Ido-Angla vortaro: Y
ya: indeed, most certainly, truly (used in a sentence to lend emphasis, to confirm a statement);
esis ya mea kulpa: it was truly my fault; me ya facis to: it was I indeed who did it. D
yakt-o: yacht. DEFRS
yar-o: year, twelvemonth; -ala: yearly, annual; relating to y.; -ala (od,
un-yara) planti: annual plants; -libro: yearbook, annual (cf.
almanako); singla-, omna-yar-a, -e: yearly; which takes place every year;
-deko: decade; -dek-a: happening every ten years (cf. dek-yara);
-cento: century; mi-yar-a: twice a year; -rento: annuity;
ca-yar-e, -a: this year; ante un yaro: one year ago; en yaro mez-valora:
in the average year, one year with another. DE
yard-o: (nav.) yard (for a sail), yardarm; -o granda: main y. E
yatagan-o: yataghan; long Turkish dagger. DEFIS
ye: preposition of indefinite meaning to be used when no other preposition covers the meaning;
especially denoting position, place, precise situation, time: ye la fino di la libro:
at the end of the book; il prenis il ye la manuo: he took him by the hand; ye ca vorti:
at these words; ye la di-mezo: at midday; ye dek metri de me: at (or, within) ten meters of me.
yen: (conjunction with an interjectional character) (with or without hike, ibe) here is, there is;
(interj. meaning) look here! behold! lo! yen la volfo: here is the wolf; look, the wolf!
yen (hike) me: here I am; yen (ibe) lu: there he is; yen me: behold, it is I!
yen lu: there he comes; yen pomi, prenez le bona: here are apples, take the good ones;
yen (ke) la treno arivas: here comes the train; yen quale la kozi eventis:
this is how things happened; yen me itere: here I am again.
yes: yes, aye, yea. Ant.: no. E
yiterb-o*: (min.) ytterbium.
yitr-o*: (chem.) yttrium.
yodl-ar: (tr., intr.) to yodel (in singing). DEF
yol-o: jolly-boat; a ship’s boat of medium size; yawl. DEFIR
yuft-o: Russian leather. DR
yug-o: yoke; (fig.) bondage. DeFIS
yuk-o: (bot.) yucca (genus: Yucca). DEFIS
yun-a: young; -es-ala: juvenile, youthful; -o, -ulo, -ino: a young person;
-eso: (time) youth; -aro: (collect.) youth; -es-ala stroko: prank, frolic;
-es-ala aspekto: youthfulness (in appearance). Note: The suffix -id denotes the descendant, offspring of persons:
Izraelido, Napoleonido. For progeny other than of persons -yuno is used:
bovyuno, kavalyuno, etc. V. exp.: vid. anciena. Ant.: olda. DEFR
yur-o: right (founded on law, property, vested interest) legal-right, -title, -authority; right (moral claim founded on justice, equity); (cf.
lego, yust-eso); -o-cienco: law (as a science); jurisprudence; -isto: jurist;
-izar: to entitle, authorize, give the (legal) right to; (cf. darfar);
-iz-ita: entitled, legitimate, lawful; -izo: authorization; yur-iz-iti: (jur.) assigns.
Ex.: La legi definas la yuri di la homi. La yuro votar esas civitanala yuro. Yuro naturala.
Yuro defensar su, parolar (pri), laborar. DeFIRS
yust-a: just, equitable, rightful, fair, justifiable (cf. yur-iz-ita, equitatoza, justa);
-(ul)o: a just act; -eso: (moral) justness, justice, fairness, uprightness, integrity (cf. equitato, yuro);
-igar: to make just (cf. justifikar); esez yusta e ne timez: be just and fear not.
Def.: Konforma a personala justeso, a la yuro, a la raciono.