Ido-Angla vortaro: X
xantin-o*: (chem.) xanthine.
xantofil-o*: (chem., bot.) xanthophyl.
xeni-o*: satirical epigram (first introduced by Goethe and Schiller); (biol.) xenia.
xenon-o*: (chem.) xenon.
xerofit-o*: (bot.) xerophyte.
xifoid-a*: (anat.) xiphoid, ensiform.
xilofag-a, -o: xylophagous (insect, bivalve). Def.: Una de la multa speci de insekti, qui rodas la ligno; IV-647. EFIS
xilofon-o: (mus.) xylophone. DEFIS
xilograf-ar: (tr., intr.) to engrave on wood or print from wood engravings. DEFIRS