Ido-Angla vortaro : S
sabat-o: Sabbath: seventh day of the
week among the Jews (Saturday); (fig.) the first day of
the week as observed by Christians (Sunday) (cf. sundio,
saturdio). DEFIRS
sabelik-o: savoy (cabbage. Brassica sabanda). L
sabl-o: sand; -oza: sandy: full of s.; -a plajo:
s. beach; -eto: fine s.; scouring s.; -o-grano:
grain of s.; -uyo: s. holder, s. box; -eyo; -o-min-eyo:
sandy spot, sandpit; -o mov-anta: shifting s.; -izar:
to s.: cover with s.; -o-horlojo: hour-glass; -o-strato:
s. bar. FIS
sabord-o*: (square) porthole; gunport. F
sabr-o: saber (sabre), broadsword; -eto; -o por
abordar: cutlass; -uyo; -o-gaino: s. scabbard; -frapar,
-agar: to s. (ulu); -frapo, -vund-uro: blow
with a s., s. wound; -o-posho: sabretache. Def.: Speco di
espado kun tranchanta lamo larja. DEFIRS
sacerdot-(ul)o: priest; -ino: priestess; -ala:
sacerdotal, priestly; -eso: (dignity, office)
priesthood; -aro: (collect.) priesthood.
saci-ar: (tr.) to give a bare sufficiency to, give
a minimum to (ulu); -esar: to content oneself; put
up with; -esar da poko: to put up with a little. V. exp.: Saturar
esas furnisar la maximo, e saciar esas furnisar la minimo
suficanta por kalmigar o cesigar irga bezono. On povas saciar
sua hungro per pano-peco, sua dirsto per glasedo de aquo; ma
kande on saturas su per manjaji o drinkaji, on riskas,
sive mala digesto sive ebrieso. Simile pri omna bezoni e deziri.
Existas ofte granda difero o neegaleso inter la minimo strikte
necesa por saciar e la maximo qua saturas. Me tre
deziras salario de dek franki; me saciesus da ok franki,
ma me ne esas kontenta, nam generale, por esar vere kontenta,
on bezonas plu kam la minimo necesa. Do saciar ne esas kontentigar,
nek saciesar esas kontent-esar, -eskar. Saciar expresas
esence sentimento; do saciar povas havar nur persono kom
objekto, kontre ke suficar povas havar omnaspeca objekti;
kp. VI-488. FIS
safen-a* (veini): (anat.) saphenous (veins).
safir-o: (min.) sapphire. DEFIRS
safran-o: (bot. and colo(u)ring material) saffron
(Crocus [sativus]); -ea: s. colo(u)red; -izar, -agar:
(tr.) to s.: tinge with yellow. DEFIRS
sagac-a: sagacious, perspicacious, shrewd; -eso:
sagacity, acumen, acuteness, discernment; -(ul)o: a s.
person. Ex.: Sagaco dicernas multa diferi ube altri vidas nur
kozi uniforma. EFIS
sagitari-o: (bot.) arrrow-head (genus: Sagittaria).
saguin-o: (zool.) sagoin: squirrel-monkey, marmoset
of genus: Callithrix. DeFIRS
sagut-o: sago (cf. tapiokao); -iero: s. tree
or palm (Cycas Metrocylon). DeFIRS
saim-o: lard (cf. lardo). Def.: Porko-graso fuzita,
sen salo; IV-581. I
saj-a: wise, knowing, enlightened, sage, sensible,
reasonable; -eso: wisdom; -(ul)o: a wise person, a
sage; -igar, -eskar: to make, to become wise; ne- -a:
unwise, ill-advised. Ex.: Saja lego, politikisto, konduto,
judiciisto. La sajeso di la Egiptiani. Il montris granda sajeso
en ta cirkonstanci. Ant.: stulta, absurda. EFIS
sak-o: (also anat. and bot.) sack: bag, pouch; -edo:
sackful, bagful; -o papera: a paper bag; -o-reto:
net bag; drag net, trawl; -o de frumento: s. of wheat; ledor-
-o: leather pouch; manu- -o: handbag, satchel; sablo-
-o: sandbag: bag for sand; sako de sablo: sandbag: bag
of sand; sako-strado: blind alley, cul-de-sac.
sakarimetr-o*: saccharimeter. DEFIS
sakarimetr-o*: saccharimetry. DEFIS
sakarin-o*: saccharin(e). DEFIS
sakr-a: sacred; -eso: sacredness; -ajo: a s.
object; -igar: to render s., to consecrate (ulu, ulo);
(fig.) to annoint, crown (a king); (cf. konsakrar);
-o-santa: sacrosanct, most holy. Ex.: Sakra historio. La
sakra ordi. La sakra fairo di Vesta. Sekretajo esas sakrajo.
Sakrigar episkopo, rejo. EFIS
sakrament-o: sacrament. Ex.: Donar la lasta sakramenti ad
uli. Sakramentala vino. La katolikismo havas sep sakramenti:
sakramento di bapto, di konfirmo, di la extrema unciono, e.c.
sakrifik-ar: (tr., intr.: lit. and fig.) to
sacrifice (ulu, ulo); to make offerings; -o, -ajo:
sacrifice, offering; -ala: sacrificial; hom- -o:
human s. Ex.: Sakrifikar viktimi, sua interesti, sua havaji, sua
tempo. La sakrifiko di la meso, di la honoro. La sakrifiko di
Izaak da Abraham. EFIS
sakrilej-ar: (intr.) to commit a sacrilege; -anta,
-inta: sacrilegious. Def.: Profanacar ulu, ulo veneracinda o
sakra. Ex.: Sakrilejar kontre sacerdoto, kontre vestalo. (fig.)
Esus sakrilejo abatar ica belega arboro. DEFIS
sakrist-o: sexton; sacristan; -io: sacristy.
sakrum-o: (anat.) sacrum. EFIS
sal-o: salt; (chem.) sodium chloride; -ifar:
to salify: to produce salt; -igar: to salify: to form a
salt with; to impregnate (ulo) with salt; -izar: to
cover (ulo) with salt; -a kolono: a column (made)
of salt; -ala legi: laws relating to s.; -oza fisho:
a salty fish; -iz-ita porko-karno: salt pork; -if-isto:
a salt-maker (producer); -iz-isto: a salter, curer;
-atra: (tendency)salty; brackish; -uyo, -iz-uyo:
salt-shaker, salting-box; -oz-eso: saltness; -aquo:
salt water; -min-eyo: salt-mine; -o grosa: coarse
salt; -grano: grain of salt; -marsho: a salt marsh;
amoniak-salo: sal ammoniac. DeFIRS
salad-o: salad; -uyo: s. dish, s. bowl.
salamandr-o: (zool.) salamander (Salamandra).
salari-ar: (tr.) to pay a stipend, wages, a salary to
(ulu); -o, -ajo: salary, wages stipend; -ato:
a salaried person; -at-acho: hireling. DEFIS
sald-ar: (tr.) to settle with: pay the balance due
on an account current; -o, -uro: settlement, payment; -ajo:
balance due: difference between debits and credits of a running
account; (cf. bilanco). Ex.: Saldar trupi, employati.
salep-o: (esp. pharm.) salep: dried roots of various
orchids. DEFIRS
sali-ar: (intr.) to be protuberant, to jut out,
project. (N.B. refers to form not movement; cf. spricar); -igar:
to cause to jut out, to bring into prominence; (of fluids)
throw up; -o, -ajo: jutting forth; protuberance,
prominence, projection; (fort.) salient; -anta:
projecting, prominent, salient. eFIS
salinc-o*: (chem.) salicin.
salik-a: Salic; -a lego: S. law. V. exp.: Ideo di
heredado nur da e tra la maskuli; IV-581. DEFIRS
salik-o: (bot.) willow-tree (genus: Salix); -o
ploranta: weeping w. IL
salikari-o: (bot.) spiked purple loose-strife;
willow-weed (Lythrum salicaria). F
salin-o: salina: salt-works; (cf. sal-min-eyo). Def.:
Loko ube produktesas la salo per vapigoro di la saloza aquo;
IV-715. DeFIS
saliv-o: saliva, spittle; -ala: salivary; -ifar:
to salivate (cf. sputar). V. exp.: vid. bavar.
salmon-o: (ich.) salmon; -yuno: young s.; -ea:
s. colo(u)red. DEFIS
salon-o: saloon: drawing-room, parlo(u)r; (cf. art-ala
expoz-eyo). Def.: Chambro en apartamento destinita por
aceptar vizitanti. DeFRS
salpetr-o: saltpeter. DEFR
salsifi-o: (bot.) salsify, oyster-plant (Tragopogon
porrifolius). EF
salt-ar: (intr.) to leap, jump, bound, hop (upward or
forward), vault (ad, sur, trans, retro, ad-avane);
-igar: to bounce (ulo): cause to leap or jump; -etar:
to hop, skip, caper; -ope: by leaps and bounds; -anta,
-et-anta: leaping, skipping; ri- -ar: to rebound; dorso-
-o: (game) leapfrog; later-ala -o: side jump; turno-
-o: summersault; trans-saltar: (tr.) to jump
across; vento- -o: (nav.) a shift of wind. Ex.:
Saltar trans (od, trans-saltar) fosato. Irar super ulo per un
salto. Saltar al guturo di ulu. eFIS
salubr-a: (of places, things) salubrious, wholesome,
healthy; -eso: salubrity; -igar, -eskar: to render,
become s. V. exp.: Salubra tote ne esas sana; sana
koncernas la personi o vivanti; salubra koncernas la kozi
(klimato, lando, domo). Anke salubreso tote ne esas la saneso,
ma la extera, fizikal kondicioni di la saneso. Ol anke ne esas la
higieno, qua esas larto konservar la saneso. On
povas (e devas) sequar la higieno precipue en ne-salubra
lando; II-711, anke sana. EFIS
salut-ar: (tr.) to greet, salute (cf. salvear,
reverencar); -ego: a very low bow, salaam; hearty
salute; inter- -ar: to salute each other; -ar per
espado, per manuo, per salveo: to salute with the sword, with
the hand, by firing a salute; -ar per voco: to cheer.
Def.: Donar ad ulu extera signo di respekto, politeso.
salutar-a: salutary, wholesome, beneficial. Def.: Qua
risanigas o salvas; IV- 138. Ex.: Salutara legi, kura-civi
manjaji. V. exp.: vid. sana. EFIS
salv-ar: (tr., also theol.) to save (from danger,
peril, sickness), to deliver, rescue; to salvage (goods); -(ad)o:
saving, salvation, salvaging; -eso: safety, salvation:
state of being saved; -anta: saving, rescuing; -anto,
-into, -onto: saver, deliverer; (theol.) Saviour; -ita:
saved, safe (cf. sekura, integra); -o-letro:
safe-conduct; -o-gardar: (tr.) to safeguard; -o-gard-ilo:
(instr.) safeguard; -boyo: life-buoy. Ex.: Salvar
urbo, vivo, sua honoro. DEFIS
salve-ar: (intr., milit.) to fire a salute, a volley
(cf. salutar); -o, -o-pafado: salute, volley,
salvo; aplaud- -o: (fig.) a round of applause.
salvi-o: (bot.) sage (-plant) (genus: Salvia).
sam-a: same (cf. identa); -o: the s. thing; -eso:
sameness; -e: also, likewise, ditto; sam-gent-ano,
sam-civit-ano, sam-stat-ano, sam-urb-ano: fellow citizen; sam-genera:
congenerous, of the same genus; -speca: of the same
species; sam-ide-ano: fellow thinker; partisan of the same
idea; sam-instanta: happening at the same moment,
simultaneous (cf. sam-tempa); sam-land-ano:
compatriot, fellow countryman; sam-matra: of the same
mother; -patr(ul)a: consanguine; sam-patri-ano:
compatriot, fellow counrtyman; (cf. sam-land-ano); sam-religi-ano:
coreligionist; sam-spec-ano: a kindred or cognate species;
sam-substanc-eso: consubstantiality; sam-temp-a:
contemporaneous, simultaneous (cf. sam-instanta); sam-tempano:
contemporary; sam-centra: concentric. Ex.: Il ne plus esas
la sama homo. To esas la sama (od, to esas equivalanta). La
sameso di la peizaji. Il pensas same kam me. La sama rezultajo.
Me lektis la sama libro kam vu ( la sama verko, ma en altra
exemplero). La mediko probis desparigar samtempe la febro e la
dursto. DER
sambuk-o: (bot.) elder (-tree) (genus: Sambucus).
samovar-o: samovar: Russian tea-urn. DEFR
san-a: (pr. of persons; fig. of things) healthy, well,
hearty, hale, sound in health; (fig.) sound, wholesome; -a
mente: sane; -eso: healthiness, good health; san-esar:
to be well, to be all right, be in good health; -es-ala:
sanitary, -igar: to make healthy, well; -eskar: to
recover ones health; -ig-iva: wholesome, hearty; korpe
e mente -a: sound in body and mind; sana e sekura:
well (or, safe) and sound; sana opiniono, kritiko: sane
opinion, sound criticism; sana arboro: healthy tree. Def.:
Qua havas konstituciono (od figurale, konstituceso) sen-defekta o
koruptita (partikulare da morbo). V. exp.: Lo sana ne
povas nocar; lo salubra reale bonfacas; lo salutara
salvas de danjero, malajo. La ri-sanigeyo devas esar en salubra
loko ube la kuracati povas recevar salubra (E. wholesome)
manjaji e salutara remediili kande malada; kp. salubra.
sanatori-o: sanatorium. DEFIRS
sancion-ar: (tr.) to sanction: give validity to. Ex.:
Sancionar lego. Ica vorto ne havas la sanciono di kustumo.
sandal-o: sandal: kind of shoe. DEFIRS
sandarak-o: sandarac(-gum) (Callitris quadrivalvis).
«sandwich»: sandwich.
sang-o: blood; -ala: relating to b.: -oza:
sanguinary: bloody, blood-stained; -ea: blood-colo(u)red; -atra:
b.-like; -ifar: to bleed; -o-tir-ar: (tr.)
to bleed (ulu); -o-sputar: to spit b.; -plena:
full-blooded; -am-anta, -o-durst-anta: (fig.)
bloodthirsty; -ifar de la nazo: to have nose bleed; -ifo,
-o-formaco: sanguification; -ek-fluo: hemorrhage; sen-
-a: bloodless. eFIS
sanguin-a: (of temperament) sanguine; -(ul)o: a
s. person. DEFIRS
sanguisug-o: (worm) leech (Hirudo medicinalis); (fig.)
bloodsucker, extortioner. FIS
sani-o*: (med.) sanies. Def.: Materio sangoza e
fetida, qua fluas de ula ulceri. V-349. DEFIS
sanskrit-a (linguo) (la): Sanscrit. DEFIRS
sant-a: holy, saintly; (of titles) saint; (cf. sakra);
-(ul)o: a saint; -eso: holiness, sanctity,
saintliness, saintship; -igar: to sanctify, make holy; -igo:
sanctification; -eyo: a holy place; Santa Spirito:
Holy Ghost; Santa Paulo: Saint Paul; santa patr-ulo:
holy father; santa tribunalo: holy office (Inquisition); santa
semano: holy week; santa vivo: a holy life; sant-aqu-uyo:
holy-water basin, font. DEFIS
santal-o: sandalwood. DeFR
santolin-o: (bot.) lavender-cotton ground-cypress
(Santolina). FISL
santuari-o: sanctuary: that part of a church where the
altar is placed; chancel; altar; (Jewish) holy of holies. (fig.)
asylum, sacred refuge. Def.: Parto di kirko, di templo
interdiktata a la profani; IV-582. DEFIS
sap-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to sap, undermine; -(ad)o,
-uro: undermining, (milit.) sap(ping); -isto: (milit.)
sapper. Ex.: Sapar la fundamenti di basiono, di edifico. (fig.)
Ta sistemo sapas la fundamenti di la Kristana religio.
sapaju-o: (zool.) sapajou (monkey) (genus: Cebus).
sapon-o: soap; -ala, -oza, -atra; soapy, saponaceous; -agar,
-izar: to use s., put s. on, lather; -igar: (tr.),
-ifar: (intr.) to saponify, make or produce soap; -if-erio:; -bulo, -peco: a piece of soap. eFIS
saponari-o: (bot.) soapwort (genus: Saponaria).
saponin-o*: (chem.) saponin
saponit-o*: (min.) saponite.
sapor-ar: (intr.) to have a certain flavo(u)r
(taste) (cf. gustar, savurar); -o: flavo(u)r,
taste: (fig.) zest; -oza: tasty; succulent,
palatable; sen- -a: tasteless; (fig. of things)
insipid, flat, vapid; posa- -o: after-taste. Ex.: La biro
saporas bitre. Ta karno esas sen-sapora. Ca vino havas pikema
saporo. (fig.) Lua poemo havas nula saporo. FIS
saprofit-o: (bot.) saprophyte.
sapt-o: (of plants) sap. Def.: Suko quan la planti
tiras ek la tero, e qua acensante en li nutras oli; II-705.
saraband-o: saraband. Def.: Anciena danso, origine
Hispana; IV-582. DEFIRS
saracen-o: (bot.) buckwheat (Polygonum fagopyrum).
sarcel-o: (orni.) teal (-duck) (genus:
Querquedula). F
sardin-o: (ich.) sardine (Sardinella pilchardus).
sardonik-a: sardonic (laughter, etc.). DEFIRS
sardonix-o: (min.) sardonyx. DEFIS
sargas-o: sargass-o, -um, gulfweed (genus: Sargassum).
sarig-o: (zool.) opossum (Didelphys virginiana).
sark-o: coffin, bier; -o-kapelo: mortuary chapel; -o-veturo:
hearse. De
sarkasm-o: sarcasm; -a, -atra, -ema: sarcastic; -em(ul)o:
a sarcastic person. DEFIRS
sarkl-ar: (tr.) to weed (flowers, a garden); -uro:
weeding (done); -aji: weeds cut down (cf. mala herbo);
-ilo: a weeding instrument. FI
sarkofag-o: sarcophagus: stone coffin. DEFIRS
sarkom-o: (med.) sarcoma. DEFIS
sarment-o: (bot.) sarmentum: a running stem (as the
strawberry plant); -oza: sarmentose: having slender
prostrate branches or runners. EFIS
sarsaparel-o: (bot.) sarsaparilla (genus: Smilax).
sat(e): (adv.) enough, sufficiently (de);
-o: a sufficiency; me havas sata (od, sat multa;
sato de; suficanta) pekunio: I have enough money; vu
parolis sate: you have spoken enough; savar sat multe: to
know enough; sat bone: good enough. V.exp.: Sat,
suficante: Me manjis sat multa pano, me ne suficante
granda quanto por saturigar mea hungro. Ofte sat havas
preske la signifiko di pasable, ma existas tamen kelka
nuanco. «Homo, pasable granda, esas sat granda por esar
vertuoza, ma ne suficante granda por atingar ula pomo pendanta de
arboro.» L
Satan-o: Satan; -ala, -atra: satanic. DEFIRS
satelit-o: (astron. and fig.) satellite. Ex.: La
luno esas satelito di ica planeto. DEFIRS
satin-o: (fabric) satin; -atra pelo: a
satin-like skin; -umar: to glaze: give to fabrics, paper,
etc., a satin-like gloss; koton- -o: satinet. DEFIR
satir-o: satire; -ala, -atra, -ema: satirical; -e
mokar: to satirize (ulo), lampoon (ulu).
satirus-o: (myth. and fig.) satyr. DeFIRS
satisfac-ar: (tr.) to satisfy: to answer, fulfil
(expectation, promise), to discharge (an obligation); to make
amends, atone for (an offense, sin); -o: fulfilment,
satisfaction (given), amends; -anta: satisfactory: making
amends. V.exp.: On adoptas satisfacar en la sequanta uzo:
«satisfacar devo, obligo, kontrato, promiso, kondiciono», ne en
la senco di kontent-igar; III-666. DEFIS
«satisfecit»: certificate of satisfaction, of good
conduct. Def.: Atesto-letreto donata (quale da skolestro a lua
satrap-o: satrap; -io: (domain) satrapy.
satur-ar: (tr.) to fill completely; to satiate,
glut, saturate, surfeit; (chem.) to unite or dilute until
no more can be received. Ex.: Saturar acido. Saturar sua
kuriozeso. La saturo-punto varias segun la tempuraturo. Saturita
per manjajo, per aquo, per doloro. V.exp.: vid. saciar.
saturdi-o: Saturday. E
saturnal-i: (lit. and fig.) Saturnalia. DEFIRS
sauc-o: (cook.) sauce; -uyo: s. holder, s.
tureen; -izar: to put sauce on. DEFIRS
sauri-o: saurian; (cf. lacerto). DEFIS
sav-ar: (tr.) to know (by learning), to have a
knowledge of; to be versed in; be aware of; to know how (to do); -igar:
to cause (ulu) to know (ulo), to apprise, inform,
instruct; -eskar: to become informed, apprised (pri);
(-ad)o: knowing, learning; -ajo: knowledge: what is
known; -ema: (of persons) desirous of learning,
curious (cf. kurioza); -ar lektar e skribar: to
know how to read and write; -ar plezar, facar: to know how
to please, to make; -ar la intenci: to be sensible, be
aware of the intentions. Ex.: Savar ulo, multo (pri). Me ne savas
quon me devas dicar. Savar gramatiko, lingui, matematiko. V. exp.
(1): Savar, konocar: Konocar esas havar
lideo, la nociono pri ulu, ulo per sensi; savar esas
pure mental ago. On konocas ulu per la nomo, la vizajo; on
savas gramatiko. V. exp. (2): Sav-igar, informar,
instruktar, avizar, notifikar, instruciono: Sav-igar
esas la maxim generala vorto. Informar esas konocigar
fakti; instruktar, konocigar teoriala o ciencala veraji; avizar
donar ula praktikal informo, konsilo od impero; notifikar
konocigar fakto per oficiala formo. Instruciono esas
indiko di la metodo o maniero por uzar juste ed utile ula kozo,
instrumento, kuracilo, e.c.; II-646. FIS
savan-o: savanna: treeless plain or meadow; U.S.: prarie.
savur-ar: (tr.) to savo(u)r, relish (a dish); (fig.)
to enjoy, delight in; -o: savo(u)r, relish. Def.: Gustar
lente, kun atenco e plezuro. Ex.: Savurar ula vino, tasedo de
kafeo. (fig.) Savurar ula plezuro, la honori. EF
saxhorn-o*: (mus.) saxhorn. DEF
saxifrag-o: (bot.) saxifrage (genus: Saxifraga).
saxofon-o: (mus.) saxophone. DEFIS
sbir-o*: sbirro: a former member of Italian Police.
se: (conj.) if (followed frequently, but not
necessarily by conditional); -ne: if not or else,
otherwise; -nur: if only, provided that. Ex.: Se me povus,
me venus. To esas importanta, se vera. Obediez; se ne, gardez! Me
facos to, se nur il venos. FIS
seb-o: tallow or tallow-like substance, suet; (cf. stearino);
-oza: tallowy; -if-anta: sebaceous; -o-glando:
sebaceous gland; -grano, -pustulo: (med.) black
pimple (on skin); okul- -o: eye mucus, -rheum. eIS
secion-o: (geom.) section (cf. segmento). V.
exp.: Seciono signifikas la figuro (plana) obtenita «sekante»
objekto per plano (ex. la koniki esas konala secioni); kun ta
senco ol uzesas tre ofte en geometrio e cetera matematika cienci;
IV-351; V-660. DEFIRS
sed-o: bottom, backside: hinder part or seat of body; (cf.
gropo, rumpo, lumbo); -o-balno: sitz-bath. V. exp.:
Sedo esas la ordinara vorto quan on uzas exemple en
gimnastiko: «la sedo maxim posible adsupre!» kulo povas
semblar shokanta; gluteo esas anatomiala.
sedentari-a: sedentary (life, profession). Def.: Qua
restas konstante sidanta, pro mestiero; per extenso, la mestiero
anke dicesas «sedentaria»; III-207. DEFIS
sedici-ar: (intr.) to (cause a) mutiny, to riot (cf. rebel-eskar,
revoltar); populacho -oza: a riotous mob; -ema
soldati: seditious (riotous) soldiers; -ema mento:
seditious mind. Def.: Facar mikra revolto. eFIS
sediment-o: sediment, grounds, dregs, lees; -ala,
-atra: sedimentary; -oza: feculent, turbid, muddy.
sedukt-ar: (tr.) to seduce (chastity); to lead astray
(from the path of rectitude, duty); to beguile, entice (cf. lurar,
trompar, facinar, misduktar, koruptar, subornar); -o,
-eso: seduction; -anta, -iva: enticing, seductive,
captivating, engaging, winning; -anto, -ero: seducer (cf. atrakt-iva).
Ex.: Seduktar puerino. La charmo di lua manieri seduktas me.
seg-ar: (tr.) to (cut with a) saw: -ilo: a
saw; -il-lamo: blade of a s.; trapar- -ar: to s.
through (ulo); cirklo- -ilo: circular s.; rubando-
-ilo: ribbon-, band-s.; -erio: sawmill; -isto:
sawyer; -pulvero: sawdust. DI
segl-o: sail (of a ship); -aro: sails (of a ship);
set of s.s.; -irar: to s.: go sailing before the wind; -o-navo:
sailing vessel; -if-isto: sailmaker; hisar la -i:
to set, make sails. DE
segment-o: section, segment; -igar: to segment:
divide into sections; -ig-ado, -uro: segmentation; cirklo-segmento:
segment of a circle; (cf. seciono). V. exp.: Segmento
signifikas ula determinita parto di objekto longa, lineatra, quan
on «sekas» o dividas segun lua longeso: segmento di voyo, di
fervoyo (ex. inter du stacioni), di rivero, di kanalo (inter du
sluzi), di filo telegrafala (inter du stacioni o posteni);
IV-351; V-660. DEFIRS
segregac-ar: (tr.) to segregate. DEFIS
segun: (prep.) according to, agreeably to, in
conformity with; pursuant to, after; segun ke: (conj.)
according to whether; -quante: as far as, in so far; -vola:
optional; -vole: at will. Ex.: Segun vua deskripto, vua
rekomendo, mea opiniono. Traktar ulu segun lua merito. Evangelio
segun St. Johano. Ni diskutos to, nur segun quante ol povas
kontributar a nia projeto. Segun ke vu esos richo o mizeroza, la
homi judikos vu kom bona o kom mala. IS
seid-o: fanatical partisan, zealot. Def.: Fanatiko volunte
kriminas pro religiala zelo, e.c. DFIS
sejorn-ar: (intr.) sojourn, remain for some time at
a place (cf. restar). EF
sek-ar: (tr.) to make a surface cut in; cut
partially through; divide into sections; -uro: (surg.)
section; -anto: (geom.) secant; -vund-uro:
gash, cut, slash. V. exp.: vid. tranchar. eFIS
sekal-o: (bot.) rye (Secale cereale); -grano:
a grain of rye; -pano: rye-bread. FIL
sekin-o*: (coin) sequin. DEFIRS
sekond-ar: (tr.) to second, back (up) support (a
motion, proposition); -anto: seconder, backer.
sekrec-ar: (tr., biol.) to secrete; -(ad)o:
-uro: secretion; -anta, -ala: secreting, secretory.
sekret-a: secret, not made known, not revealed,
clandestine (cf. cel-ita, privata); -ajo: a secret
(cf. misterio); -eso: secrecy; -e: secretly,
in secret. V.exp.: vid. arkana. DEFIRS
sekretari-o: (person) secretary. DEFIRS
sekt-o: sect; -ano: member of a s., sectarian.
sektor-o: (geom., milit.) sector. DEFIRS
sekular-a: secular, worldly; (cf. laika); -(ul)o:
a secular priest (not a regular); -a klerikaro: secular
clergy: clergy not bound by monastic vows; -igar: to
secularize. DEFIRS
sekund-o: second: 60th of a minute of time or
of an arc. DEFIRS
sekundara: secondary: indicates relationship as used in
geology, electricity, public school, medicine, etc., compared
with primara, terciara; (cf. acesora: duesma-grada; min
grava). DEFIS
sekur-a: safe, secure: out of danger, without danger; -eso:
safety, security; -esar: to be s., -igar: to
make safe, secure (cf. cert-igar); -es-polico:
detective police; -es-valvo: valve; Ex.: Pozar ulo en
sekura loko. Voyajar sekure (od, en sekureso). Sekurigar sua
havajo. EFIS
sel-o: saddle; -eto, -kusen-eto: s.-pad (as for
cart-horse); -izar: to s., -if-erio: saddlery
(where saddles are made; cf. harnes-if-erio); -kavalo:
s.-horse; hom-in-selo: side-s., ladys s.; -arko:
s. bow; sen-sel-igar: to unsaddle. FIS
selakt-o: whey. L
selekt-ar: (tr.) to select, choose, pick out (cf. elektar,
preferar, asortar); -o: selection, option; -ajo:
what is chosen, choice. Ex.: Selektar sua amiki. Selektar la
maxim bona cerizi. Naturala selektado. DEFRS
seleni-o*: (chem.) selenium. DEFIRS
selenografi-o: selenography. DEFIRS
«selfmademan»: self-made man.
sem-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to sow, strew, scatter
(seed for growth); -ajo: what is sown; seed. FIRS
semafor-o: semaphore. DEFIRS
seman-o: week; omna- -e, singla- -e: every w., each
w., weekly; ca- -e: this week; santa -o: Holy Week;
mi- -a: twice a w., every half w.; du- -a:
bi-weekly, every two weeks. FIS
semantik-o: semantics, semasiology. Def.: Cienco di la
signifiki (di vorti), di lia evoluciono (parto di la
linguistiko); IV-81. DEFIRS
sembl-ar: (intr.) to seem, appear (to be), look
(like) (cf. aspektar, simular); -o: appearance,
semblance, external aspect, outward show; -anta: seeming; -o
falsa: false show, pretence; -ante: apparently (cf. kred-ebla).
Ex.: Ca vino semblas a me esar mala. Il semblas dormar. Semblo di
amikeso. eFI
semestr-o: semester: six months period (of study) (cf. trimestro).
Sem-ido: Semite; -id-ala: Semitic. DEFRS
semin-o, -i: seed (cf. spermo, grano); -izar:
to sow (a field, etc.).
seminari-o: (ecclesiastical) seminary; -ano:
seminarist, theological student. DEFIRS
semol-o: semolina. eFIS
semperviv-o: (bot.) houseleek (Sempervivum
[tectorum]). L
sempr-e: (adv.) always (cf. perpetue, sen-cese);
por sempre: for ever, evermore; -a: perpetual. Ex.:
On ne esas sempre felica. Matine me levas me sempre tre frue.
sen: (prep.) without, not with, free from:
indicates absence, privation, exclusion, destitution; (Note: Sen
is often compounded with verbs in place of des-, ne- to
signify deprivation, absence: des-esperar: to despair; sen-esper-igar:
to deprive (ulu) of hope; ne-esperanta: unhopeful; sen-espera:
hopeless. Note that in the adjective form the suffix -a is
used, not -ala, -oza, etc. sen-esper-a, not sen-esper-oza,
sen-viva korpo: a lifeless body; sen-falio: without
fail, unfailingly; sen to: without that, otherwise; sen
ke: (conj.) without (that), unless: me ne povas
parolar, sen ke il inter-ruptas me: I cannot speak without
his interrupting me. Ant.: kun. FIS
senat-o: senate; -ano: senator; -ala, -an-ala:
senatorial. DEFIRS
senatuskonsult-o*: senatys-consultum: decree of the
(Roman) senate.
sen-brach(ul)o: (lit.: person without breeches) (French
hist.) sans-culotte.
senc-o: sense, meaning; du-senc-eso, -ajo: double
meaning; plur-senca vorto: a word with various
significations; ne-justa senco: improper sense; sen-senca:
senseless; sen-senc-ajo: a senseless thing or act;
nonsense. V.exp.: Senco, signifiko: La senco di ula
vorto konsistas en la diversa idei, quin ol expresas od implikas;
lua signifiko konsistas en la diversa objekti, a qui ol
esas aplikebla. Ex.: La vorti «Blanka Monto» havas senco
aplikebla a omna blanka monti; ma lua signifiko restriktesas ad
un monto. Simile la Glacial Oceano, la Nigra e la Reda Maro,
e.c. La vorti «la maxim granda de la nombri» havas senco
komprenebla e mem klara, ma korespondas a nula objekto; ol
«signifikas nulo;» (Further discussion of these synonyms may be
found in VI-80-81). EFIS
sen-ceremoni-a: unceremonious; -eso: bluntness,
sen-ces-a: continual, incessant: constantly renewed or
recurring (cf. kontinua).
send-ar: (tr.) to send: cause to go, dispatch,
forward; -ajo: what is sent; parcel (of goods); -ato:
person sent; messenger, emissary; -ato diplomac-ala:
sen-defekt-a: faultless.
sen-domaj-a: undamaged, intact, in good condition (cf. ne-tush-ita,
sen-dub-a, -e: undoubted(ly), assuredly (cf. certe).
seneci-o: (bot.) groundsel (genus: Senecio).
seneshal-o: (title) seneschal. DEFIRS
sen-flor-eskar: to lose, shed its blossom.
sen-har-a: (of persons) bald: completely without
hair; (cf. kalva).
sen-harnes-igar: (= des-harnes-izar): to
sen-hered-ant-eso: (jur.) escheat: failure of
heritable heirs by which property reverts to the State.
sen-honor-a: unhono(u)red: without hono(u)r: -igar:
to dishono(u)r, deprive (ulu) of hono(u)r.
senil-a: (med.) senile; -eso: senility.
sen-intenc-e: unintentionally.
senior-a; -o, -ulo, -ino: senior, elder, eldest; -eso:
seniority, eldership; -yuro: birthright; (jur.)
primogeniture. DEF
sen-jen-a: unconstrained; free and easy.
sen-kap-a: headless, acephalus; -igar: to lop the
head from, decapitate.
sen-karn-igar: to strip the meat from.
sen-kern-igar: to stone (peaches, etc.); to core (apples,
sen-kortic-igar: to peel, strip (of its bark).
sen-kulp-a: guiltless, faultless (cf. inocenta).
sen-kuraj-a: timid; -igar: to dishearten,
discourage, demoralize.
sen-makul-a: unblemished, unspotted, spotless, immaculate.
sen-mobl-igar: to strip of furniture; -ig-ita:
sen-mov-a: motionless.
«senna»: (bot., pharm.) senna.
sen-pag-a: gratuitous (cf. gratuita); -e:
gratis, free of charge.
sen-partis-a: impartial; -eso: impartiality.
sen-pil-igar: (tr.) to flay, skin (cf. exkoriar).
sen-pen-a, -e: without difficulty.
sen-pel-igar: to depilate, remove the hair, the bristles
from; -eskar: to lose (shed) the hair (of animals);
-ig-iva, -ivo: depilatory.
sen-plum-igar: to pluck feathers from.
sen-polv-igar: to dust; -ig-ilo: duster (cf. plum-fasko).
sen-pudor-a: immodest, wanton: without (womanly) modesty; -ajo:
immodest act (cf. sordid-ajo, laciv-ajo).
sen-reflekt-a: thoughtless, heedless, giddy.
sen-religi-a: irreligious (cf. kontre-religia; des-pia).
sens-o: sense: one of the five physical senses or
faculties; -ala: (physiol.) sensorial, sensory; -ala
plezuri: pleasures of the senses; -al-ismo: (philos.)
sensualism: sensationalism, the doctrine that all knowledge
originates in sensation (cf. sensual-ismo). DEFIRS
sensacion-o*: sensation: excited interest or feeling (cf. sento);
-ala: sensational (cf. impres-anta, -iva). Ex.: Ula
novaji ofte produktas sensaciono. Sensacionala jurnali, libri.
sen-shel-igar: to shell, peel, hull, husk.
sen-senc-a: senseless, meaningless; -ajo: nonsense.
sensitiv-o: (bot.) sensitive plant.
sen-sorg-a: careless.
sensual-a: sensual: devoted to the gratification of the
senses; voluptuous; -(ul)o, -isto: s. person; sensualist; -ismo:
sensualism: sensuality (cf. sens-al-ismo). Def.: Devota a
sensala plezuri; agreabla a la sensi. EFIS
sen-suci-a: free from care or concern.
sent-ar: (tr.) to feel (a sensation) (cf. konciar,
perceptar, flarar, odorar, saporar); -(ad)o: feeling,
sensation; -ebla: sensible: which is felt; -eble:
sensibly: perceptibly; -iva, -ema: sensitive,
impressionable, susceptible; -iveso, -emeso:
sensitiveness, sensibility, susceptibility; -eyo,
sento-centro: sensorium, place of sensation; -iv-igar:
to make sensitive; me sentas me varma (od, kom varma):
I feel warm (cf. IV-691). Ex.: Sentar koldeso, hungro, dursto,
doloro. EFIS
sen-tar-e, -a: net (weight).
sentenc-o: sentence: maxim: short saying containing an
axiom, saw (cf. proverbo). (N.B. This is not the E.
grammatical «sentence» cf. frazo); -ema, -atra:
sententious, terse, pithy. Ex.: Sentenco da Seneca. Stilo,
maniero sentencala. DeFIRS
sentiment-o: sentiment, mental feeling, emotion (opp. to
physical sensation), -ala: (of things) sentimental;
-ema; -emo: sentimental (person); -em-eso:
sentimentality. Ex.: La sentimento di lo bela. Me havas nula
sentimento ecepte la tristeso. Sentimento di odio. Sentimentala
tono, diskurso. Yunino sentimentema. EFIRS
sen-tim-a: fearless, without dread.
sentinel-o: (milit.) sentinel, sentry; -esar: to
be on s. watch (cf. facionar); -igar: to post (ulu)
as a s. EFIS
sen-valor-a: worthless; -igar: to render worthless;
(of money) to demonetize.
sen-viv-a: lifeless.
sen-voc-a: (in phonetics) surd, mute.
sep: seven; -esma: seventh; -imo:
one-seventh; -yara: septennial; -a-dek: seventy; -a-dek-yar-a,
-(ul)o: septuagenar-y, -ian; (for other derivative forms, cf.
du). DeFIS
sepal-o: (bot.) sepal. EFIS
separ-ar: (tr.) to separate, part, divide, (ulo,
de ulo); (su) to secede, withdraw; -o, -eso:
separation, severing, partition; secession; -ilo: anything
which separates: a partition; -ajo: that which is
separated, a s. part; -anta, -iva: separating, seceding,
separative: -ate: separately; -anto, -emo:
secessionist, separatist; -ebla: separable; -o-lineo:
line of demarcation. Ex.: Separar la kapo de la korpo. Ta rivero
separas ca du provinci. Separar su de ula societo. Lia diversa
interesti separas li. Ni judikos separate la du kozi.
sepi-o: (ich.) sepia, cuttlefish (genus: Sepia); -ajo:
sepia (pigment); -desegn-o, -uro: s. drawing.
sept-a: (med.) septic: causing putrifaction; -eso:
sepsis. DEFIRS
septembr-o: September. DEFIRS
septet-o: (mus.) septet (voices or instruments).
septilion-o*: septillion.
septim-o*: (mus.) seventh chord.
sepult-ar: (tr.) to entomb, bury (a dead body) (cf.
en-ter-igar); -eskar: to prepare for burial, lay
out (a body); -o, -uro: sepulture, burial (cf. tombo);
-eyo: place of burial; -o-tuko: shroud, winding
sheet. EFIS
sequ-ar: (tr.) to follow, go or come after, go
next, to be or come next; -o: sequence, continuation; -anto:
a follower; -anta: next, subsequent; -ant-aro:
retinue, train, attendants, suite; -ant-ajo: sequel,
continuation: that which follows; -ante: in pursuance, in
conformity; -e: then, (here)after; -inda: worth
following; -enda: which must be followed. Ex.: Il marchis
adavane e la altri sequis il. Sequar ulu per la okulo. Sequar
voyo, metodo. La sequantaro venis dop (od, sequante) il. Sequo di
lud-karti. Il remarkis sua eroro erste ye la sequante matino.
Exemplo sequinda. Voyo sequenda. eFIS
sequenci-o*: (R.C. liturgy) sequence: a certain
hymn sung during mass.
sequestr-ar: (tr., jur.) to sequester; -(ad)o,
-eso: sequestration; -ajo: what is sequestered. Ex.:
Sequestrar la havajo di ulu. DEFIRS
sequoy-o: (bot.) sequoia: red-wood tree (Sequoia
gigantea; Sequoia sempervirens). EF
ser-o: (physiol.) serum: thin, transparent part of
blood (cf. serumo); -oza: serous: (fig.)
watery; lakto- -o: whey: thin part of milk (cf. selakto).
seraf-o: seraph; -i: seraphim; -ala:
seraphic. DEFIS
seray-o: seraglio. DEFIRS
serbatan-o: air-cane; pea-shooter. Def.: Longa tubo uzata por
lansar, per suflado, mikra projektili. FIS
serch-ar: (tr.) to seek, look for, search for, be in
quest of; -(ad)o: search(ing); -anto, -ero,-emo:
seeker, searcher; tra- -ar: to s. through, to rummage.
Ex.: Serchar oro. Serchar vorto en vorto-libro. Serchar lojeyo.
Il serchas oportunajo por ganar la pekunio. EFI
seren-a: (phys., mental) serene, placid; -eso:
serenity. Ex.: Mieno, fronto, tempo serena. EFIS
serenad-o: serenade; -ar, donar -o: to serenade (ulu).
«serenissimus»: (title) His Serene Highness.
serfo, -ulo, -ino: serfdom. EFIS
seri-o: series, row, file; continued succession, order or
course (cf. inter-sequo, sucedo); -e: in s., in
rows. Ex.: Serio di personi, di objekti, di questioni, di soni.
serin-o: (orni.) serin: canary (-finch). eF
sering-o: (bot.) syringa (genus: Philadelphus).
serioz-a: serious, sedate, grave; not lively or amusing; -(ul)o:
a s. person; -eso: seriousness. Ex.: Serioza karaktero,
konverso, morbo. Parolar serioze. Konsiderar ulu, ulo kom
serioza. V. exp.: vid. grava. Ant.: vivaca, gaya,
amuz-anta, rid-ig-anta, komika, jokema. EFIRS
serj-o: (fabric) serge. DEF
serjent-o: sergeant. DEFIRS
seron-o: (com.) seroon: a bale of tea, indigo, etc.
wrapped in hide. DeFIS
serp-o: bill-hook, pruning-bill; -eto: pruning-,
garden-knife. Def.: Speco di kultelo larja kun pinto kurvigita
(en la sama plano), qua servas por taliar la arbori, tranchar la
branchi; VI-539. F
serpent-o: serpent, snake; -ala: relating to s.; -atra,
-o-forma: serpentine; -o-fuzeo: Pharaohs
serpent: a species of fireworks; -o-korno: serpent: a
former musical instrument; -o-tubo: a winding tube.
serpentin-o: (min.) serpentine. DEFIS
serpol-o: (bot.) serpolet: wild thyme (Thymus
Serpillum). eFIS
serum-o: (medicinal, artificial) serum (cf. sero);
-kuraco: s. therapy. DEFIS
serur-o: lock; -(if)isto: locksmith; -hoko: l.
catch; resort- -o: spring l.; sekur-es- -o: safety
l. Ex.: Klef-agar la seruro do pordo. FIS
serv-ar: (tr., intr.) to be of service to, to serve
(as an assistant or domestic); to be in the service (of), to
serve (customers), to tend (a machine); -(ad)o: serving,
service (cf. servico); -anto, -isto: servant,
servitor; -ist-ino: maid servant; -ist-aro: (collect.)
domestics, servants; -ema: obliging, willing to serve; -em-eso:
obligingness; -o tablo: serving table; vua -anto:
(polite phrase) your servant; -achar: to dance attendance
on (ulu), -em-acha: servile. Ex.: Servar ulu. Esar
servisto di ulu. Facar servo ad ulu. Me esas pronta servar vu.
Administrala servado. Servar ulu kom sekretario. Servar kliento,
mashino. DEFIS
serval-o: (zool.) serval: African wildcat (Felis
serval). DEFRS
servic-o: (table dishes) service; -o kristala,
arjenta, porcelana: crystal, silver, china service (cf. disho).
servitud-o: (jur.) servitude: liability of property to
rights of other persons, as a right of way over it. Def.: Obligo
pri domeno relate altra domeno; III-606.
sesg-ar: (tr.) to cut (ulo) in the form of a
crescent; (of dresses) to cut low; (cf. dekoltar).
Ex.: Sesgar korsajo. S
sesion-o: session, sittings (of a deliberative body, as a
court, legislature, etc.). V. exp.: Duro dum qua deliberanta
korporaciono kunsidas kontinue. To ne esas kunsido, qua
indikas la duro di singla kunveno; III-332. DEFIRS
seton-o: (surg., vet.) seton. EFI
sever-a: severe, hard, stern, harsh, strict (cf. austera);
-eso, -ajo: (quality, act) severity; (of
weather) inclemency. Def.: Rigoroza; ne-indulgema. Ex.:
Severa judiciisto, lego, morbo, klimato. Ant.: indulgema.
sexagesim-o*: (rel.) Sexagesima (Sunday).
sext-o: (mus.) sixth: an interval of six diatonic
degrees. DEFIRS
sextant-o: sextant. DEFIRS
sextet-o: (mus.) sextet. DEFIRS
sextilion-o*: sextillion.
sextik-o*: (math.) sextic. DEFIRS
sexu-o: sex; -ala: sexual; -al-eso: sexuality:
state of being distinguished by s.; sen- -a: sexless. Ex.:
La sexuo maskala, femina. Personi di la du sexui. Sexuala diferi,
orgami. DEFIRS
sezam-o: (bot.) sesame (Sesamum). DEFIRS
sezon-o: season (of the year; cf. okaziono, oportun-ajo);
-ala: seasonable (weather, etc.); -lugumi:
vegetables in s.; pluv- -o: rainy s.; stagno- -o:
dull, dead s.; posa -o: latter part of the s.; (fig.) autumn.
sfacel-o*: (med.) sphacelus: gangrene.
sfenoid-o: (geom., anat.) sphenoid(al); -o, -osto:
s. bone).
sfer-o: (geom.) sphere, globe; -a, -ala, -atra:
spherical. V. exp.: vid. balono. DEFIS
sferoid-o*: (geom.) spheroid. DEFIS
sferometr-o: spherometer. DEFIRS
sfinter-o: (anat.) sphincter (muscle). DEFIS
sfinx-o: (also fig.) sphinx. DEFIRS
«sha»: (title) shah.
shablon-o: pattern (cf. modelo); (fig.) routine
(cf. rutino). Def.: Plana figuro, qua indikas la konturi
sugun qui on devas taliar stofo; anke utila metafore (por
expresar sklavatra kopiado); IV-447 DR
shabrak-o: shabrak: ornamented saddle cloth, caparison. Def.:
Tegilo ornita di kavalo; VI-75. DeFRS
shaft-o: shaft, staff: long handle, as of a lance; stock (of
a gun); shank (of a tool); (cf. shakto). DE
shagrin-o: shagreen (leather). DEFI
shak-o: chessman; -ludo: chess (the game); -ludar:
to play c.; -planko: chess board; -ar: to give a
check (to the king). V. exp.: Por la shako-ludo on adoptas: damo,
episkopo, kavalo, turmo, e la expresuri: soldati, oficeri,
roquar, shakar la rejo; VI-116; for other descriptive terms, cf.
shakal-o: (zool.) jackal (Canis aureus). DEFIRS
shakt-o: shaft, pit (of a mine or quarry). De
shal-o: shawl. DEFIRS
shalm-o: pipe or tube of straw, reed, glass, or metal (as
used for sucking up liquids); (chemists) blowpipe; shawm:
an acient reed instrument; shepherds pipe; (bot.)
hollow sterm (of a plant). DeF
shalot-o: (bot.) shallot: an onion-like plant (Allium
ascalonicum). DEFRS
shalup-o: (sailing-) launch, long boat or cutter propelled by
sails or oars; shallop; vapor- -o: steam launch.
sham-ar: (intr.) to be ashamed (pri ulo);
-igar: to s. (ulu), to make (ulu) feel
ashamed, to humiliate, mortify; (cf. pudoro); -o:
shame, disgrace; -inda, -ig-anta: shameful, disgraceful,
foul, dirty (word, act); -ind-ajo: act of vileness; -ind-eso:
turpitude, baseness, vileness, shamefulness; sen- -a:
shameless; sen- -eso: shamelessness, effrontery. Def.:
Shamo: perturbo di la koncienco, igita da deshonoro, ridindajo,
e.c. Ex.: Il devos balde shamar pri sua mala agado. Vua
diligenteso shamigas me. Il esas shamoza pri sua ofenso. Shaminda
(od, sham-iganta) konduto, vorti, agi. DEF
shamot-o*: fire-clay. D
shampun-ar: (tr.) to shampoo. DEF
shancel-ar: (intr.) to stagger, totter, waver, reel,
be unstready, shake; -igar: to cause something to totter; (fig.)
to shake (an opinion, decision, etc.); -o: reeling,
tottering. F
shapk-o: fur cap. Def.: Furizita kap-vesto. R
sharad-o: charade. DEFIRS
shark-o: (ich.) shark. V. exp.: Sharko esas la
nomo vulgara di Squalus carcharius; squalo esas la nomo di
la genero Squalus. E
sharlatan-o: charlatan, quack-doctor, mountebank; -eso:
charlatanism, quackery. Def.: Venderacho di drogi,
dent-extirpero, e.c. en publika loki; (fig.) ne-savanta
mediko qua explotas la publiko. DEFIRS
sharp-o: scarf (for shoulders); sash (as insignia or
ornament); (surg.) sling; (cf. zono); havar la
brakio en -o: to have the arm in a sling; dentala -o:
lace scarf. DFIR
sharpi-o: (surg.) lint. DFR
sheik-o: sheik. Def.: Chefo di Araba tribuo; III-603.
shekl-o: (tech.) shackle. Def.: Masho di kateno qua
havas altra formo kam la cetera mashi e servas por specala skopo
(fixigo di la hoko, di siteli en dragilo, e.c.); III-85-6.
shel-o: shell, peel, rind, hull: hard outer case of eggs,
nuts, etc.; (cf. skalio, bruo); ovo- -o: egg-shell;
sen-shel-a pizi: shelled peas; sen-shel-igar: to
shell, peel: onyon-shelo: onion skin. DER
shibr-o: (tech.) slide-valve (in steam engine);
sluice-gate (for water). Def.: Valvo-pordo qua agas glitante en
sua plano tale ke ol obstruktas (parte o tote) vaporo en la
vapor-mashino, aqua en kanalo, tubo, e.c.; III-293. D
shifon-o: rag: piece of cloth torn off (cf. rago);
scrap (of paper, etc.); -isto: rag-picker; -uyo:
rag-, scrap-holder. eFIR
shikan-ar: (intr.) to chicane: to pettifog, quibble,
prolong a contest by shifts, subterfuges; (tr.) to quibble
over something or with somebody about something; to wrangle
(without motive); -o, -em-eso: chicanery, sharp practice,
pettifogging, quibbling. DEF
shild-o: shield, buckler (defensive armo(u)r) (cf. skudo).
shindol-o: (wooden-) shingle; (cf. tegulo). DFS
shink-o: ham: thigh of a hog prepared for food; -eto:
small h.; knuckle of h. D
shirm-ar: (tr.) to shelter, shield, screen: -ar su:
to take shelter; -anta, -iva: sheltering; -ilo, -ivo:
shelter, cover; (fig.) refuge; -tekto: penthouse,
lean-to (cf. hangaro). Ex.: Parasuno shirmas el. Shirmata
da la foliaro kontre la vento e suno. D
«shirting»: (com.) shirting: cloth suitable for
making shirts.
shok-ar: (tr., intr.) to shock: (physical) to strike
on or against, dash against; give a shock to, clash with;
(mental) to offend, be offensive to; (cf. kolizionar); -o:
shock, clashing, concussion; -anta: shocking, clashing; -ar
glasi: to hobnob; touch glasses; retro- -o:
counter-shock, -blow; shoko-pulsar: (tr.) to
hustle, jostle (ulu). Ex.: La navo shokas rifo. Du
inter-shokanta korpi produktas sono. Nulo quon vu dicas povas
shokar me. La shoko renversis il. Vorto, konduto shokanta.
shov-ar: (tr.) to shove or push (ulu, ulo)
along; (cf. pulsar, glitar). Ex.: Shovar ulu sur glacio.
Shovar su tra turbo. Shovar botelo sur tablo, batelo al aquo.
shovel-o: shovel; -agar: (tr.) to s.; -edo:
shovelful. DE
shovin-ismo: chauvinism; jingoism; -ista, -isto:
chauvinist(ic); jingo(istic). DEF
shrapnel-o: shrapnel. DEFR
shu-o: (low-) shoe for the human feet); -o alta:
high s. (which extends above tha ankles; cf. bot-eto); -talono:
heel of a s.; -reparar: to cobble; -if-erio:
manufactory; -vend-eyo: s.-selling shop; -met-ilo:
s.-horn; -form-iz-ilo: s.-tree; sen-shu-igar: to
pull off shoes; shu-net-ig-isto: s.-cleaner, -black. V.
exp.: Shuo ne esas boto: shuo esas basa pedvesto,
sub la maleoli; IV-101. DE
shultr-o: shoulder; -i larja: broad s.s; -o-pozar
(fusilo): to shoulder (a gun); -o-pulsar, -shovar: to
push or shove with the s.s.; levar la -i: lift, shrug the
s.s; -o-peco: s.piece (cf. epoleto). DE
shunt-o: (elec.) shunt. DEFIRS
shutr-o: blind, shutter (as for window); -o fald-ebla:
folding s. E
si: (mus.) si: seventh note of diatonic scale.
sibarit-a: sybaritic. DEFIRS
sibil-o: sibyl; -ala, -atra: sibylline.
sid-ar: (intr.) to sit , be seated (of persons,
assemblies, courts); (fig.) to lie, reside (of things);
-igar: to seat (ulu); -eskar: to take
ones seat, sit down; -ilo: (furniture) seat; bi-sid-ilo:
seat for two persons; -eyo: place where one sits; seat,
bench (as of a court); see (of a bishop); (fig.)
residence; santa eyo: Holy See; -o-balno: hip-bath;
-o-posturo: manner of sitting; kunsidar: to sit
together, meet (of several persons). Ex.: Me sideskas an la
tablo. Me sidigas gasti an mea tablo, pose me sideskas. La korto
di kasaco sidas en Paris. Paris esas la sideyo di la guvernerio. (fig.)
La sideyo di morbo. DEIR
siej-ar: (tr.) to besiege, lay s. to, invest (ulu,
ulo); -o-stando: condition of s.; cesar la -o:
to raise the s. EFIS
Siena-tero: (earth, pigment) (terra) sienna.
siest-ar: (intr.) to have a nap; -o: siesta,
midday or afternoon nap. DeFIS
sifilis-o: (med.) syphilis; -ala:
syphilitic: relating to s.; -ika, -iko: syphilitic
(person). DEFIRS
sifl-ar: (tr., intr.) to whistle: make a shrill
sound ordinarily musical; (fig., med.) to wheeze; to whiz;
-ilo: a whistle; -anto, -ero: a whistler, one who
whistles. Def.: Facar la sono (ordinare) muzikala, kun alteso
definita, quan produktas sifl-ilo, t.e. orgen-tubo kurta e
konseque akuta, o la sifilo di lokomotivo; VII-207. Ex.: Siflar a
hundo. Siflar ario. La respirado di asmatiko siflas. (fig.)
La vento, flecho, paf-kuglo (ulfoye) siflas. V. exp.: vid. sisar.
sifon-o: siphon; -agar: to s. DEFIRS
sigar-o: cigar; -eto: cigarette; -if-isto:
c. maker; -uyo: c. holder; -tranch-ilo: c. cutter.
sigilari-o*: sigillaria: a genus of fossil trees.
sigi-ar: (tr.) to seal, affix a s., as a mark of
authenticity, to a document, letter, bottle, etc.; (fig.)
to seal up: close for security, as a closing a letter by means of
gum or wafer; (cf. masonar); -(ad)o: (act)
sealing; -uro: (imprint) seal; -ilo: (instr.)
seal; -anto, -isto: sealer: -o-vaxo: sealing wax; -o-ringo:
signet ring. DIS
sign-o: (natural or artificial) sign, mark (cf. indik-ajo,
indico); -izar: to put a s. on (ulo, ulu); -ifar:
to make signs; tempo- -o: sign of the times; facar
kruco- -o: to make the s. of the cross; kruco-sign-izar
su: to cross oneself; puntizo- -o: s. of punctuation; kapo-
-o: nod or shake of the head; zodiak-ala -o: s. of the
zodiac. Ex.: Vorti esas signi di idea. Muti parolas (od,
signalifas) per signi. Signi aparis en la cielo. EFIS
signal-ar: (tr.) to signal: convey (ulo) by
s.; -izar: to hoist signals on (a mast,etc.), to cover
with signals; to write or put a s. (on a tree, etc.); -ifar:
to make signals. DEFIRS
signat-ar: (tr.) to sign, subscribe (ones
name), put signature to (cf. sub-skribar); -o:
signing (by name); -uro: signature; -uro blanka:
signature in blank; -ajo: what is signed, the document; stereotipa
(od klish-ita) -uro: stamped facsimile of a signature.
Def.: Skribar sua nomo por certigar od autentikigar dokumento;
V-494. DEFIS
signifik-ar: (tr.) to signify, mean; -o:
signification, meaning; -anta, -iva: significant,
significative; sen- -a: insignificant (cf. sen-valora,
ne-import-anta). Ex.: Quon signifikas ta vorto? Bona defini
establisas la signifiki di la vorti. V. exp.: vid. senco.
sik-ar: dry, dried: free from moisture; -eso:
dryness, drought: -igar, -eskar: to dry (up), desiccate; -ig-iva:
desiccative, siccative, drying. Ant.: humida. eFIRS
siki-o: sickle. Def.: «Falchileto», t.e. longa streta
lameno kun mi-cirklatra formo, quan on uzas (od uzis) por
tranchar ex. la frumento; VI-538. DE
sikomor-o: (bot.) sycamore (-tree) genus: Ficus
Sycamorus. DEFIS
sil-o: silo: pit for ensilage. DEFIS
silab-o: syllable; -ala: syllabic; -igar: to
separate into s.s.; to spell by s.s.; du - -a vorto: a
word of two s.s. DEFIRS
silenc-ar: (intr.) to be silent: not to make noise;
-igar: to silence (a machine etc.); -o: silence,
stillness; -anta, -oza, -ema: silent, still; -ez:
stop that noise! Ex.: La mashino silencis. Dum la silenco di la
nokto. Foresto silencoza. V. exp.: Taco esas absenteso di
parolado; silenco absenteso di bruiso. Ant.: bruisar.
sileps-o*: (gram.) syllepsis.
silex-o: silex: pure quartz, flint; -atra:
flintlike; paf-ilala -o: gun-flint. Ex.: La primitiva homi
facis sua hakili ek silexo. eFIS
silf-o, -ino, -ulo: sylph. DEFIRS
silic-o: (chem.) silica. EFIS
silik-o: (chem.) silicon; -ato: silicate; -at-acido:
silicic acid. Def.: La kemiala elemento Si; V-159. DEFIS
siliqu-o: (bot.) silique; -eto: silicle.
silk-o: silk; -a: (made of) silk; -ajo,
-a stofo: s. goods; -o-filo: s. thread; -o-kulturado:
s. culture; -o-raupo: silkworm. ER
silogism-o: syllogism; -ala: syllogistic(al).
silogistik-o*: syllogistic: a department of logic.
siluet-o: silhouette, profile in black. DEFIRS
silur-o: (ich.) silurid, silure, sheat-fish,
cat-fish (genus: Silurus). EFIS
silurian-a*: (geol.) Silurian. DEFS
silv-o: forest of fully-grown lofty trees. IL
silvan-o: (myth.) sylvan: god, Sylvanus: wood
silvi-o: (orni.) garden warbler, white-throat
(species of Sylvia). L
simar-o: simar: (of priests) cassock; (cf. sutano);
(justices) robe; a former long gown worn by women.
simbios-o*: (biol.) symbiosis. DEFIRS
simbol-o: symbol, emblem, sign; -a, -ala, -atra:
symbolic(al), typical, emblematic; -ismo: (philos.)
symbolism; -izar: to symbolize; -esar: to be
symbolized (da ulo). Ex.: La balanco esas la simbolo dil
yusteso. La glavo simbolizas la lego. DEFIRS
simbolik-o*: symbolics, symbolism.
simetr-a: symmetrical: which corresponds in proportion,
position; -eso: symmetry; -es-oza: symmetrical:
full of symmetry; -igar: to symmetrize: reduce to
symmetry; ne- -eso: asymmetry. Ex.: Simetra aranjo di
vazi. Simetreso di diskurso. Simetra arkitekturo. DEFIRS
simfiz-o*: (anat., zool.) symphysis. DEFIRS
simfoni-o: symphony. DEFIRS
simi-o: (general term) simian: ape, monkey, baboon,
etc.; -al-ajo: an ape-like trick. EFI
simil-a: similar, like; (plural) alike (ad);
-(ul)o: a like person; a fellow creature; -eso:
similarity, similitude; -ajo: (objective) a s.
thing, a similarity; -igar: to render s., to assimilate
(cf. asimilar); -esar: to be s., be alike,
resemble; -e: in like manner; ne- -a: unlike,
dissimilar; sen- -a: matchless (cf. sen- -egala).
Ex.: Vizaji, kozi, anguli simila. Ebriemeso similigas la homo a
la bruto. EFIS
simoni-ar: (intr.) to practice simony; -o:
simony. Def.: Simonio: komerco kontre-etika di la sakra
kozi: III-332. DEFIS
simpati-ar: (tr., moral and physical) to sympathize
with, have sympathy for (ulu); (phys.) be in
sympathy with; -ala: sympathetic: relating to s.; -oza:
sympathetic: full of s., congenial; -inda: which inspires
sympathy; inter- -ar: to mutually sympathize; Ex.:
Simpatiala vibri, soni. Simpatioza sentimento, amiko. Simpatiinda
povrulo. Merkurio simpatias la oro. Me simpatias vu pro vua
desfortuno. Ant.: antipatiar. DEFIRS
simpatik-ar*: (phisiol.) sympathetic (nerve).
simpl-a: simple: not complex or complicated; easy; (of
dress) plain, common; -eso: simplicity; plainness; -e:
simply, with simplicity; (plu-) -igar: to simplify; -eskar:
to become simplified; -a soldato: common soldier, private;
Ex.: Loro, larjento, la fero esas simpla korpi.
Mekanismo, metodo nekomplikita esas simpla. Simpla stilo, gusti.
Simpleso di mori, di vestaro. Vestizar simple. Plu-simpl-igar
problemo. Ant.: komplexa, kom-poz-ita, komplik-ita.
simptom-o: (med. and fig.) symptom: -a, -atra:
symptomatic. Ex.: Simptomo di anemio. (fig.) Simptomo di
revolto. DEFIRS
simul-ar: (tr.) to simulate (cf. fingar, imitar);
-achar: to ape; -ita paco: fictitious peace. Def.:
Aparigar kom reala ulo quo ne esas tala. Ex.: Simular kombato,
maladeso. DEFIS
simultan-a: common, co-existing, co-equal, simultaneous.
V. exp.: Qua valoras egale e kune, solidare, ex.: equacioni
simultana. Konseque simultana ne esas sinonimo di samtempe. Dec.
1212, VII-66
sin-o: intimate place, internal part, close or secret
receptacle: (fig. senses of) bosom, heart (midst), womb.
Ex.: En la sino dil eklezio. En la sino di la tero. La sino di
Deo. En la sino di sua familio. FIS
sinagog-o: synagogue. DEFIRS
sinap-o: (bot.) mustard (-plant) (genus: Sinapis).
sinapism-o: sinapism: mustard-plaster, -poultice.
sinartros-o*: (anat.) synarthrosis.
sincer-a: sincere, frank, honest; -eso: sincerity; ne-
-a: insincere. Ex.: Homo, amikeso, regreti, laudo sincera.
Sincereso esas valoroza qualeso. Ant.: hipokrita.
sindik-o: syndic: a municipal officer; manager, business
agent (of corporation, company); administrative assignee (of an
insolvents estate). DeFIRS
sindikat-o: (industrial, finan.) syndicate; -ismo:
syndicalism; -isto: (partisan) syndicalist; -ano:
member of a s.; -igar, -ifar: to s. Def.: Grupo formacita
por la defenso di sua ekonomikala interesti komuna. DEFIRS
sinekdok-o: (rhet.) synecdoche.
sinektik-a*: synectic.
sinekur-o: sinecure. Def.: Ofico sen responsiveso o devi.
singl-a: each (= every single individual); -u: each
one, every single one; -e: singly; -a karti: single
cards; li venis single: they came singly (one by one); dek
centimi po singla: a penny apiece. Ex.: A singla dio lua
tasko. Singla spozulo havas spozino. Ica libro kustas single kin
franki. Singla soldato havas fusilo, od, singla soldati havas
fusilo (o mem fusili) signifikas: un fusilo ad un soldato.
V. exp.: Omna, singla: Omna havas senco kolektiva; singla
havas senco distributiva. Ex.: Omnu parolis, singlu en sua linguo
(E. everyone spoke, each in his own language). Omna testo juris
dicar la verajo, e singlu naracis la evento diverse (E. every
witness swore to tell the truth, and each one related the event
differently); Generale, singla (quale L. singulus)
signifikas: un po un, unope (pro to ta pronomo dicesas
«distributiva»; kp. II-665. Note: «Omna singla» is a
pleonasm, singla being sufficient to translate «every
single». The E. «single» in the sense of alone, is to be
translated by sola, izolita, unika, separita. Both omna
and singla may be used with the singular and the
plural with the same sense. «Every soldier is brave» may be
trnaslated: Omna soldato esas brava. Omna soldati esas brava.
Singla soldati esas brava. E
singlut-ar: (intr.) to sob. FI
singular-a: singular: pertaining to one (cf. stranja);
-o: (gram.) s. number; -eso: (quality),
-ajo: (something pertaining to one) singularity,
peculiarity. Ex.: Verbo en la singulara nombro (od, en la
singularo). Singulara propoziciono, ideo, kazo. Singulareso di
opiniono. Singularajo en la manieri di ulu. DEFIS
sinior-(ul)o: lord, highness, seignior, sire (of rulers);
sir (of lords); (cf. sioro); -ino: noble lady,
Lady; -eso: seigniory, lordship; -ala: seignioral,
lordly; Nia Sinioro: (rel.) our lord; mea -o:
your lordship; -o rej-ido: his royal highness; -o
episkopo: his eminence, the bishop; -o prezidanto: his
excellency, the president. DeFIS
sinistr-a: left; (nav.) port; -a latero:
left side; -uz-ero: left-handed person; turnez (ad)
sinistre: turn to the left. Ant.: dextra. IL
sink-ar: (tr., intr.) to sink (ulo, en ulo, su);
to settle, subside; Ex.: Sinkar palisegaro en la tero. La fero
sinkas en laquo. V.exp.: kp. Dronar. DE
sinkop-ar: (intr., med.) to swoon; -igar: (gram.,
mus.) to syncopate; -o: (gram., mus., med.)
syncope. DEFIS
sinkret-ismo, -isto: (philos.) syncret-ism, -ist.
sinkron-a*: (phys.) synchron-al, -ous (cf. sam-tempa,
kronologi-ala); -eso: synchronism; -igar: to
synchronize. DEFIS
sinod-o: (eccl.) synod. DEFIRS
sinodik-a*: (astron.) synodic. DEFIRS
sinonim-a: synonymous: -o: synonym; -eso:
synonymy: quality of being a s. Ant.: antonimo.
sinoptik-a: synoptic(al). Ex.: Sinoptika tabelo di cienci.
La sinoptika evangelio. DEFIRS
sinovi-o: (anat.) synovia. DEFIRS
sins-o: direction (one way); (math.) sense: one of
two opposite directions; sam-, kontre-sins-a, -e:
same, contrary direction. V. exp.: Direciono, sinso:
Konsiderez rekto delinita per du punti A e B. La rekto infinita
reprezentas un direciono, qua esas komuna ad ol e ad omna
rekti paralela; ma ol havas du sinsi, en qui on povas
imaginar la movo di punto sur olu: la sinso de A ad B, e la sinso
(inverso o kontrea) de B ad A. Sur mapo on kustumas indikar la
sinsi per flechi. On direktas automobilo en ula direciono per la
direktilo. E sen tushar la direktilo, sen chanjar do la
direciono, on povas movar ol en du sinsi: ad-avane e ad-dope;
sintax-o: (gram.) syntax. DEFIRS
sintez-o: (log., math., chem.) synthesis; ala,
ema: synthetic; -ar: to synthesize. V. exp.: Sintezo
esas lago inversa di analizo. Kemiala sintezo, metodo
sintezala. Sintezar albumino. DEFIRS
sinu-o: sinuosity, winding, bend; -oza: sinuous,
winding, meandering, serpentine, tortuous; -ifar: to wind
about, meander. Ex.: La sinui di litoro, di rivero. EFIS
sinus-o*: (geom.) sine; (anat.) sinus: a
cavity, channel.
sior-o: sir or madam; -ulo: sir, Mr., gentleman; -ino:
Mrs., Miss, madam, lady (married or not); (cf. sinioro,
damzelo, damo); ge-siori: ladies and gentlemen.
siren-o: siren: powerful whistle; (acoustics) a
measuring instrument for air vibrations; (myth.)
sea-nymph, mermaid; (fig.) a seductive woman; -ala,
-atra voco, kanto: (fig.) a siren (bewitching,
fascinating) voice, song. DEFIRS
siring-o: syringe, squirt; -agar: to syringe, squirt
(with a s.). DEFIS
sirok-o: (wind) sirocco. DEFIR
sirop-o: syrup; -ala, -atra: syrupy; rib- -o: currant
sis: six; -a-dek: sixty; -o: a half dozen
(Note: For other derivative forms cf. du). eF
sis-ar: (intr.) to hiss; to siss, sizzle; -anta,
-anto: sibilant. Def.: Produktas la sono sss
, t.e. bruiso ne-muzikala, qua esas fonetike konsonanto;
VII-207. Ex.: Serpenti, gansi sisas. V. exp: Lokomotivo siflas
per sua siflilo, e samtempe sisas emisante vaporo ek la
kaldiero o la cilindri, tra robineti, ma ne siflante.
sism-o*: earthquake, vibration of the earth; -a, -ala:
sismograf-o: seismograph. Def.: Instrumento por enskribar
la ter-tremi; VI-135. DEFIRS
sismologi-o: seismology. DEFIS
sismometr-o: seismometer. Def.: Instrumento por mezurar la
ter-tremi. DEFIS
sismoskop-o*: seismoscope.
sistem-o: system; -ala: (tendency) -ema:
systematic, methodical (cf. metod-ala, -oza); -igar:
to systematize. Ex.: La sistemo di Descartes. Planetala sistemo,
od planetosistemo, od planetaro. Il esas persono tre sistemema.
Sistemigar sua idei, sua dokumenti. DEFIRS
sistematik-o*: systematizing: scientific (or efficient)
disposition; labo(u)r saving arrangements. DEFIS
sistol-o*: (anat., gram.) systole. Ant.: diastolo.
sistr-o*: sistrum: Egyptian musical instrument.
sitel-o: pail, bucket; -edo: bucketful. L
situ-ar: (tr.) to place, seat, locate (ulo, ulu)
(cf. jacar, pozar, plas-izar, lok-izar); -o, -eso:
situation, site location; -ita: situate(d). Ex.: Domo,
urbo bone situita (o kun bona situeso). Dramatatra situeso.
Situeso bona, mala, embarasiva. V. exp.: Situeso, relate
personi, esas generale acidentala, tempala; la stando esas
kustumale permananta. On trovas sua aferi en neagreabla situeso,
qua forsan developos a permananta mala stando.
siv-o: sieve, sifter (for flour, etc.); strainer (for
liquids) (cf. kriblo, filtrar); -agar: (tr.)
to sift, bolt, strain; (fig.) to examine minutely,
separate the good from the bad; to winnow. DE
sive: (1) whether; (2) either; (1) sive ... sive:
(alternative and condition) whether
or whether; sive vu
parolas, sive vu tacos, vu esos blamota: whether you speak,
or whether you are silent, you will be blamed; (2) me drinkos,
sive biro, sive vino: I shall drink beer or wine (N.B. In the
last example it is to be noted that sive is equivalent to od
V. exp.: Sive, od: Sive implikas sempre (segun
etimologio origino: L. sive = si-ve = od se) supozo, kondiciono,
konseque ne-certeso o questiono. Sive vu parolos, sive vu tacos,
t.e. se vu parolos, o se vu tacos. Od expresas simpla
alternativo; III-689, VIII-409. L
siz-ar: (tr.) to sieze, gripe, catch or lay hold
of; (fig.) to take, grasp quickly, apprehend (arrest); to
distrain (property); -ilo: griping. Def.: prenar o
manukaptar vivace e vigoroze ulu, ulo. ex.: Sizar lespado
per la pinto. Sizar la brakio di ulu. Sizar la havajo di ulu.
Sizar oportuna instanto (o tempo). Sizar pretexto. Teroro sizis
la menti. La febro sizas me. EF
sizigi-o*: (astron) syzygy. DEFIRS
skabel-o: (wooden-) stool, foot-stool (cf.tabureto).
Def.: Moblo por la pedi, o por acensar sur olu; II-647.
skabi-o: (med.) scabies, itch; (of animals)
mange; -ala, -atra, -oza: scabious; -ika, -iko: (person,
animal) infected with itch; (N.B. A scab on a sore is to be
translated by krusto). EFI
skabin-o: alderman; ( F. echevin). FI
skabios-o: (bot.) scabious (genus: Scabiosa).
skafandr-o: diving suit (with helmet, etc.); -iero,
-isto: diver. Def.: Plunj-vestaro kompleta kontenanta homo
tota; III-267. FIS
skal-o: ladder; scale: instrument of measurement; (math.,
mus.) scale; -atre: ladder-like; in gradation; -o-grado:
round rung (of a ladder); -atre dis-pozar: to arrange in
gradations; (milit.) to draw up in echelon; kordo- -o:
rope ladder; helpar ulu kom -o: to act as a ladder for
someone to mount; -acensar: to climb a ladder; -o
aritmetik-ala: arithmetic scale; -o soci-ala: social
scale; laborar ye granda -o: to work on a large scale; -o-plako:
dial-face (for dials other than those with numbers; cf. cifro-plako).
skalar-o*: (math.) scalar. DEFIRS
skalen-a*: (geom.) scalene.
skali-o: shell (as of an oyster, etc.) (cf. shelo);
-a pekt-ilo: a tortoise-shell comb; tortugala -o:
tortoise s.; -oza: scaly, squamous. Def.: La krusto dika e
solida qua kovras la korpo di la tortugi, ostri, musli, e.c.;
VI-603. FI
skalp-ar: (tr.) to scalp: deprive of s.; -o:
scalping; -ajo: s.: skin on top of the head. DEFIR
skalpel-o: (surg.) scalpel. DEFIRS
skamone-o: (bot.) scammony (Convolvulus scammonia).
skand-ar: (tr.) to scan (verse); -o-vergo,
-o-baston-eto: orchestra leaders baton. DeFIRS
skandal-ar: (tr.) to scandalize, shock, offend (ulu);
-esar: to be scandalized (da, pri); -o:
scandal(izing); -anta, -oza, -iva: scandalous. Ex.: Lua
konduto skandalis la tota urbo. DEFIRS
skapul-o: (anat.) scapula, omoplate; -parto:
shoulder-blade. EL
skapulari-o*: (rel.) scapular(y). DEFIRS
skarabe-o: (ent.) scarab, horn-beetle (genus:
Scarabæus). EFIRS
skaramuch-o: scaramouch; (fig.) cowardly buffoon.
Def.: Persono di la komedio Italiana; IV-583. DEFI
skarifik-ar: (tr., surg.) to scarify (the skin of
someone). V.exp.: tranchar. EFIRS
skarlat-a, -o: scarlet (colo(u)r). DEFIRS
skarlatin-o: (med.) scarlatina: scarlet fever.
skarmuch-ar: (intr.) to skirmish, to have a brush
with the enemy. DeFIS
skars-a: scarce: not plentiful; scanty (cf. rara,
des-densa); -eso: scarcity. Def.: Des-abund-anta;
V-595. Ant.: densa, abund-anta. EL
«skat»: (card game) skat.
skelet-o: (anat.) skeleton. DEFIRS
skem-o: schema, scheme: systematic plan; outline or
demonstration of a system, showing relations and functions; (N.B.
not «scheme» project); -ala, -atra: schematic; -ifar,
-izar: to schematize. DEFIRS
sken-o: hank, skein; -uno: one of the threads of a
skein. E
skeptik-a, -(ul)o: sceptic(al); (cf. ne-kred-ema); -eso:
(spirit of) scepticism; -ismo: scepticism: doctrine of the
sceptics. DEFIRS
skerc-o: (mus.) scherzo. DEFIR
skerm-ar: (intr.) to fence: pracrtise sword-play; -arto:
art of f.; -o-doc-anto; -o-maestro: fencing-master, a
master of fencing. FIS
sket-ar: (intr.) to skate; -ilo: a skate.
ski-o: skee, ski; -kurar, -glitar: to skate on
skees. Def.: Speco de sketilo longa, ligna, por kurar e glitar
sur la nivo; IV-707. DEFIS
skir-o*: (med.) scirrhus: a hard tumo(u)r.
skis-ar: (tr.) to sketch, outline, make a rough
draft of; (fig.) to delineate: give the plan or idea of; -o,
-uro: sketch, outline; (rough) drawing. Ex.: Skisar peizajo,
portreto, (fig.) poemo. Skisar demarsho. Skisuro di
romano. V. exp.: vid. esbosar. DFIRS
skism-o: schism; -ano, -ana: schismatic(al).
skist-o: (min.) schist, slate (cf. ardezo).
sklav-o, -ulo, -ino: slave; -ala, -atra, -ema:
slave, slavish, servile; -eso, -atr-eso, -igo, -esko:
slavery, servility, servitude, bondage; -esar: to be a s.,
be in slavery; -igar: to enslave, enthrall (ulu); -isto:
partisan of slavery; -ig-isto: slaver. DEFIS
sklerotik-o*: (anat.) sclerotic. DEFIS
skol-o: school: a place or establishment where instruction
is given, usually elementary; disciples or followers of some
teacher or doctrine in art, philosophy, -etc.; -ala:
school, academic; -o komuna: common s.; -o di kavalko
arto: riding school; -o milit-ala: military academy,
school; -o yuro-cienco: law s.; -o di Platon: s. of
Plato; -ano: schoolchild, pupil, scholar (cf. erudito,
ciencisto, lern-anto, stipend-iero, dicipulo); -estro:
schoolmaster; aplik- -o: technical school or college,
polytechnic, trade s.; apliko-skolo di artilrio: artillery
skolastik-a, -(ul)o: scholastic, schoolman; -ismo:
scholasticism. DEFIRS
skoli-o: (lit., geom.) scholium. Def.: Komento od
expliko di texto; matematikal expliko di teoremo; IV-583.
skoliast-o: scholiast, annotator. DEFIRS
skolopendr-o: (ent.) scolopendra, the genus of
centipedes. DEFIS
skop-o: that at which one aims; aim, scope, objective,
intent(ion), purpose, view, goal, butt, object to attack; -o-plako:
target; -o-punto: bulls eye. Ex.: Vizar skopo per
flecho. Frapar la skopo per kuglo. Atingar sua skopo di vivo.
Mariajar su esis la skopo di elua esforci. Pafar a la
skopo-plako. EI
skops-o: (orni.) scops, eared owl (Scops
Aldrovandi). EFL
skorbut-o: (med.) scurvy; -ala, -atra:
scorbutic: relating to the disease; -ika, -iko: (person)
affected with s. DEFIRS
skori-o: (metal) scoria, dross, slag; -igar:
to scorify: reduce to s. EFIS
skorpion-o: (ent., also astron.) scorpion.
skorzoner-o: (bot.) vipers grass (genus:
Scorzonera). DeFIRS
skotish-o: (dance) schottish. DEFIS
skovel-o*: cannon-sponge, -swab; -agar: to sponge
(a cannon).
skrach-ar: (tr.) to scratch, claw, graze, gall; (of
ropes) to chafe; (of clothing) to make a rent in; (cf.
lacerar, gratar, skrapar, exkoriar). Def.: Facar sek(et)o
en la pelo (od altra surfaco), do vundeto; IV-656. V. exp.: La
ungli di kato skrachas bonege, ma nule exkorias. Me
tante gratis me, ke me fine skrachis me. E
skrap-ar: (tr.) to scrape (with a tool), scrape
off, abrade; (of chimneys) to sweep; to scale off; -uri:
scrapings. Def.: Deprenar gratante per instrumento ula parti de
la surfaco di korpo. Ex.: Skrapar anciena pergameno. La stono
skrapis la pelo. Skrapar kraso de la pelo, o fango de la vestaro.
skren-o: screen; fairo o: fire-screen.
skrib-ar: (tr.) to write (ulo, ad ulu); -(ad)o,
-uro: (act, result) writing; -uro santa: Holy
Scriptures; -formo, -maniero: form or manner of writing; -a:
being written, being in writing; -ajo: what is written:
written paper, document; -ala: relating to the writing; -e:
in writing; -ita: written; -anto, -into: writer; -isto:
professional writer, scribe (N.B. not author; cf. autoro);
-ilo: a writing instrument, pen, etc.; -il-aro:
stand for ink and pens; collection of writing instruments, pens; en-skrib-ar:
to inscribe; en-skrib-uro: inscription; -achar: to
scrawl, scribble; -kuseno: a pad to write upon; -mashino:
typewriter; mashin-skribar: to typewrite; -tablo:
writing-table, -desk. DEFIS
skroful-o: (med.) scrofula, kings evil; -ala,
-atra: scrofulous: relating to the disease; -ika, -iko:
scrofulous (person). DEFIS
skrot-o*: (anat.) scrotum. DEFIS
skrub-o: screw (cf. helico); -agar: to s.
down, s. on (something with screws. N.B. not to screw the screw;
cf.visar); -izar: to put screws on: cover with
screws; -ten-ilo, -mord-ilo: vise (vice); -o-krampono: screw-clamp;
preso- -o: thumb-screw, adjusting-screw; Arkimed-ala
-o: Archimedian s.; sen-fina -o: endless s.; ligno-
-o: wooden s.; -ino: female s.; a nut; -turn-ilo:
screwdriver, turnscrew. De
skrupul-o: (moral) scruple, qualm; -oza, -ema:
scrupulous. Ex.: Havar skrupulo pri ulo. Homo sen-skrupula.
skud-o: (e)scutcheon; (Italian money) scudo; -o-forma:
scutiform: shield-shaped. Def.: Speco di shildo, mikra, portanta
la blazono di ulu; e konseque, irga planko shild-forma e portanta
blazono, imajo o sur-skriburo; V-432. FIS
skult-ar: (tr.) to sculpture, carve (ulo, en, ek);
-(ad)o; -arto; -uro: sculpture; -isto, -ero:
sculptor, carver. Def.: Produktar statuo en korpala naturaleso od
en vera reliefo; VII-414. V. exp.: On povas ex. cizelar
kapo (vizajo) homala segun la perspektivo, ma on skultas ol
donante ad ol la reala formo. On cizelas perspektiva
figuro sur bloko, on gliptas reala figuro sur
bloko, ma on skultas figuro de bloko, t.e. on transformas
la bloko a ta figuro korpala; VII-414. DeFIRS
skuner-o: (nav.) schooner; -o kin-masta: a
five-masted s. Def.: Navo kun seglo-rigaro ne transversa ma
longesala. DEFIR
skur-ar: (tr.) to scour, furbish: to cleanse by
scrubbing; -isto: scourer; scullion. Def.: Destruktar e
forprenar partikli o despuraji de la surfaco di ula korpo per
friciono; III-163. DEFS
skurel-o: (zool.) squirrel (genus: Sciurus). DE
slam-o: slimo, mire, ooze, silt; -eyo: miry place,
slough, mudhole, quagmire (cf. marsh-eto); -izar:
to cover with, choke up with fine oozy mud or silt. De
slang-o: slang; -ar: to speak s. (cf. jargono,
galimatiaso). Def.: Linguo specala, konvencionala e plu o min
sekreta, propra a profesiono od a societo klozita (studenti,
raptisti); VII-158. DE
Slav-o: Slav, Slavonian; la -a (lingui): the
Slav(onian) languages.
sling-o: noose, sling, snare, loop (cf. glit-nodo, lazo).
Def.: Nodo en kordo, e.c. ne forsita per tiro; III-288. De
slip-o: slip (of a screw-propeller); (cf. ripar).
slup-o: (nav.) sloop. Def.: Speco de seglo-navo kun
un masto; IV-583. DEFIR
sluz-o: lock, sluice; -pordo: lock-, sluice-gate; -baseno:
l. chamber; -isto: l. keeper; -agar: to take (a
boat, ship) through a l.; to open a l. for a boat; -o di
muel-ilo: mill-dam, penstock. DER
smalt-o: smalt: a deep-blue glass (often pulverized).
smerald-o: (min.) emerald. DeFIRS
smeril-o: (min.) emery; -agar: to polish
with e.; -pulvero: e. powder; -polvo: e. dust; -papero:
e. paper. FIS
snap-ar: (tr.) to snap, snatch: bite or catch
suddenly with the teeth ( as a dog) or with beak (as a bird).
Def.: Kaptar bruske per la boko; IV-512. DE
snifl-ar: (tr., intr.) to sniff: inhale strongly;
snuff up; (fig.) to turn up ones nose (at); -o-tabako:
snort-ar: (intr., of horses) to snort: blow through
the nose (cf. sternutar, mungar). E
sobr-ar: (also fig.) temperate: moderate in food or
drink; sparing, abstemious, sober; (cf. ne-ebria, temper-ema,
-moder-ema); -eso: temperance, sobriety, moderation; -es-ala
soci-eto: temperance society; -e: soberly, with
sobriety. Ex.: La homo qua ne exajeras manjante, drinkante, qua
esas moderema e su-dominacanta, esas sobra persono. Esar sobra en
parolado, en laudado. EFIS
soci-o: society (in general) community: any large
body of persons or living beings living a community life; -eto:
society (formed for a particular object), association; (com.)
company, partnership (cf. firmo); -ano: member of a
(large) society; citizen; -et-ano: member of an
association; -ala: social: relating to society; -et-ala:
relating to an association; -ema: sociable; -em-eso:
sociability, good fellowship; -al-ismo: socialism; -al-ist-a,
-ala: socialist. Ex.: Omnu havas devi a la socio. Abeli vivas
en societi. Societi komercal, literaturala, ciencala.
sociolog-o: sociologist. DEFIRS
sociologi-o: sociology. DEFIRS
socis-o: (large, long) sausage; -eto: a small s.
sod-o: (chem.) soda: sodium carbonate (cf. natro);
-aquo: soda water. DEFIR
sodomi-ar: (intr.) to commit sodomy. DEFIS
sofa-o: sofa. V. exp.: vid. kanapeo, divano.
sofism-o: sophism, (conscious) fallacy; -ala:
sophistical (cf. sofist-ala). V. exp.: vid. paralogismo.
sofist-o: sophist; -ala: sophistical (cf. sofismala).
sofistik-o: sophistry. DEFIRS
sofit-o: (arch.) soffit; -i: (theat.)
flies. DEFIRS
sok-o: sock: plowshare. eF
sokl-o: (arch.) socle (cf. piedestalo, plinto).
sokurs-ar: (tr.) to succo(u)r: to come to the aid of
when in danger; -armeo: relief army. Ex.: Sokursar ulu
dronanta. V. exp.: Sokursar signifikas irar rapide e
kurajoze helpar ulu, uli, en situeso di minacanta danjero; on helpas
ulu en desfortunoza o perturbita situeso per la donaco di
adicionala forci o moyeni. On sokursas amiko en
batalio; on helpas la povri, falinto. EFIS
sol: (mus.) sol: fifth note of diatonic scale.
sol-a: alone; without company, sole, only (cf. nura,
unika, solitara); -eso: solitude; -isto: (mus.)
soloist; -o: (mus.) solo. Def.: Qua esas
ne-akompanata; izolita. Ex.: Il esas sola en la chambro. Unu sola
ne povas facar to. Laborar sole. Il esas sola en solitara loko.
solan-o: (bot.) nightshade (genus: Solanum). IL
sold-ar: (tr.) to solder (metals); -ilo:
soldering-iron; -o-stano: (metal) solder; kun- -ita:
soldered together. V. exp.: vid. weldar. EFIS
soldat-o: soldier, trooper; -ala, -atra: soldierly; -o
(simpla): an ordinary s., a private. DeFIRS
sole-o: (ich.) sole (genus: Solea); -o*, -a
muskulo: (anat.) soleus: a leg muscle. EFI
solecism-o: solecism. DEFIRS
solen-a: solemn; -eso, -ajo: (quality, art)
solemnity; -igar: to solemnize. Ex.: Solena festo, vovo,
dio, tono, vizajo. DEFIS
solenoid: solenoid. DEFIRS
solfej-ar: (tr., mus.) to (sing) sol-fa: sing the
notes of the scale; -o: sol-faing; solfeggio. DeFR
soli-o: threshhold (of a door, of a window; also fig.),
door-soll. Ex.: (fig.) la solio di vivo. FI
solicit-ar: (tr.) to solicit: earnestly apply for (cf.
suplikar, peticionar); -ema: solicitous (cf. suci-ema);
-anto, -ero, -isto: solicitor, canvasser. Def.: Insistoze
demandar. Ex.: Solicitar audienco, employeso, ofico, favoro.
Segun la solicito (di). Solicitero por voti. DEFIS
solid-a: (also geom.) solid: not liquid; (fig.)
firm, substantial, sound; -o, -ajo: a s. body; (geom.)
a s. figure; -eso: solidity, stability; -igar: (tr.)
-eskar: (intr.) to solidify; plu- -igar: to
consolidate. Ex.: Solida korpo, angulo, nutrivi, edifico. (fig.)
Motivi, argumenti solida. La solideso di domo. Koldeso solidigas
aquo. Ant.: liquida, fluida, frajila. DEFIS
solidar-a: (jur. and gen.) solidary: jointly and
severally responsible or liable; binding upon every one; -e:
conjointly, jointly and severally; -eso: solidarity, joint
responsibility; (fig.) coherence, fellowship, community of
interests; -igar: to make jointly liable; to unite the
interests of (cf. konsolidar). Ex.: Solidara obligaciono.
La spozulo esas solidara por la debaji di sua spozino. Asociiti
en komercal societo esas solidara. (fig.) La solidareso en
la interesti di omna laboristi. DEFIRS
soliped-a, -o: (zool.) soliped(ous). DEFIS
solitar-a: (of places) solitary, lonely, deserted; (of
persons) (living) alone; -eso: loneliness, solitude.
V.exp.: Solitara esas ulo plu kam sola, mem kam solesema:
to esas: «qua restas kustume tote sola ed izolita». Exempli: Solitar
querko stacas meze di la planajo. On povas anke parolar pri solitara
loko; to nule esus sinonima si dezerta: ex.: «ta solitara
templo esas frequentata da multa pilgrimanti.» Solitareso
expresas la L. solitudo. On povas vivar sola, mem en urbo;
to ne esas vivar solitara od en solitareso. On anke
havas la substantivo solitaro por persono; V-101.
soliter-o: (game amd gem) solitaire. DEFIRS
solstic-o: solstice; -o vintr-ala: winter solstice.
solvar: (tr.) to solve (a problem, etc.) (cf. dis-solvar);
-uro: (also physical) solution; -ajo: what
is to be solved, the problem; -ebla: (also phys.)
solvable; soluble, dissolvable. Ex.: Solvar problemo,
desfacilajo. La rezultajo di dis-solvo di sukro per aquo esas
sukroza (dis-)solvuro. EFIS
solvent-a: (fin.) solvent; -eso: solvency; ne-
-a: insolvent (cf. bankrotar). Def.: Pago-kapabla;
somat-o*: (biol.) soma. DEFIS
somer-o: summer. DE
somit-o: (geom., also of trees, mountains, etc.)
summit, top. V. exp.: La suprajo ne esas sempre nek necese
la somito, nam ol povas esar larja e plana; on ne parolas
pri la «somito» di moblo, di (plata) domo. La suprajo di
la tero tote ne identesas kun la somiti di la monti;
II-163. EFI
somnambul-a, -ala; -(ul)o; -eso: somnambulist-ic,
-ism. DEFIS
somnol-ar: (intr.) to be sleepy, drowsy; -o:
somnolence; -anta, -ema: sleepy, drowsy; -egar: to
be overpoweringly sleepy. Def.: Sentar la bezono o tendenco
(momentala) dormar; IV-463. V. exp.: Dormema indikas
kustumala tendenco a dormar, ne instantala stando. DEFIS
son-(ad)ar: (intr.) to sound: emit a sound; (of
clocks) to strike; -igar: to ring (ulo); (cf. tinklar);
-o: sound, ring, striking: -lud-ilo: rattle. Ex.:
La horlojo sonas. Sonigar la korno. Sonigar (ulo) por la retreto,
por servisto, por la dineo. EFIS
sonali-o: small bell (as used on the harness of horses).
Def.: Instrumento sonora, en formo di bulo kava, fendita, qua
sonas per la bulo agitata interne; IV-14. I
sonat-o: (mus.) sonata; -eto: sonatina.
sond-ar: (tr., intr.) to take soundings in; (gen.)
to sound: ascertain the depth of, explore the nature of the
bottom; to fathom; (fig.) to try, test; (med.) to
probe (with a probe), to sound (with a sound); (mining) to
make a boring; -ilo: (nav.) sounding-line, -lead; (surg.)
probe; sound; jetar la sond-ilo: to heave the lead. Ex.:
Sondar rivero, tereno, vunduro, veziko (fig.)
lintenci di ulu. DEFIRS
sonet-o: sonnet. DEFIRS
sonj-ar: (intr.) to dream (while asleep; cf. revar).
Ex.: Me dormis e sonjis ke me esis richa. FIS
sonk-o: (bot.) sow-thistle (genus: Sonchus).
sonor-a: sonorous, resonant; -eso: sonorousness.
Ex.: Sonora voco, linguo. Ant.: matida. DEFIS
soport-o: (mechan.) bearing.
sopran-o: (voice, person) soprano, treble.
soqu-o*: sock: shoe used by actors in ancient comedy.
sorb-o: (bot.) sorb-apple, mountain-ash berry; -iero:
sorb-tree, service tree, mountain-ash, rowan tree (genus:
Sorbus). DEFIS
sorbet-o: sherbet: a water ice. DeFIRS
sorc-ar: (intr.) to practise sorcery, witchcraft; (tr.)
to bewitch; (ulu, ulo): (fig.) to charm, enchant; -(ad)o:
sorcery, witchcraft; -eso: (state) bewitchment;
enchantment; -ilo: charm; -isto: sorcerer: one who
is supposed to be in league with evil spirits; (fig.)
wizard, conjuror, magician; -ist-ino: witch. Ex.: On
ankore trovas kredo ad sorcado inter la populi savaja. (fig.)
Ta muliero sorcas me. EF
sordid-a, -ega, -acha: (of things) dirty, nasty, foul,
soiled, sordid, slovenly, sluttish; (fig. of persons, acts)
mean, disgusting (cf. shaminda, pudora); -eso, -ajo:
(quality, object) dirtiness, filthiness: dirt, filth; -(ul)o,
-acho: a dirty person; -igar: to dirty, soil. Def.: Des-neta.
Ex.: Sordida aquo, linji, chambro, manui, homo, avareso.
sordin-o: (lit. and fig.) sordino: a mute or damper
on trumpet, violin, piano, etc. DeFIS
sorg-ar: (tr.) to care for (by physical acts), take
care of, look after (ulu, ulo); to take pains with; -(ad)o:
care, attendance; -ema: careful, painstaking, regardful
(cf. diligenta). Ex.: Konfidar ad ulu la sorgo (pri).
Komisar ulu por sorgar (pri). El esas la flegisto qua sorgas il.
Sorga la stilo. Sorgema laboristo. (fig.) Esar sorgema pri
sua honoro, sua reputo. V. exp.: vid. suciar. D
sorgum-o: (bot.) Indian millet (Sorghum vulgare).
sorit-o: (log.) sorites. DEFIRS
sort-o: sort, kind: brand (of goods); -aro:
assortment. (Note: For idiomatic uses of the E. «sort»,
«kind», cf. quaza, quala, tala, ul-maniere). Ex.: Ibe
esas omna sorti di bestii. Quala viro! Il esas ulsorta (o quaza,
od ulspeca) giganto. DEFIRS
sospir-ar: (intr.) to sigh, heave or fetch a s.; (tr.,
fig.) to sigh out, breathe forth. Ex.: Sospiro pro doloro. (fig.)
Sospirar versi. FIS
«sou»: sou: 20th part of a franc.
sovaj-a: (referring to living and growing persons, plants,
trees, etc.) savage: wild (living in a state of nature) not
domesticated, uncivilized; (fig.) unsociable; ferocious,
fierce; -(ul)o: a s.; -eso: savagery, wildness; (fig.)
fierceness; -igar, -eskar: to make, become s. Ex.: Sovaja
populi, animali. Anado sovaja (E. wild). (fig.) Mieno
sovaja. EFIS
sozi-o: double, second self, counterpart. Def.: Persono
qua esas perfekte simila ad altru. DFI
spac-o: space; -ala: spacial; -oza:
spacious, roomy. Ex.: spaco havas tri dimensioni. Hike ne esas
sata spaco. Spacala relati. Spacoza chambro. EFIS
spad-o: (tool) spade; -agar: (tr.) to
spade. DE
spadik-o*: (bot.) spadix.
«spahi»: spahi: Algerian horse-soldier.
span-o: chip (of wood, metal) (cf. rabot-uro). Def.
Reziduo dil ago limar, rabotar o di altra tranchanta instrumento.
V. exp.: vid. splito. D
spaniel-o: spaniel. DEF
spant-o: a timber, rib, in the frame of a ship. DE
spanyolet-o: window-sash fastening (the ordinary bolt and
catch; cf. kremono). Def.: Vekto ocilanta cirkum sua
mezpunto e qua ingranas od embragas en hoki supre ed infre di la
fenestro; IV-448. DFI
spar-ar: (tr.) to economize, save, put by, husband;
(intr.) to be economical, frugal; -egar, -achar: to
be stingy, parsimonious, niggardly; -o, -em-eso: economy,
thrift; -ajo: what is saved, savings; -ala, -iva:
saving, economizing; -ema: thrifty, frugal; -kaso:
savings bank; -buxo: money-box. Ex.: Sparar la revenui di
la heredajo. On povas sparar tempo, kredito, forteso. Me sparis
mil franki por futura uzo. Spariva procedo. Sparema mento.
sparadrap-o*: (pharm. Med.) cerecloth, sparadrap.
Def.: Kataplasmo aglutinanta extensita sur linjo o papero. Ex.:
Kovrar vunduro per sparadrapo.
sparvier-o: (orni.) sparrow-hawk (Falco Nisus).
spasm-o: spasm; -ala, -atra: spasmodic. V. exp.:
vid. konvulso. EFIRS
spat-o: (min.) spar. DFIRS
spatul-o: (pharm.) spatula; -ucelo:
spoonbill (genus: Platalea). DEFIS
spec-o: species (fig.) kind (cf. genero, sorto,
qual-eso); -ala: special: relating to s.; particular,
(e)special; -vari omna-speca: all sorts of wares; -al-eso:
(quality) peculiarity; -al-ajo: something special, a
specialty; -al-isto: specialist; -al-igar: to
specialize: adopt a specialty (su, ulu); -igar: to
specify: designate particularly, particularize; -ig-anta,
-iva: specifying, particularizing; specific (specifika).
Ex.: Homala speco. Speci esas dividata en varietati. Il esas
stranja speco di homo. Specala studio. To esas specale dezirenda.
La specalesi di diferanta kozi. Existas multa specalaji en la
medicinala praktikado. La lego specigas to quon on darfas facar.
Speciganta nomo. Specigiva (od, partikulara) instrucioni.
specifik-a: (med., physics) specific (cf. spec-iganta,
-igiva); -o: a specific. Ex.: Graveso specifika. Esas
specifika mikrobo en tuberkloso. Quinino esas specifiko kontre
ula febro. DEFIS
specimen-o: specimen, sample. Ex.: Montrar specimeno di
frumento, di drapo, di vino, di insekto. DEFS
spegul-o: mirror, looking-glass; -o brul-anta:
burning-m.; regardar su en -o: to look at oneself in the
glass; kirurgiala -o: speculum. DeI
spektar-ar: (tr.) to look at or on, be a spectator
of, witness; (cf. regardar, vidar, kontemplar); -anto:
spectator; -ajo: spectacle, sight, view (cf. spektaklo).
Def.: Regardar longe, pasive, ma kun atenco ed intereso, quale en
teatro od altra spektaklo; V-35. Ex.: Il spektis ta eventi. La
aktori e la spektanti. La spektajo (od, vidajo) de ta vidpunto
esis bela. Ta veneracinda viro esas spektindajo. eFIS
spektakl-o: (theat., etc.) spectacle, pageant,
performance. EFIRS
spektr-o: (physics) spectrum. DEFIRS
spektroskop-o: spectroscope. DEFIRS
spektroskopi-o: spectroscopy. DEFIRS
spekul-ar: (intr.) to speculate: (philos.)
to theorize; (finan.) to make (financial) speculations.
Ex.: Spekular pri metafizikala problemi, pri frumento.
spelt-o: (bot.) spelt (Triticum Spelta).
spencer-o: spencer: a short jacket. DEFI
spens-ar: (tr.) to spend, expend; -(ad)o:
spending, expenditure; -i, -ajo: expenses: sum(s) spent; -ema:
extravagant, spendthrift; vivar per la spensi di ulu: to
live at the expense of someone; asumar la spensi: to
finance (ulo). Ex.: Spensar pekunio, sua vigoro. Ta esas
povra di qua la spensi transpasas la recevaji. EFI
spergul-o: (bot.) spurry (genus: Spergula).
sperm-o: (physiol.) sperm: animal seed; -ala:
spermatic, seminal (cf. semin-ala). DEFIRS
spermacet-o: spermaceti (used for candles, cosmetics,
etc.). DEFIR
spermatocit-o*: (biol.) spermatocyte. DEFIS
spermatofor-o*: (zool.) spermatophore. DEFIS
spermatogenez-o*: (biol.) spermatogenesis.
spermatogoni-o*: (biol.) spermatogonium.
spermatore-o*: (med.) spermatorrhea. DEFIS
spermatozoid-o*: (bot.) spermatozoid; (zool.)
spermatozoon. DEFIS
spermin-o*: (physiol. chem.) spermine. DEFIS
spic-o: spice: pepper, nutmeg, ginger, etc; (cf. kondimento,
piklo); -aro: spices (collect); (fig.)
groceries; -izar: to spice; -o-komerco, -o-venderio:
(fig.) grocery business; -(o-vend)isto: grocer.
spik-o: (bot.) ear: spike or head of corn, grain; -ifar:
to ear; haro- -o: tuft of hair. EIS
spin-o: spine, backbone; chine; -ala: spinal; ruptar
la -o: to break the back. EFIS
spinat-o: (bot.) spinach (Spinacia). DeIRS
spindel-o: spindle: piece of wood used for twisting and
winding thread (cf. fuzelo; bobino, ruko); -atra:
s.-shaped, s.-like. De
spinel-o*: (min.) a spinel ruby.
spion-ar: (tr.) to spy on (ulu, ulo); (intr.)
to act as a spy; -(ad)o: spying, espionage: -anto,
-ero, -isto: spy. DeFIRS
spir-o: (geom.) a winding line like the threads of
a screw, helix.
spiral-o: (geom.) spiral; (of a watch) hair
spring; (in gen.) a spiral spring; -a, -atra:
spiral: winding like the turns of a screw. DEFIRS
spire-o: (bot. genus) spiræa. DEFIS
spirem-o*: (biol.) spireme. DEFIS
spirit-o: spirit: incorporeal being; -ala:
spiritual; -isto: spiritist, spiritualist: one who
professes to hold intercourse with departed spirits or believes
such intercourse possible; -ismo: spiritism, spiritualism:
doctrine or beliefs of spiritists; -ist-a, -ala:
spiritistic; -al-ismo: (philos.) spiritualism: a
system opposed to materialism; -al-isto: spiritualist
(opp. to materialist); -al-eso: spirituality; -al-igar:
to spiritualize: render spiritual; Santa Spirito: Holy
Spirit. Def.: Pensanta ento senkorpa. Ex.: On dicas ke deo, la
anjeli, la mortinta anmi esas spiriti, anke same pri imaginala
enti quale fantomi, fei, e.c. DEFIRS
spis-o: spit (for roasting); -eto: skewer; -agar:
to spit (meat for cooking); -o-turn-ilo: turnspit; -ego:
spear (cf. lanco). DeS
spien-o: (anat.) spleen (cf. splino).
splenalgi-o*: (med.) splenalgia: stitch in side.
splendid-a: splendid; -eso: splendo(u)r. Def.:
Brilanta; belega; luxoza. Ex.: Palaco splendida. Splendideso di
la suno, di la trono. DEFIS
splenit-o*: (med.) splenitis. DEFI
splin-ar: (intr.) to be splenetic, be in low
spirits; -igar: to give the blue devils to (ulu); -o:
spleen: hypochondriasis: morbid depression of mind; (cf. spleno).
splint-o: (tech.) small metal pin (used to fasten
parts); (cf. stifto); fendita -o: split-pin; -o-ludo:
(game) spilikins. DR
splis-ar: (tr., nav.) to splice; -ilo:
splicing-fid, marlingspike. Def.: Specala maniero juntar du kordi
per desplekto di lextremaji e posa riplekto; III-86.
split-o: splinter, sliver, shiver, (of metal, glass, wood,
etc.); -oza: splintery; -igar: to splinter: cause
to fly into splinters. V. exp.: Splito esas spano di tote
nereguloza formo, dum ke spano havas formo dependanta de
la materio e de linstrumento per qua on laboras ulo;
III-488. De
spoli-ar: (tr.) to spoliate, (des)spoil, rob,
pillage, sack, plunder. Def.: Desposedigar ulu, ulo de ulu per
fraudo, o violento; for-portar violentoze. Ex.: Spoliar orfano de
lua heredajo. Spoliado di urbo. Domo spoliita. DEFIS
sponde-o: (pros.) spondee. DEFIRS
sponj-o: sponge; -agar: (tr.) to sponge (a
garment, etc.); -ala, -atra: spongy. EFIS
spontan-a: spontaneous: voluntary, self-acting, -moving.
Ex.: spontana genitado. La movi di la kordio esas spontana.
Spontaneso di ula ago. DEFIS
spor-o: (bot.) spore. DEFIRS
sporadik-a: sporadic; scattered; (med.) not epidemic.
Ex.: Dum ta yaro aparis sporadika kazi di kolero. DEFIRS
sporangi-o*: (bot.) sporangium. DEFIS
sporn-o: (natural, artificial) spur; -oza,
-iz-ita: spurred; -agar: to spur (a horse, etc.); -izar:
to put spurs on. DFI
sport-o: sport; -ala, ema: sporting, sportive; -ist(ul)o:
sportsman; -ar: to take part in sport. DEFIRS
spot-o: (natural) beauty-spot, mole (on skin) (cf. plastr-eto);
variol- -o: pock-mark. e
spoz-o: spouse: either one of a married couple; -ala:
marital, conjugal, connubial; -ulo: husband; -ino:
wife; -igar: to make (ulu) ones spouse, to
espouse, wed (ulu); -ul-igar: to wed (a husband); -in-igar:
(tr.), -in-eskar: (intr.) to wed (a wife); -ig-anto:
person marrying, suitor; ge- -i: husband and wife; grantar
ulu kom -o: to give in marriage. V. exp.: vid. mariajar.
sprat-o*: (ich.) sprat (Clupea spratus).
spric-ar: (intr.) to spout (out), gush (forth); -igar:
to cause (ulo) to spout, to throw up, dash (liquids); makulo:
a dash, splash (of liquid). D
spring-ar: (intr.) to spring: rise upward and go
forward with impetuosity; -o: spring, dash, rush, leap,
bound; (cf. precipitar). Ex.: Il springis e saltis super
la fenco. DE
spros-o: (bot.) shoot, sprout (of a plant).
spul-ar: (tr.) to reel: wind on a spool (thread,
wire, etc.). DE
spum-o: foam, froth, spume: -acho: scum (bad
sense); -ifar: to foam, froth; -oza, -atra, -if-anta:
frothy, seething, foaming; -kuliero: skimmer; blanka
-o: white foam; maro- -o: meerschaum; sen-spum-igar:
to skim off foam. EFIS
sput-ar: (tr.) to spit, spit out; -ajo:
spit(tle), sputum; -uyo, -vazo: spittoon; sango- -o:
spitting of blood. V.exp.: vid. expektorar, saliv-ifar, bavar.
squadr-o: (set) square: instrument for determining right
angles; T- -o: T-square. IS
squal-o: (ich.) shark (genus: Squalus). V. exp.:
vid. sharko. FIS
squam-o: scale (of skin, fish, serpents); -oza, -atra:
scaly, squamous. Def.: La lameneti qui dependas de la pelo (di
fishi, serpenti, e.c.); VI-603. eFIS
squat-ar: (intr.) to squat down (on ones hams
or heels); (cf. blotisar). E
«squatter»: squatter (on land).
squil-o*: (bot.) squill, sea-onion (Scilla
st!: hist! sh!
stab-o: staff (army, etc.); -oficiro: s. officer.
stabil-a: stable; -eso: stability, consistence,
steadiness; -igar: (tr.), -eskar: (intr.)
to stabilize. Def.: Qua esas en stando, en situeso ferma, solida.
Ex.: Stabila equilibro. Stabileso di edifico. DEFIS
stabl-o: stable (for beasts); -o-fako: stall (in
s.); bovo- -o: cattle s.; lojigar kavalo en -o: to
stable a horse. DEFIS
stac-ar: (intr.) to stand (upright), be standing; -(ad)o:
standing (up); being on ones feet; -ant-a, -e:
standing, upright, on end; -igar: to cause (ulu, ulo)
to stand; -eskez: stand up; -ig-ilo: stand (as for
camera, telescope, etc.). Ex.: La monumento ankore stacas. Ol
stacas vertikale. V.exp.: vid. erektar. I
stacion-o: (building and place) station; R.R.
depot; (R.C. rel.) station; (cf. gar-eyo); -navo:
s. ship. Ex.: Fervoyala staciono. Katoliko facas sua stacioni en
la kirko. DEFIS
stacionar-a: steady, stationary: not moving or changing at
the time; -eso: steadiness. Ex.: La temperaturo povas esas
stacionara, anke la stando di morbi, di arti. V. exp.: Stacionara
ne esas la sama ideo kam fixa: ol esas plu proxima ad konstanta,
ma indikas konstanteso en movo, per quaza equilibro sempre
ruptebla; konstanteso di ulo, qua povas variar en omna
momento, o fixeso nur semblanta e rezultanta (stacionara ondi);
stadi-o: (Gr. measure and place for gymnastic contests)
stadium. DeFIRS
stafil-o*: (bot.) bladder-nut (pod); -iero:
b.n. tree (genus: Staphylea).
stafisagr-o: (bot.) stavesacre (Delphinium
Staphisagria). FISL
stagn-ar: (intr.) to stagnate (of liquids); be at a
standstill; -anta: stagnant. Ex.: Stagno di aquo od
stagnanta aquo. (fig.) Mea aferi, komerco stagnas.
stakis-o: (bot.) hedge-nettle, wound-wort (genus:
Stachys; cf. vulnerario).
stal-o: steel; -a: of steel; -ala: steely;
relating to s.; -atra: s.-like; -ifar: (intr.),
-igar: (tr.) to make, convert into s.; -if-erio:; -aji: s.wares. DeR
stalagmit-o: (min.) stalagmite. DEFIRS
stalaktit-o: (min.) stalactite. DEFIRS
stamin-o: (bot.) stamen. EFIS
stamp-o: (tr.) to stamp: imprint on the surface of
something; -(ad)o, -uro: stamp(ing); -ilo: a stamp;
postala -o: postal mark (N.B. not postage stamp; cf. posto-marko);
ica letro havas Angla posto-marko e la postal stampuro di
London: this letter bears an English postage stamp and the
postal mark of London. Ex.: Stampar la libro-titulo sur la
binduro. V.exp.: vid. puncar. DEFR
stan-o: tin; -a: (made) of tin; -oza: tinny,
stannic; -izar: to cover (ulo) with tin; -folio:
tin-foil; -vazo: a tin pot, pewter; kupro- -o:
pewter. (N.B. Not tin-plate; cf. lado). eFIS
stanc-o: stanza. DeFIRS
stand-ar: (intr.) to be in a certain state,
relative condition; to be in good or bad health; -o:
state, stand, condition: state of being, manner of existing; quale
vu standas? La stando di mea saneso esas bona: How are you? I
am well; quale vu aferi standas? How is your business? Plu-bon-igar
la stando di aferi: to better the condition of a business (or
of affairs). V. exp.: vid. situar. DE
standard-o: (milit.) standard, ensign, flag; -port-isto;
-iero: s.-bearer (cf. flago, banero). Def.: La
nacional insigno, fixigita per un vertikal latero, sive a stango
(teral armeo), sive a kordo (naval armeo): III-31. DEFIRS
stang-o: bar (of wood or metal), rod, pole; leg (of a
table); stem (of a candlestick, etc); stock (of a key, nail,
anchor); piston- -o: piston-rod; vito- -o:
vine-pole; -izar: to pole (vines, etc.). DI
stapeli-o: (bot.) genus: Stapelia. EFI
stapl-o: distributing point for goods, as a seaport or
large inland city, staple-mart or entrepot. De
starch-ar: (tr.) to (stiffen with) starch; (fig.)
to stiffen; -ita: starched; (fig. of style) stiff,
formal; -ivo: starch (for linen). Def.: Rigidigar
per amilo. DE
«starost»: (title) starost.
start-ar: (tr., intr.) to start: set going, cause
to act (as a machine, train, sport). Ex.: Me startas la motoro.
La motoro startas facile. On povas startar la motoro di
automobilo sen departigar la veturo. Starto di konkurso.
starter-o: starter (of a race). Def.: Ta qua direktas,
imperas la departo; IV-338. DEFIRS
stat-o: (political) state; -ala aferi: state
affairs; -o-stroko: a stroke of state policy.
statik-o: (phys.) statics; -ala: static(al).
statistik-o: statistic(s); -ala: statistical; -isto:
statistician. DEFIRS
statu-o: statue; -eto: statuette; marmora -o:
marble s.; kavalk-ala -o: equestrian s. DEFIRS
statur-o: stature; -mezur-ilo: instrument to
measure height. Def.: Alteso naturala di persono od animalo. Ex.:
Alta-statura homo, od, homo di alta staturo. DEFIS
statut-o: statute, written decree or law; by-law; article
(of association; cf. lego); -ala: statutory.
stearin-o: (chem.) stearin(e). DEFIRS
steatit-o*: (min.) steatite: soapstone. DEFIS
steb-ar: (tr.) to quilt, to (pad and) stitch; to
stitch (with a machine); -mashino: sewing machine. V.exp.:
Stebar esas sutar per mashino, quo ne esas propre
sutado, nam mashino uzas generale du fili, e la sutado nur un;
stek-ar: (tr.) to stick: thrust point in, drive in
(by point); (hort.) to propagate by cuttings or slips (cf.
spros-ifar); -ajo: (hort.) slip, cutting.
Def.: Enirigar ulo en ulo per la pinto. Ex.: Stekar paliso en la
sulo. DE
stel-o: (also fig. and theat.) (fixed) star; -eto:
small star; (print.) asterisk; -ala: stellar; -oza:
(natural) starry: full of stars; -iz-ita: (artificial)
studded or covered with stars; spangled; -atra, -o-forma:
starlike, star-shaped; stelliform; -o-lumo: starlight; -izar:
to star: stud, cover (ulo) with stars; -aro:
constellation; matin- -o: morning star; polo- -o:
polar star. V. exp.: vid. astro. eFIS
stelari-o*: (bot.) starwort (genus: Stellaria).
stele-o: (archeol.) stele: a graved stone.
stelionat-o: (jur.) stellionate: fraud in selling.
stelt-o, -i: stilt(s); -irar: (intr.) to
walk on stilts; -ucelo, -iero: (orni.) stilt-bird
(order Grallæ). DE
stenogfraf-ar: (tr.) to take down (ulo) in
short-hand; -ado, -arto, -uro: (act, art, result)
stenography. DEFIRS
stentor-o: (antiq.) Stentor: a person with a
powerful voice; -ala: stentorian: extremely loud. Ex.:
Stentorala voco. DEFS
step-o: steppe: treeless (Russian) plain. DEFIRS
ster-o: stere, cubic meter (metre): 35.3174 cu.ft.
stereografi-o: stereography. DEFIRS
stereokamer-o*: stereotrope; stereopticon. DEFIS
steriometri-o: (geom.) stereometry. DEFIRS
stereoskop-o: stereoscope. DEFIRS
stereotip-ar: (tr.) to stereotype; (fig.) to
fix firmly or unchangeably; (cf. klishar); -uro, -ajo:
stereo(plate). DEFIRS
stereotomi-o: stereotomy. DEFIRS
steril-a: sterile, barren, unfruitful; (fig.)
fruitless, vain; (cf. arida); -eso: sterility; -igar:
to sterilize; -ig-ilo: sterilizer; -a roko: barren
rock. Ex.: Sterila persono, arboro, tereno, autoro, diskuto.
Steriligar aquo, filtro, vazo. Ant.: fekunda, fertila.
sterk-o: dung (-litter), muck (cf. dungo); -izar:
to manure, dung; -amaso: dung-heap; -aquo: liquid
manure; -skarabeo: (ent.) coprophagan; dung-beetle.
Def.: La dungo formacita ek la exkrementi di animali (mixita kun
palio); VI-248. SL
sterlet-o: (ich.) sterlet (Acipenser Ruthenus).
stern-ar: (tr.) to lay (ulu, su) down at
full length. L
sternum-o: (anat.) sternum, breastbone.
sternut-ar: (intr.) to sneeze; (cf. snortar);
-(ad)o: sneez(e)ing, sternutation. eFIS
stertor-ar: (intr.) to have a death rattle; to have
a rattle in the throat (from respiratory trouble). SL
stetoskop-o*: (med.) stethoscope. DEFIS
stif-a: (relationship) step-; -a fili-ino:
step-daughter (cf. bo-fili-ino); -a matro:
step-mother (cf. bo-matro); -a frat-ino:
step-sister. V. exp.: Stifa signifikas la parenteso, qua
rezultas de duesma mariajo di un de la gepatri. Mea stifa
frato esas la filio de la (duesma) spozo di mea patro; do lu
esas nek mea frato nek mea mi-frato, nam lu havas
nula patro komuna kun me. La spozo ipsa di mea patro esas mea stifa
patro (patrulo o patrino); lu esas tote diversa de mea
bo-patro (-ulo od -ino), qua esas patro di mea
spozo (-ulo od -ino); VI-489.
stift-o: peg: small pin of wood or metal used for
fastening hinges, frames, clocks, etc.; -agar, -unionar,
-stopar: to peg, fasten with pegs (ulo); stopo- -o:
spigot, bung-stopper (as for casks). DR
stigmat-o: brand (of a hot iron); (bot.) stigma;
scar of a wound (cf. cikatro); (pl. theol.)
stigmata (of Christ); (entom.) stigmati (on the tracheæ);
(fig.) stigma: mark of infamy; -izar: to mark with
a brand or with scars; (fig.) to set a mark of disgrace on
(ulu, ulo). Ex.: La stigmato di puniso, di la variolo, di
vicio, sur la korpo di Francisko di Assisi. Variolo (e metafore,
krapulado) stigmatizas la vizajo. Me stigmatizas ta aserto kom
mentio. DEFIRS
stil-o: (lit., artist) style, tone, manner;
diction: selection of words (cf. diciono); (bot. and
antiq.) style; -eto: (fig.)(surg. probe)
stylet; -isto: stylist: master of style; -oida: (anat.)
styloid. Ex.: Moblaro segun la stilo di Louis XIV. Stilo moderna,
historiala. Ta auturo havas bona stilo. DEFRS
stilet-o: stiletto: short pointed dagger.
stilistik-o: stylistics. Def.: Cienco o teorio di stilo;
IV-707. E
stilobat-o: (arch.) stylobate. DEFIS
stimular: (tr.) to stimulate, rouse, excite; to
spur on, incite; to goad (oxen); (cf. ecitar); -ivo,
-ilo: stimulant, stimulus; (fig.) goad, spur. Ex.:
Intereso stimulas la mento. Lua indolenteso bezonas stimulivo.
Porciono stimulanta. Stimul-ilo por bovuli. Stimulita da hungro.
Ant.: stupor-igar. DEFIRS
stip-o: (bot.) stem, stalk (of plant); -eto:
blade (of grass). L
stipendi-o: (in public schools or colleges) exhibition,
scholarship, bursary (in Scotland): a sum of money granted to
pay, wholly or in part, the expenses of a pupils education;
-iero: a foundation scholar. DeIR
stipit-o*: (bot.) stipe. eFIS
stiptik-a*: styptic: stopping bleeding; (cf. astrikt-iva).
stipul-ar: (tr.) to stipulate; -o, -uro:
stipulation. Ex.: Stipular garantio. Stipuluro di kontrato.
stipul-o: (bot.) stipule. EFIS
stiv-ar: (tr., nav.) to stow (a cargo), trim (a
hold); -isto: stevedore. eIS
stof-o: stuff, fabric, tissue, cloth: any woven fabric; lana
-o: woollen stuff, woollen cloth. DEFI
stoik-a: (philos. and fig.) stoic(al): unaffected
by passion; -(ul)o: a stoic; -ala: stoical; -eso,
-ismo: (quality, doctrine) stoicism. Ex.: Stoika vertuo. Zeno
esis stoiko e docis stoikismo. Ica homo manifestas stoikeso.
Stoikala doktrino. DEFIRS
stok-o: (com.) stock. Def.: Quanto de komercaji o
pekunio disponebla da vendisto. Ex.: Stoko de frumento. Stoko en
magazino. Stoko de oro en banko. DEF
stol-o: (R.C. rel.) stole. DEFIS
stomak-o: (anat.) stomach; (cf. abdomeno, ventro);
-ala: stomachic, gastric; -dolori: s.ache (cf. gastralgio);
-spasmo: s. griping; -membrano, -tripo: tripe.
ston-o: pebble, small stone, loose rock (cf. petro, roko);
-oza: full of (small) stones, pebbly, flinty (of roads,
etc.); -izar: to macadamize, gravel, ballast: cover with
small stones; -agar, -asomar, -mortigar: to stone (kill); sen-
-igar: to clear (ulo) of stones; (fig.) stone
mort-inta, surda, blinda. e.c.: stone dead, deaf, blind; kruda-
-o: uncut stone, rough ashlar (opp. of quadro).
stop-ar: (tr.) to stop up, choke up, stuff up (a
hole, bottle, etc.; cf. obstruktar, obturar); -ilo:
stopper; stop-gap; korka -ilo: cork; -il-ego: bung;
des- -ar: to unstop. DE
stor-o: roller-blind, spring-blind or curtain (cf. jelozio,
persieno). FS
storax-o: (bot., pharm.) storax. Def.: Speco di
balzamio; IV-707. DEFIS
stoter-ar: (tr., intr.) to stammer, stutter, lisp
from natural defect). V. exp.: Balbutado eventas che
linfanti, pro ne-habileso, o che ladulti pro pavoro
od altra emoco; kontre ke stoterado esas konstanta defekto
di pronuncado; IV-518. DE
strab-a: squint-, cross-eyed; -(ul)o: squint-eyed
person; -eso: squinting (condition), strabismus; -esar:
to squint. eFIRS
strad-o: street; -eto: small s.; lane (in town);
alley, court; -angulo: s. corner; -o transversa:
cross-street; -o-bubo: a s. urchin; -o-vend-isto:
s. peddler; vagar tra la -i: to rove about the streets.
strand-ar: (intr., also fig.) to strand: run
aground or on shore: -igar: to run (a ship, boat) aground,
to beach. DE
strangular: (tr.) to strangle, choke, stifle,
throttle (ulu); (cf. asfixiar, sufokar, garot-agar);
Def.: Mortigar per presar la trakeo; perdigar, haltar la
respirado. Ex.: Li strangulis per kordo. Il mortis pro
stranguleso. (fig.) strangular ula cienco, ula arto.
stranj-a: strange, unusual, uncommon, odd, singular, queer
(cf. baroka); -eso: strangeness, oddness,
queerness; -ajo: a strange thing, oddity, curiosity. Def.:
Qua esas kontre kustumo, ordinara experienco, kustumala ordino,
la komuna raciono. Ex.: Stranja dicajo, bruiso, aranjo, vivo.
Esas stranja ke il ne ja advenas. La stranjeso di lua vestaro, di
lua konduto. EFIR
stranjer-a: foreign, not native; (fig.) extraneous (jur.)
irrelevant; -(ulo): a foreigner; -ajo: an
extraneous body; (chem., surg.) a foreign substance. Def.:
Qua esas de altra naciono; qua ne apartenas ad korpo. Ex.:
Stranjera lando; linguo, milito, aferi, relati. Trovar ulo
stranjera (kontre-natura) en korpo. Argumento stranjera
(ne-apartenanta, ne aplikebla) a la kazo, proceso, temo. Note:
The E. word «stranger» is ordinarily to be translated by ne-konocato:
He is a stranger to me: me tote ne konocas il: il esas
ne-konocata da me. eFIS
strapad-ar: (tr.) to inflict strappado on (ulu).
stras-o: strass: a brilliant glass used for artificial
gems; a paste (diamond). DeFIRS
strat-o: (geol.) stratum: layer; -igar: (tr.),
-ifar: (intr.) to stratify; -ig-(ad)o,
-if-(ad)o: stratification; sablo- -o: layer of sand;
sand-bank; ostro- -o: oyster-bank. EFIS
strateg-o*: (antiq.) strategus: a general.
strategi-o: strategy; -ala: strategical; -isto:
strategist. Ex.: Napoleon esis maestro do strategio. Jomini esis
strategiisto. Strategiala pozicino. DEFIRS
strek-o: stroke, dash (as of a pen); (print.) dash;
(geom.) a straight line; -eto, junto-streko: short
dash; (print.) hyphen; tra- -izar: to draw a line
through, strike out. Ex.: On formacas ta litero per du
plumo-streki. Note: The use of the streko in printing does
not, as in E., indicate merely an interruption, but a change of
subject or speaker; (cf. Talmeys Text Book, p. 104;
IV-533). De
stren-ar: (tr., tech.) to strain (materials).
stret-a: narrow, strait; (fig.) limited, scanty; -e:
narrowly; -eso: narrowness; -igar: to narrow; -eskar:
to become narrower, shrink; tro-stret-igar: to scant (cf. meskin-igar);
-a mento: a narrow mind; marala -ajo: a strait.
Ex.: Streta voyo, rubando, enireyo. Ant.: larja. EIS
stri-o: stripe, stria; -izar: to streak, stripe; -oza:
(natural), -iz-ita: (artificial) streaked,
striped; stri-rolero: rowell (of a bit). Def.: Lineo
trasita o grabita sur surfaco per akutajo; lineo o tre dina
kanelo (ne bendo); IV-463. Ex.: Vitro o spegulo, sur qua on
frotis diamanto o silexo, havas strii. Glacierala strii. La kapo
di ula skrubi esas striizita, por ke on povas manuagar li plu
facile. eFIS
strid-ar: (intr.) to produce a strident noise, to
creak; -anta: strident, shrill, creaking, grating. Def.:
Produktar sono akra e penetranta. Ex.: Cikadi, gondo-bendi
stridas. Voco stridanta. eFIS
strig-o: barn-, white-, screech-owl (genus: Strix
flammea). Def.: Noktala raptema ucelo di qua la facio esas ornita
per plumoza koliaro kompleta; IV-296. L
strigi-o: curry-comb; -agar: to curry (a horse).
strik-ar: (intr., of workmen) to strike, to go on
strike, quit work: -anto: striker. DE
striknin-o: (med.) strychnine. DEFIRS
strikt-a: strict, precise, rigorous; -e: strictly; -eso:
strictness. Def.: Des-ampla; IV-434. Ex.: Strikta senco, obligo,
devo, en aferi. To esas strikte vera. Strikte parolanta.
stringer-o: (nav.) stringer. DER
strip-o: trouser-strap (under the foot). DR
strof-o: strophe. DEFIRS
strofoid-o*: (geom.) strophoid. DEFIS
strok-o: indicates a single movement, an elementary,
sudden act: stroke, coup, feat; (in game) move; (fencing)
thrust; (of dice) throw; (rowing) stroke; (of
whips) smack; alo- -o: wing-beat; (fig.) bril-anta
-o: striking act, brilliant feat; cizo- -o: single cut
with scissors; fortunoza -o: happy move, thrust, hit,
etc.; piston -o: stroke of piston; perfida -o:
treacherous act; prepar-ita -o: got-up affair; probo-
-o: trial, first attempt; plum- -o: stroke of the pen;
pinsel- -o: dash, stroke of brush; fola -o: foolish
trick, move, act; lim-(ilo)- -o: stroke of a file; reto-
-o: cast of net; stroko di stato: stroke of state,
violent or quick exercise of state authority; il facis la
stroko: he has done the deed; stroko di teatro:
theatrical effect; clap-trap; yun-es-ala stroko: juvenile
trick; youthful act of folly; -ar: to do the act called
for by the ideas above defined; vu strokos pos me: it is
your turn after mine.
stronci-o*: (chem.) strontium. DEFIRS
strop-o: (nav.) strop, strap, sling (for a block,
or piece of cargo); -izar, -ligar: to strop (a block); to
sling (casks, etc.). DEFIRS
struch-o: ostrich (genus: Struthio [camelus]); -ovo:
ostrich egg. L
struktur-o: structure: manner of building, construction,
form; (fig.) disposition, arrangement. Ex.: Ta edifico
havas stabila strukturo. La strukturo di la vivanta korpo, di
poemo. DEFIRS
strum-o*: goitre, wen in the throat; -oza, -ika; -ozo,
-iko: goitrous (person).
student-o, -ulo, -ino: student; undergraduate; (cf. lern-anto).
Ex.: Studento pri lego. Medicin-studento. DEFIRS
studi-ar: (tr., intr.) to study (ulo, pri ulo);
(cf. lernar); -(ad)o: (act) study(ing); -uro:
(result) a study; (paint.) sketch; -eyo:
place for study; -eyo di artisto: studio, «atelier»; -ema:
studious; -o-kapo: a head for study (by artist); pre-
-ar: to make a preliminary study of; par- -ar: to make
a complete study of. Ex.: Studiar piktado, portreto, matematiko,
leciono. Kurso di studii. DEFIS
stuf-ar: (tr., cook) to stew; -o-vazo:
stewing-pot; -ita bov-yuno: stewed veal. V. exp.: vid. stuvo.
stuk-o: stucco; -ajo: s. work; -izar: to
cover with s. DEFIRS
stul-o: chair: seat with back; (cf. tabureto, benko);
-ego: large c., arm-c.; -ego ocil-anta: rocking c.;
-ego longa: lounging c., deck c., -if-isto: c.
maker; porto- -o: sedan c.; rul- -o: bath-c.; truo-
-o: night-stool. DeR
stult-a: foolish, silly, senseless; (cf. frivola); -(ul)o:
fool, booby, simpleton; (cf. naiv-(ul)o); -eso:
silliness, folly; -ajo: silly thing; foolish act;
absurdity. V. exp.: Stulta expresas ideo min forta kam stupida.
Stupideso esas kompleta manko di inteligenteso. Stulteso
esas plu juste manko di sagaceso, di judikado; II-711. Ant.: saja.
stump-o: stump (of tree, limb, column, cabbage, etc.); core
(of an apple); -igar: to truncate; -a pedo:
club-foot. DE
stunt-ar: (tr.) to stunt (growth of); -esar:
to be stunted; -ita: stunted. Def.: Impedar la kresko e
developo di ulu, ulo; IV-512. E
stup-o: tow; (tech.) packing (of a piston, etc.); gudr-iz-ita
stupo, gudro-stupo: oakum; -izar: to stop or cover
with tow or oakum; (nav.) to calk (caulk); (tech.)
to pack (a piston, etc.); -o-buxo: stuffing-box. V. exp.:
vid. filaso. FIS
stupid-a: stupid: without intelligence; -(ul)o: a
s. person; -ajo: s. act; -igar: to make (ulu)
s.; stultify, besot, dull. Ex.: Homi obtuza e stupida. Mieno
stupida. Mala traktado stupidigas infanto. V. exp.: vid. stulta.
Ant.: inteligenta. DEFIS
stupor-o: (med.) stupor; -igar: to stupefy; -ig-iva,
-ivo: stupefacient. Ex.: La stuporo de ebrieso. Opiumo
stuporigas. (fig.) La mala informo stuporigas lu.
sturg-o: (ich.) (common) sturgeon (Acipenser
Sturio); (cf. esturjono). eFIS
sturm-o: storm, with thunder and lightning, thunderstorm; (fig.)
tumult. V. exp.: Sturmo; mala vetero konsistanta ek
fulmini, tondri, akompanata o sequata generale da pluvo o grelo. Tempesto:
mala vetero konsistanta ek granda vento, qua sur la maro
efektigas ondegi danjeroza por la navigado, e qua ofte
akompanesas da pluvo. Lunesma fenomeno povas eventar sen
vento; la duesma konsistas esence en vento, e povas eventar, sive
sen pluvo o grelo, sive sen ula elektrala fenomeno; VIII-198.
sturn-o: (orni.) starling (genus: Sturnus).
stuv-o: a stove or room used to produce hot air for
drying, or hot vapo(u)r for sweating; sweating room; hot-air
bath; vapo(u)r-bath; drying-room; -agar: to dry or heat in
a slow, moist heat; (med.) to foment (a wound); (cf. furnelo).
V. exp.: On stufas koquajo en irga vazo klozita, e ne en stuvo.
Existas stuvi humida e sika, t.e. kun o sen aquo-vaporo; II-648.
su: (reflex. Pronoun, 3rd
person, singular or plural; acc.: sun): self,
oneself, himself, herself, itself, themselves; -a: (pl.:
sui) his, hers, its, their; su-dic-anta: self-styled,
so called. Ex.: Li ne konkordas inter su. Il amas sua patrino. Il
ri-trovis elua libri, ma il ne povis ritrovar sui (pl.).
La soldati defensis su brave. Egoisto sorgas nur por su (ipsa).
Note: Su is used in the third person only and refers
directly to the subject: il lavas su: he washes himself; li
lavas su: they wash themselves; singlu por su: each
one for himself. But, me lavas me: I wash myself; vu
lavas vu: you wash tourself. Su, lu: Petro pregis Karlo
defensar su: Peter asked Charles to defend him (su
relates to Karlo who is the subject of defensar); (cf.
Talmeys Text Book, p. 65-6). DFIS
sub: (prep.) under, below, beneath; lower in place
or rank; denoting subordination, dependence; -e: (there)
under, underneath, below; -a: under, subordinate; -a
bush-aro: underbrush. Ex.: sub la tablo. Servar sub ulu. Il
havas cent soldati sub sua komando. Il esas nur suba oficiro.
Suba etajo. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: super. DEFI
sub-admiral-o: rear-admiral.
subaltern-a, -(ul)o: (milit. and fig.) subaltern
(officer); (cf. subordin-ito). DEFIS
sub-chef-o: chief-assistant.
sub-deleg-ar: (tr.) to subdelegate. Def.: Donar ad
altru la povo agar vice su.
sub-destrukt-ar: (tr., fig.) to undermine: to
injure or destroy by clandestine means (cf. minar).
sub-diakon-o: subdeacon.
sub-direkt-anto, -ero, -isto: sub-manager, -director.
sub-divid-ar: (tr.) to subdivide; -o, -uro:
sub-doc-isto: assistant teacher.
sub-cherp-ar: (tr.) to draw off (liquors, etc.,
from the bottom; vid. rakar).
sub-emend-o, -uro: additional amendment, amendment to an
sub-entraprez-isto: sub-contractor; jobber.
sub-farm-ar: (tr.) to farm (land, taxes) as an
sub-gener-o: sub-genus.
sub-grup-o: sub-group.
sub-help-anto, -isto: under-assistant.
subis-ar: (tr.) to undergo, endure, bear; -ar
tormento: to undergo tortures; -ar yugo: to bear a
yoke; -ar destino: to submit to ones destiny. Def.:
Recevar force o kontrevole; III-207. Ex.: Ica korpo subisas
kompreso. FI
subit-a: sudden, unexpected; -e: suddenly, all of a
sudden; -eso: suddenness. Def.: qua esas tote
ne-previdita. Ex.: Subita morto, chanjo di la vetero. FIS
sub-jac-ar: (intr.) to lie under; -anta:
subjacent, underlying.
subjekt-o: (gram., log.) subject (cf. temo);
-ala: (philos.) subjective (opp. to objekt-ala);
-al-eso: subjectivity. Ex.: La subjekto di verbo, di
propoziciono. Subjektala metodi, koncepti. DEFIRS
subjuntiv-o: (gram.) subjunctive. DEFIS
sub-jup-o: petticoat, (short) underskirt.
sub-klas-o: sub-class, subdivision of a class.
sub-komitat-o: subcommittee.
sub-lang-a: (anat.) sublingual.
sub-lietnant-o: sub-lieutenant; second-lieutenant; ensign.
sublim-a: sublime; -eso: sublimity; -ajo:
sublime object. Ex.: Sublima abnego, genio. DEFIS
sublim-ar: (tr., chem.) to sublime, sublimate; -(ad)o:
sublimation; -ato: a sublimate. Def.: Vaporigar ulo e lore
rikondensar ol a stando solida. DEFIRS
sub-lokac-ar: (tr.) to under-hire, sub-rent, sublet
(by tenant) (ulo, de ulu); (cf. sub-lugar).
sub-lug-ar: (tr.) to under-lease, sub-rent (by the
proprietor) (ulo ad ulu); (cf. sub-lokacar).
sub-lun-a: sublunar(y).
sub-mar-a: submarine: undersea; submersed.
submers-ar: (tr.) to submerge (under water) (cf. inundar);
-o-navo: submarine (boat). Ex.: Nil periodale submersas
Egiptia. V. exp.: vid. imersar. EFIS
submis-ar: (tr.) to reduce (ulu) to a state
of submission, dependence, to subdue, subjugate; -ar su:
to submit, yield, succumb (cf. vinkar, domptar, cedar,
subisar, prizentar, submisionar); -o: subjection
(act); -eso: submission, submissiveness, compliance (cf. obedi-em-eso);
-ita: subdued, subjugated. Ex.: Submisar la rebeli, sua
pasioni. Me submisas me a vua decido. La submiso di la urbo. Ica
populo submisesas (facis sua submiso) ed esas nun en (stando di)
perfekta submiseso. eFIS
submision-ar*: (intr.) to (make a) tender (por,
pri) (a contract, loan); -o: tender; -anto, -into:
party making tender, contract. V. exp.: Submisionar esas:
propozar su por entraprezar ula laboro (generale publika),
aceptante la kondicioni anuncita da la labor-donanto, e
demandante ula preco. Generale, plura entraprezisti esas invitata
submisionar samtempe per letri siglita e sekreta, ed on
adjudikas lentraprezo a ta qua demandas la minima preco. To
esas speco di auciono, o prefere, inversajo di auciono: vice
vendar a la maxim-ofranto, on «kompras» de la minim-demandanto;
VI-385. DF
sub-oficir-o: non-commissioned officer, petty officer.
subordin-ar*: (tr.) to (make) subordinate, subject (ulu,
ulo, ad ulu, ulo); -(ad)o, -eso: subordination; -ita:
subordinate(d); -ito: a subordinate; inferior; -ite:
subordinately. Ex.: La guvernerio subordinas la civitani a
la judiciisti. La legi subordinas la civitani a la
judiciala oficisti. Subordinar sua volo ad altru. Mantenar
subordineso en la armeo. Propoziciono subordinita. La chefo fidas
a lua subordinati (od inferiori, od imperati). DEFIRS
suborn-ar: (tr.) to suborn: induce or instigate (ulu,
uli) to do an evil deed, by bribes or the like; to bribe,
tamper with; (cf. seduktar, koruptar); -o, -eso:
subornation, bribery; -ar testi: to bribe witnesses; -ebla:
venal; -ebl-eso: venality. EFIS
sub-pel-a: subcutaneous.
subrekarg-o: (com., nav.) supercargo.
subrept-ar: (tr.) to obtain surreptiously; -o:
subreption; -ala: surreptitious. EFIS
subret-o: (theat.) soubrette, abigail. DEFR
subrog-ar: (tr., jur.) to surrogate, subrogate,
substitute. DEFIS
subsidi-ar: (tr.) to subsidize: grant a subsidy to
(ulu); -o: subsidizing, subsidy; sum granted. Ex.:
Subsidiar paketboto. La subsidiajo esis 50 mili, ma mem ca
subsidio ne esis suficanta. DEFIRS
sub-skrib-ar: (tr., intr.) to write below, underneath
(cf. signatar); -uro: what is written below; (cf. sur-skrib-uro).
Ex.: Noto skribita sub texto o letro esas subskribita, quankam la
subskriburo ne esas signatita da la skribinto.
substanc-o: substance; -ala: substantial (cf. esenco).
Exd.: Substanci korpala, metala, liquida. Esis multa vorti ma
nula substanco en la diskurso. Indemno substancala. Griza
substanco di la cerebro. DEFIS
substantiv-o: (gram.) substantive, noun; -igar:
to substantivize: to convert into, or use as, a substantive.
substituc-ar: (tr.) to substitute: put in place of
another (ulu ad ulu, ulo ad ulo) (jur.) to entail
(an estate); -ato: a substitute. V. exp.: A remplasas
(E.: takes the place of) B = A okupas (provizore o definitive) la
loko (ofico, funciono, rolo) di B. A remplas-eskas =
A prenas (komencas okupar la loko di B, pozas su od aparas en la
loko di B. C remplas-igas B per A = C pozas (o
produktas) A en la loko antee okupita da B. En la sama kazo, C substitucas
A a B, od, C remplasigas B per A (E. puts A in place of
B). Praktikal regulo: Omnafoye kande la propoziciono kontenas tri
termini, on devas uzar remplas-igar o substitucar,
ne remplasar. Uzez la prepoziciono «ad» kun substitucar,
ne «per». Uzez «per» kun remplas-igar. (Substitucar un kozo ad
ultra; remplas-igar un kozo per altra; do, en la pasivo: remplasata
remplasigata per
e substitucata a
.. );
III-102. V-283; kp. suplantar, suplear. DEFIS
substitut-o: (jur.) deputy magistrate, surrogate.
V. exp.: Substituto esas la nomo di ofico di persono; por
la kozi ni havas surogato; IV-583. DeFIS
subsum-ar*: (tr., log.) to subsume. DEFIS
sub-strek-izar: to underline.
sub-tas-o: saucer; -ego: salver.
sub-ten-ar: (tr.) to support (by holding
underneath; cf. sustenar, apogar). Ex.: Ta trabo subtenas
la konstrukturo.
sub-ter-a: subterranean; -ajo: subsoil.
sub-ter-etajo: basement (below ground), underground floor
or chamber.
subterfuj-o: subterfuge (cf. pretexto, ruzo).
subtil-a: (physical) subtile: not dense or gross; (mental)
subtile, subtle: keen, sharp, acute; -eso, -ajo: (quality,
objective) subtleness, subtility; -ach-ajo: subtlety
(in bad sense), quibble, hair-splitting distinction; -igar:
to subtilize: render fine or ethereal; to draw subtle
distinctions in, refine into niceties. Ex.: Subtila veneno,
polvo. Subtila intelekto, mento. La subtilaji di metafiziko. Troa
subtileso nocas argumento. DEFIS
sub-titul-o: (print.) sub-heading, second title.
sub-urb-o: suburb, outskirts (of a town, city; cf. pre-urbo);
-ala: suburban; -ano: suburbanite.
subvencion-ar: (tr.) to grant a subvention to,
subsidize; -o: subvention: government aid or bounty; (cf. subsidiar).
Ex.: Subvenciono di teatro di la stato. DEFIS
subvers-ar: (tr.) to subvert: overturn from the
foundation: bring to ruin or destrucion, as by moral or political
force; (cf. renversar); -o, -eso: (act, state)
subversion, ruin; -anta, -iva, -ema: subversive. Ex.: Ta
doktrino subversas la principi di etiko. Subverso di la stato per
anarkio. Doktrino subversiva. DEFIS
sub-vest-o: undergarment; -aro: underwear.
suced-ar: (tr., intr.) to succeed: came after,
follow in order, (cf. sequar; sucesar); -o, -ado:
succession; -anto, -into (di): successor; -anta:
successive subsequent; -e, -ante: successively, in
succession, inturn; -ar (od, inter-sequar) luna
laltra: to succeed, follow one another. Ex.: Jorno
sucedas la nokto. La sucedado di nia idei. Louis XII esis la
sucedanto di Charles VIII. Chapitri sucedanta. DEFIS
suces-ar: (intr.) to succeed: accomplish ones
purpose, be successful; -o: success; -anta, -oza:
successful; mi- -o: indifferent success. Ex.: Lu sucesas
en sua entraprezajo. La suceso di teatrajo. La verko ne esis tre
sucesoza. EFIS
suci-ar: (tr.) to care about: be concerned,
solicitous, anxious about (ulu, ulo); -o: -ego:
(mental) care, solicitude, anxiety; -anta, -oza, -ema:
solicitous, anxious, careworn; sen- -a: careless,
thoughtless; me ne -as: I do not care. Def.: Havar sua
spirito okupata pri o por la bona stando di persono o kozo amata;
VI-345. V. exp.: Suciar, sorgar, flegar: Sorg(ad)o esas
ago, kontre sucio esas mentala stando. Exempli: Matro
povas suciar sua infanto, ma konfidas a la nutristino la sorgo
pri lu. On flegas malado, infanto. On ne povas dicar, ke
ta matro ne sucias sua filieto, nam elua paroli klare
montras, ke sempre el pensas a lua stando e deziras ke ol
esez bona; ma fakte el sorgas lu nultempe, nam el
abandonas a lua nutristino omna sorgi, quin el devus ipse
facar a linfanto. Mea tutelanto ne nur suciis mea
saneso e feliceso, ma il sorgis li omnamaniere, ed il esis
quik extreme nequieta, kande me sentis irga sufreto. Yes, nun me
esas nequieta pri la mala stando di vua aferi; ma li ne esus
tante desesperiganta, se olim vu esabus plu sucioza o suciema
pri oli; VI-345. F
sucin-o: (yellow) amber; -ea: amber colo(u)red.
sud-o: south; -ala: southern, southerly; -e:
southward; -esto: south-east; -ano: a southerner.
sudari-o*: sudarium; shroud (cf. sepulto-tuko).
sudor-o: sweat, perspiration; -ifar: to perspire,
be in a sweat; -if-anta: sweating, sudoriferous; -if-igar:
to cause (ulu) to sweat; -if-egar: to perspire
profusely; -if-ig-iva, -ivo: (med.) sudorific.
sufic-ar: (intr.) to suffice, be sufficient (ad,
por); -as: (impers.) it is sufficient; that is
enough; that will do; -o, -ajo: sufficing; sufficiency,
adequacy, competency; -anta: sufficient (cf. sat); -ante:
sufficiently. Ex.: Cent franki suficos a me. Suficajo de
frumento.Kapaceso suficanta. Esar suficante klara. To suficas a
me, equivalas: me konsideras, aceptas to kom suficanta. V. exp:
vid. saciar, sat. EFIS.
sufix-o: (gram.) suffix; -igar: to suffix:
annex at the end of a word. DEFIRS
sufl-ar: (intr.) to blow (wind, etc.); (tr.)
to blow: force wind or breathe upon; (theat.) to prompt (a
speaker); (chess, checkers) to huff; -(ad)o:
blow(ing), puffing, breath, breathing (cf. respiro, anhelo);
-eto, -ego, -ajo: (the air) puff, gust, blast, whiff; forjo-sufl-ilo:
blacksmiths bellows. Ex.: La vento suflas. Suflar (ad) sua
fingri. Suflar fairo, vitro, orgeno. Suflar aktoro. Suflar piono.
Ne esis mem vento-sufleto. Extingar buijio per sufl(et)o di la
respirajo. DFI
sufok-ar: (tr., intr.) to suffocate, stifle,
smother, choke; (fig.) to check, subdue; (cf. strangular);
-anta, -iva: suffocating, stifling. Ex.: La nutristino
sufokas la dormanta infanto. Sufokar la karbonfairo. Sufokar sua
singluti. Me sufokis pro irocego, pro la varmegeso. Astmo donas
la sento di sufoko. Aero sufokanta. V. exp.: vid. asfixiar.
sufr-ar: (tr., intr.) to suffer (from), be
afflicted with; (cf. dolorar, subisar, tolerar); il
sufras en la hepato: his liver is out of order. Ex.: Sufrar
(de, pro) la hungro, la dursto, la doloro, lo morto. Persono
infirma e sufranta. EFIS
sufragan-a, -o: suffragan (bishop). DEFIRS
sufraji-o*: (R.C. rel.) suffrage: a short prayer.
sufuzion-o: (med.) suffusion: extravasation of some
sug-ar: (tr.) to suck (candy, etc., ulo de ulo);
-anta: sucking; (zool.) suctorial; -ilo:
sucker (as of an insect); mam-sugar: to suckle (cf. alaktar).
Ex.: Sugar la suko de oranjo. V. exp.: On povas aspirar,
ne nur aero od altra gaso, ma anke liquido. Do on povas e devas
dicar, ke pumpilo aspiras, e distingar teknikale la
pumpili aspirante e presanta. (Pumpilo aspiras
unesme laero, e per la sama procedo, kande ol esas
amorcita, ol duras aspirar laquo. Sugar expresas ago
di la boko, labii, lango, qua ne implikas necese aspiro.
Exemple, on sugas bonbono en la boko; on nule aspiras
ol; V-156.
sugest-ar: (tr.) to suggest, intimate (ulo ad
ulu); -etar: to hint; -(ad)o: suggestion; -ajo:
what is suggested, suggestion, intimation; -anta, -iva:
suggestive. Ex.: To sugestis ideo a me. Sugesto hipnotala.
Sugestiva penso. Lu mem ne sugestetis la ago a me. DEFIS
suk-o: juice: sap (of vegetables) the water (of fruit); -oza:
juicy; -o stomak-ala: gastric juice. Ex.: La suko di
oranjo. FIR
sukomb-ar: (intr.) to succumb (ad), to yield, get
worsted. Ex.: Sukombar a tento, a doloro, sub la pezajo.
su-kontre-dicanta: self-contradictory (cf. inter-kontre-dic-anta).
sukr-o: sugar; -ala: relating to s.; -atra:
s.-like; -oza: sugary: naturally sweet; -iz-ita:
sugered: covered with s.; sweetened; -izar: to s.; put s.
in or on; to sweeten; -ajo: a sweet(meat); -aj-erio:
confectioners shop; -if-isto: s. maker; -if-erio:
s.-works, s. refinery; -o-lumpo, -o-bloko: s. loaf; -o-pulvero:
powdered, ground s.; -o-kano: s. cane. DEFIRS
sukub-o: succubus. DEFS
sukus-ar: (tr.) to cause violent vibrations in, to
shake, shake off, jerk, jog, jostle, jolt; (cf. agitar,
ocilar, shancel-igar, tremar); -ope: by shakes, jerks.
Ex.: Sukusar arboro, tablo, sua kapo. Sukusado la polvo de la
vesto. Sukusado di veturo sur voyo aspera. FI
sul-o: soil (cf. tero, tereno); sub- -o:
subsoil. Def.: La supra strato di la tero, konsiderata pri lua
produktive qualesi; Ex.: sulo fertila, sterila, e.c. EFIS
sulf-o*: sulphur, brimstone; -oza, -atra:
sulphurous; -o-pulvero: flowers of s.; -izar, -agar:
to sulphurize; -eyo, -jac-eyo, min-eyo: s. mine; -at-acido:
sulphuric acid (H2SO4); -ido:
sulphuret; -ito: sulphite; -ito-acido: sulphurous
acid (H2SO3). EFIS
sulk-o: (also fig.) furrow (as made by plow);
ships track; -izar: to furrow; roto- -o:
wheel rut. IS
sultan-(ul)o: sultan; -ino: sultana. DEFIRS
sum-o: (math.) sum, amount, total; (cf. toto,
agreg-ajo); -o totala: s. total; -e: (fig.)
finally, on the whole, after all; -igar: to sum up, cast
up, totalize; -igo: summing up. Def.: Rezultajo di la
adiciono di plura nombri o quanti. Ex.: La sumo di la unaji.
Sumigar du nombri. DEFIRS
sumak-o: (bot.) sumac (-tree) (genus: Rhus).
sumari-a: (adj.) summary. Def.: Dic-esas pri agi
facita rapide, sen tempo-perdo o neutila formulaji. V-623. Ex.:
Sumaria judiko.
sumn-ar: (tr.) to summon, call authoritatively
upon; -o: summons, Def.: Demandar impereme o postular
segun yuro e legala formi; III-417. Ex.: Sumnar debanto pagar.
Sumnar fortreso kapitulacar. EF
sun-o: sun; (fig.) sunlight; -ala: solar; -oza:
sunny; -frapo: sunstroke; -floro: (bot.)
sunflower (genus: Helianthus); -horlojo: sun-dial; para-
-o: parasol; -brul-ita: sunburned. DE
sundi-o: Sunday (cf. sabato); palmo- -o:
Palm Sunday. DE
su-ocid-ar: (tr.) to commit suicide; -o:
suicide; -into: a suicide.
suol-o: sole (of boots, shoes) (cf. plando); a sort
of horn under a horses hoof; -o ledra: leather sole;
-izar: to sole; ri- -izar: to resole. DeIS
sup-o: soup; porridge; -uyo: s. holder, s. tureen; legum-
o: vegetable s.; lakto- -o: milk porridge.
supe-ar: (intr.) to sup, take a (midnight) supper;
(noktomezala) -o: (midnight) supper; -o santa:
Holy Supper; (cf. dejunar, dinear). Def.: La repasto quan
on facas cirkum o pos noktomezo ti qui vigilas, pos teatro, balo,
festo, e.c.; V-278; kp. VI-162. Ex.: Supear delikate (od,
supeetar) pos lopero. DeF
super: (prep., elevation) over, above (but not in
contact with; cf. sur); (of degree) over, more
than, greater than, superior to; -e: over, above (that); -a:
higher, upper (cf. superiora); ucelo flugis super la
domo: a bird flew over the house; super la suprajo:
over the top; dek-e-kin gradi super zero: fifteen degrees
above freezing point; il stacis supere: he stood above; -e
dic-ita: aforesaid; -e nom-ita: above named; -a
etaji: upper floors, stories above (cf. supra etajo); -a
klaso: upper class; -a genio: superior genius; super-esar:
to be over, overtop, surpass, have a superiority; -eso:
highness, superiority (cf. superioreso); ica vino
superesas ta: this wine is superior to (better than) that; la
monto superesas (od, dominacas) la urbo: the
mountain is above the city; supereso di kurajo:
superiority of courage. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: sub.
super-aucion-ar: (tr.) to outbid, bid higher than.
super-avanc-ar: (tr.) to advance over; to overhang;
(cf. saliar, super-pendar). Ex.: La muro super-avancas.
superb-a: conceited, supercilious (cf. arog-anta); -eso:
conceitedness: excessive self-esteem; -igar: to make (ulu)
c., to puff up; -esar, -eskar: to be, become c. V. exp.: Superbeso
produktas ecesiva su-estimo; vanitateso produktas deziro
por laplaudo di altri; prezunto esas sufidego pri la
imaginita posedo di ulo quon on fakte ne posedas; kp. fiera.
Ant.: humila. FIS
super-charj-ar: (tr., also fig.) to overload,
overburden. Ex.: Supercharjar kavalo, veturo, sua stomako, sua
superfetacion-o*: (physiol.) superfetation.
superflu-a: superfluous; superogatory; -eso: (quality)
superfluousness; -ajo: (object) superfluity;
overplus, (work of) superogation. Def.: Qua esas troa. Ex.:
Ornivi, regreti superflua. Superflueso de vorti. Esas superfluaji
en ta verko. EFIS
super-flu-ar: (intr.) to overflow; -o:
overflowing; -ant-ajo: the overflow, waste; -o-tubo:
waste pipe.
super-hom-a: superhuman; -(ul)o: superman.
superior-a: (social, hierarchical) superior; -(ul)o:
superior; -eso: superiority. Ex.: La arki-episkopo esas la
superioro di (od esas superiora ad) la episkopo, e do havas
superioreso. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: inferiora.
super-ir-ar: (tr.) to go over, to rise above; (fig.)
to surpass; -ar su: to surpass, outdo oneself. Ex.:
Superirar la monto. Ca lernanto superiras (od, superesas) omna
kunlernanti. Me superiris mea tasko.
superlativ-a: superlative (degree, etc.); -o: (gram.)
a superlative; (cf. extrema). DEFIS
super-natur-a: supernatural; -ajo: s. event.
super-nombr-a: supernumerary (cf. supernumerario).
Ex.: Havar fingro supernombra.
supernumerari-o: a supernumerary; -eso: s. service
or time; state of being a s. Def.: Employato quan on admisas
exter rango, por vartar ordinara employo; IV-584. DEFIS
super-pas-ar: (tr.) to rise above, surmount.
super-pend-ar: (tr.) to hang over. Ex.: La roko
superpendas la ravino.
super-poz-ar: to superpoze: to lay upon (ulo ad, sur
super-preco: higher price; (in selling) overcharge.
super-sens-a: supersensible.
super-sign-o: diacritic(al) mark; written or printed sign
of accent (cf. acento); -izar: to mark with, add
superstic-o: superstition; -oza, -oz-(ul)o:
superstitious (person). EFIS
super-tax-ar: (tr.) to overtax (cf. pluse-taxar).
super-varm-igar: to overheat.
super-vid-o: (rapid) survey, view; me havis nur
supervido di la loko, di la afero: I had but a summary view
of the place, but a faint knowledge of the matter.
supin-o: (gram.) supine: verbal noun, similar to
the English verbals in -ing. DEFIS
suplant-ar: (tr.) to supplant (a rival, etc.). V.
exp.: B supleas A kande lu okupas la loko (ofico,
funciono, rolo) di A nur provizore, ne kun la sama yuri o grado.
B suplantas A kande lu privacas A de lua loko por
remplasar lu permanante; kp. Substitucar. EFIS
suple-ar: (tr.) to supply: make up, make good (the
defficiency), furnish (what is wanted); to take the place of, the
duty of (temporarily); -anto: substitute, assistant,
deputy. Ex.: Lua laborego supleas (E. makes up for) (manko di)
talento. Cadie Sro. X. supleos vu. V. exp.: vid. suplantar.
suplement-o: (also math.) supplement; -a, -ala:
supplementary, additional, extra; -e: in addition, by way
of s.; -o di angulo: s. of an angle: the quantity by which
an arc or an angle falls short of 180º. Ex.: Suplemento di (ad)
libro. Suplementala pago, preco, kusto. DEFIS
suplik-ar: (tr.) to supplicate, humbly beseech,
entreat, beg (ulu pri, por ulo). Def.: Pregar ulu kun
insistemeso e submiseso. V. exp.: vid. implorar.
suport-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to support: bear
the weight of; (cf. sustenar, tolerar); -ilo: a
support, prop; -anto: (person) supporter, upholder.
Ex.: La pilastri qui suportas la vulto esas suportili. Suportar
la spensi di familio. Suportar (E. bear) la koldeso, la
doloro. Esar sen suporto, sen helpo, sen amiki. Suportanti di la
guvernerio. V. exp.: Suportar esas portar kozo sen movo,
tale ke ol ne falez; ma portar uzesas generale kun movo.
Metafore, suportar uzesas en senco vicina di tolerar;
supoz-ar: (tr.) to suppose, assume (ulo, pri ulo);
-o: (act) supposition; -ajo: supposition,
assumption; -ebla: supposable; -ite ke: on the
supposition that; -ez ke: let us suppose that; en omna
-o: however it may be. Def.: Admisar kom hipotezo; imaginar
ulo kontre la vereso. Ex.: Supozar ulo neposibla. To esas riskema
supozajo. EFIS
supozitori-o: (med.) suppository. DEFIS
supr-e: on top, overhead, above, aloft, on high; upwards,
upstairs (cf. supere); -a: top, of or relating to
what is highest up in space or degree; -ajo: highest part,
top (cf. somito); il esas ibe supre: he is up
there; irar ad-supre: to go to the top, to go up; supra
etajo: top or highest floor; -(eg)a povo, autoritato:
supreme power, authority; la supro (geometrical sense, or,
suprajo: material part) di la monto: the top of the
mountain. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: infre. L
supres-ar: (tr.) to suppress, do away with; -o:
(act) suppression; -ajo: what is suppressed. Def.:
Impedar existar o (jurnali, e.c.) aparar. Ex.: Supresar sedicio,
libro, imposto. Supreso di pruvo di krimino. V. exp.: vid. abolisar.
sur: (prep.) on, upon: above and in contact with
the upper part of something; resting on the top of (cf. super,
an); (arith.) divided by; -a: upper (cf. supera);
ad-sur: onto (with motion); sur la tablo: on the
table; navo sur la maro: ship on the sea; sur la
rivero, la strado: on the river (itself) on the street
(itself; N.B. not on the bank of the river or the side of the
street, an); saltar ad sur la lito: to jump onto
the bed; sura etajo: the floor (just) above; non sur
tri facas tri: 9:3 = 3. Def.: Plu alta kam ula objekto e
kontaktanta; III-228. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: sub.
super-vid-o: (rapid) survey, view; me havis nur
supervido di la loko, di la afero: I had but a summary view
of the place, but a faint knowledge of the matter.
supin-o: (gram.) supine: verbal noun, similar to
the English verbals in -ing. DEFIS
suplant-ar: (tr.) to supplant (a rival, etc.). V.
exp.: B supleas A kande lu okupas la loko (ofico,
funciono, rolo) di A nur provizore, ne kun la sama yuri o grado.
B suplantas A kande lu privacas A de lua loko por
remplasar lu permanante; kp. Substitucar. EFIS
suple-ar: (tr.) to supply: make up, make good (the
defficiency), furnish (what is wanted); to take the place of, the
duty of (temporarily); -anto: substitute, assistant,
deputy. Ex.: Lua laborego supleas (E. makes up for) (manko di)
talento. Cadie Sro. X. supleos vu. V. exp.: vid. suplantar.
suplement-o: (also math.) supplement; -a, -ala:
supplementary, additional, extra; -e: in addition, by way
of s.; -o di angulo: s. of an angle: the quantity by which
an arc or an angle falls short of 180º. Ex.: Suplemento di (ad)
libro. Suplementala pago, preco, kusto. DEFIS
suplik-ar: (tr.) to supplicate, humbly beseech,
entreat, beg (ulu pri, por ulo). Def.: Pregar ulu kun
insistemeso e submiseso. V. exp.: vid. implorar.
suport-ar: (tr., lit. and fig.) to support: bear
the weight of; (cf. sustenar, tolerar); -ilo: a
support, prop; -anto: (person) supporter, upholder.
Ex.: La pilastri qui suportas la vulto esas suportili. Suportar
la spensi di familio. Suportar (E. bear) la koldeso, la
doloro. Esar sen suporto, sen helpo, sen amiki. Suportanti di la
guvernerio. V. exp.: Suportar esas portar kozo sen movo,
tale ke ol ne falez; ma portar uzesas generale kun movo.
Metafore, suportar uzesas en senco vicina di tolerar;
supoz-ar: (tr.) to suppose, assume (ulo, pri ulo);
-o: (act) supposition; -ajo: supposition,
assumption; -ebla: supposable; -ite ke: on the
supposition that; -ez ke: let us suppose that; en omna
-o: however it may be. Def.: Admisar kom hipotezo; imaginar
ulo kontre la vereso. Ex.: Supozar ulo neposibla. To esas riskema
supozajo. EFIS
supozitori-o: (med.) suppository. DEFIS
supr-e: on top, overhead, above, aloft, on high; upwards,
upstairs (cf. supere); -a: top, of or relating to
what is highest up in space or degree; -ajo: highest part,
top (cf. somito); il esas ibe supre: he is up
there; irar ad-supre: to go to the top, to go up; supra
etajo: top or highest floor; -(eg)a povo, autoritato:
supreme power, authority; la supro (geometrical sense, or,
suprajo: material part) di la monto: the top of the
mountain. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: infre. L
supres-ar: (tr.) to suppress, do away with; -o:
(act) suppression; -ajo: what is suppressed. Def.:
Impedar existar o (jurnali, e.c.) aparar. Ex.: Supresar sedicio,
libro, imposto. Supreso di pruvo di krimino. V. exp.: vid. abolisar.
sur: (prep.) on, upon: above and in contact with
the upper part of something; resting on the top of (cf. super,
an); (arith.) divided by; -a: upper (cf. supera);
ad-sur: onto (with motion); sur la tablo: on the
table; navo sur la maro: ship on the sea; sur la
rivero, la strado: on the river (itself) on the street
(itself; N.B. not on the bank of the river or the side of the
street, an); saltar ad sur la lito: to jump onto
the bed; sura etajo: the floor (just) above; non sur
tri facas tri: 9:3 = 3. Def.: Plu alta kam ula objekto e
kontaktanta; III-228. V. exp.: vid. alta. Ant.: sub.
sur-o: calf (of the leg). L
surd-a: deaf; -(ul)o: a d. person; -eso:
deafness; -igar: to deafen (ulu); (fig.)
stun (with noise); -eskar: to become d.; -a-mut-a,
-(ul)o: deaf and dumb (person); simular surdo: to
make-believe to be d., to turn a d. ear to; -ega, stone surda:
stone-deaf, deaf as a post. eFIS
sur-dento: tooth grown over another, projecting tooth.
surfac-o: surface, outside; (fig.) appearance; (cf.
areo); -ala: superficial: relating to the s.; (fig.)
specious (plan, judgement, reasoning; cf. ne-profunda,
ne-serioza); -ale judikar: to judge superficially, by
appearance; suface flotacar: to float upon the s. Def.: La
suprajo, la exterajo di ula korpo. Ex.: La surfaco di la tero.
Vunduro surfacala. EFIS
surjet-o*: (of seams) whip-stitch, over-cast(ing).
sur-kalz-o: over-stocking, -hose.
sur-kresk-ajo: outgrowth, excrescence, proturberance.
surkrut-o: sauerkraut. Def.: Kaulo fermentacinta; II-711.
sur-manik-o: over-sleeve.
surmen-ar: (tr.) to overdrive, drive beyond
ones strength, overtax, overstrain (super-charjar,
fatigar). Ex.: Surmenar kavalo. Surmenar sua forteso per
laborado, sua mento per studiado. F
surmulet-o: (ich.) surmullet, red mullet (Mullus
Surmuletus). DEF
sur-nom-o: surname, family name; -acho: nickname,
sobriquet; -izar: to surname. Ex.: Il surnomizis Simon kom
Peter, t.e. kom Simon Peter.
surogat-o: (of things) substitute: that which is
put in place of another thing; (med.) succedaneum; -a:
substitute. V. exp.: vid. substituto. DeIR
surplis-o: (priests) surplice. EFS
sur-poz-ar: (tr.) to put (ulo) on (ulo).
supriz-ar: (tr.) to surprise, take by s., take
unawares, to come or fall upon suddenly and unexpectedly,
overtake suddenly; (cf. astonar, kaptacar); -o, -eso:
(act, state) surprisal, surprise; unawareness; -e:
by s.; -anta: surprising. Ex.: Surprizar furtero, la
enemiko. Mi-voye la pluvo surprizis ni. Li timas surpriz-atako da
la enemiko. Donar surpriz-buxo a la puero. EFIS
sur-ren-a: (anat.) suprarenal.
sur-shu-o: overshoe.
sur-skrib-o, -uro: superscription, inscription.
surtut-o: (long) overcoat, greatcoat, surtout. eFIS
survey-ar: to keep an eye on, superintend, look after,
watch over, inspect; -(ad)o: supervision, superintendence,
oversight, surveillance; -anta, -ema: superintending,
watchful, vigilant; -anto, -ero, -isto: inspector,
overseer, superintendent. Def.: Sorgar afero, tasko, ulo, kun
partikulareso e autoritato. Ex.: Generalo devas surveyar omno.
Surveyar la afero e la laboristi en fabrikerio. Surveyar la
konduto di ulu. Surveyo di lernanti o karcerani. eFI
suskript-ar: (tr., intr.) to subscribe: contribute
a definite sum to an undertaking; (cf. signatar, subskribar);
-o: subscription: act of contributing (N.B. not to a
newspaper, cf. abono); the consent in writing; -ajo:
subscription: amount contributed. Ex.: Me suskriptas cent franki
kom yarala kontributo ad ca entraprezo. Me abonas ta revuo ed
anke suskriptas pekunio por la mantenokaso. DEFIS
suspekt-ar: (tr.) to suspect: hold in suspicion, to
distrust; doubt the hono(u)r, fidelity or sincerity of; to
imagine guilty; (cf. des-fidar, konjektar); -o:
suspicion; -eskar: to grow suspicious; igar ulu
suspekt-inda, suspekt-igar ulu: to cause (ulu) to be
suspected, to cast suspicion on (ulu); -ema: (tendency)
suspicious, mistrustful; -ebla, -inda: suspicious; -indo:
a suspect. Ex.: Suspektar ulu pri krimino, pri herezio. Ta
suspekto esas male fondita. Lu mem suspektas sua amiki.
suspend-ar: (tr., phys. sense) to suspend, hang up:
fix (ulo) on high and leave hanging; (cf. pendar,
akrochar); -o, -eso: suspending, suspension; -anta:
hanging; (med. etc.) suspensory; ponto -ita:
suspension bridge. Ex.: Suspendar (od, pend-igar) lampo de la
plafono. Pulvero suspendita en liquido. DEFIS
suspens-ar: (tr.) to suspend (functionaries,
judgement, privileges, work) (cf. suspendar, halt-igar,
interruptar). Def.: Revokar dum tempo; VI-163.
suspensori-o*: (surg.) suspensory (bandage).
susten-ar: (tr., phys. and fig.) to sustain, bear,
uphold; prevent from falling (cf. sub-tenar, suportar,
mantenar, helpar, defensar); -ilo: stay, prop; -o-muro:
retaining wall; -o-stango: sustaining rod, prop. Ex.: La
fundamento sustenas la edifico. Sustenar sua reputo, entraprezo.
sustracion-ar: (tr., arith.) to subtract, deduct (ulo,
de ulo). Ant.: adicionar. DEFIS
sustrakt-ar: (tr.) to abstract, appropriate (fraude);
purloin, steal, embezzle (money, etc.). Def.: Deprenar o furtar
ulo per habileso o per fraudo. FIS
susur-ar: (tr., intr.) to whisper, murmur or mutter
(words); (fig.) to whisper, sough (of the wind); -(ad)o:
whisper(ing), speaking under the breath; -anta, -ema; -anto,
-emo: whisper-ing, -er. Def.: Parolar nelaute; (fig.)
facar duranta nelauta bruiso, ex, «la vento susuras en
larbori;» IV-600. FI
sut-ar: (tr.) to sew, stitch; -(ad)o, -uro:
sewing; seam; (surg.) suture; -o-mashino: sewing
machine; -ist-ino: seamstress; -o-korbo:
sewing-basket. V. exp.: vid. stebar. eFI
sutan-o: (R.C.) soutane, cassock. DeFIS
su-ten-o: carriage (of the body).
suveren-a, -(ul)o: sovereign; (cf. supr-ega); -eso:
sovereignty. Ex.: Autoritato suverena. En demokratio, la populo
havas la suvereneso. DEFIS
suzeren-a, -(ul)o: suzerain, lord paramount. DEFR
swabr-o: (nav.)swab; -agar: (tr., intr.)
to swab (the deck); kauchuka -o: squeegee. DeR