Ido-Angla vortaro : Q
qua: (relative and interrogative pronoun; acc. quan)
who, what, which (person) (Note:
qua used as an interrogative adjective has the same form in the plural as
in singular; ex.:
qua membri ne pagis ankore: which members have not paid yet?; used
substantively it takes the form
qui; (cf. Talmey’s Text Book, p. 26); qua esas ibe: who is there;
qua viro venis: which man came? qua kloko esas: what time is it?
(or, what is the hour?);
la pluvo qua falis: the rain which fell; la libro quan me donis a vu:
the book which I gave you;
la puerino quan me amas: the girl whom I love; qua iras hike: (milit.)
who goes there?
quo: (acc. quon): what, which (thing, fact); (Note: The
quo, quon are also used adjectively when referring to othr pronouns
ending in
-o; as, to quo, co quo, omno quo, nulo quo: cf. Talmey ibid. p.
quo used as an interrogative refers to something indefinite; as, quo
eventis? what happened;
quo esas plu bona: which (thing) is better? quon il dicis?: what
did he say?
quo, ka vera?: what! is it true? quon (me devas) facar?: what is
to be done? (used adjectively)
prenez to quon vu volas: take what you will. Qui (acc.
quin) (pl. form of
qua and quo) who, what, which; qui parolis: who (plural)
la personi qui parolis: the persons who spoke; ti quin me amas:
those whom I love. — FIS
quadr-o: freestone, ashlar, hewn or squared stone; opp. of kruda stono. —
quadrant-o: (instrument) quadrant; (geom.) quadrant:
quarter of a circumference of a circle; (cf. VI-322). — DEFIRS
quadrat-a: square; -a peco de papero: a s. piece of paper; -a
nombro: a s. number: product of two equal factors;
-o: a square; -ala: quadratic (equation, etc.); -igar: to
s. (ulo), to form in s.s (uli); -igo: squaring, quadrature;
-ig-ebla: which can be squared;
-izar: to cover (ulo) with s.s, to checker; -iz-o, -uro:
-ope, -iz-ita: by s.s, checkerwise; checkered; areo de du
quadrato-metri: area of two s. meters;
areo de du metri quadrate (od, areo de quar quadrato-metri): an
area of two meters square, i.e., of four square meters (cf. Talmey, Text Book,
p. 111). Def.: Quadriangulo equilatera ed ortangula. — DeFIRS
quadratur-o: (astron.) quadrature, quartile (aspect or relation of
90 degrees). — DEFIRS
quadri-angul-a: quadrangular, four-cornered, four-square, four-angled;
-o: (geom. and bldg.) quadrangle.
quadrig-o: (antiq.) quadriga. — DEFIS
quadrik-a, -o*: (math.) quadric. — DEFIS
quadril-o: quadrille (dance and music); troop of horsemen (at a
tournament); a game of cards played by four persons. — DEFIRS
quadri-later-o, -(al)a: quadrilateral.
quadrilion-o: quadrillion (1,000,0004). — DEFIS
quadri-manu-a: quadrumanous.
quadri-ped-a, -o: quadruped.
quadrirem-o: (antiq.) quadrireme: galley with four banks of oars.
quadri-yar-a: quadrennial.
quak!: quack!
quaker-o: (rel.) quaker. — DEFIRS
qual-a: what (= what sort of, of what kind, what quality; indicating
quala esas la vetero: what sort of weather is it?; quala viro il
esas?: what kind of a man is he?;
quala vento!: what a wind!; quala genio!: what genius!; quale:
how; (in comparison) as, like;
quale se: as though, as if; quale (od, qual-maniere) il
facas ol?: how did he do it?;
quale standas la malada infanti?: how are the sick children?; explikez
quale vu facis ol: explain how you did it;
quale vu standas?: how do you do?; se vu ne savas quale, ne facez ol:
if you do not know how, do not do it;
en ta loko, quale la texti dicas, erektesis franda monumento: in that
place, as the texts say, was erected a great monument;
Qual-eso: quality; the relative nature of something, good or bad; -eso
prima: first or prime quality;
-es-ala analizo: qualitative analysis. V. exp.: vid. kom. — DeFIS
quali-o: (orni.) quail (Tetrao coturnix).
qualifik-ar: (tr.) to qualify: to ascribe the quality of; (gram.)
to express a quality; to style, term;
-o: qualification: attribution of a quality or title; -anta:
-ilo: (gram.) a qualificative; -anto: (R.C. rel.) a
qualificator. Def.: Expresar la qualeso di, atribuar qualeso ad ulu, ulo. Ex.:
L’adjektivo qualifikas la nomo. Qualifikar ulu kom fripono. La verko esas
qualifikita kom herezioza. — DEFIS
quankam: (conj.) although, though. Ex.: Il esas jeneroza, quankam
il ne esas richa. Quankam il esas mea amiko. — L
quant-a, -e: (of quantity, price) how much (ex.: quanta multo
(od quanto) de ta stofo:
quante to kustas?); (of numbers) how many (ex.: quanta homi
mortis?) (of time) how long (ex.:
dum quanta tempo il restis); quanta-foye: how many times; -e
pok-a, -e: how little, how few;
-e granda: how great, how big; -o: (concrete) quantity;
-eso: (an abstract) quantity (as in math., physics, music, etc.);
-esi imaginara: imaginary quantities;
-esma dio di la monato: which day of the month; -es-ala:
quantitative (analysis, etc.);
quanto esas du plus tri?: how much is two plus three?; quanton
(od, quante vu evas?): how old are you?;
segun quante: in the measure as, as in so far as; quante min me
manjas, tante min me drinkas:
the less I eat, the less I drink; quante plu la homi posedas, tante plu li
volas posedar:
the more a man has, the more (or, so much the more) he wants. — DeFIS
quar: four; -opl-a, -o: quadruple, four-fold; -opl-igar: to
-opa: quaternate, disposed by fours; -a-dek: forty;
-a-dek-esma: (ordinal) fortieth;
-a-dek-imo: (fraction) a fortieth; quar-pec-igar: to divide
(ulo) into four pieces; (for other derivative forms, cf.
du). — eFIS
quaranten-o: quarantine; impozar -o ad ulu: to q. (ulu). —
quarc-o: (min.) quartz. — DEFIRS
quart-o: (mus.) fourth; (fencing) quarte; (piquet)
quart; (nav.) a four (or two) hour watch;
quart-esar: to be on watch; prenar la -o: to take the watch. —
quartan-a: quartan: occurring every fourth day; -a febro: q.
fever. — DEFIS
quarter-o: quarter, district, ward, section of a city. — DEFIRS
quartermastr-o: (milit.) quartermaster, one who provides quarters,
provisions, etc.; (nav.) quartermaster, a petty officer rating. — DEFIRS
quarteron-a, -(ul)o: quadroon. Def.: Genitito da blanko e da mulato;
V-25. — DeFIRS
quartet-o: (mus.) quartet. — DEFIRS
quartik-o*: (math.) quartic. — EFIS
quasi-o (-kortico): (pharm.) quassia; -iero: (bot.)
q. tree (Quassia amara). — DEFIS
quaternar-a: (math., geol.) quaternary. — DEFIS
quaternion-o: (math.) quaternion. — DEFIS
quatren-o: quatrain. Def.: Poemeto di quar versi; III-143. — DEFIS
quaz-e, -a: as it were, so to speak; (jur.) quasi; -a diftongo:
a quasi-diphthong. Def.: En ula grado simila, ma ne tote tala; III-153. V. exp.:
Quaze indikas nur semblo o simileso e ke esas poka difero inter du
Preske indikas stando o grado proxima e esas termino di mezuro indikanta
proximeso, kurta disto, tempo, grado. Ex.:
quaze nigra; preske parfinita; il esis preske mortinta (il
esis tre grave malada, vindita, e.c.); il esis
quaze mortinta (il esis senmova, o simulis mortinto, ma esis forsan tote
sana). — DEFIS
quaze-delikt-o: (jur.) injury caused involuntarily.
quaze-kontrat-o: (jur.) quasi-contract, implied contract.
quech-o*: damson (plum); (Prunus domestica); -iero: d. tree.
quer-ar: (tr.) to fetch; -igar: to casue (ulu) to
fetch (ulu, ulo);
-igez la mediko: send for the doctor. Ex.: Irar por querar ulu, ulo.
Sendar ulu por querar ulu, ulo. Venar por querar ulu, ulo. — FL
quercitron-o: (bot.) quercitron, dyer’s oak (Quercus tinctoria). —
querk-o: oak-tree (genus: Quercus); (cf. rovro); -o-ligna
tablo: oaken table;
-o sempre-verda: evergreen oak, holm oak (Quercus Ilex). — L
quest-ar: (tr.) to collect (money, after solicitation), to make a
-(ad)o: collection, gathering (of money); offertory. Def.: Solicitar e
recevar pekunio quale por karitatala od altra skopo (kp. IV-414). — FI
question-ar, -adar: (tr., intr.) to question, ask questions of,
interrogate (ulu, pri ulo);
-o, -ado: query, question(ing), interrogation; (fig.) problem;
-aro: set of questions (as for an examination, etc.);
-ala, -iva: interrogative; -ema: inquisitive; -punto: q.
point. V. exp.: vid.
demandar, inquestar. — EFIS
questor-o: (Rom. antiq.) quæstor, questor. — DEFIRS
qui: see qua.
quiet-a: (mental condition) quiet, peaceful, tranquil (cf.
-eso: quietude, quietness, calmness; -igar: to tranquilize,
comfort, calm, reassure, quiet down (ulu);
-eskar: to become quiet, calm; -ismo: quietism: a theological
-ig-anta: reassuring, comforting; ne- -a: uneasy (cf. anxi-oza).
V. exp.: vid.
kalma. — EFIS
quik: (adv.; of time) immediately, at once, directly, forthwith
(N.B. not the E. «quick»; cf. rapide, balde, subite);
-a: done or happening at once, instantaneous, immediate; quik pos vua
departo: immediately after your departure;
irez quik: go immediately; me quik manjis ol: I ate it at once;
quika halto: quick (immediate) stop;
quika kompren-ebleso: immediate understanding; quik kande: as soon
as (lit.: immediately when). Def.: Ye la sama instanto; exakte ye sam-tempo. — e
quin: see qua.
quin-o: quinquina, cinchona, Peruvian bark; (cf. quinino);
-iero: cinchona tree (Cinchona). — DeFIRS
quinar-a*: quinary, consisting of five. — DEFIS
quing-o: (fruit) quince; -iero: q. tree (Cydonia vulgaris).
quinin-o: (chem.) quinine, quinia. Def.: Alkaloido extrakta di
quino. — DEFIRS
quinkunc-o: quincunx. Def.: Kinopa dispozo di kozi (un en omna angulo e
un meze di quadrato). — DEFI
quinquagezim-o*: Quinquagesima (Sunday). — DEFIS
quint-o: (mus.) quint: interval of five consecutive notes; (fig.)
a tenor violin; (piquet) quint, a sequence of five cards; (fencing)
quinte, fifth guard. — DeFIRS
quintal-o (metr-ala): quintal: 100 kg (about 200 lbs.). — eFIS
quintan-a* (febro): quintana, five-day fever.
quintesenc-o: (lit. and fig.) quintessence, essential thing, pith
(of a matter). — DEFIRS
quintet-o*: (mus.) quintet. — DEFIS
quintik-o*: (math.) quintic. — EFIS
quintilion-o: quintillion (1,000,0005).
quiproqu-o: quid pro quo, mistake, blunder. Def.: Intermixo di du personi
o kozi; V-25. — DeFIS
quirit-o: quirite, a citizen of ancient Rome in his civil capacity. —
quirl-ar: (tr.) to twirl, querl; turn or wind (ulo) around.
V. exp.: Agitar liquido, ex. kremo, per quirl-ilo. — De
quit-a: quit(s), clear; rid, free (de, pre ulo); discharged (from
debt); -igar: to receipt (a bill, etc.); to give a receipt to (ulu);
to pay off, clear up; -igo: receipt; quittance, discharge (from debt);
-esar ye ulu: to be quits with someone, to owe one nothing; -igo o
du-opl-igo: (to play) quits of double;
-a reciproke: (to be) mutually quits; il quit-igis la recevo di mea
letro: he acknowledged the receipt of my letter. — DEFS
quo: see qua.
quocient-o: (arith.) quotient. — DEFIS
quodlibet-o: pun, quibble, sorry joke, jest. — F
quot-o: quota, portion, share, contribution. Def.: Parto quan on devas
pagar o recevar, en repartiso di ula sumo totala. — DEFIS