: to operate upon a sick person, a tumor. Ex.:
Subisar operaco. Financalo operaco. Operaco en sustraciono.
Militala operaco. DEFIRS
operkul-o: (bot., anat., zool.) operculum (cover,
lid). EFIS
opiat-o: (med.) opiate. DEFIS
opinion-ar: (tr.) to opine, express ones
opinion, be of the opinion. Def.: Expresar judiko pri temo. Ex.:
Me favore opinionas pri la projeto. Publika opiniono. EFIS
opium-o: opium; -oza: containing opium.
opodeldok-o*: (med.) opodeldoc. DEFI
oport-ar, -as: (intr., impersonal) it is required,
it is necessary (ke); (cf. suffix: -end-); oportas
levar ni fru morge: it is necessary to get up early
to-morrow. V. exp.: Kande ica signifiko havas subjekto, on uzas mustar:
oportas ke vu departez: vu mustas departar. L
oportun-a: (of things) opportune, seasonable,
timely, convenient (cf. favor-oza); -eso:
opportuneness (cf. okaziono); -ismo: (politics)
opportunism; -isto: opportunist; (N.B. «opportunity» is
translated by okaziono or oportunajo); Ex.:
Okaziono oportuna. Oportuneso di la sokurso. DEFIS
opoz-ar: (tr.) to oppose (ulu ad ulo, ulu, ad
ulu), to put in opposition to, place (ulo) opposite; -(ad)o:
opposition (resistance); -eso: opposition (contrast, state
of); -anto, -ero: opponent; -ata, -ita: opposed,
opposite (ad); -ant-aro: the opposition; -ato:
the opposite; -ar spegulo a la fenestro: to set a glass
opposite a window; -ar digo a la torento: to oppose a dike
(dyke) to a torrent; -ar du motivi: to put two motives in
contrast; la domo opozata: the house opposite. (N.B. the
basic idea of this word implies putting in contrast, opposing an
obstacle, rather than active opposition, therefore, «to
oppose»: act in opposition, is translated ordinarily by kombatar,
rezistar). DEFIRS
opres-ar: (tr., phys., mental, social) to oppress:
to lie heavy on; deject, treat with hardship; (cf. charj-egar,
pres-egar); Def.: Presar forte (fizike o etikale) kontre ulu.
V. exp.: On esas fizike opresata, kande on respiras kun peno; on
esas etikale opresata, kande on angoras pro desquieteso, en
expekto di trista evento od informo. La richuli opresas la
povruli. La konquestiti povas esar opresata da la konquestanti,
la laboristi da la patroni, e.c. III-223. EFIS
optativ-o: (gram.) optative. DEFIS
optik-o: (science of) optics; -isto: optician: one
skilled in optics (cf. okul-isto). DEFIRS
optim-ismo: optimism; -isto, -ista: optimist(ic).
or: (conj.) now, but (in argument). V. exp.: Or
expresas ne nur intersequo di du propozicioni, ma induktas nova
argumento, plusa premiso, expliko, motivo. Ex.: Or, vua argumento
semblas bona, ma ... Omno qua foligas esas veneno; or
lalkoholo foligas; do ... Kande la premiso (motivo)
sequas la konkluzo, or vicesas da nam; ex.:
Lalkoholo esas venono, nam ol foligas; kp. nam;
VI-141-2; Talmeys Text Book, p. 113. FIS
or-o: gold; -a: (of gold thread, watch, etc.); -ea:
golden (of hair, etc.); -oza: full of, rich in gold,
auriferous; -min-eyo: gold mine; -izar: to gild,
plate (ulo) with gold; -folio, -pelik-ulo: gold
leaf; -iz-ita-arjento: silver-gilt. FIS
orakl-o: oracle; -atra: oracular (tone, etc.); -ifar:
to declare, utter an oracle. DEFIRS
orangutan-o: (zool.) orang-outang (Pithecus
satyrus). DEFIS
oranj-o: orange; -iero: orange tree; -ier-eyo:
orange grove: -ea: orange colo(u)red; -o-drink-ajo:
orangeade. DEFIRS
orator-o: orator (cf. diskurs-isto, parol-isto.
oratori-o: (mus.) oratorio. DEFIRS
orbit-o: (astron.) orbit; (anat.)
eye-socket. EFIRS
ord-i* (la): (eccl.) holy-orders; -izo:
conferring of holy-orders.
orden-o: (eccl. and knighthood) order; -izar:
to knight; -insigno: insignia, badge (of knighthood).
ordin-ar: (tr.) to order: put in, reduce to,
dispose in, order (cf. rang-izar); -o, -eso: order:
regular disposition, methodical arrangement; -ala, -alo:
ordinal: indicating order or succession; as, first, second, etc.;
-ema: orderly, tidy (person); -em-eso: orderliness;
-ita, -oza: ordered, regulated, orderly. DEFIS
ordinac-ar*: (tr., eccl.) to ordain (a priest,
clergyman); (cf. ord-izar). DEFIS
ordinar-a: ordinary, common, usual; -e: commonly,
ordinarily. Ex.: Vanitato esas kulpo tre ordinara. Ordinara
manjajo, homo. Ant.: extraordinara. EFIS
ordinat-o: (geom.) ordinate. DEIS
ordonanc-o: (milit.) orderly; -oficiro:
ordinance officer. Def.: Soldato qua exekutas o transmisas la
komandi di oficiro; la ordinanc-oficiro ludas simila rolo apud
supera oficiro; III-266. DFIRS
oread-o*: (myth.) oread, mountain nymph.
orel-o: ear, auricle; (fig.) hearing; -ala:
auricular; -kovr-ilo, -umo: ear-covering, ear-flap; -ringo:
ear-ring; -fingro: little finger; -oza; grand-orela:
big-eared; (horses) lop-eared; -kurac-isto: aurist;
-zum-ado: buzzing, ringing in the ears; askoltar per
omna -i: (fig.) to be all ears, to listen intently; havar
-o justa (od, delikata): to have a good (or, delicate)
ear (as for music); levar (od, tensar) la -i:
to prick up the ears. eFIS
orelion-o: (med.) mumps; an infectious inflammation
of various glands (cf. parotidito). F
«oremus»: oremus, orison, prayer (Let us pray).
orfan-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: orphan; -ala: relating to
orphans; -erio: orphanage, orphan asylum. EFIS
organ-o: organ (part of an organized body); (fig.)
instrument, means; (cf. orgeno); -ala: organic:
relative to organs or organized means; (cf. organika); -izar:
to organize: furnish with organs; (cf. aranjar, institucar);
-izo, -izeso, -izuro: organization (cf. ordino,
konstituciono, organismo); -iz-anto: organizer. Ex.:
Lokulo esas lorgano di vidado. Ca jurnalo esas
lorgano di demokratio; (fig.) La judiciisto esas la
organo di la lego. Organizar ministerio. Organizuro di la homala
korpo. Muzikala organizuro. DEFIRS
organdi-o: (fabric) organdy. Def.: Speco di
muslino; IV-448. DEFIS
organicism-o*: (med.) organicism.
organik-a: (chem.) organic (substances, chemistry,
etc.; cf. organ-ala). DEFIRS
organism-o: (lit. and fig.) organism. Def.: (lit.)
Ensemblo di la organi (la organaro) qui konstitucas ento vivanta.
Ex.: Homala organismo. (fig.) Politikala organismo.
organzin-o: organzine: a double-thrown silk used in
weaving. DEFI
orgen-o: (mus.) organ; -(ple)isto: organist;
turn- -o: barrel-, hand-organ. EFIRS
orgi-o: orgy. DEFIRS
orient-o: Orient, the east; -ala: oriental; -ano:
an oriental; -al-isto: orientalist; -izar: (pr.
and fig.) to orient: place or set toward the east; (fig.)
to give the correct aspect, the right direction to; (nav.)
to trim (sails); -izar: to adjust ones bearings
toward the east; (fig.) to ascertain ones position,
find out what one is about; -izar ulu en lua studiado: to
guide, set someone in the right direction in his studies; esas
nefacila orientizar su en la mezo di revoluciono: it is
difficult to get ones bearings, find out ones true
position, in the midst of revolution (cf. esto).
orific-o: orifice (cf. apert-uro, boko, truo).
oriflam-o: oriflamme: ancient French banner. DEFIS
origan-o: (bot.) origan: a majoram (genus:
Origanum). DEFIS
origin-o: origin (cf. fonto); -ala:
original: relating to origin; not copied; (cf. stranja); -al-eso:
originality; -al-ajo: (of things) the original, first
copy; -al(ul)o: eccentric person, odd fellow; -e, -ale:
originally, primitively; in the beginning, by origin. Ex.:
Origino di vorti, di la mondo. Originala edituro, penso, pikturo.
La pikturo montras originaleso. Kopiuro konforma a la
originalajo. DEFIRS
orikalk-o: (met.) orichalk. Def.: Anciena nomo di
latuno. DEFIS
oriol-o: (orni.) oriole (European: Oriolus galbula:
golden oriole). EF
oripel-o: tinsel; Dutch gold. Def.: Dina, oratra folieto,
quan on uzas por orizar diversa objekti; VI-142. V. exp.: Or-pelikulo
(E. gold leaf) esas vera oro; oripelo imitas loro;
(kp. flitro); VI-142. FI
orjat-o: orgeat: an almond syrup. DeFIS
orkestr-o: orchestra: a part in theater (theatre) nearest
the stage; a company of instrumental performers. DEFIRS
orkide-o: (bot.) orchid DEFIRS
orl-ar: (tr., needle-work) to hem: turn down and
sew the edge of (a garment, fabric); -uro: hem; (arch.,
herald.) orlet, orle; (cf. ri-fald-ar, -uro).
orn-ar: (tr.) to adorn, embellish, bedeck (ulo,
ulu, per ulo); (cf. dekorar, plu-bel-igar); -o:
adorning; -ivo: adornment, ornament (cf. ornamento);
-iva: decorative, ornamental. Ex.: La domi esas neta,
komoda, ma li ne esas ornita. Ornar parko per statui. (fig.)
Ca viri esas ornivi di nia yarcento. eFIS
ornament-o: ornament, embellishment; (mus.)
grace-note; (cf. orn-ivo); -ala: ornamental; -izar:
to ornament, decorate (cf. ornar, dekorar); -o ek
diamanti: diamond ornament. DEFIS
ornitologi-o: ornithology. DEFIRS
ornitopter-o: ornithopter: a flying machine propelled by
flapping wings. DEFIRS
orografi-o: orography: mountain physiography.
orpiment-o: orpiment: arsenic trisulphide. DEFIS
orsel-o: (bot.) archil, orchil, orseille.
ort-a: right (angle); (cf. rekta); -o: a
right angle; -e: at a right angle; -angula:
orthogonal, rectangular.
ortocentr-o*: (geom.) orthocenter.
ortodox-a: (rel. and fig.) orthodox; -eso:
orthodoxy; -(ul)o: orthodox person. Ant.: heterodoxa.
ortogenez-o*: (biol.) orthogenesis.
ortografi-o: orthography (cf. espel-ado); kulpo
-ala: mistake in spelling. DEFIRS
ortografik-a*: (geom.) orthographic. DEFI
ortokrom-a*: (photog.) orthocromatic.
ortolan-o: (orni.) ortolan (Emberiza hortulana).
ortopedi-o: (surg.) orthopedics. Def.: Larto
qua korektigas o preventas deformaji di la korpo. DEFIRS
ortopter-o: orthopterous insect. DEFIS
orvet-o: orvet: blind-worm, slow-worm (Anguis fragilis).
orvietan-o: orvietan: a pretended antidote or
counter-poison. DeFIS
osifrag-o: (orni.) ossifrage, osprey, sea-eagle.
(Falco ossifragus). EFI
oskul-ar*: (tr., intr., geom.) to osculate.
osmi-o*: (chem.) osmium. DEFIRS
osmos-o: (physics) osmosis, osmose. DEFS
ost-o: bone; -eto: small bone, ossicle; -ala,
-oza: osseous, bony; (fig.) large-boned; -aro:
bony frame-work (cf. skeleto); -igar: to ossify; -eskar:
to become ossified; -if-ado, -esko: ossification; -o-karbono:
bone-black; ludar per osteti: to play at knuckle-bones.
ostensori-o: (R.C. rel.) ostensorium, monstrance.
ostent-ar: (tr., intr.) to do a thing out of
ostentation, show off, make a show (pri), parade (ulo);
(fig.) to swagger; -anta, -oza, -ema: ostentatious.
V. exp.: vid. fanfaronar. EFIS
osteologi-o: osteology. DEFIRS
osteom-o*: (med.) osteoma. DE
ostit-o*: (med.) ostitis. DEF
ostr-o: oyster; -o-strato, -eyo: oyster-bed; -kultiv(ad)o:
oyster culture. DeFIRS
ostracism-o: ostracism: banishment (cf. exil-ar).
ostrogot-o*: Ostrogoth.
otalgi-o*: (med.) otalgia: ear-ache.
otari-o: otary: eared-seal. Def.: Speco di mar-hundo kun
oreli; V-341. (Otariidae). EFI
otit-o*: (med.) otitis; -o-interna:
inflammation of the middle-ear. EF
otolit-o*: (anat., zool.) otolith, ear-stone.
otoman-o: ottoman. Def.: Speco di divano; IV-395.
otus-o: (vulgara) common owl, long-eared owl
(Otus); -o penachet-oza: short-eared owl (Otus brachyotus,
Asio accipitrinus, Strix brachyotus, Brachotus palustris). Def.:
Noktala ucelo di qua la kapo esas ornita per penacheti quaze
«oreleti»; IV-296. L
ov-o: egg; -i: eggs; (of fish) roe; -o-shelo:
egg-shell; -uyo: egg-cup, -holder; -ajo: an egg
preparation; -ifar: to lay eggs; -o (mole o harde o
mi-mole) koquita: boiled egg; -o sur plado: fried egg;
-o mixita: scrambled egg; -o dispersita: poached
egg; -vend-isto: egg-seller; -o-planto: egg-plant
(Solanum ovigerum) (cf. berenjeno). DeFIRS
ovacion-ar: (tr.) to give an ovation to, to receive
in triumph (ulu); -o: ovation. DEFIRS
oval-a, -o: oval. DEFIS
ovari-o: (anat., bot.) ovary. DEFIS
ovipar-a, -o: oviparous (animal). DEFIS
ovul-o: (physiol., bot.) ovule; -if(ad)o:
ovulation. EFIS
ox-o*: oxygen (the scientific word; cf. oxigeno); -izar:
to oxygenate.
oxal-o: (bot.) sorrel (genus: Rumex); -at-acido:
o. acid; -ato: oxalate o. salt. DEFIS
oxalik-o: (chem.) oxalic.
oxid-o: (chem.) oxide; -igar: to oxidate:
convert into an oxide. DEFIS
oxigen-o: oxygen; -izar: oxygenize. V. exp.: Oxigeno
esas la ordinara vorto; oxo nur la ciencala vorto,
partikulare utila en kemiala terminaro. DEFIS
oxikok-o: (berry) cranberry; -iero: cranberry bush
(genus: Oxucoccus). L
ozier-o: (bot.) osier (Salix viminalis); -a
korbo: wicker basket. EF
ozon-o: (chem.) ozone. DEFIRS