Ido-Angla vortaro: U

Ido-Angla vortaro: U

ube: (adv.) where; ad-ube: whither?; where to? (with motion), to what place?; de-ube, ek-ube: from where? whence?; altr-ube: elsewhere, somewhere else; irg-ube: anywhere, wherever; nul-ube: nowhere; omn-ube: everywhere; tra-ube: through what place, which way?; ul-ube: somewhere; me ne savas ube il esas: I do not know where he is; ad-ube vu, vu volas irar?: where do you wish to go?; dicez a me de ube vu venas: tell me where you are from; tra-ube vu iros?: which way will you go?; ube vu habitas?: where do you live? — FL
ubiqu-a: ubiquitous; -eso: ubiquity. Def.: Qua esas omnaloke; IV-270. — EFIS
ucel-o, -ulo, -ino: bird; -eyo: place for birds; aiviary; -nesto: bird’s-nest; -kaptar: (intr.) to catch b.s; -vend-isto:; -o migr-anta: migratory b., b. of passage; -o rapt-anta: b. of prey; paradiz- -o: b. of paradise; -vido: bird’s-eye view; ucel-ire: as the b. flies; in a straight line. — FI
uf*: (interj.) ugh! uff! oof!
ukaz-o: ukase: edict of (Russian) emperor. — DEFIRS
ul-a: some, any: indicates a certain, but only partly defined person or object; (semi-indefinite article) a, an (used only where it is desired to emphasize indefiniteness); ul-o: something; ul-u: someone, somebody, anyone; ul-i: some, any (persons or things); ul-die: some day; ul-loke, -ube: somewhere; ul-maniere (od, ule): in some manner or way; ulu altra: someone else; ula altra: some other; ul-foye: once, one time; ul-tempe: ever, sometime(s). V. exp.: Ula ne indikas kompleta nedetermineso (quan irga expresus plu juste), ma mi-determineso. Ula povas anke ludar la rolo di la nedfinita artiklo, se (o kande) on trovas ica necesa. Ex.: Me stacas avan la biblioteko di amiko (me ne dicas: di ula amiko, nam me pensas (pri) nula amiko partikulare o predere); me dicas a lu: «Me deziras libro». To signifikas: «Me deziras lektar, donez a me (irga) libro». Ma se me dicas: «Me deziras ula libro», to signifikas: «Me deziras lektar partikulara libro (konocata da me, o ja lektita),» quan me ne povas indikar plu exacte, pro ke me obliviis l’autoro, o la titulo: ma me tamen havas l’ideo plu o min konfuza di ta libro, e ne di altra: adminime, di libro apartenanta ad «ula» speco o relatanta «ula» temo, quan me povas definar; III-28. Note: Ula, irga: Ula is used in a semi-indefinite sense, irga emphasizes complete indefiniteness. Ex.: ula maniero: some manner or way; irga maniero: any manner or way whatever; ula dio en la lasta monato: one day (= a certain day, but date not specified; irga dio would signify any day whatever); ula viro decensis de Ierusalem a Ierico: a certain man (name not specified) went down from J. to J.; irga viro would signify any man whatever. — L
ulan-o: uhlan: a German lancer. — DEFIRS
ulcer-o: ulcer; -ala, -atra: ulcerous; -ifar (intr.), -izar (tr.): to ulcerate; -ifo, -izo: ulceration; -igar: to cause (ulo) to ulcerate. — EFIS
ulm-o: (bot.) elm (-tree) (genus: Ulmus). — DeFIS
uln-o:ell: 45 or 46.5 inches. — FIS
ultimat-o: ultimatum. — DEFIRS
ultr-a: ultra: beyond due limit; further, additional; -a zelo: extreme, exaggerated zeal; ultr-a, -e royal-isto: ultra-royalist, royalist in an excessive degree; -e: (prep., adv.) besides, further, moreover, in addition (to this); -e ke: (conj.) besides (that) (followed by verb). Ex.: Ultre, me volas dicar … Ultre la prezenta infinitivo, Ido havas pasinta e futura infinitivo. Ultre ke, el esas richa, el esas bela e saja. Ultre mea patrala linguo, me savas plura altri. V. exp.: Ultre, pluse: Ultre esas prepoziciono, qua qua signifikas: adjunte ad … Exemple: «Ultre mea repasto me prenis kafeo.» Do ultre grande diferas de plus, qua indikas la kozo adjuntata. Advere de la matematikal vidpunto la difero ne esas grava, pro ke A + B = B + A. Ma en la komuna vivo l’ordino ne esas indiferanta, sive pro la tempo, sive pro l’importo relativa e tre neegala di l’adicionendi. Exemple, l’antea frazo equivalas: « Me prenis mea repasto plus kafeo». Esus ridinda dicar: «Me prenis kafeo plus mea repasto», kontre ke on povas dicar tre bone: «Me prenis kafe ultre mea repasto.» De to konsequas, ke on nultempe bezonas adverbigar ultre: la adverbo uzenda esas sempre pluse, qua anuncas l’adjunto di altra kozo a l’unesma o predicita; VII-481. — DeFIS
ultramar-o, -a, -ea: ultramarine. — DEFIRS
ultramikroskopi-o: ultramicroscope. — DEF
ultramontan-a, -(ul)o: ultramontan-e, ist; -ismo: ultramontanism. — DEFIRS
ulul-ar: (intr.) to ululate: (of owls) to hoot; (of dogs, wolves, etc.) to howl. — DeFIS
umbel-o: (bot.) umbel. — EFIS
umbelifer-a, -o: (bot.) umbeliferous (plant). — DEFIS
umbilik-o: (anat., bot., geom.) navel, umbilicus. — EFIS
umbr-o: (pigment) umber. — DEFIR
un: (cardinal) one (for derivative forms, cf. du); -a: one (adj. showing unity); -o: (arith.) unit; -ajo: (objective) unit; -u: one (person); -eso: unity, oneness; -es-ala: unitary; -esma: first (abbr.: 1a); -igar: to unify: to form into one (cf. uniform-igar); -igo: unification; -foye: once, one time; -esme: first, at first, first of all; unesme on devas studiar e pose on darfas ludar: first you should study and afterwards you play; l’una e l’altra: the two together; l’una o l’altra: one of the two; li amis l’una l’altra: they liked one another (or, each other); el amis nek l’una nek l’atra: she loved neither; nek l’una nek l’altra venos: neither will come; un-kolora: one-colored. Ex.: La kombatinti vundis l’una l’altra. Li vovis fideleso l’una a l’altra (od, la una a l’altra). La Una Santa Eklezio. Unu dicis ico, la altru dicis ito. Un ed un facas du. — EFIS
unanim-a: unanimous; -eso: unanimity. — EFIS
unc-o: (zool.) ounce (Felis unce).
uncial-a, -o: uncial (letter). — DEFIS
uncion-ar: (tr.) to anoint (ulu, per ulo); extrema -o: (R.C. rel.) extreme unction; (cf. unguento). — eFIS
ungl-o: (anat.) nail, claw, talon; -oza: unguiculated; emundar (od, taliar) sua -i: to trim, cut one’s nails; la kato unglo-tenas su ye l’arboro: the cat clings to the tree. — eFIS
unguent-o: ointment, salve, unguent. — EFIS
un-huf-a: solipedous, solidungulate, whole hoofed (animal).
uniform-a: uniform; (of movement) regular; -o: (regimentals) uniform; -eso: uniformity (cf. monoton-eso); -igar: to make (ulo) u.; soldat- -o: soldier’s u.; granda -o: full dress u. Def.: Qua havas la sama formo; simila. Ex.: Uniforma domi, stilo, vesto. Uniformeso di opiniono. — DEFIS
unik-a: unique; without another of the same kind; only, single, sole; (fig.) unequalled, unrivalled, unparalleled, unprecedented (cf. nura); -eso: uniqueness; -ajo: a u. object; -a filio: only child; -a talento: u. talent. — EFIS
unikorn-o: (also astron.) unicorn: a fabulous animal. — EFS
unikursal-a: (geom.) unicursal.
union-ar: (tr., immaterial sense) to unite (cf. juntar, ligar); -o, -uro: union, conjuction (cf. konkordo); -o post-ala: postal u. Ex.: Unionar la plezuri a l’aferi. Unionar la gefianciti. Uniono laboristala. La spirito di unioneso. — EFIS
unipol-a: unipolar.
unison-o: (mus. and fig.) unison. — DEFIRS
unitar-a, -(ul)o: Unitarian; -ismo: (rel. sect., doctrine) Unitarianism. — DEFIRS
univalv-a*: (of shells) univalvular.
univers-o: universe; -ala: universal; -al-eso: universality; -igar: to make (ulo) universal; -al-ist-i: (rel.) universalists. — DEFIS
universitat-o: university; -ano: member of u.; an (under)graduate. — DEFIRS
un-later-a: unilateral; (jur.) binding on one party only.
un-senc-a: having but one meaning, signification.
un-sexu-a: (bot.) unisexual.
unt-o: coom: old cart-grease. — IS
un-valv-a: (bot., conch.) univalvular.
upup-o: (orni.) hoopoe (genus: Upupa). — EFI
uragan-o: hurricane, violent gale. — eFIRS
uran-o*: (chem.) uranium; -oxo: proto-oxide of u., pitchblende.
uranografi-o: uranography. — DEFIRS
urat-o*: (chem.) urate.
urb-o: city, large town; (cf. civito); -ego: a large c.: (cf. metropolo); -ala: urban; -o-domo: city-hall; -estro: mayor. — eFIS
urd-ar: (tr., of weaving) to warp (cloth). — FIS
ure-o*: (chem.) urea. — EFIS
uremi-o*: (med.) ur(a)eia. — DEFS
ureter-o*: (anat.) ureter (duct).
uretr-o: (anat.) urethra. — DEFIS
uretrit-o*: (med.) urethritis.
uretroskop-o*: urethroscope.
uretrotomi-o*: (surg.) urethrotomy.
urin-o: urine; -ala: urinary; -ifar: to urinate, make water (cf. miktar); -vazo: urinal, pot; -if-eyo: (public) urinal. — DEFIRS
urj-ar: (intr.) to be urgent, pressing; -igar: to urge (ulu, ulo); -anta: urgent; -ant-eso: urgency; la kazo -as: it is an u. case; en -anta kazo: in case of urgency. — EFIS
urn-o: urn; -o elekt-ala: ballot-box. — DEFIRS
urogal-o: capercailzie: the largest European grouse (Tetrao urogallus). — L
urox-o: (zool.) aurochs: European bison (Bos urus). — DeFS
urs-o, -ulo, -ino: (zool.) bear (genus: Ursus); -yuno: young b.; granda, mikra urso: (astron.) Great, Little Bear; -ala: ursine. — eFIS
urtik-o: (stinging-)nettle (genus: Urtica); -ago: (med.) urtication: whipping or stinging with nettles. — eFIS
urtikari-o: urticaria, nettle-rash. — EFIS
usher-o: usher (judicial courts, etc.). Def.: Ta qua komisesas oficale por konocigar ed exekutigar la judiciala decidi. — Mondo XI. 227, dec. 1580. — EFS
utard-o: (orni.) bustard (Otis tarda). — FIS
utensil-o: utensil, tool, instrument, implement; -i koqu(ey)ala: kitchen u.; -i kultiv-ala: farming tools. — DEFIS
uter-o: uterus, womb. — DEFIS
util-a: useful, of use; -eso: (quality) utility, usefulness; -ajo: utility, useful object; -esar: to be useful (ad); to be used (por); -eskar: to become u.; -igar su -a: to make oneself u.; -igar: to utilize, turn to good use, turn to account, avail oneself of; -igo: utilization; -ismo: (philos.) utilitarianism; -isto: utilitarian; -ista, -ism-ala: utilitarian. — EFIS
utopi-o: utopia; -a, -ala, -atra: utopian; (cf. kimera); -isto: utopist. — DEFIRS
utrikul-o: utricle. — DEFIS
uve-o: (anat.) uvea. — EFIS
uvertur-o: (mus.) overture. — DEFR
uvul-o: (anat.) uvula. — EFIS
uz-ar: (tr.) to use, employ: make use of (ulo); to wear out (clothing, etc.); -o, -ado: use, usage (cf. kusumo, util-eso); -o-yuro: right of use; -i e kustumi: ways and customs; vest-aro ja uz-ita: worn clothing; uzar la vest-aro: to wear out clothing. Ex.: Uzar violento, remediilo. Vorto rare uzata. — DEFIS
uzufrukt-ar: (tr., jur.) to have the usufruct of (ulo). — EFIS
uzukapt-ar: (tr., jur.) to have the usucaption of (ulo). —EFIS
uzur-ar: (intr.) to practice usury. — EFIS
uzurp-ar: (tr.) to usurp (ulo de ulu); to encroach upon, trench upon, infringe; -o: usurpation, encroachment. Ex.: Uzurpar la trono, ula yuro, povo, domeno. — DEFIRS

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