Ido-Angla vortaro: Z
zagay-o: assagai: S. African spear.
zebr-o: (zool.) zebra; -ea, -o-bunta: striped like a z. DEFIRS
zebu-o: (zool.) zebu (Bos indicus). DEFIRS
zefir-o*: zephyr, gentle breeze. DEFIS
zek-o: (ent.) tick (Ixodes). DI
zel-ar: (intr.) to be zealous; -o: zeal; -anta, -oza: zealous,
sedulous; -anto, -ozo: zealot; ne- -oza: lukewarm. EFIS
zenit-o: (astron. and fig.) zenith. DEFIRS
zeolit-o: (min.) zeolite. DEF
zer-o: (temperature) zero; (arith.) cipher, nought; super, sub -o:
above, below z. EFIS
zest-o: the woody skin quartering the kernel of a walnut. F
zeze-ar: (intr.) to lisp. Def.: Pronunciar j quale z e sh quale s; IV-647. FS
zibelin-o: (fur, animal) sable. FIS
zigomat-o: (anat.) zygoma: cheek bone. EFIS
zigomorf-a*: (bot., zool.) zygomorphic. DEFIS
zigospor-o*: zygospore. DEFIS
zigot-o*: (bot.) zygote. DEFIS
zigzag-ar: (intr.) to zigzag. DEFIRS
zimaz-o*: (chem.) zymase. DEFIS
zimologi-o: zymology. DEFIRS
zimosimetr-o: zymosimeter. DEFIRS
zimoteknik-o: zymotechnics: technology of ferments. DEFIRS
zink-o: zinc; -a: (made of) z.; -labor-isto: z. worker; -izar: to cover with z. DEFIRS
zinkografi-o: zincography.
zirkon-o*: (min.) zircon. DEFIRS
zodiak-o: zodiac; -o-signo: sign of z. DEFIRS
zon-o: (geog., geom.) zone; (for body) girdle, belt, sash, waist-band (cf.
tayo); -izar: to girdle, girt; inclose in a z.; -o torida: torrid z.;
-o militala: military z.; -o-kateno: chatelaine; espado -o: sword-belt;
kordo zonizis lumbo (od, tayo): his loins were girt with a cord. DeFIRS
zoofit-o: (zool.) zoöphyte. DEFIRS
zoografi-o: zoögraphy. EFIRS
zoologi-o: zoology; -isto: zoölogist. DEFIRS
zoosperm-o*: (biol.) zoösperm. DEFIS
zoospor-o*: (bot., zool.) zoöspore. DEFIS
zuav-o: (soldier) zouave. DEFIRS
zum-ar: (intr.) to buzz (as flying insects), to drone: make a humming or buzzing noise. DS