Ido-Angla vortaro: R
rabat-ar: (tr.) to make a
reduction in (value or price); (cf. diskontar); -o:
reduction, diminution, rebate, abatement (in price); -e
vendar: to sell at a reduced price; -e komprar: to buy
at a discount; esas granda rabato en la preco di ca vari:
there is a great reduction in the price of these goods. Def.:
Rabato: diminuto di preco grantita da la vendisto a la kompranto.
rabi-o: rabies, canine madness (cf. hidrofobio); -ala:
relating to rabies; -ika, -iko: rabid (person or animal).
rabin-o: (Jewish) rabbi, rabbin; -ala: rabbinical; -ismo:
rabbinism; -isto: rabbinist, one who adheres to the
tradition of the rabbins. DEFIRS
rabot-o: (carp.) plane; -agar: (tr.) to
plane; -o-spano: shaving; -mashino: a planer; listel-
-o: rabbet plane. F
racem-o*: (bot.) raceme. DEFIS
racion-o: (faculty) reason, power of understanding,
intellect; (cf. motivo, expliko, kauzo, rezonar); -ala:
rational (act, thing); -oza: rational (person); -al-eso:
rationality; -al-ismo: rationalism; -al-isto:
rationalist; evo di -o: age of reason; des-, ne-, sen-,
kontre-racion-a: unreasonable, irrational. Def.: La fakultato
per qua on konocas e judikas. DEFIRS
rad-o: (nav.) roads, roadstead; en-irar (la) -o:
to go into the road. DFIRS
radi-ar: (tr., intr.) to radiate, irradiate: to emit
rays or beams; -o: ray, beam, gleam; (geom.)
radius; (of a wheel) spoke; (ich.) ray, skate; -ado:
radiation, radiance; -anta, -oza: beaming, radiant,
radiated; -ozo: (zool.) radiary (pl.)
radiata; -ala: radial; -izar: to cover (ulo)
with rays; sun- -i: sun rays; kalor- -o: ray of
heat; (fig.) lua vizajo radias (pro) joyo: his
countenance beams with joy. Ex.: Lumo radias. Radiar kaloro. La
radii di Roentgen; La suno radiizas la agri, t.e. kovras li per
sua radii (o radiado). DEFIRS
radiator-o*: radiator (of heat); cooling apparatus. Def.:
Aparato destinita cedar kaloro a laero cirkondanta (quale
laparati, qui varmigas nia domi, e laparati,
qui koldigas laquo en la motori di automobilo);
radik-o: (of plants, etc., also gram., math.) root; (gram.)
root, stem, radix, radical, primitive word or syllable; (fig.)
beginning, origin; -ala: radical: relating to the root; -ifar:
to produce roots, take root (en); -izar: to plant:
fix (ulo) in earth by roots; -o-sproso: (bot.)
sucker, runner; -eto: (bot.) radicle; -alo: (math.
chem.) radical; -al(ul)o: (politics) radical:
an advocate of radicalism; -al-ismo: (polit.)
radicalism; kina radiko di mil: fifth root of a thousand (5&radic1000).
radiograf-ar: (tr.) to photograph (ulu, ulo) by
means of x-rays; -uro: (photo.) radiograph.
radiometr-o: (instr.) radiometer. EFIS
radioskop-ar: (tr.) to view an opaque object by means
of Röntgen rays; -(ad)o: radioscopy; -ilo:
radioscope; (cf. radiografar). EFIS
radio-telefon-ar: (tr.) to phone (ulo) by
wireless; -o, -uro: wireless telephoning, radiophone; -ilo:
a wireless telephone.
radio-telegraf-ar: (tr.) to telegraph (ulo) by
radio; -(ad)o, -uro: radio-telegraphing, radiogram; -ilo:
radio-telegraphic apparatus.
radium-o*: (chem.) radium. DEFIRS
radius-o: (anat.) radius (-bone). EFS
radot-ar: (intr.) to be in his (or her) dotage, to
talk drivel; nonsense; -eso: (state) dotage; -anto,
-ero, -emo: dotard, driveler. eF
rafan-o: (bot.) radish (Raphanus radicula); -eto:
radish (Raphanus sativus); -eyo: radish bed. I
rafin-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to refine (metal,
sugar, the taste, etc.); (cf. pur-igar; delikat-igar); -(ad)o,
-uro; -eso, -em-eso: refining; (result) refinement, nicety;
affectation of nicety (cf. sub-til-igo); -ito:
refined person: one who has a delicate taste, in art, literature;
-ita sukro: refined sugar; -anta, -iva: refining; -isto:
refiner; -eyo, -erio: refinery of sugar, oils, etc.
rafl-o: rape, grape-stalk. F
raft-o: raft, plank or log float; -o-ponto: a
bridge-raft; arbor- -o: a raft of trees. E
rag-o: tatter: cloth torn and hanging (cf. shifono); -izar:
to clothe (ulu) in rags, tatters; -oza, -iz-ita:
ragged, tattered; -oz-eso: raggedness. E
ragut-o: (cook.) ragout: a highly seasoned dish; a
stew; hash. DeFI
raitr-o: reiter: ancient German trooper. DEFIRS
rajunt-ar: (tr.) to overtake, catch up to. Def.:
Atinger ulu, ulo, sequinte lu kun plu granda rapideso; III-470.
Ex.: Il jus departis, ma me esperas balde rajuntar il. FIS
rak-ar: (tr.) to draw, rack off (wine, etc.) (fig.)
to extract, worm out (secrets, money, etc.) V. exp.: To ne esas trans-varsar
(varsar ek un vazo en altra per la suprajo), ma pasigar (liquido)
de un vazo en altra, cherpante sube (per robineto o sifono);
III-77. E
rakahut-o: racahaut: an Arabian food. DEFIRS
raket-o: racket (as for tennis). DEFIRS
rakit-o: (med.) rachitis, rickets; -iko, -ika:
(person) suffering from r. DEFIRS
rakont-ar: (tr.) to recount, tell (a made up story,
fiction, something which never happened, is not true); -o:
story, tale, fib, fiction, gossip; -o imaginala, fantazi-ala:
fantastic yarn, improbable story; old wifes tale; -anto,
-ero: story-teller; -achar: to tittle-tattle. V. exp.:
vid. naracar. eFI
ral-o: (orni.) rail (-bird) (Rallus). DEFI
rali-ar*: (tr., intr., milit. and fig.) to rally
(troops). Def.: Kunvenigar hazarde soldati dispersita, ne segun
individuala ordino; metafore signifikas adhero (plu or min
bonvoloza) a partiso, a persono, e.c.; V-742. DEF
ram-o: small bough, twig, small branch (of a tree); (fig.)
a subdivision or branch artery, vein; branch of family, etc.; -(et)oza:
branchy, ramous, ramified. DeFIS
rami-o: (bot.) ramie (Bhmeria); -o-stofo:
ramie fabric. DEFS
ramn-o: (bot.) buckthorn (genus: Rhamnus). IL
ramp-o: (upward) slope, gradient, incline, ramp. V.
exp.: vid. pento. Def
ran-o: frog; -larvo: tadpole. IS
ranc-a: rancid, rank; -eso: rancidity; -eskar:
to turn, become rancid; odorar rance: to smell rancid.
rang-o: row, file, tier, range; (degree, station)
rank, order; -izar: to place (ulo) in rows, put (uli)
in ranks; to class (persons, things) (cf. lok-izar); en
la sama -o: in the same row; sam-ranga: of the same
rank; alta-ranga: of high rank; recevar rango: (milit.)
to take rank. Def.: Ordino, aranjo di kozi sama o simila, personi
sur lineo o segun digneso o merito. Ex.: Rango di soldati.
Revolucioni konfuzas omna rangi. DEFR
rankor-ar: (intr.) to have a grudge, a ranco(u)r,
spite; to feel resentment, animosity (kontre ulu, pri, pro,
ulo). EFIS
ranson-o: ransom; postular -o: to demand a ransom (de,
po, ulu). Def.: Preco postulata po la liberigo di kaptito
(militala o ne); V-676. DEF
ranunkul-o: (bot.) buttercup (genus: Ranunculus).
ranur-o: groove: a long, square-cut, sunken channel in wood
or metal; (firearms) rifling; (cf. kanelo). FS
rap-o: (bot.) a variety of turnip (Brassica rapa
rapifera). FIR
rapec-ar: (tr., of clothing) to piece, put a piece in,
patch; (of shoes) to cobble; (cf. reparar). FI
rapid-a: (in space and time) rapid, swift, quick,
prompt, fleet, speedy, fast (cf. ajila, hast-ema, alert); -eso:
quickness, celerity, rapidity, velocity; -ajo: a rapid (in
a river); -a treno, rapido: a fast train, express; -ag-ema:
expeditious. Ant.: lenta. DEFIS
rapier-o: rapier, long, straight sword. DEFR
raport-ar: (tr.) to make a report on, to report (ulo,
ad ulu); -o: report; (fig. math.) ratio,
relation; -anto, -ero, -isto: reporter. Def.: Facar
raporto, t.e., plu o min longa naraco o deskripto pri kozo od
evento, specale a chefo od autoritato kompetenta, od a societo,
kongreso, quan o devas o volas informar; VI-79; matematikala raporto
equivalas fraciono, kp. relatar. Ex.: Historio reportas
remarkinda fakti. Komercala raporti; La raportisto raportas la
novaji od facas raporto pri ula proceso. La reporto di 2 ad 3
esas la fraciono 2/3. DEFIRS
rapsod-o: (antiq.) rhapsodist: reciter of poems.
rapsodi-o: rhapsody: poem recited by a rhapsodist; (fig.)
rambling composition. DEFIRS
rapt-ar: (tr.) to sieze and carry away by violence,
pillage, kidnap, ravish; -o: rapine, pillage, kidnapping,
highway robbery; -anto, -ero, -isto: robber, brigand,
bandit, highwayman; -ajo: booty, plunder; -ema:
rapacious; -em-eso: rapacity (cf. avideso); -ocido:
murder (attended) with robbery. V. exp.: vid. furtar,
extorsar. FIS
rar-a: rare, seldom occuring, not frequent, infrequent,
unusual; (cf. skarsa); -e: rarely, seldom, not
often; -ega: very rare; -eso: rareness; -ajo:
a rarity, curiosity. Def.: Des-ofta, des-frequa; V-595.
Ant.: ofta, frequa, cf. skarsa. DEFIS
ras-o: (human, animal) race, stock, breed; (fig.)
family, line, ancestry, blood; (agri.) variety; -ala:
ethnic; (la) -i futura: future races, generations. Def.:
Ensemblo di la ancestri e decendanti di una familio, di un
populo. Ex.: La raso di Abraham. Homala raso. Di pura raso. Hundo
chasas segun sua raso. DEFIRS
raskal-o: rascal, rogue, knave, scamp, blackguard; -ala,
-atra: rascally, scoundrelly; -eso: (quality)
knavery; -ajo: (act.) knavish trick, rascality; -aro:
rabble, riffraff (cf. populacho). E
rasp-ar: (tr.) to rasp, grate; -ilo: rasp,
grater; -uri: gratings; -o-bruiso: a rasping noise;
-ita pano: grated bread, bread crumbs. DEFIRS
rast-ar: (tr.) to rake: clean (ulo) with a
rake; -ilo: a rake; -ilo-edo: a rakeful. FIS
rastaquer-o*: a foreigner or stranger travelling without
known means of existence; a fashionably dressed swindler.
rastelier-o: rack, wooden frame of open work, as for
fodder, for arms, etc. FIS
rat-o: rat; -chas-anta, -era: rat-hunting; -kapt-ilo:
rat-trap; -veneno: rat poison. DEFIS
ratifi-o: (liquor) ratafia. DEFIS
ratifik-ar: (tr.) to ratify, confirm (a treaty, an
act, etc.). Def.: Autentigar ulo ja facita o promisita.
raten-o: (fabric) rat(t)een. DEFIS
raton-o: (zool.) raccoon, coon (Procyon lotor).
rauk-a: hoarse, raucous, husky; -eso: hoarseness; -igar,
-eskar: to make, become hoarse. eFIS
raup-o: caterpillar. D
raut-o: rout, a fashionable assembly, a large evening
party. DeFR
ravelin-o: (fort.) ravelin, lunette. DeFIRS
ravin-o: ravine, gully; -izar: to gully out (by
torrent), to cross (a land) with ravines. Def.: Longa, profunda e
streta exkavuro formacita da torento. EF
ravis-ar: (tr.) to ravish: enrapture, charm; -o,
-eso: (act, state) transport, rapture; -anta, -iva:
ravishing, delightful, charming; -ante: admirably,
wonderfully well. Ex.: Vua kantado ravises me. Me esis en
raviseso (od, ravisata). Il kantas ravisante. EFI
ray-o: (ich.) ray, skate (genus: Raia). EFIS
raz-ar: (tr.) to shave (su, ulu); -ilo:
razor; -ilo-ledro: razor-strop; -ero, -isto:
barber. Def.: Tranchar raze la pili. DEFIS
re: (mus.) re, D, the second note of the diatonic
reakt-ar: (intr.) to react (ad, kontre); -o:
(all senses) reaction; -iva, -ema: reactive; -ivo:
(chem.) a reagent; -emo: (polit.)
reactionary. DEFIRS
real-a: real: actually existing, not imaginary, not
fictitious; -ajo, lo reala: a reality, what is real; -eso:
(quality) reality; -e: in reality, indeed; -igar:
to realize: make real, bring (ulo) into being; (fin.)
to convert into money; -eskar: to become or be realized;
be converted into money; (fig.) to come to pass; -ig-(ad)o,
-ig-uro: realization; -ig-ebla: realizeable; -ismo:
(philos., art) realism; -ism-ala, -ist-ala:
realistic; -isto: realist. Ant.: imagin-ala, -ita;
ne-vera, falsa. DEFIS
realgar-o: (min.) realgar. Def.: (Reda)
arsen-sulfo; IV-580. DEFRS
rebel-a: rebellious, refractory; -(ul)o: a rebel,
insurgent; -eskar, -esar: to rebel, rise in rebellion (cf.
revoltar); -esko, -eso: rebellion; -aro: (collect.)
rebels. Def.: Qua violente refuzas obediar autoritato yurizita.
Ex.: La rebela anjelo. Rebelo kontre rejo. Ant.: obedi-anta,
-ema. ? DEFIS
rebord-o: a raised edge; brim, rim; -izar: to put a
raised edge on (ulo). V. exp.: Flanjo existas nur
en tubi. Rebordo ne esas simpla bordo, ma bordo
salianta ofte perpendikla a la chefa parto (quale rebordo di
chapelo); IV-642. FIRS
rebus-o: rebus. DEFIR
recens-ar: (tr.) to review (a book). DeR
recent-a: recent; -e: recently, lately; tote -e:
very recent, new, fresh; til -e: until recently. Ex.:
Recenta eventi. Tote recenta memoro. Ant.: anciena. EFIS
recepcion-ar: (tr., tech.) to take over. V. exp.:
Examenar la qualesi di furnisajo e pose decidar pri lua
acepto o refuzo. VII-480.
recept-o: (med., cook) recipe, receipt (cf. preskripto).
Def.: Formulo qua indikas la kompozuro di ula medikamento o la
ingrediento di ulo. DEFIRS
receptakl-o*: (bot.) receptacle. EFS
recev-ar: (tr.) to receive, accept (something
offered, given, sent); -o: (act.) accepting,
receipt; -ajo: that which is received; la libro esas
recevebla de la imprimerio: the book is to be had from the
printers; -uyo: receptacle; -ilo: receiver (instr.);
-atesto: acknowledgement of receipt. V. Exp.: On recevas
simple to, quo donesis o sendesis, mem ne demandita o ne
expektata. On recevas donacajo, pensiono. On aceptas
kande on voluntas recevar (gasto, e.c.). Obtenar esas
recevar kozo, quan on deziras, demandas, por qua on konkursis
(premio) od irge penis; II-647. EFIS
recidiv-ar: (intr., jur.) to repeat the same
offence, to commit the same crime again; (med.) to
reappear (said of a former illness); -o: recidivism:
relapse into crime or illness, second offense; -anto, -into,
-ero: previously convicted felon, old offender. DeFI
recipient-o: (chem., phys.) recipient: receiving
vessel for gases or liquids. DEFIS
reciprok-a: (also log., gram.) reciprocal, mutual; -o:
(log.) converse: reciprocal proposition; -eso:
reciprocity, mutuality; agar -e: to return the like, to
give like for like (ad ulu). V. exp.: vid. mutuala.
recit-ar: (tr.) to recite: repeat out loud
something learned (a lesson, etc.) DEFIS
recitativ-o: (mus.) recitative: sort of a musical
declamation used in operas, etc. DEFIRS
red-a: red (colo(u)red); -o, -a koloro: red (the
color); blush; -eso: redness; -igar, -izar: to make
red (ulu, ulo); to cause to blush; -atra: reddish,
ruddy; -vanga: red-cheeked, rubicund; (la) red-i: (fig.)
the reds, republicans, socialists. E
redakt-ar: (tr.) to draw up, word (a document); to
edit (a newspaper, journal) (cf. edit-ar); -(ad)o,
-uro: drawing up (deeds, etc.); editing periodicals;
redaction; -eso: manner , style of wording, editing; -anto,
-ero, -isto: writer (of a deed); editor; -ist-ala artiklo:
an editorial. DeFIRS
redan-o*: (fort.) redan. DEF
redemt-ar: (tr.) to redeem. EFIS
redingot-o: frock coat: double-breasted garment for men,
with long skirts before and behind. DF
red-kaud-o: (orni.) redstart, red-tail (Rubicilla
red-pektor-o: (orni.) robin redbreast (Erithacus
reduit-o: (fort.) reduit, inner fortification; (fig.)
retreat, refuge. Def.: La senco vulgara e la senco militala esas
identa: «loko, angulo en qua on povas retretar, refujar, celar
su»; IV-706. DeFIRS
redukt-ar: (tr., intr.; also surg., math.) to
reduce (to proper, suitable proportions; cf. diminutar); (jur.)
to commute (a sentence); -ebla: reducible. Ex.: Reduktar
(la dimensioni di) mapo, tablo. Reduktar ulu a taco. Reduktar ulo
a pulvero. Reduktar frumento a farino. Reduktar rupturo. Reduktar
du fracioni a la sama denominatoro. DEFIRS
redut-o: (fort.) redoubt. DEFS
ref-o: reef (in a sail); -agar: to reef; des-ref-agar:
to let out the reefs in (a sail). DER
refer-ar: (tr., intr.) to refer (to): to direct,
send to another; to attribute, ascribe; -o: reference; -o-libro:
book of reference. Ex.: Me referas lafero a vu. Me referas
Sro. A. a Sro. B. Me referas mea debileso a la morbo. Ica komizo
havas bona referi. On referas ad autoro o libro, e.c. kande on
indikas la loko, en qua on trovos ulo aludata o bezonata (k.p. citar).
V. exp.: Referar, verbo transitiva, havas senco vicina a relat-igar,
ma plu preciza. Ol signifikas: establisar relato logikala od
intelektala inter un kozo ed altra, qua esas exemple lua kauzo,
origino, expliko, e.c. Exemple, on referas la marei a la
luno; on referas monumento a lua epoko, autoro, stilo. Per
extenso di ta senco, on referas su a persono, qua
povas atestar o garantiar ulo, ad autoritato, qua povas konfirmar
aserto o protektar ulu; VI-79. DEFIRS
referendari-o: referendary, (in France) a former
title of certain public officers; (in Germany) young
barrister attending the courts and qualifying for the post of
«Assessor»; -a konsil-isto: (France) a magistrate
in audit office.
reflekt-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to reflect (back),
mirror back (ulo); to turn something back; (intr., fig.
mental sense) to reflect, consider, meditate especially on
something past (pri): -esar: to be reflected (en,
sur); -ita: reflected (of objects); -anta:
reflecting; -iva: (gram.) reflective verb etc.; -ema:
(fig.) reflective, meditative, thoughtful; -ilo:
reflector (cf. reflektoro); -angulo: angle of
relexion; sen- -a: (of character) thoughtless,
giddy, heedless. Ex.: Speguli reflektas la imaji di objekti.
Reflektez ante ke vu agos. Il reflektis pri sua pasinta peki.
Agar senreflekte. DEFIRS
reflektor-o*: reflector. Also reflecting telescope.
reflex-a, -o: (physiol.) reflex. DEFIRS
reflux-ar: (intr.) to ebb (of tides); -o:
ebb, reflux. Ant. fluxar. eFIS
reform-ar: (tr.) to reform: amend for the better
(laws, customs, morals, etc.); -o: (also church hist.)
reform(ing); reformation; -ema, -emo; -ista, isto:
reformer, reformist; -ita: reformed (person, church,
etc.); -ito: a reformed person; (fig.) a
protestant; -ebla: reformable. DEFIRS
refrakt-ar: (tr., phys.) to refract; -esar:
to be refracted; -iv-eso: refractive power; -ebla:
refrangible. Ex.: La prismato refraktas la lumo-radii.
refraktar-a: (of substances) refractory, not easily
melted, wrought or acted upon; -(ul)o: a refractory
person, contumacious person; (milit.) rebellious
recruit (who refuses to join his regiment). DEFIRS
refraktor-o*: refractor. Also refracting telescope.
refren-o: refrain, burden of a song; (fig.)
constant theme, topic.
refuj-ar: (intr.) to take refuge, seek shelter (che
ulu, ad ulo). (fig.) to have recourse (to); -eyo:
place of refuge; lair (of beasts); -trotuaro: a place of
reuge (for pedestrians); -anto, -into: refugee.
refut-ar: (tr.) to refute, confute, disprove. Def.:
Kombatar aserto od opiniono per argumenti, qui nuligas ol o qui
pruvas la kontreajo. (En proceso, en diskuto, singla partiso
penas refutar la aserto o pretendo di laltra); III-222.
refuz-ar: (tr.) to decline, refuse; -o:
refusal; -ajo: what is refused. V. exp.: Vu refuzas,
sive kozo quan on ofras a vu, sive kozo, quan on demandas de vu,
sive irga propozo quan on facas a vu. Do refuzar = ne
aceptar, o ne koncesar (ne volar donar), o ne admisar, o ne
konsentar; III-222. EFIS
regal-ar: (tr., also fig.) to regale, treat,
entertain, feast; il regalis sua amiki: he entertained his
friends; il regalas ni per charmanta rakonto: he told us
(treated us with) a charming tale (to amuse us). DEFS
regali-o: «regale»: royal prerogative. DeFIRS
regard-ar: (tr.) to pay regard to: to look at
something attentively, cast the eye on; -eskar, -etar: to
glance at; -o, -ado: look(ing), gaze, stare, Ex.: Regardar
la homi pasanta. El lansis regardi furioza. Regardar super muro.
La regardi expresas la pensi. V. exp.: Vidar esas nur
perceptar ulo per lokulo, vole o nevole. Regardar
esas esforcar por vidar, implikas sempre intenco ed atenco, mem
se on fakte ne sucesas vidar: ofte on dicas: «me regardas, e me
vidas nulo»; V-35; kp. spektar, kontemplar. EFI
regat-o: regatta, boat-race. DEFIRS
regener-ar: (tr.) to regenerate: to generate anew; (theol.)
to make to be born again; (fig.) to reform, amend. Ex.: La
sapto regeneras la aboro-tisui. Bapto esas regenero. Regenerar
naciono dekadanta. DEFIRS
regent-o: regent; -eso: regency. DEFIRS
regi-o: regie, direct administration, management of
government properties (as opposed to contract administration),
esp. the excise administration; a government monopoly.
regiment-o: (milit.) regiment. DEFIRS
region-o: (all senses) region, part of a country,
of space, of the body, of a science; -ala: regional.
registr-o: register, record (of persons); account (of acts
and proceedings); (com.) account book; -agar: (tr.)
to register, record; -ag-(ad)o: registration; -eyo:
registration office; -isto: registrar; en- -igar:
to keep a register of, make a record of, enrol. DEFIRS
regn-ar: (tr., intr.) to reign: to rule as king or
sovereign, to hold sway over (ulu, ulo); -o: reign;
(nat. hist.) kingdom; -anta: reigning; -ato:
a subject; animal- -o: animal kingdom. Ex.: Louis XIV
regnis la lando de 1643 ad 1715. (fig.) La regno di
yusteso, di ula modo. La teroro regnis. V. exp.: La rejo di
Anglia regnis ma ne guvernas. DEFIS
regol-o: (orni.) wren (Troglodytides parvulus).
regolis-o: (bot.) liquorice, licorice; -pasto:
l. paste; -aquo: l. water. IS
regres-ar: (intr.) to regress, recede; to recoil; -(ad)o:
regression, retro-gression; -anta, -iva, -ema: (lit.
and fig.) regressive, retrograde. Ant.: avancar. EFIRS
regret-ar: (tr.) to regret, be sorry about (ulu,
ulo); -inda: regrettable. Ex.: Regretar la pekunio
spensita, amiko mortinta. EF
regul-ar: (tr., tech. and fig.) to regulate
(machines, clocks, etc.); -o: rule (to follow; cf. normo);
-ado: regulating; -aro: rules (collect.); -ala:
relating to regulating; -oza: regular: conformed to rule
or law, uniform, constant; -oz-eso: regularity; -oz-igar:
to regularize, make regular, put in order, set right; -anta,
-iva: regulating, regulative; -oze: regularly; -izar:
to make, establish regulations for, impose regulations on; -iz-uro:
regulation (prescribed); -iero: (rel.) regular, a
monk; -ier-eskar: to become a monk, nun; -ier-ino:
nun. Ex. Segun la regulo. Konformigar su a la reguli. La regulado
di la posh-horlojo. Regular su segun ulu. Regulizar itinerario.
Regul-oz-igar nia aferi, nia dokumenti. On preskriptas regulizuri
por soldati, por karceri. V. exp.: On regulas mashino,
fixigante lua repideso o lua povo ad ula valoro konstanta. Regular
ne esas ajustar. On ajustas peci, on regulas
fenomeno. On regulas horlojo, ajustante lua
pendulo. V-67. DEFIRS
regulator-o*: (mechan.) regulator, governor. Def.:
Ula parto di mashino qua regulas la movado. DEFIS
rehabilit-ar: (tr.) to rehabilitate, reinstate; -o:
rehabilitation, vindication. Def.: Riestablisar en lua olima
stando, partikulare en yuri. Ex.: Rehabilitar la memoro di
kondamnito. Rehabilitar ulu ad lua olima rango, ulu en
lestimo di la populo. DEFIRS
rein-o: (bridle-) rein. EFIS
rej-(ul)o: (also cards and chess) sovereign king; -ala:
regal, royal; -ido: royal prince; -princ-ulo: crown
prince; -eso: royalty: state of being king, kingship; -ino:
queen; -io, -lando, -stato: kingdom; -ocido;
-ocid-anto, -into: (act, person) regicide; -ala
aquo: aqua regia, nitro-hydrochloric acid. eFIS
rejim-o: (polit. social, medic.) regime, regimen;
mode or system of rule or management. Def.: Senco politikala:
formo o maniero di guvernado. Senco teknikala: maniero plu o min
reguloza segun qua ula fenomeno (duranta) eventas. Senco
medicinala: maniero (metodoza) di vivar e di nutrar su (to ne
esas dieto, nek higieno); IV-580. Ex.: Anciena
rejimo. Monarkiala rejimo. Rejimo di karceri. DEFIRS
rekalk-ar: (tr., tech.) to upset (metals); to ram
(a gun); -(ad)o: compression (endways); -ilo:
rammer (of a firearm). Def.: Facar preso sur materio
cilindroforma (liquida o solida) sur un de lua bazi en la sinso
di laxo, tale ke on kurtigas ol; IV-581. IS
rekam-ar: (tr.) to figure or work a fabric with
gold, silver, silk, etc.; -ita per oro: gold-figured,
-worked. IS
rekapitul-ar: (tr.) to recapitulate; sum up the
principal points. Def.: Rezumar, kurte repetar o rimemorigar per
enumero preciza e kompleta di omna punti, parti, o chapitri;
reklam-ar: (tr., intr.) to advertise (loudly), to
boom; (cf. avertar); -(ad)o: advertisement, puffing
up. DFRS
reklamac-ar: (tr.) to (re-)claim, put in a claim
for (compensation, a reward, what is due, ones rights,
etc.) (cf. postular); -o: claim, (jur.)
complaint; -anto: claimant. Ex.: Reklamacar objekti
pruntita o perdita. Reklamacar sumo debata, salario, honorario
(cf. III-409). DF
rekolec-ar: (rel.) to commune with ones own
heart, to turn ones mind from earthly affairs and piously
meditate; -o: self-communing, pious meditation; -anta:
wrapped in pious meditation. FIS
rekoli-ar: (tr.) to gather in, in order to save
from loss. Def.: Prenar o gardar ulo od ulu abandonita, perdita o
falinta; VI-115. Ex.: Rekoliar fragmenti de la naufrajo. Rekoliar
la perdita infanti. F
rekolt-ar: (tr., also fig.) to harvest, reap, get in
(crops), gather in (the fruits of the earth); -(ad)o:
harvesting, reaping; -ajo: harvest, crop, vintage.
rekomend-ar: (tr.) to recommend (ulu, ulo, ad
ulu) (cf. konsilar, exhortar); -o: (act)
recommendation; -inda: worthy of r.; -o-letro:
letter of r. DEFIRS
rekompens-ar: (tr.) to recompense, reward, require,
remunerate (ulu, per ulo). EFIRS
rekord-o: record (in sports). Def.: Sportala prodajo,
oficale konstatita, e qua ecelas super omna agi di sama genero
entee facita. DEFR
rekort-ar: (tr.) to cut, clip; curtail, (the
outside, the edge, the end), to pare, crop, prune, lop (the
nails, a garment, a coin) (cf. tondar); -(ad)o, -uro:
clipping, paring. Def.: Detranchar la bordo, la extremajo di ulo.
rekrut-ar: (tr., milit. and fig.) to recruit,
enlist (ulu, ad); -ar su: to enlist; -ito: a
recruit; -achar: to entice (ulu) into enlisting, to
crimp. DEFIRS
rekt-a: (geom.) straight; not crooked or curved;
upright, plumb, erect; -e: in a straight line;-o: a
straight line; -eso: straightness, directness;
uprightness; -igar: straighten, align, lay out in line; (milit.)
to dress the ranks. Ex.: Stacar rekte. Irar segun rekto. Rekta
kolumo. Rektigar la trupi. V. exp.: vid. direta, erektar.
Ant.: kurva, tord-ita, sinu-oza. DEFIS
rektangul-o: rectangle; -a, -atra: rectangular.
rektifik-ar: (tr., chem, and fig.) to rectify
(spirits, errors, etc.). Def.: Purigar per distilado; igar
exakta; korekt-igar. DEFIRS
rektor-o: rector: headmaster of an acedemy, of a
university, of a Jesuit college; (cf. paroko).
rektum-o*: (anat.) rectum. EFS
rekuper-ar: to recover, regain, retrieve, get back the
possession or use of, to recoup; -o: recovery, regaining,
recuperation; -ebla: (also fin.) recoverable. Def.
Ri-aquirar, ri-posedar ulo. ex.: Rekuperar kaloro, sua havaji,
spensi, forteso, parol-povo, vid-povo, bon-san-eso. DeFIS
rekurent-a*: (anat., math.) recurrent (cf. ri-apar-anta).
rekurs-ar: (intr.) to have recourse to (ad ulu,
ulo), to appeal, to resort (ad); -o: recourse;
application for assistance or protection; resort (to a source of
aid); -o ad indulgo: petition for pardon; -ar a la
klementeso di la rejo: to solicit the clemency of the
sovereign; -o a kasaco: petition or lodgement of appeal; lakrimi
esis elua nura rekurso: tears were her only recourse. Def.:
Demandar la helpo, la sokurso. Ex.: On rekursas a helpo, a
helpanto, a moyeno, a metodo, a procedo. DEFIS
rekuz-ar: (tr., jur. and fig.) to challenge (a
witness, juror); to take exception to (testimony, statements); -ar
su: (of judges, jurors) to decline judging or voting,
to beg to be excused; -o: challenge, exception, denial; -ebla:
exceptionable, challengeable, doubtful. V. exp.: Rekuzar
esas teknikal termino di la yurocienco; on rekuzas
judikanto o testo (t.e. on ne aceptas lu, ed on exkluzas lu), en
ula kondicioni determinita da la legi, ex. kande la senpartiseso
di la judikanto o testo esas suspektebla (pro lua relati kun la
judikoti, pro lua personal interesti, e.c.). Judikanto povas rekuzar
su ipsa spontane pro simila motivi, to esas, refuzas funcionar.
Komprenebla, ca vorto povas uzesar kun metafora senco en la
komuna vivo; III-222. FIS
rel-o: (railway-) rail; -voyo: railroad.
relat-ar: (tr., intr.) to have reference to, stand
in some relation to, to be related, to relate to; (of persons)
to be connected (by business, etc.; N.B. not family; cf. parenta);
-o: relation (di ulo ad ulo, ulu kun ulu); -e:
relatively, comparatively (not absolutely); in reference to, with
regard; -anta, -iva: pertaining, relating to; relative to;
(jur.) appertaining to; -iv-eso: relativity; -igar:
to put (ulu, ulo) into relation or connection (ad, kun
ulu, ulo); -ata: correlative. Ex.: «A relatas B»
signifikas ke existas «relato» inter A e B. On povas anke
«relatigar» A ad (od, kun) B. V. exp.: Relato (matematikala
senco): On povas dicar 2 relatas 3, quale 4 relatas 6, od on
darfas parolar pri «relato» di 2 a 3. La nociono relato
esas multe plu general ed ampla kam la nociono raporto. On
bezonas sempre parolar pri relati inter diversa grandaji, e ca
relati esas tante generala, ke ne omni povas expresesar per
equacioni. La relato di a ad b povas esar
irga funciono; la reporto di a ad b esas
simple e nur la fraciono a/b; VI-296. DEFIRS
relay-o: (also elec., teleg.) relay, fresh supply
of horses, etc. DEFIRS
releg-ar: (tr., pr. and fig.) to relegate, send
off, shut up, consign, seclude (ulu, ulo) in a fixed
place; -o, -eso: regulation, banishment. Def.: Enternar en
loko determinita. Ex.: Relegar recidivinto ad kolonio. Relegar
ulu a chambro, portreto ad kelero, ulu ad ruro. V. exp.: vid. exilar.
relev-ar: (tr.) to survey, map out, make a plan of;
(nav.) take a bearing of (coasts, shores). FIS
relief-o: (paint., sculp., arts) relief, relievo,
embossment; -a mapo: map in r.; -o alta, basa:
high-, base r.; -izar: to emboss (paper, etc.).
religi-o: religion; -ala: religious (war, etc.); -oza:
religious (person); -oz-eso: religiousness; -ano:
believer in a religion; faithful, true believer. DEFIRS
reliqui-o: relic (of saints, etc.); (pl.) mortal
remains, relics; -uyo, -kesto: reliquary. DEFIS
rem-ar, -adar: (tr., intr.) to row, pull on an oar;
-ilo: oar; -batelo: rowboat. FIS
remark-ar: (tr.) to remark, to notice, observe; -igar:
to cause (ulu) to remark, to attract notice to; (fig.)
to state, to say; -o: notice, observation; -inda:
worthy of note, remarkable, curious, notable; -ar la beleso di
ulo: to notice the beauty of something; elua beleso
remark-igis su da me: her beauty attracted my attention; -ar
ulu en turbo: to observe someone in a crowd; facar remarki
pri: pass remarks upon; me remark-igis, ke pluvas: I
remarked (pointed out) that it was raining. (cf. VII-206-7); remark-inda
evento: a remarkable event; verko plena de remarki: a
work full of comments. V. exp.: turnar o portar sua atenco sur
ulo od ulu. M. XI-226. EF
remedi-ar: (tr.) to remedy (a disease, a sickness);
(fig.) to redress, repair, set to rights; -ilo: a
remedy, cure, specific; -ebla: remediable (disease); (fig.)
remediar malajo: to remedy an evil; -ilo plu mala kam
la morbo: a remedy worse than the disease; tempo remedias
omno: time is a cure for all things. Def.: Supresar, cesigar
la maladeso; V-157. V.exp.:Remedi-ilo esas kurac-ivo.
Medikamento esas nur ulo donata por kuracar. Quankam morbo
esas ne-remedi-ebla, ni ankore aplikas medikamenti.
On ri-san-igas malado, e remedias maladeso. EFIS
reminic-ar*: (tr.) to reproduce or imitate
(consciously or not) from memory some literary or musical piece.
V. exp.: Reminico ne esas simpla rimemoro: o esas rimemoro di ula
literatural o muzikal peco, quan on imitas nevole o nekoncie: to
esas esence imito o kopio di artala verko en altra, do tote altra
kozo kam la simpla memoro, qua esas nur la kauzo od okaziono di
la reminico. On povas havar rimemoro sen pro to facar reminico;
remis-ar: (tr.) to remit (debts, sins, etc.); (med.)
to abate (symptoms); -o: remission; diminution (of a
disease); -ebla: remissable: that may be remitted or
forgiven, pardonable; -anta febro: remittent fever. Def.:
(senco ordinara) Dispensar ulu de (parto di) debajo, puniso,
peki, e.c.; (senco medikala) Ceso o diminuto (tempala) di la
simptomi di maladeso; IV-605, VI-210. EFIS
remonstr-ar: (intr.) to remonstrate. Def.: Expozar
polite (mem a superioro) la nejusteso di la ago; V-25. Ex.: En
lanciena monarkio, la parlamenti havis la yuro facar
remonstri al rejo . . . qua generale ne egardis oli. DEFI
remont-o: (milit.) remount(ing): purchase or supply
of fresh horses; -eyo, -erio: remounting depot.
remor-o*: (ich.) remora, sucker-fish (Echeneidis
remork-ar: (tr., nav. and gen.) to tow, take in
tow, tug, haul, drag (a boat, a movable object; cf. tuvar);
-o: towing; -o-kablo: tow-rope; -o-batelo,
-navo: towing-vessel, tow-boat, tug; -veturo: (hand)
street-cart (as for selling fruit, etc.). FIS
remors-ar: (intr.) to feel remorse (pri).
rempar-o: rampart, bulwark; (fig.) any means of
defence. EF
remplas-ar: (tr., intr.) to replace: take the place
of, be in the place of (ulu, ulo); -igar: to
replace (ulu da ulu, ulo per ulo); -o, -igo:
replacing, replacement; -anto: substitute: one who
replaces another; -(ig)ebla: replaceable. Ex.: Il
remplasis me dum mea absenteso. On remplasigas la patro da la
filio. Remplasigar la anciena moblaro per nova. V. exp.: vid. substitucar,
remulad-o: (cook.) remo(u)lade, a French salad
dressing somewhat resembling mayonnaise. DeF
ren-o: (anat.) kidney; -ala: renal. eFIS
rendevu-o: rendezvous: a meeting appointed, appointment; fix-igar
-o: to make an appointment (kun ulu); il
arivis unesme ye la -o: he arrived first at the rendezvous.
rendiment-o*: (tech.) output, efficiency (of
machines). Def.: Elekto utila (di mashini). DFIS
reneg-ar: (tr.) to deny (untruly), to disown,
disavow; -o: denying, denial; -anto: (rel. and
gen.) renegade: apostate from the faith; backslider. Ex.: St.
Petro trifoye renegis Jesu. Renegar sua familio, sua
religio.Def.: Deklarar nevere ke on ne konocas ulu, ulo; abjurar
(ne-vere); des-agnoskar (ne-vere). V. exp.: vid. renuncar.
renesanc-o: (epoch, style, etc.) renaissance.
renet-pomo: rennet-apple: a kind of pippin. DeFIR
renkontr-ar: (tr.) to meet: meet with accidentally
when in motion, to fall in with, encounter (ulu, ulo); -o:
meeting, encounter. DeFIS
rent-o: (yearly) income, rent, annuity; -izar: to
allow a yearly income to (ulu), to endow (public
institutions); -ifar: to bring in revenue, yield an
income; -if-anta: income producing; -iero:
fundholder, stockholder, annuitant, person of independent means; sulo-
-o: ground rent; monatala, yarala -o: monthly, yearly
rent; -o dum-viva: life annuity; lasar rento (od, interesti)
akumul-esar: to allow arrears to accumulate (rent,
interest, dividends). Def.: Revenuo (yarala), ordinare personala,
derivita de sulhavaji, domi lugata, o de kapitalo statala o
privata. DeFIRS
rentir-o: reindeer (Cervus tarandus). DE
renunc-ar: (tr.) to renounce, give up, relinquish,
resign (a position, office). Def.: Cesar dezirar o demandar ulo.
Ex.: Me renuncas voyajo, quan me intencas facar; on renuncas
yuro, quan on posedas; e.c. Rejido renuncas la trono o la krono,
kande, nultempe regninte, il refuzas regnor; IV-100. V exp.: Ni renuncas
yuro, precepti o kustumi; ni renegas mastro o nia religio;
ni abjuras eroro, od imaginita eroro. Philip V renuncis
la krono di Francia; St. Petro renegis sua mastro; Henry
IV abjuris la Kalvanismo. EFIRS
renvers-ar: (tr., intr.) to overthrow, throw down,
upset (cf. subversar, invers-igar); -e: backward; -ebla:
that may be overthrown. Def.: Faligar ulo, ulu ad tero. Ex.:
Renversar muro, tablo, inkuyo, veturo, persono, (fig.)
esperi. La muro renversis. F
reostat-o*: (elec.) rheostat. DEFIRS
repar-ar: (tr.) to repair, restore, mend a road, a
house, a machine, a picture; to refit (a ship); (cf. rapecar);
-(ad)o, -uri: repairing, mending, repairs; -doko:
graving-dock, dock for repairs; -peci: spare parts (for
repairs); -etar: to slightly repair; -achar: to
botch repairs (cf. fushar). DEFIRS
repartis-ar: (tr.) to divide into due proportion,
portion out, distribute (ulo inter uli); -(ad)o:
apportionment, repartition; -anto, -ero, -isto:
distributer. Def.: Dividar segun proporciono oportuna o yusta;
VI-79. V. exp.: Se publika prunto esas suskriptita dekople, on repartisas
ol inter la suskriptinti en la proporciono di 1/10, t.e. on
atribuas a singlu 1/10 de la sumo, quan lu suskriptas. Simile on repartisas
kargajo inter plura porteri o porto-bestii, inter la axi di
veturo o vagono, e.c.; VI-79; kp. disdonar, distributar.
repast-ar: (intr.) to take ones meal, have a
meal (che, kun); -o: meal, repast; (ships)
mess; -etar: to lunch; -eto: luncheon, light
repast. Def.: Manjar ye fixa horo, apud tablo (generale kune);
II-74. Ex.: Li repastis che me. La repast-horo. Il manjas quar
repasti omnadie. EFI
repent-ar: (tr., intr.) to repent, rue, feel
contrition; sen- -a: impenitent. Def.: Havar reala
regreto. Ex.: Il repentas sua kulpi. Me igos il repentar to.
reper-ar: (tr.) to put a guiding mark on; -ilo,
-punto: guidemark (as made on a piece of machinery so as to
assemble easily and accurately; mark on a wall, a measuring-rod,
on the ground, in order to indicate alignment, a level, a height,
etc. F
reperkut-ar: (tr.) to repercuss: to drive or beat
back; (of sound) to reverberate; -ado di londi:
surf; -o: repercussion, reverberation, rebound (cf. ri-salto).
Def.: Reperkuto: lago di korpo shokata, qua shokas sua-vice
altra; IV-138. Ex.: Reperkuto di (pafita) kanono. EFIS
repertori-o: a table, index, register by which things can
be readily located; (theat.) repertoire; stock-pieces,
-plays; alfabet-ala, -o: alphabetical index. DeFIRS
repet-ar: (tr.) to repeat: reiterate, tell or say
again (what has been told before or what another has said); -achar:
to repeat tediously. V. exp.: On repetas nur paroli; on iteras
omna-speca ago; II-80. DEFIRS
replet-a: (of living beings) chubby, plump, stout,
firm-fleshed, replete (from food); -eso: plumpness; -eskar:
to become plump, chubby; (cf. korpulenta, obeza, grasa, plena,
ronda). Def.: Qua havas formi ronda e karno ferma, do la pelo
kelke tensita. (Lu povas tote ne esar korpulenta, ex. infanto. La
repleteso esas signo di saneso); VI-601. eFS
replik-ar: (tr., intr.) to rejoin, retort: to answer
to a reply; -o: answer, reply: (jur.) replication:
the reply of the plaintiff to the defendants plea;
rejoinder: the defendants answer to the plaintiffs
replication; -o: (quika, rapida): repartee, retort. V.
exp.: Replikar ne esas simple respondar, ma
respondar a respondo. En la teknikal terminaro di la diskutado,
on nomizas dupliko, tripliko . . . la duesma,
triesma repliko; II-520. DeFIRS
report-ar: (intr., stock exchange) to allow a
contango; -o: contango, premium or interest paid by a
buyer to a seller to be allowed to defer payment until a future
settlement; cf. VI-603, VII-354. Ant.: diporto. DFIR
repoz-ar: (intr.) to rest (repose); (cf. dormar,
jacar, apogar, haltar); -igar: to (cause to) rest; -o:
rest, respite, reposing; (cf. intervalo); -o-dio:
day of rest; -anta: resting; -eyo: resting place; -altaro:
(fig.) temporary altar (in the street). Ex.: Lua korpo
repozas sub la stono. Il ne dormas, il ne nur repozas. Il
repozigas sua kapo sur kuseno. Havar repozo di koncienco.
repres-ar: (tr.) to repress, check, restrain, put
down, suppress (a revolt, abuses, pride, ones desires,
etc.); -o: repression, coercion; -iva: repressive.
Def.: Haltigar lefekto, la progreso di ulo. EFIRS
reprezel-ar: (intr.) to retaliate, to make reprisals (kontre);
(fig.) to give tit for tat; -o: reprisal,
retaliation; -letri: letter of marque and reprisal. V.
exp.: Reprezalar esas plu proxima a venjo kam a revancho.
To konsistas (precipue en milito) facar a lenemiko exakte
la sama domajo, quan on subisis de lu. To facesas partikulare pri
la agi nekorekta e kruela, qui ecesas la «yuri di la milito»,
exemplo masakro di nekombatanti, incendio di domi e vilaji,
destrukto di monumenti, e.c. Reprezalo nule implikas
revancho, nam ol facesas ofte de la vinkiti, precipue kande li
vinkesas per nekorekta procedi; VI-143; kp. revanchar, venjar.
reprezent-ar: (tr.) to represent, exhibit by
resemblance or action; depict; be the representative of; -o:
(aslo theat., polit.) representation, exhibition; -anta,
-iva, -ala; -anto, -ero: representative. Ex.: La ceno
reprezentas palaco. Ambasadisto reprezentas sua stato. Reprezento
di kombato. Il esas reprezentanto di la populo. Guvernado
reprezentiva. DEFIRS
reprimand-ar: (tr.) to reprimand, admonish, rebuke,
reprove, chide, lecture (ulu pri, pro ulo) (cf. exhortar);
-inda: reprehensible, reprovable (cf. blam-inda); -achar,
-ar harde: to scold, nag. V. exp.: Reprimandar e reprochar
esas «speci» di la generala ideo blamar. Ma reprocho
vizas kozo od ago; reprimando vizas persono: On reprochas
ulo ad ulu; on reprimandas ulu pri ulo. La nuanco ne esas gravas,
ma ol esas reala ed utila psikologiale; IV-237. EFS
reproch-ar: (tr.) to reproach, upbraid, taunt, twit (ulo,
ad ulu); -ar ad ulu lua vicii: to upbraid a person for
his vices (N.B. not: -ar ulu pri lua vicii, as in E.; cf. V.
exp.: under reprimandar); mea koncienco -as nulo a me:
my conscience is quite clear; il -is ad il lua ne-gratitudo:
he reproached him with his ingratitiude; il -is ad il
abandonir lua amiko: he reproached him for having left his
friend. Def.: Dicar ad ulu ulo qua devas shamigar lu. V. exp.:
vid. reprimandar. EFS
reps-o: (fabric) rep. Def.: Stofo ek silko o lano tre
forta; III-143. DEFIRS
rept-ar: (intr.) to crawl (as a serpent), to creep (as
a child); (fig.) to crawl before one (in an abject
manner); -anta: crawling, creeping, reptant; -ero:
reptile. DeFIRS
republik-o: republic; -ala: republican (government,
etc.); -ismo: republicanism; -isto: believer in,
partisan of a republic. DEFIRS
repudi-ar: (tr.) to repudiate; to put away (ones
wife). Ex.: Philippe Auguste repudiis sua spozino Ingleburge. V.
exp.: Propre, repudiar esas forsendar spozino, «desspozinigar»
el segun legal formi. Figure, renegar opiniono, kredo. La repudio
diferas de la divorco per ke ol ne bezonas ago di judiciisto o di
extera autoritato; III-206. EFIS
repugn-ar: (tr.) to have or inspire a repugnance to,
to hava an aversion to, to disgust (cf. antipatiar, nauze-igar);
-exo: disgust, repugnance, dislike; -eg-eso:
loathing; -anta, -iva: repugnant, repulsive, disgusting.
Ex.: Repugnar facar ulo. Ulo repugnis il. Il repugnesis da ulu,
da ulo. Repugneso kontre ulu, ulo; To esas repugnanta a mea
raciono. EFIS
repuls-ar: (tr.) to repel, repulse, rebuff, beat back
(cf. retro-pulsar); -anta, -iva: (phys. and
fig.) repellent, repulsive. Ex.: Repulsar lasalto di
enemiko. Repulsar tenteso, ula propozajo. La repulso di elektroza
korpi. Repuls-anta, -iva korpo, vizajo. DEFIS
reput-ar: (tr.) to repute, deem; -esar: to be
held (to be so and so); -o, -eso: reputation, character,
repute (good or bad). Ex.: Reputar ulu kom richa, kom saja.
Reputesar kapabla. Havar bona reputeso. Esar reputata kom bona.
«requiem»: requiem.
requizit-ar: (tr.) to requisition, make demand in the
name of the public or of the law for (persons, animals, thigs,
services); -(ad)o: requisition(ing); -ajo:
something requisitioned. DEFIRS
resek-ar*: (tr., surg.) to resect, cut off.
recipicenc-o*: (rel.) resipiscence, change of mind;
repentence. DeFI
reskript-o: (all senses) rescript. DEFIRS
reson-ar*: (intr., lit. and fig.) to resound: send
back sound, (re-)echo; -(ad)o: resounding, resonance; -anta:
resonant; -igar: to cause to resound; -ilo:
resonator. Ex.: Ica audeyo resonas perfekte. Voco klara e
resonanta. (fig.) Omna loko resonis pro lua prodajo.
resorb-ar: (tr.) to resorb, reabsorb (a tumor, etc.).
resort-o: (instr. elastic) spring; (fig.)
activity. Energy; -o granda: main s.; -o lax-ig-ita:
relaxed s.; -matraco: s. mattress; (cf. elastika).
Ex.: Resorto di horlojo, di veturo. (fig.) Donar resorto a
la spirito. FRS
resortis-ar: (intr. jur.) to be under the jurisdiction
(of), belong to the department, to be the province (of), be under
the cognizance; -o: (legal) jurisdiction, resort;
(general) province, department, competence, power; -anta:
amenable (to), dependant (on); ica afero resortisas ad al
korto di Paris: this affair is cognizable in the court of
Paris; to ne esas mea resortiso: that is not within my
province. DeFRS
respektar: (tr.) to respect: regard with a degree of
reverence or esteem; -o: respect; -oza, -ema:
respectful, deferential; -inda: respectable; -ind-eso:
respectability, dignity; -ata: respected; -em-acha:
obsequious; -o-signo: sign of respect; -ego:
profound respect; -eg-ala, -oza: reverential; des- -o:
irreverence, disrespect; sen- -a: disrespectful. Ex.: On
devas respektar la oldi, la legi. DEFIRS
respir-ar: (tr., intr.) to respire, breathe (cf. aspirar,
expirar); -(ad)o: respiration, breathing; -ajo:
what is respired: air, breath; -ala: respiratory; -ebla:
breathable. Def.: Aspirar laero por regenerar la sango e
lore expirar ol. DEFIS
respond-ar: (tr., intr.) to answer, reply, respond (ulo
ad ulu); -izar: to respond to (ulo); -ar en
la meso: to make the responses in the mass; -anto:
(co-)respondent, answerer; (cf. replikar); -ar
kurajiganta paroli: to answer encouraging words; -izar
kurajiganta paroli, respondar a kurajiganta paroli: to answer
encouraging words, i.e. to give an answer to encouraging words.
Def.: Parolar o skribar en repliko a questiono, argumento od
adreso. Ex.: Quon vu respondis? Me respondis nur du vorti. Il
respondis tale a mea objeciono, ma me ne replikis ad il.
Respondar ulo a persono, a remarko, a letro. Respondez quik. Me
expektas vua balda respondo. Respondante a vua letro, me informas
V. exp.: Esas regulo en Ido, ke verbo ne povas havar
(mem alterne) du rekta komplementi (ex. on ne povas «instrukar
infanti» ed «instruktar geometrio»). Or la verbo respondar
havas necese kom direta komplimento la paroli, per qui on
respondas, do ol ne povas havar kom direta komplemento la paroli,
a qui on respondas. Do on devos sempre dicar: «respondar a
la letro di ulu», o, «respondizar letro», t.e. donar respondo
ad ol, «honorizar» ol per respondo (quale dicas la komercisti);
III-30; VI-297; Talmeys Text Book, p. 109. EFIS
respons-ar: (intr.) to be responsible, be answerable,
be accountable (pri ulu, ulo); -o: (a particular)
responsibility; liability, -anta, -iva: responsible,
accountable; -iv-eso: (general state of being responsible)
responsibility; -anto: one who is responsible; a bondsman;
asumar -o: assume responsibility (pri, di ulo); me
ne responsas (od, esas responsanta) pri la kulpi di altri:
I am not responsible for the faults of others. EFIS
responsori-o: (R.C. lit.) responsory. DEFIS
rest-ar: (intr.) to remain: to be left, to be left
remaining; to stay, sojourn, tarry (N.B. not lie at rest, repose;
cf. repozar); -o: rest, remaining; -ajo:
that which remains: rest, remainder (of a quantity or sum);
leavings, vestige, scraps (cf. reziduo); -anta:
remaining; -eyo: place of sojourn. Ex.: Nulo restis de nia
pekunio. Triadek hoteli restas. Il restis en Roma pos nia
departo. Multi restis sur la kombat-agro. Me haltis en la urbo e
restis ibe dum du monati. Me brulos to quo restas (od, la
rest-ajo). V.exp.: Restar: esar dum kelka tempo en la sama
loko o stando, ma ne definitive, t.e. mine kam habitar, ma
pluse kam haltar; III-103. DEFIS
restaur-ar: (tr.) to restore. Ex.: Restaurar domo,
pikturo, dinastio, arto, lego. DEFIRS
restituc-ar: (tr.) to make restitution of, refund (ulo).
V.exp.: Ne simple ridonar, ma ridonar to quon on prenis o gardis
sen yuro, a la legitima proprietero; IV-81. DEFIS
restor-ar (su): to take refreshments, food; -eyo, -erio:
restaurant, eating-house; -isto: dining-room keeper; -ach-eyo:
cheap eating-house. DeFIRS
restrikt-ar: (tr.) to restrict, restrain; -ar
su: to limit, confine oneself (ad); -o, -uro:
restriction, restraint; -anta, -iva: limiting,
restraining, restrictive. Ex.: Restriktar la signifiko di vorto.
Restriktar sua pasioni. Restriktar su a kozi tote necesa. Li
submisis su senrestrikte a la konvenciono (t.e. sen kondicioni
expresita o tacita). DEFIRS
ret-o: net, mesh: object formed by threads or lines
interlaced, network; (anat.) plexus (of nerves etc.); (geom.)
chain (of triangles); (arch.) tracery (of windows); -ala,
-atra: reticular; haro- -o: hair-net. eFIS
retabl-o: (arch.) reredos, altar screen. FS
reten-ar: (tr.) to retain, keep, withhold, keep
back, detain (cf. ditenar); (arith.) to carry; -ar
su: to restrain, check oneself (per, de); -(ad)o:
retaining, retention; -ajo: anything retained; -eso:
(state of ) retention; -iva, -ema: retentive. Ex.:
Me deziras retenar la pekunio quan me pruntis. On ne povas
retenar amo per koakto. Retenar sua lakrimi. Retenar lojio en
teatro. Retenar memore ulo, od, retenar en memoro ulo. Retenar
ulu en karcero. (arith.) Pozar sep e retenar du. Reteniva
memoro. EFIS
retiari-o: (Rom. antiq.) retiarius, net-fighter.
retikul-o*: reticle (of a telescope).
retin-o: (anat.) retina (of the eye). DEFIRS
retor-o: (antiq.) rhetor, rhetorician, (orator); -acho:
one who speaks elegantly but uselessly, word-spinner.
retorik-o: rhetoric; -isto: rhetorician, one
skilled in rhetoric. DEFIRS
retort-o: (chem.) retort. DEIRS
retrakt-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to retract,
withdraw, draw back; -amendo: forfeit. Ex.: La limako
retraktas sua korni. Retraktar sua promiso, sua erori.
retret-ar: (intr., milit., rel., and gen.) to retire,
retreat, seclude, draw off, draw back (from active work, duty,
the world); -o: retreat, retiring, retirement; (milit.)
tattoo, taps; -o-pensiono: retirement pension; -eyo
religi-ala: religious retreat (place); son-igar la -o:
to sound the retreat, tattoo, taps; (hunt.) to call off
the hounds; -oficiro: retired or «half-pay» officer. V.
exp.: vid. abandonar. DEFIRS
retr-o: (adv.) backwards. L
retro-ag-ar: (intr.) to retroact; -ago:
retroaction; -ag-iva: retroactive.
retro-ced-ar: (tr.) to give, cede back again,
return, restore.
retro-dukt-ar: (tr.) to lead back.
retro-flu-ar: (intr.) to flow back, ebb.
retro-irar, -marchar: (intr.) to go back, to
retrograde, fall back (as of troops), retreat, to back (of
carriages); (cf. retretar, regresar); -ir-igar, -iro:
retro-jet-ar: (tr.) to throw back, reject.
retro-spekt-ar: (intr.) to look back; -anta,
-iva: retrospective.
retro-tir-ar: (tr.) to draw back; -ebla, -iva:
retush-ar: (tr.) to retouch, touch up (a picture,
etc.). DEFIRS
reumatism-o: (med.) rheumatism; -ala:
rheumatic: relating to r.: -ika, -iko: rheumatic (person).
rev-ar: (intr.) to day-dream, muse: to see or fancy
as if in a dream; (cf. son-jar); -(ad)o: reverie,
musing; -ajo: a fancy; -acho: vain fancy, conceit; -ema,
-ach-ema: dreamy. Ex.: Il revis pri la povreso e grandeso di
Roma. Me klozas mea okuli e revas pri feliceso. Ulfoye me vere
meditas, ulfoye nur revas. La projeto esas nur revo (od,
revacho). eF
revanch-ar: (intr., in good or bad sense) to
retaliate, give like for like, get even, requite (su, pri ulu,
kontre ulu); to avenge, revenge, take ones revenge (in
return for an injury); (cf. venjar, reprezalar); -o:
retaliation, revenge, avenging. Def.: Retrodonar similajo a
similajo, sive bona o mala, ma ofte en mala senco. V. exp.: Revanchar
dicesas pri ulu, qua esas vinkata (en milito, konkurso o ludo) e
qua inverse vinkas sua vinkinto. Revancho nule implikas
ideo di venjo nek sentimento di rankoro, ma admaxime satisfaco
propramo. En ludo, jentila ludero, qua vinkis, (ganis), ofras
a sua partenero la revancho, o plu exakte la posibleso
revanchar; nam ica povas vinkesar en la du foyi; VI-143.
revel-ar: (tr., also theol.) to reveal; (photog.)
to develop; -(ad)o, -uro: revelation; -ajo: that
which is revealed; -anto, -ero: revealer; -ilo: (photog.)
developing bath. Def.: Konocigar ulo da ulu, quo esis olim
nekonocata, sekreta o celita. Ex.: Revelar la statala sekretaji.
Revelar lua komplico. La latenta imajo esas revelata sur la
klishuro. La revelado di Santa Ioannes. EFIS
revendik-ar: (tr., jur. and fig.) to claim (as
ones own), to demand back (ulo); -ajo: object
claimed; (cf. reklamacar). Def.: Reklamacar ulo quo
apartenas a me, e qua esas en la povo di altru. Ex.: Revendikar
sua yuri, ulo perdita, domeno. DEFIS
revenu-o: revenue; income. DEF
reverber-ar: (tr., intr.) to send back, radiate
(heat); -forno: reverberatory furnace. Def.: Absorbar la
kaloro e retrosendar ol radiifante; V-67. DEFIS
reverence-ar: (intr.) to make a bow, on obeisance;
(of women) to courtsey (ad ulu, ulo); -o profunda:
deep bow. Ex.: Kande il pasis, me reverencis ad il. Reverencar a
laltaro. DeFIRS
revers-o: the reverse: back side of anything; -e:
inside out, wrong side to; metar sua kalzi reverse, e pose
metar oli averse: to put on ones stocking wrong side
outwards and afterwards put them on right side to. Def.: Dorsa
latero di stofo, moneto, medalio. Specale, la parto aparanta di
la reverso di frako, di redingoto, di boto, e.c.; Ant.: averso,
facio. DEFIS
reversion-ar: (intr., jur.) to revert (ad); -o:
reversion (of an estate); -ebl-eso: revertibility.
reviz-ar: (tr.) to revise (a book, a judgement, the
constitution, etc.); Def.: Emendar; ri-examinar por modifikar.
revok-ar: (tr.) to revoke, repeal (an edict,
privileges, a law); to recall (an ambassador); to dismiss (a
clerk, officer, official). EFIS
revolt-ar: (intr.) to rise in revolt, to rebel (kontre
ulu, ulo); -o: (pr. and fig.) revolt,
insurrection; -anto, -into: revolter (cf. rebelo,
revolucion-ero); -igar: to cause to revolt or rebel; (fig.)
to stir up, rouse. Ex.: La populo revoltis kontre sua suvereno. (fig.)
La raciono revoltas kontre tala absurdeso. DEFIRS
revolucion-ar: (tr.) to revolutionize, to change
thoroughly (opinions, an art, a country; (cf. perturbar,
subversar); -o: (political, social, scientific)
revolution (cf. revolto, rotaco); -ala, -ema, -ana:
revolutionary; -ero: revolutionist; -ano: member of
a r. party. DEFIRS
revolver-o: revolver: pistol with revolving chamber.
revu-ar*: (tr.) to review, inspect, carefully
examine (troops, books, ones life, etc.); -o:
review, inspection (of troops); review (magazine, book); (fig.)
survey, examination. DEFIS
revuls-ar*: (tr., med.) to allay a morbid condition
by counter-irritation or the like; -o: revulsion. Def.:
Lokale iritar por cesigar konjestioneso od inflameso existanta en
altra parto di la korpo.
rez-a, -e: even, level (with); close to (a line, the
surface); (of hair, etc.) shorn; (of a destroyed city,
etc.) razed; -a-pila; -a-hara: short-haired; -a
barbo: a close shaven beard; -e dil bordo: up to the
brim, even with or close to the border; -e dil sulo: close
to or on a level with the soil; (fig.) -a tab-ulo:
a smoothed tablet, tablet without inscription, tabula rasa; facar
tabula -a: (fig.) to sweep away, reject all previous
notions; -igar: to cut (ulo) close to or even with
a surface; to raze, level (ulo) to the ground; (nav.)
to razee: cut down; to hug, keep close to (a coast); -igar
hari: to cut the hair close; -igar domo: to raze a
house; -igar navo: to cut down a ship; kuglo rezigis
lua vizajo: a shot passed close to his face (cf. frolar);
la navo rezigis la litoro: the ship hugged the coast.
rezed-o: (bot.) reseda: mignonette (Reseda
odorata); dyers weed (Reseda luteola); -ala:
resedaceous. DeFIRSL
rezerv-ar: (tr.) to reserve, save, set apart, lay
by or up; -ema: (mental, moral) reserved; -em-eso:
(quality) reserve; -ajo: something reserved; stock,
store; -ano: (milit.) reservist. Ex.: Rezervar
kelka pekunio por bezoni futura o neprevidebla. Rezervar ula
yuro. Rezervo-armeo. Facar mentala rezervo. Mieno rezervema.
rezid-ar: (intr.) to reside, dwell, live, abide
(cf. habitar, lojar); -(ad)o: (act)
residence, residing; -eyo: residence: place of abode; -anto:
resident. Ex.: Il rezidas en Paris che me. Establisar rezido en
ula loko. Ta domo esas lua rezideyo. DEFIS
rezident-o*: resident: diplomatic agent; -eyo:
residency; -eso: dignity, function of a resident.
rezidu-o: that which remains: (chem.) residium;
settlement (of liquids); (geol.) debris, detritus; (com.)
residue, arrear: that which remains (due); (arith.)
remainder; (cf. restajo); -achi: scraps, odds and
ends. DEFIS
rezign-ar: (tr., intr.) to resign (ulo): to
be resigned, feel resignation (pri); -anta, -ema:
resigned. Ex.: Rezignar sua anmo a Deo. Me esas rezignanta (od,
rezignas) pri la perdo di mea yuri. Subisar exilo kun
rezignemeso. V. exp.: Rezignar esas aceptar volunte
desfeliceso, domajo, perdo, quan on «subisis» e generale ne
povis evitar. La rezigno esas pasiva, dum ke labnego
esas spontana. On rezignas pri la morto di ulu kara, pri la perdo
di sua havajo, pri maladeso neremediebla; IV-101; kp. II-135, abnego,
renuncar. DEFIS
rezin-o: resin, rozen; -ala, -oza, -atra: resinous.
rezist-ar: (tr.) to resist, withstand the shock of
something; to defend (oneself), strive against (ulu, ulo);
to hold against, oppose; not to succumb to (fatigue, etc.); -(ad)o:
resistance, opposition; -anta, -ema, -iva: resistant; -ivo:
(mechan., phys.) resistance; -em-eso: (tendency)
hindrance, opposition; -iv-eso: resistivity, resisting
power. Ex. La kolda fero rezistas la martelagado. Rezistar shoko,
impreso. Rezisto al enemiko. Rezisto a tenteso. Mahagono esas
rezistanta ligno. Ant.: cedar, sukombar. EFIS
rezolv-ar: (tr.) to resolve: take or come to a
decision (to do something); -o, -uro: resolution,
decision; -ema: resolute; -em-eso: (of
character) resoluteness, determination; -oze:
resolutely, stoutly. Ex.: Rezolvar parolar ad ulu. Rezolvar facar
ulo. Ne facez rezolvi dum la unesma ataki di vua iraco. Homo
rezolvema. V. exp.: vid. decidar. DEFIS
rezon-ar, -adar: (intr.) to reason (pri); -ar:
(tr.) to appply ones reason to (ulo), to
study (ulo); -(ad)o: reasoning, ratiocination (cf. raciono);
-anta: reasoning; -anto, -ero: reasoner, logician; mis-
-ar: to reason wrongly; (fig.) talk nonsense, rave,
wander in mind. DEFIRS
rezult-ar: (intr.) to result (from certain
premises, conditions); to follow (from); be the consequence (of);
-o: result, effect, consequence; -ajo: (objective)
result; -anto: (mechan.) resultant (force). Ex.: La
deskonkordo rezultis en civitanala milito. La rezulto esas
nekalkulebla. Ica (objekto) esas la rezultajo. DEFIRS
rezum-ar: (tr.) to recapitulate, sum up, to
summarize; -o: recapitulation, summary, resume; -e:
to sum up, upon the whole, in substance; -a: summary,
compendious. Ex.: La peroraciono rezumas la tota diskurso. Rezumo
di la historio di Francia. DEFIS
ri-: Note: many common verbal roots compounded with ri-
(again, anew) are omitted.
ri-abon-ar: to resubscribe (jurnalo); -igar:
to renew the subscription of (ulu).
ri-acend-ar: (tr.) to relight, rekindle.
ri-aceso, -atako: (med.) relapse; (cf. recidivo).
ri-agraf-agar: (tr.) to reclasp, hook (ulo)
ri-ajust-igar: to readjust.
ri-anim-ar: (tr.) to revive, reanimate.
ri-apar-ar: (intr.) to reappear; -anta:
ri-apert-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to re-open, open
again (a door, wound, theater (theatre), etc.).
ri-aranj-ar: to rearrange.
ri-arm-izar: to rearm.
ri-asembl-ar, -igar: to reassemble.
rib-o: (bot.) currant; -iero: currant bush
(Ribes rubrum). IL
ri-buton-agar: (tr.) to rebutton.
rich-a: (lit. and fig.) rich (esp. in money, land,
goods); -ega: very rich, opulent; -(ulo): a rich
person; -eso: (condition) wealthy, richness; -et-eso:
in comfortable circumstances; -ajo: wealth (considered
objectively); -igar: to enrich (ulu); -eskar:
to become, grow rich. Ant.: povra. DEFIS
ricin-o: (bot.) castor-oil plant (Ricinus
communis); -oleo: castor oil. DeFISL
«rictus»: (wide) grin, grinning. Def.: Kontrakto
muskulala qua deskovras la denti e donas a la boko ridanta
rid-ar: (intr.) to laugh (ye); -etar:
to smile; -eto: smile, short l.; -egar: to l. much;
-eskar: to burst out laughing, commence to l.; -ar
kontre-vole: to l. against ones will; -inda:
laughable, comical, ridiculous; -ind-(ul)o: ridiculous
person; -ind-ajo: a ridiculous thing; -ema, -iva:
tendency to l., giggly, risible; -ind-eso: ridiculousness;
-ind-igar: to ridicule, make (ulu) ridiculous; -achar:
to snigger, giggle; -ach-etar: to titter. FIS
ri-deb-izar: to put (su, ulu) in debt again; -eskar:
to run again into debt.
ridel-o: side pole, rack or board placed on a cart to help
hold the load; cart-rack. FI
ri-don-ar: (tr.) to give back; -o:
ri-elekt-ar: (tr.) to re-elect; -ebla:
ri-en-ir-ar: (tr., intr.) to re-enter.
ri-en-korp-igar: to reincorporate.
ri-establis-ar: (tr.) to re-establish, reinstate (su,
ulu, ulo, en, sur).
ri-exportac-ar: (tr.) to re-export.
rif-o: reef; ledge of rocks standing above the level of
the water. V. exp. vid. brizanto. DER.
ri-fac-ar: (tr.) to do (ulo) over again,
ri-fald-ar: (tr.) to turn in or up, take in, make a
pleat, tuck; -uro: pleat, tuck.
ri-fort-igar: (tr.) -eskar: (intr.)
to (re-)strengthen.
ri-fresh-igar: to freshen; -eskar: to become
rig-o, -aro: (nav.) rigging, tackle; -izar:
to rig (a ship). E
ri-gan-ar: (tr.) to regain, recover (sin.: ri-aquirar,
ri-obtenar, ri-havar).
rigid-a: (lit. and fig.) rigid, stiff, not easily
bent, not pliant; (of persons) inflexible, unyielding; -eso:
stiffness, rigidity; (fig.) severity; -igar: to
stiffen, render inflexible. Ex.: Fera stango esas rigida. Stacar
rigida. Koldeso rigidas la fingri. Il esas rigida homo. Ant.: laxa,
flex-ebla, mola. DEFIS
rigl-o: bolt; -agar; rigle kloz-ar: (tr.) to
bolt. D
rigor-o: rigor; extreme exactness or strictness; -oza:
rigorous, strict; strict (cf. severa); -isto:
rigorist, a person rigid or exact to excess; -ismo:
rigorism, strictness, austerity; -oza, segun rigoro:
rigorously, with rigour. Ex.: La rigoro di la legi, di la reguli.
Rigoroza judiciisto. Rigoroza demonstro. DEFIS
ri-imprim-ar: (tr.) to reprint; -uro: a
ri-junt-ar, -union-ar: (tr.) to join again,
ri-kapt-ar: (tr.) to recapture, retake, get hold of
rikoch-ar: (intr.) to ricochet, rebound.
ri-kolok-ar: (tr., fin.) to reinvest.
ri, retro-kompr-ar: to buy again, buy back; -o:
repurchase; -ebla: repurchaseable, redeemable.
ri-koncili-ar: (tr.) to reconcile (again), to
conciliate (anew), make friends again.
ri-konoc-ar: to recognize, know again, indentify; -ebla:
recognizable. Ex.: Rikonocar ulu per lua traiti, lua voco.
ri-konstituc-ar: (tr.) to reconstitute, reorganize.
ri-konstrukt-ar: (tr.) to reconstruct, build anew.
ri-kopi-ar: (tr.) to recopy.
ri-kustum-igar: to reaccustom (ulu); -eskar:
to reaccustom, get used to again.
ri-lern-ar: (tr.) to learn (ulo) anew.
rim-o: rhyme: accord in sound of words (cf. verso);
-ifar: to rhyme; -izar: to put (ulo) into
rhyme. Ex.: Ica du vorti ne rimifas. DEFIRS
ri-mariaj-ar: (tr.) to marry again; -o: a
second marriage. Ex.: Nepoleon rimariajas su kun Marie-Louise.
rimbors-ar: (tr.) to reimburse, repay, refund (in
money). Ex.: Pagez por me, me rimborsos a vu. DEFIS
ri-memor-ar: (tr.) to remember again, to recollect;
-o: recollection, reminiscence; -igar: to remind (ulo
da ulu).
rimen-o: (leather) strap, belt; sen fina -o:
endless belt; sub ventra -o: belly-band (as for horses); tir-
-o: trace (of a harness); ligo- -o: tether, thong.
ri-nask-ar: (intr.) to be born again; (fig.) to
spring up again, to reappear; -o: new birth, revival; -igar:
to regenerate.
rinforc-ar: (tr., milit.) to reinforce (a garrison,
etc.); -o, -uro: reinforcement. EFIS
ring-o: ring, circlet of metal or other substance; (tech.)
ferrule, bushing; har- -o: ringlet (cf. loklo); (astron.)
ring; -a, -atra, -forma: ring (-shaped), annular; -oza:
having rings; (nat. hist.) annulated; -ego: large
ring, hoop; -izar: to place a ring on (ulu, ulo),
to hoop, ferrule, bush; katen- -o: link; -fingro:
the third finger. DE
rinocer-o: (zool.) rhinoceros (family:
Rhinocerotidæ). DEFIS
ri-nov-igar: to renew, make new again, renovate.
rinoplastik-o*: rhinoplasty, plastic surgery on the nose.
rins-ar: (tr.) to rinse (a glass, clothes, etc.); -aquo:
rinse-water. EF
ri-okup-ar: (tr.) to reoccupy.
ri-organ-izar: to reorganize.
rip-ar: (tr., mechan., automobiles and other vehicles)
to skid: slide sideways (cf. slipo). V. exp.: Ripar
esas glitar skrapante, o kun forta friciono, qua impedas e fine
haltas la funciono di mashino (teknikal vorto): II-648. F
ri-pas-ar: (tr., intr.) to repass, pass by again.
ri-pav-izar: to repave.
ri-popul-izar: to repopulate, repeople.
ri-, retro-port-ar: (tr.) to bring again, to bring
ri-produkt-ar: (tr., gen. sense) to reproduce.
ri-salt-ar: (intr.) to rebound, spring back.
ri-san-igar: to cure, make well, heal, (ulu); -eskar:
to get well; -ig-ebla: curable (of persons; cf. remediebla);
-ig-iva: curative. V. exp.: On ri-sanigas malado.
On re-medias maladeso. On povas kuracar ulu sen
ri-san-igar lu.
ri-sid-ar: (intr.) to take ones seat again;
reseat; -igar: to reseat (ulu).
risk-ar: (tr.) to risk, hazard, venture (cf. aventurar,
pariar); -o: risk, hazard; -ajo: something
risked, a venture, stake; -oza: risky, hazardous; -ema:
venturesome, adventurous, bold (person); -ar pekunio: to
risk money; -ar su: to risk, expose oneself to danger.
V.exp.: Ta qua riskas sua pekunio en hazardal ludo tote ne
audacoza: il esas simple
dessajo; II-137.
rism-o: ream (of paper: Eng.: 480 sheets; foreign: 500
sheets). DeIS
risol-ar: (intr.); -igar: (tr.)
(cook.) to brown, to fry or roast brown. FI
ri-son-igar: to resound: sound again (cf. resonar).
rispektiv-a: respective: belonging to each; -e:
respectively. Ex.: La rispektiva yuri di du kunheredanti. Li iris
a sua rispektiva hemi. Konsiderar rispektive la avantaji e
des-avantaji di ulo. DEFIRS
ristorn-ar: (tr., com.) to cancel (an insurance
policy, esp. maritime); -o: cancelling; partial refund (of
an insurance). DFIRS
ri-suol-izar: to resole, (shoes, stockings).
ri-sur-poz-ar: (tr.) to reaffix, put on again.
ri-sut-ar: (tr.) to resew.
ritm-o: rhythm (cf. kadenco); -ala, -oza:
rhythmical. DEFIRS
ritornel-o: (mus.) ritornello. Def.: Ario quaze
preliminara qua anuncas ulo; IV-14. DEFIS
ri-tra-ir-ar: (tr.) to recross, traverse again.
ritu-o: rite; -ala: ritual: relating to rites; -aro,
-libro: (collect.) rites, ritual (-book); -alisto:
ritualist. DEFIRS
ri-union-ar: (tr.) to reunite.
riv-o: shore, beach, strand; bank (of a river); (fig.)
skirt (of a wood); -navigar: to coast; -an-a, -o,
habit-anto: river- or coast-side (resident). V. exp.: vid. plajo.
rival-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: rival; -eso: rivalry; -esar:
to be a rival; to vie (kun) (cf. konkursar, konkurencar).
ri-, retro-ven-ar: (intr.) to return, come back.
ri-vend-ar: (tr.) to resell, sell again.
river-o: river, stream; -eto: brook, streamlet,
rivulet. EF
ri-verd-eskar: to become green again.
ri-vest-izar: to dress again, clothe anew.
rivet-o: rivet; -agar, -izar: to rivet (ulo).
ri-vid-ar: (tr.) to see again; (fig.) to
meet (ulu) again; til -o: until we meet again.
ri-viv-igar: (lit. and fig.) to revive, reanimate,
resuscitate, bring (ulu) to life again (cf. ri-naskar,
ri-fresh-igar, ri-nov-igar); -eskar: to become
revived, rise from the dead; -igo, -esko: revivication.
ri-, retro-vok-ar: (tr.) to call again, call back,
ri-yun-igar: to make (look) young, rejuvenate; -eskar:
to grow young again, become restored to youth; -igo, -esko:
riz-o: rice: -kultiv-eyo: rice plantation; -pudro:
rice powder. DEFIRS
rizopod-o: (zool.) rhizopod(a). DEFIS
rob-o: robe: long, loose garment for man or woman; -o
dekolt-ita: low-necked, -cut gown; chambro- -o: dressing
gown, morning gown; -o kun tren-ajo: gown with train.
robinet-o: cock, tap (for draining off liquids). FI
robini-o*: (bot. genus) robinia; (black) locust;
(false) acacia (cf. akacio).
robr-o: rubber (of card games as in whist). DEFR
robust-a: robust, hardy, sturdy; -o, -ulo, -ino: a
robust person; -eso: robustness. Def.: Qua posedas
forteso, vigoro. Ant.: febla, debila. DEFIS
rochet-o*: rochet, a kind of surplice. DEFIS
(de-)rod-ar: (tr.) to gnaw, eat by bits; erode; (fig.)
to champ (of horses); (cf. mordar); -anta, -ema:
gnawing; -etar: to nibble; -ero: (animal)
rodent. La hundo rodas osto. La puero rodis sua ungli.
rodi-o*: (chem.) rhodium.
rodinal-o*: (photog.) rodinal
rododendr-o: (bot. genus) rhododendron.
rodomonto: rodomont, blusterer, vain boaster, braggart; -ajo:
empty blustering, bravado, hectoring. Def.: Fanfaronemo pri
milital agi; falsa brav(ul)o; III-204. eFI
rog-o: funeral pile, pyre: stack of wood for burning the
dead or a person at the stake. Def.: Lign-amaso por brular ulu od
ulo; III-206. IL
rogacion-i*: (R.C. rel.) public prayers and
processions held on rogation days.
rok-o: a (large) rock, boulder (cf. petro, stono); -ego:
a very large rock; -ajo: rocky mass high, steep and rising
or jutting out to a point, as seen in the sea; rocky cliff, crag;
-oza: rocky: full of rocks; -atra kordio: a hard
stony heart. Def.: Granda amaso de petro. Ex.: On povas ruptar
roko e tale facar stoni. Ferma quale roko. Gibraltar esas
konstruktita sur rokajo. EFIS
rokambol-o*: (bot.) rocambole (Allium sativum, var.
Ophioscorodon). DEF
rokok-a, -o: rococo (style); (fig.) antiquated
(style). DEF.
rol-o: (theat. and gen.) rôle: part, character,
impersonation; plear -o: to play a part; -eto:
minor rôle. DEFR
roler-o*: (tech.) roller (cf. rul-ilo, -bloko).
Rom-ano: Roman citizen; -ana balanco: Roman
balance, a steelyard; la -ana lingui: the Romance
roman-o: a novel, book of fiction; -isto, autoro:
novelist, romance writer; -ala: relating to a novel; -atra,
-ema: fanciful, romantic; -protagonisto: hero of
romance; (cf. novelo). DeFIRS
romanc-o: ballas, romantic song. DFIRS
(la) Romanch-a (linguo): Romansh (language). Def.: Linguo
romanala parolata en Graubünden: Suisa kantono maxim estala;
V-89. DEF
romantik-a: romamtic. DEFIRS
romb-o: (geom.) rhomb(us); -ala: rhombic.
romboedr-o*: (geom.) rhombohedron,
parallelepipedon. DEF
romboid-o*: (geom.) rhomboid. DEFIS
rond-a: round, rotund; -o, -ajo: any round figure
or object (cf. cirklo, disko, ringo); -eta, atra:
roundish, rotund, round-like; -eso: roundness, rotundity; -igar,
-eskar: (tr., intr.) to make, become round; -irar:
(intr.) to go around, circulate; -iro: round,
circuit; (of a policeman, etc.) beat. DEFIS
rondel-o: (poetry) rondeau, roundelay; (mus.)
rondo. DeFIRS
ronk-ar: (intr.) to snore. FS
ronron-ar*: (intr., of cats) to purr. F
roqu-ar: (intr.) to rook, castle (at chess).
ros-o: dew; -oza: covered with dew; bedewed.
rosbif-o: roast-beef. DEFIRS
rosmar-o*: walrus (genus: Rosmarus). L
rosmarin-o*: (bot.) rosemary (genus: Rosmarinus).
rosp-o: toad. I
rost-ar: (tr., intr.) to roast (meat); to toast
(bread); -ajo, -karno: a roast; -o-pano: toast.
rostr-o: (in gen.) any beak-like extension; (nat.
hist.) bill, beak (of an insect); trunk, proboscis (as
of an elephant); (bot) prolonged rigid process; (Roman
antiq.) beak of a ship; rostrum in a forum.
rot-o: wheel; -aro: wheels (collect.),
wheel-works, -movement; -o-sulko: rut; quar-rota
veturo: four-wheeled vehicle; -o-nabo: hub, nave; -o-felgo:
felloe, felly, rim; -o-torment-ar: to break (on a wheel); -atre
marchar: to go heels over head; -eskarto: (R.R.)
gauge: distance between the wheels. FIS
rotac-ar: (intr.) to rotate, revolve: turn on axis; -(ad)o:
rotating, rotation; -a, -ala: rotary; -o-kubo:
teetotum, spinning top. Ex.: La planeti rotacas cirkum sua axi;
li jiras cirkum la suno. Rotacado di roto. V. exp.: vid. jirar.
rotan-o: (bot.) rattan (Calamus rotang); -a
stulo: rattan chair. DeFRS
rotifer-o: (zool.) rotifer. EFIS
rotol-ar: (intr.) to rumble, roll (with noise).
Ex.: Veturo rotolas kande ol rulas alonge la strado. La rotolado
di tondro, di tamburo. V. exp.: Lideo expresenda esas ta di
bruiso produktata per frapi rapide sucedanta; V-493. I
rotond-o: (arch.) rotunda; (clothing) a
round cloak. DEFIRS
rotul-o: (mechan.) ball and socket joint.
rov-o: (bot.) bramble, brier, thorn-bush; -eyo:
brake, brier-patch; -bero: a brier berry; blackberry.
rovr-o: (bot.) English oak (Quercus robur); (cf. querko).
royal-ism-o: royalism: attachment to the cause of royalty;
-ist-a, -o: royalist. DEFR
roz-o: rose; -oza: full of roses; -atr-ajo:
rosette; -iero: r. bush; -ier-eyo: r. garden; -ea:
r. colo(u)red; -koloro: r. colo(u)r; -aquo: r.
water; -buketo: bouquet of r.s; -burjono: r. bud; -fenestro:
(arch.) r. window; -ligno: rosewood; -mielo:
honey of r.s; vento -o: (mariners) compass-card.
rozari-o: (rel.) rosary. DEFIS
rozeol-o: (med.) roseola, a rose colo(u)red rash;
scarlet rash, rose rash; (cf. morbilo). EFIS
rozlaur-o: (bot.) oleander, rose-bay (Nerium
ruband-o: ribbon; tape; -izar: to trim with
ribbons. eF
rubarb-o: (bot.) rhubarb (genus: Rheum).
rubi-o: (bot.) madder (Rubia tinctorum). ?ISL
rubid-o*: (chem.) rubidium.
rubin-o: (stone) ruby; -ea: ruby-colo(u)red;
balas- -o: balas-ruby. DeFIRS
rubrik-o: rubric. V. exp.: Rubriko esas generala
titulo. Ex. en Progreso esas: la Lingual questioni,
Kroniko, Bibliografio, Diversaji, sub qui singla artiklo
havas sua titulo; VII-412. DEFIS
rud-a: rude, (of things) rough, unformed by art; (of
persons) rough, uncultured, uneducated; (of manners)
coarse, unpolished; -eso: roughness, rudeness; traktar
-e: to use roughly, harshly, to ill-treat. DEFI
rudiment-a: rudiment-al, -ary: little developed; -o:
rudiment, element. Ex.: Rudimenta organo. Rudimenti di gramatiko.
La rudimenti di planti. DEFIRS
ruf-a: russet, sandy, reddish-brown, -yellow;
ginger-colo(u)red; -(ul)o: red-haired, sandy-haired
person; -eso: russet-colo(u)r; -atra: reddish,
russet; -igar, -eskar: (tr., intr.) to make, become
russet-colo(u)red, brown. Ex.: La tro varma glatigilo povas
rufigar la linjo. L
rug-o: wrinkle (on the face); ripple (on the water); -oza:
wrinkled, full of wrinkles; corrugated; (bot.) rugose; -izar:
to wrinkle; -iz-eskar: to be wrinkled; -oz-eskar:
to become wrinkled. ?FIS
ruin-ar: (tr.) to ruin; -o, -eso, -ajo: (act,
state, object) ruination; a ruin; -anta, -iva: falling
to ruin; ruinous; par- -ar: to ruin completely. Ex.:
Ruinar ulu, viti. Esar ruinita da ludo-pasiono. Ruino di la
stato, di lua bona reputo. La domo falis en ruineso, e tale esis
ruinajo. DEFIRS
ruk-o: rock: distaff. DeIS
rukt-ar: (intr.) to belch (gas from stomach),
eruct(ate). eFIS
rukul-ar: (intr., of pigeons) to coo. F
rul-ar: (tr., intr.) to roll (by turning over, as a
wheel, also from side to side, as a ship), roll along, wheel
along; -ar su: to roll ones body, wallow, welter; -achar
su: to sprawl; rul-aplastar: (tr.) to crush
with a roller; rul-falar: to tumble, topple down; -ilo,
-bloko: (instr.) roller; rul-kurteno: roller
blind; rul-sketar: to skate (on rollers). Ex.: Rular bulo,
roko, okuli. La lakrimi rulis adinfre sur la vangi. La ondi di la
rivero rulas vers la maro. DEF
rulad-o*: (mus.) roulade. EF
rulet-o*: (game) roulette. DEFIRS
rum-o: rum. EFIR
rumb-o: (nav.) rhumb. DEFIS
rumin-ar: (tr., intr.) to ruminate: chew over again,
chew the cud (cf. meditar); -anto, -ero: (zool.)
ruminant. EFIS
rumor-o: rumo(u)r, popular report. EFIS
rump-o: (anat.) rump; (vulg.) backsides;
(cf. sedo, gluteo). E
rumstek-o: rumpsteak. DEF
run-o, -i: rune(s), Runic character(s) or letter(s); -ala:
Runic. DeFIRS
«rupie»: (money) rupee.
rupt-ar: (tr.) to break (asunder, up, open, by
violence, or stress), to snap, rupture, shatter; -o, -uro:
break(ing), rupture, fracture; -ajo: what is broken; -ebla:
breakable (cf. frajila); -esar: to be broken; -o-peco:
piece broken off, fragment. EFIS
rur-o: country; rural district as opp. to town; -ala: rural;
-ana, -ano: peasant, rustic, country person (not in a
depreciatory sense); -domo: country house. eFIS
rush-o: ruce (for neck or cuff). DEFR
rusk-o: (bot.) butchers broom, knee-holly, -holm
(Ruscus [aculeatus]). ISL
rust-o: (of metals) rust; -oza, -iz-ita:
rusted; blighted; -izar, -igar: to rust (metals); -ozeso,
-izeso, -ozajo: rustiness. DE
rustik-a, -(ul)o: rustic; -eso: rusticity; -acho:
clodhopper. DEFIS
rut-o: (bot.) rue (Ruta [graveolens]). DFIRS
ruten-o*: (metal) ruthenium.
rutin-o: routine, rote, habit; -acho: red-tape,
rut; -e by routine; -ema, -emo: (one) who acts by
routine; red-tapist. Def.: Kustumo sequata sen judiko; kustumal
ago facita sen reflektar. DEFIRS
ruz-ar: (intr.) to use low craft, cunning,
artifice, stratagem; -oza, -ema, -acha: artful, crafty,
sly, cunning; -ach-ajo: act of knavery, sharp practice.
Def.: Uzar artifico, subtileso por trompar. DEF